Woz charter flight touches down this morning, missing two top-ranked surfers

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

At 8am this morning, the World Surf League's chartered plane will touch down at Sydney Airport with all occupants heading straight for quarantine. The plane, originally booked for 108 surfers, support staff, and Woz officials, is now two bodies lighter.

On Friday, 11-time champ Kelly Slater pulled the pin on the flight.

“I’ve been struggling with recent and ongoing injuries in both ankles since the Pipe Masters event," said the GOAT via Instagram, "and I had a separate injury in my right hip (and maybe previously broken foot) this past week which has left me unable to surf. It’s a tough one for me because I love Australia so much and miss the time I usually get to spend there each year."

"I’ll just have to use the time to get myself up to a level physically I never really got back to after my broken foot (in Jeffreys Bay in 2017) and get myself out of constant pain. Good luck to all my fellow competitors and I hope to see everyone back on tour soon.”

Then on the weekend, Women's world number two, Caroline Marks got a tap on the shoulder following a pre-flight COVID test.

"Some very unfortunate news, I tested positive for COVID-19," said Marks, "I will not be making the charter flight to Austrailia tonight. I am following all the COVID protocols and do expect to be competing when I’m cleared. I want to wish all the WSL competitors and staff a safe flight."

Marks will almost certainly miss Newcastle, the first event of the Australian leg, and any subsequent showing will depend on securing a flight to Australia - itself a logistical improbabilty - and rejoining the Wozzle Bubble.

Once the surfers touch down this morning they'll immediately go into fourteen day quarantine, which ends ten days before the Newcastle contest.


simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 7:58am

Kelly trotting out the old broken foot injury again.......should have just said he dosent give a rats anymore.....bet hes surfing in hawaii still.

haggis's picture
haggis's picture
haggis Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 6:41pm

Or maybe he is still carrying an injury and what he says is actually true.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:28pm

Yes and it flares up whenever there's a run of events coming that will heavily favour the other top competitor's and he has to stay caged in his hotel room before hand for 2 weeks lol.

NickT's picture
NickT's picture
NickT Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 8:02pm

Good on him, he's done the rat race all his life and although many think he should retire we all still get excited when he puts the rashie on in top-quality surf. Wouldnt you do the same thing when typically the surf is about to go into a quiet period here

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 9:11pm

You call him 'doing the rat race' by winning 11 world titles from the year he joined the tour pretty much?
Well he led it for 20 years then.
I'd say the day he left quiksilver,which was right when he didn't contend for world titles anymore and he hasn't won an event since he's been sponsorless,was when he joined the rat race lol.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 9:21pm

he won chopes in 2016.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 9:31pm

Oh he did too i forgot about that that's how long it's been.
But that's one of the 2 events he's still a top contender in when the waves are good.
I'm all for seeing him there and Pipe for several years to come,after he's not doing the other events on tour anymore.

rothmanisatool's picture
rothmanisatool's picture
rothmanisatool Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 10:02am

yeh the most competitive athlete in human history doesnt want to compete. this guy will be trying when hes 60. he plays mind games constantly but i suspect this is true.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 8:51am

106 on board
a few seats left for stranded Aussies to get home..?

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 8:17pm

107 Udo, Caroline Marks in the cargo hold

helmet-not-hose's picture
helmet-not-hose's picture
helmet-not-hose Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 8:55am

Wozzle Bubbles used to cost tuppence when I was a lad.

Glad they've brought them back.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 9:09am

KS is 49.

If he gets knocked this year, he won't be on the tour when he's 50.

Which is a title he won't miss.

