Chip in for the Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles
When Victoria went into lockdown at the end of May the Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles at Bells Beach were unfortunately cancelled. At the time, up to 75% of competitors had already made the trip down to Victoria with accomodation, flights, and hire cars already paid for.
A new date for the event has now been set (September 10-12, 2021) and to help alleviate some of the financial burden of two trips to Victoria, Surfing Victoria is aiming to raise $25,000 to be split equally across the field to subsidise travel expenses.
A fund-raising page has been set up via the the Australian Sports Foundation with donated money to be split evenly across the field (Note: ASF take a 5% fee to cover costs of the platform).
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and any amount will be appreciated.
Click here to visit the page and donate.
Is this a Dirty Dirky shell company set up or what? Honestly, so we have to reimburse people for going to a cancelled surf contest so they can benefit but then we also have to pay a 5% commission fee to a third party for the fact we donate?
While we are at it, I need an organ enlargement, oh, I mean replacement, your donations are 100% credited to me but I will guarantee you 100% gratitude and you can recoup your investment by quoting Dickhead at your local psychic expo.
The 5% fee may not be ideal but the point is to keep this event running and make it easier for surfers to get back down here. Indigenous surfing is at the core of Australian surf culture and surfers need to get behind these events.
Awesome stuff. I just donated $25. Get behind it all you surfers out there!
Further reading on Indigenous Surfing:
“ Get behind it all you surfers out there!”
Ah yeah nah I’ll pass thanks. I can think of much better ways to donate money.
Don’t have to Dave. In saying that, I’m not either. And I don’t really agree with this crowdfunding idea generally. Though I did see a good one recently where people banded together and bought a 100 acre block in Venus bay Vic and where going to return it back to nature so to speak..
Hi Greyhound , what a fantastic idea to regenerate a block , I'd like to know more about this . I have in a smaller, personal way purchased a block(in an indigenous culturally significant area) and planted some native stuff to aid the natural environment , wildlife etc. Unfortunately my neighbour doesn't like trees and has taken upon themselves to prune a perfectly balanced dwarf eucalypt - effectively spoiling its shape . Ah , it's a long road to regeneration / respect for our native environment .
J castled,
All good brother. No problems about what you say. But my good mate Andrew Ferguson would maybe cringe about having others pay the way when it was your responsibility to represent your culture.
Agreed, we can always use a hand from our mob, but being a role model is much more than being a sporting champion, it is about being a human champion as well.
Surfing means taking a risk, sometimes you get rewarded, sometimes you don't, but you always receive a gift. So to ask to be compensated is selling surfing and Indegenous culture short, it is just not needed. The better option is at ask for sponsors to make next year's event even more special than before.
I'ts amazing how many tight ass's there are out there... if you don't want to donate then don' far as using Fergies name here goes......How dare you you have no right to speak on his behalf asshole....
Donate money so people can participate in yet another surf comp? No less at a break that is already inundated with 'competitions' to the detriment of recreational surfers.
No thanks......
Just as a point of discussion...if we were to replace indigenous with WQS contest in the headline...then who would donate? Would there be a crowdfund?
Just another point.....i would urge you to go along to this event.....its more than a surf contest!!! indigenous culture has been torn to pieces, this is an opportunity the come together and "share knowledge"and to preserve culture within our community and when i say OUR culture i mean your's......its a far cry from the WQS
Yes mate framing it like this I’ve tried to show people that they can make a choice to donate on the principle of supporting the indigenous community and remove the stigma of the “entitled surfer” argument.
But reading the comments it doesn’t look like it :-(
CRG, you nailed it one, as expected, the ugly side of surfing rears it’s head, yet again. Selfishness and entitlement personified.
mate you are the ugly side of humanity
Fair enough dingalini, point taken. But surely you can see why some of us are shaking our heads at this.
I have gone with many mates where contests were suddenly called off or there were no waves, and we all just took it on the chin and realized it is just the nature of the beast.
And yes I do have a tight arse, and that's because I don't let anyone fcuk me up the arse like this bullshit victim cash grab is. But that's my opinion, and like ass holes, everyone has one. Have a great day and happy surfing.
As far as I'm aware, this initiative wasn't taken by the contestants, so really, there should be no assertions cast their way either individually or collectively.
This is exactly what is wrong with society today... Everyone looking for a handout.
Far out, did you not just read my post above?
No-one is looking for a hand out. The governing body took the initiative to help.
nah Stu..The Governing body has and is responsible for not even providing prize money...but they all get paid....and the blackfellas pay their entry fees , and get peanuts in's a national embarrassment !
I'm sure Gerry Harvey is just getting around to returning that $22 million from JobKeeper he didn't need.
Yeah, all good. I have come across a hit harsh. It's not my right to try to influence people with my biases.
I played at a ball I should have let go thru to the keeper.
Honestly i would urge everyone to go to these event's, we as surfer's are lucky to have a surf culture in our lives, I know for me its given me a sense of belonging....our indigenous culture in this country will surely die if we don't try to preserve it....and this will be to the detriment of us all....we seriously need to think about what we have learnt about our indigenous communities!!! this is a way to learn about the Wadawurrung country and people...there is a great vibe there..positive people and lots of love:-)
It's rather ironic that Surfing Vic are asking on behalf of the contestants for $'s to help them.