I'm calling an injury year for Slats, and a victory lap next year.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 8:06pm

He fell a bee's dick short of winning a world title at 40.
Unless he gets help from the WSL,he may well fall just as short still being on tour at 50.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:02pm

My thinking exactly. He want to do the 50 victory lap (why the heck not). He is third on the ladder right now and mostly would go backwards with the Sydney spots. He will be claiming the injury wildcard for sure.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 1:48am

If there are other more legitimate injury cases i'm not sure he'll get one this time.
He's talking about the same injury he was given one for 3 years ago.
That time was rather debatable he received it over Caio Ibelli too.
And now he talks it up again when it seemed to not bother him for the last 2couple of years.
I think he deserves an honorary Pipe invitation for the next few years and same for Chopes if he does well in the event the year before.
Same if they put Cloudbreak back on the tour.
It would be completely unfair and a farce if he gets an injury wildcard next year over someone else who gets legitimately injured this year.
He should requalify like everyone else has to this year to be on tour next year,otherwise where does it end?
If not then see him at Pipe and Chopes on a wildcard next year.
Maybe Jbay too for good measure although i think he's not in the mix for a win there anymore like the other 2 events.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 7:06am

100% agree. Hand him a wildcard for sure but please no more gaming the system and taking the piss. He surfed more than anyone in 2020 and has had ample time to “get his body right etc etc”

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 10:44am

Excellent. The rest of the world was locked up and he was off surfing all over the place. Even if it isn't it looks really sus.

sideshow's picture
sideshow's picture
sideshow Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021 at 5:23pm

Come off it guys, Kelly came 8th on the tour in 2019. In 2018, the year he was out injured so much, he got two 3rds and a 25th from the three events he entered. He will retire either when he wants to, or when he legit gets knocked off the tour.

He's 49 and still in the top 10 in the world, an unbelievable feat. I hope he keeps going, as it keeps us older guys full of self belief. If Kelly can still be top 10 in the world, then the rest of us can keep on shredding short boards for years to come.

Anyone who thinks Kelly should step down needs to have a good hard look at themselves in the mirror. Kelly can do whatever he damn well pleases. Kelly is legend, The Goat, incomparable. Kelly is god.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021 at 10:42pm

What you say is true.
But technically Caio was more entitled to that injury wildcard than Slater.
He was out of the water rehabing his injury while Slater was chasing bomb cloudbreak swells and otherwise surfing plenty during those months.
Sure most people would rather see Slater instead of Caio on the tour,me included,but that wildcard should of been called a GOAT wildcard not injury.
So if the exact same scenario happens again does he get it again simply because he's the GOAT?
It happened once he was lucky with it but by now it shouldn't happen again.
Slater could probably remain in the top 10 for a few more years,but he's unlikely to be top 5 anymore and i call out those trippers who still say he's a world title threat.
They musn't of been following the contests or seen the footage of 4 or 5 of the top guys for the last few years.
Slater is a Pipe masters and Chopes threat,a couple of other events if the swell is up and he has some luck he's in the mix,everywhere else he's a mere mortal like most of the rest.
He's lost his advantage of being dominant at all events in all conditions like he once was.
That's what it takes to challenge for world titles.
Anyway as others have said,he can damn well do whatever he wants he's earned it.
I just hope he doesn't burn some poor young bloke with tour dreams for an injury wildcard.
That definitely won't be cool something like that again.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 11:29am

All good solid points.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 1:28pm

You calling me a tripper Jetson?? haha. Fair enough.
But i think you're overlooking his small wave performances of the last few years when he's fit and firing. Not sure if you only read the comments but haven't actually been watching some of his heats. He's fast, loose and devastating in small waves as much as his big wave stuff. It's just the niggling injuries and crappy boards he puts himself on. If you understand good surfing and not just hype and headlines you'll see he's still as dominant in all conditions as almost all of the tour, bar a very few special surfers.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:09pm

JJF,Medina,Italo and Toledo can all beat Kelly in smaller conditions on most given days.
Medina has a significant winning record against him in the last few years even at his pet events.
There's a handful of other guys just behind those four he needs to get past all the time too.
But those four guys i first mentioned have been standing between him and event wins at most events for the last 5 years.
Then add on top his own physical form at times,his experimental board choices that often hold him back,and his own motivation as well,and yes you'd be tripping if you think he's somehow going to overcome all that adversity to seriously contend for a world title again 10 years since his last one and pushing 50.
But hey it's good some people are keeping faith in the old GOAT.
But i bet none of you are laying bets on him winning the next world title these days lol.
Hope he sticks around a few more years yet and wins another Pipe and Chopes title or two.
But another world title......only if they change the last event to Pipe or Chopes instead of Trestles,and even then he'll need to sneak into that top 5 which is rather a long shot now.
I'm just being realistic in my thoughts here.
But hey if Kelly starts doing even half of what those guys above him are pulling off all the time with their eyes closed at most events these days,i may rediscover my lost faith in his world title chances.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 8:08pm

Yep, all good and fair points, but i think we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one Jetto. But definitely some food for thought in your analysis there! I dunno, i just don't see his surfing slowing up at all. It's still raw, it's still for the most part unpredictable, it still has lethal power and it still has style and flow, two things lacking in most of the top 32, bar a very few exceptions, and at least half of the guys you named above. But anyway, ho hum, who cares, he's not coming so i'll have to get over it. haha. Cheers for the debate.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 8:35pm

He might come for the West Oz leg i reckon.
His surfing is still mostly as good as ever,the problem is the top guys have come along in recent years doing crazy stuff that no one before them was doing consistently in contests all the time,and Slater is too old to be able to keep up with them and push himself to their level with that stuff.
If he tried often i bet he'd end up injured often.
A 49 year old body isn't going to hold up to all that aerial gymnastics compared to guys over 20 years younger and in their physical primes.
That's why he's still better than most of them in the big barrelly stuff,because there's no gymnastics involved in those waves so the playing field is level for him.
A few years ago when they were new on tour he could catch them out at times with his vast competitive experience,but that was always going to change the longer they were on tour and the longer he stuck around.
Anyway yeah good debate cheers for coming.

sideshow's picture
sideshow's picture
sideshow Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 6:25pm

Caio hasn't ever achieved jack shit at the top level. He hasn't even won a single event yet, even though he's been on the tour since 2015. The year you're complaining about, he entered three events and got three 25ths. And you really think the GOAT, the 11 time world champion, with 55 event victories, should make way for this nobody?

If some young bloke is good enough, then he will make it without needing wild cards. If not, his dreams where never any more than any of our dreams. Let the young blokes actually knock a 49 year old off the tour instead of sooking about not getting a free entry. Have some fucking respect, he ain't dead yet.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 7:02pm

Hey sideshow clown,you should have some fkn respect for Caio.
He's made the quarters or better 5 times,made a final once,been in top 20 five out of six years,in 2019 got 9th on his standby wildcard.
Quite a few other bigger names with much larger sponsorship deals than him haven't even done that since he's been on tour.
Your reply is quite ignorant of the little success he has had.
Yes he usually bombs out early at events,but he's achieved more than half the other top 44 guys have.
I was just pointing out that Slater getting the injury wildcard over a much more injured Caio for 2019 was more of a popularity wildcard than a legit injury wildcard.
Not here taking sides for Caio over Slater or anything,just pointing out it was a bit of a hoax.
It was what it was.
I respect Slater as much as anyone,but not the way that went
Otherwise it's respect for dodgy decisions that favour popularity and reputation over legitimate injury.
Just give Kelly his own special wildcard then and not at the expense of someone else that's actually more injured.
And yeah the young blokes don't have too much trouble knocking over Slater most of the time these days anyway lol.
Caio already has a couple of times.

sideshow's picture
sideshow's picture
sideshow Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 7:10am

"more injured". Ha ha, listen to yourself.