Rip Curl is a naming sponsor with Headworx , we have the Vic Govt/Surf Coast Shire and various other Govt sponsors paying $'s to support the bureaucrats/contest expenses.....3 years ago Surfing Vic ran the indigenous titles 80 competitors @ $66 a head sponsors everywhere , and a total of $400 prize money....still goes on if there isn't enough money between the State/Federal Govt and sponsors...I mean how much money did RC spend on the CT opinion is I am embarrassed and ashamed that our Surfing community keep fucking blackfellas!
They’re non discriminatory……they fuck everyone!
By that I mean the sporting administration bureaucracies who are NOT the surfing community anymore than fleas are the dog.
how do you mean fuck couldn't even find out what the prize money was going to be until the end of the comp...never happens in other events!
We have one of the most fragmented surfing communities you could imagine , everyone seems locked in their own little world.....
" The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing!" Albert Einstein.......
Maybe that’s your experience? I find it incredibly easy to strike up conversations and connect with surfers of untold variety of lifestyle in my travels around Oz. One of the best things about surfing!
Fuck Surfing Vic (and all the other state versions). What a scam those parasites have got going and it's on our dime as well!
Get government funding based on the approximate number of recreational surfers in the state/country but in reality it's only used to benefit the tiny percentage that are into comp surfing. It's actually detrimental to the rest of us!
Go to Jan Juc beach on any given weekend (or sometimes Bells)and some 'Surfing Vic' sanctioned 'comp will be on with marquees, sirens, loudspeakers and more importantly part of the beach closed off to the rest of us so the 'comp' surfers can monopolise it.
Would be awesome if there was one day a minister for sport that actually was a bona fide surfer. They would then knock this rort on the head by giving these various state surfing bodies a fraction of the funding they now get proportionate to the actual number of surfers they benefit.
That’ll never happen till a rival Rec surfer bureaucracy comes to fruition.
The comp heads will shit themselves when their funding gets diluted to their relevant fraction of surfer representation.
Responsibility for inheritance:
“If property which is justly acquired is later stolen, the
corrective action is for that property to be returned to the
owner from the thief, with additional compensation from
the thief for the aggravation and effort of recovering it.
If the original owner should die before the property is
returned, does this change the corrective action? No.
The property should be returned to his heirs just as never stolen property is passed to his heirs.
Does this conclusion change if there are numerous
generations? Again, the answer is no, for the principle is
the same.
What if the thief has died or has sold the stolen
property, is the corrective action altered? No, the property
still should be returned to the original owners or his heirs,
regardless. (It should be noted that this is the very reason
for title insurance which is so common in real estate
Oh gosh, so much ownership and entitlement!! Who claims greater ownership over this earth or this ocean? Somehow some people believe they are more entitled to this earth than others, not just other people, but they think they are more entitled than any other life forms. People have proved this point in their treatment of the environment time and again. It’s really freaky when you think about it. There is no real ownership or entitlement- every single “entitled” person out there will perish and so too will their ego trip sense of owning or being “entitled” to this world. No matter how straight or tall anyone thinks they are, their earthly fate and all of their entitlement will amount to zip - just as it should be. Having said that, I feel very unhappy as an Australian when I look at the treatment of Aboriginal peoples and I’m not against something being done to redress the abominable way they have been treated, provided it is done respectfully. I don’t have a ready answer to this complicated problem, but I’m still in favour of some form of help going their way. They have many riches to offer from their deep experience of this land and ocean that we can all benefit from.
Out of all of them, I think it’s the comp that most deserves to be there. Surfing Vic asking for crowdfunded $ however is no good.
Side note. From memory the waves very average on the original scheduled wkend.
Well after readin the responses above sounds to me like very little support from ASF ..Why wouldnt there be prize money and or assistance from event sponsors organisers or large surfing capitalists surfers ...a lot of places we all surf at are sacred to the aboriginal community's ..Fuking shame on you ASF and large surfing affiliated businesses goona chuck some money in only trouble is i dont trust the organizers to hand it out in my experience it gets swallowed up by administration and bureaucratic bullshit ... hope you blokes get waves in september and i rekon ASF should add 5% not take it ...
The transaction fee was 1%
Donated. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I get the arguments for and against... but just make your own mind up and either chip in to help, or don’t. For me, I’d like to see the contest go ahead, and I’d like the full cohort of competitors to be able to attend. It’s a win win.
Donate to people with houses, jobs, cars and surfboards so they can enter a connest, just because they're indigenous?? This type of patronising attitude ensures the victim mentality/welfare dependency associated with aboriginals is a long way from ending.
Stand tall, Stand proud Indigenous Australia.
SI. Your last line nailed it in one. Well done.
Interesting. Not the comments I expected. I think I was 2/3 through them before I saw I saw someone saying they had donated.
"I played at a ball I should have let go thru to the keeper. " - davetherave
Probably a stance that needs to be adopted more often on here/the internet (including by me).
"By that I mean the sporting administration bureaucracies who are NOT the surfing community anymore than fleas are the dog." - blowin
Seeing this (possibly) playing out in tennis right now aren't we? Funny how the worker/capital dynamic seems to get played out everywhere. I guess it's even worse in sport since the "owners" more often than not aren't even risking their own capital!
Seems even more egregious in surfing since these comps take place within The Commons versus an organisation that has created a purpose-built platform (venue) for the activity to take place on. That is, if you pay for it and build it then you should have the right to charge others to "pay to play". Whereas with surf comps it seems it's on land/beach/ocean we all own and yet the competitors are still paying to play and worse, the general public are paying NOT to play.
Can we cut out the personal attacks please? Thanks.
Only if the master of indigenous affairs stops commenting on indigenous affairs. You wanna put that white supremacist stuff out there and continue making comments on indigenous matters, i'd say he gets whats coming for him. I repeat "Indigenous people should consider themselves lucky white people came along". I reckon writing things like that and alot since he should be called out. Dipshit that he is.
Mate..... indigenous people "should" consider themselves lucky......are you fucking kidding me!!!! let me take your children from you with no warning, let me march you off a cliff, let me strip you of your rights, and let me treat you like a second class citizen, the truth's that were left out of our history are staggering thanks to our are clearly uneducated but it's probably not your's hard for people to heal when comments like your's are still present.... please never repeat it, if not out of respect for indigenous australian's do it out if respect for yourself.
I hear you and i think you've got the wrong end of the stick brother. I was quoting what the person i was referring to had said. So if you have rage, like i do about peoples comments like that, then point it squarely at D-Rex, not yours truly. Just trying to do my bit to call out white supremacists/racists. Cheers.
D REX said on January 27, 2021:
". I would expect many thousands of indigenous people would be grateful for what they now have as a result of European arrival - the massive improvement in living standards for aboriginals is undeniable - but their opinions are lost amongst the noisy 'outrage' spewed by the (mostly minimally indigenous) activist minority. PS Why we take any notice of professional indigenous sportspeople earning $m's, driving Ferraris and living in mansions complaining about their 'loss' has got me beat."
And that's just a small taste of his turd laden commentary on all things indigenous Australia.
Sorry bluediamond......clearly im the uneducated one lol.......i though that you had said those thing's, it's funny how people like D Rex throw the hand grenade's and other's try to make scent's of it......the fact is D REX has got some issues he need's to deal with (that's pretty clear) but he's not the only one who thinks that him doing that as "ugly as it is" he has allowed the good folk like yourself to tell your story and thought's in a positive manner,,,,weird the way it work's lol keep up the good work mate your community need's you :-)
Nah all good dingalini. Your intentions were exactly what i'm stoked to see. All power to you and i'm stoked to see others not putting up with it. I wish more would. I just got caught in the crossfire on this one! ha. And yep, agree with what you said. Alot of his comments border on hatespeech, yet he still remains on SN. Baffles me.
Cheers for the kind words, and to all those above that were contributing in a positive way, apologies for taking the convo sideways from it's original intentions. Not gonna comment any more on this thread. Happy weekend all.
Gross comments in here.
D REX. WTF, what a knob. I’ve got my suspicions as to where he or she lives, don’t think it’s on the eastern side of our land mass. Disgusting and despicable comments. You couldn’t possibly have a partner that lives with a person who thinks (or doesn’t think at all) like he or she does. Gobsmacked.
What part of my comments is so outrageous that wankers like BF and BD get so upset? Rather than debate they label. I suspect that they are afraid that so much of what I say on these matters is true and they can't handle the truth (cue more personal attacks from aforementioned wankers).
Rex a bit like conspiracy theory's it all starts with a fraction of truth then heads down into agenda driven BS or in your case sounds like lazy ignorance regurgitating others negative opinions.
The truth and the issues facing indigenous are far more complex than your version.
D Rex said Jan 26, 2021 "Every thing we take for granted in our society is due to the arrival of Europeans. Surfing would not exist and aborigines would still be living in the Stone Age. So thank your lucky stars for Capt Cook."
D-rex. Please get some education. Then maybe you can make informed opinions. As it is, yr just regurgitating the same old ignorant racist bullshit most of us are sick of.
As suggested previously, please identify what part of the following you are so upset with? Put up or shut up.
'Donate to people with houses, jobs, cars and surfboards so they can enter a connest, just because they're indigenous?? This type of patronising attitude ensures the victim mentality/welfare dependency associated with aboriginals is a long way from ending. '
D Rex, Jan 26, 2021, "Every thing we take for granted in our society is due to the arrival of Europeans. Surfing would not exist and aborigines would still be living in the Stone Age. So thank your lucky stars for Capt Cook."
Hahaha what happened to not commenting in this thread anymore?
D-Rex said "put up or shut up"...... doing both GF.
Only $3300 raised so far from 41 people...
One for the South Oz folk, get around it...