Caio is a journeyman, no one cares about him except self righteous Brazzos. Get over it.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 7:59am

You should listen to yourself.
And i'm over you.
I could sink deeper into the gutter stoush you're turning this into but i won't it's pointless.
Stab Magazine is a much better forum for comments like yours.
Although you have to be a paid member now to comment there it's not free anymore perhaps that's why you're here picking petty fights.

sideshow's picture
sideshow's picture
sideshow Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 11:36am

Don't try and take the moral high ground just because you're losing an argument. Typical Brazzo, you have the logic and accountability of a woman. Don't worry, Stab might charge now, but crying is still free :D

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 8:00am

You should listen to yourself.
And i'm over you.
I could sink deeper into the gutter stoush you're turning this into but i won't it's pointless.
Stab Magazine is a much better forum for comments like yours.
Although you have to be a paid member now to comment there it's not free anymore perhaps that's why you're here picking petty fights.

sideshow's picture
sideshow's picture
sideshow Friday, 19 Mar 2021 at 8:18am

You're the one who turned it into a gutter stoush mate, you called me a clown. Typical Brazzo cry baby. Anything doesn't go your own way, you start throwing insults around and claim it as national pride and passion. It's embarrassing for every other nation to watch how you idiots behave. Do you know that Brazil is the only ever nation to host an Olympics and have the local crowds boo competitors simply because they are not from your nation? That one shocked the entire world.

Gowsa's picture
Gowsa's picture
Gowsa Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 9:38am

Did the Charter flight charge the surfers Excess Luggage fee for their Boards

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:02am

She probs won't be the only one if the tennis charter flights are anything to go by.

criso's picture
criso's picture
criso Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:03am

We have all seen kelly surfing last year and this year he is still surfing but pulling out of Aus i dont no if he is telling us the truth due to injuries if his body is that bad he would have been in recovery before the comps started

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:04am

Have to agree Jack Stance , he misses out on Olympics so victory lap at 50 is a good bet

channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:06am

Can't blame Slater for not coming.

Hang with 50 other pro's plus associated flotsam and jetsam at B grade comp waves which he doesn't have a competitive advantage. Or go wherever the hell he wants in prime season and score epic waves like he seemed to do in 2020.

I'm pretty sure I know what option I would take

OHBILLY's picture
OHBILLY's picture
OHBILLY Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:47am

Agree with you there, I'd rather watch clips come out of him doing something crazy in a place where there's no other competitors. The clips that come out of his 'strike missions' never disappoint. Plus, if I was him I would not want to be surfing Newcastle and Rotto.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 12:18pm

Probably a good thing he pulled out as most people that are really interested in the actual surfing at this point in his career would admit that his replacement,Mikey Wright,will be more interesting to see at those events than Slater.
Something tells me if Pipe,Chopes and Fiji were the next 3 events his 'injuries' wouldn't be niggling him in the slightest.
I wonder if he'll ever admit he's just too old now in most events to be competing for even event wins,let alone world titles,amongst the best guys nowadays.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 5:33pm

You reckon? Big call. Looks to me like he absolutely rips still. Better than half the crew on there.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 5:48pm

Yep he absolutely rips for a guy pushing 50 for sure.
But it's not a big call anymore writing off his world title chances.
I don't see him throwing all the air variations all the time like the top guys of the last few years.
He had it all over the generation under him like Parko,Taj and Mick but no way he has any dominance over the generation under them in most conditions these days.
Oh and i wonder if he'll manage to score a 20ft cloudbreak swell during the events while injured like he did last time he pulled out of events with injury lol.
Another injury wildcard for next year so he can still be on tour at 50 looks in the making.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 5:48pm

Yep he absolutely rips for a guy pushing 50 for sure.
But it's not a big call anymore writing off his world title chances.
I don't see him throwing all the air variations all the time like the top guys of the last few years.
He had it all over the generation under him like Parko,Taj and Mick but no way he has any dominance over the generation under them in most conditions these days.
Oh and i wonder if he'll manage to score a 20ft cloudbreak swell during the events while injured like he did last time he pulled out of events with injury lol.
Another injury wildcard for next year so he can still be on tour at 50 looks in the making.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:13pm

Hmm. I suppose when it comes to the airs he's not consistently pushing it like the guys you mention. I still reckon his boards are holding him back in comps from producing his very best. But i still rate him as a top 10 surfer in everything but weak beachbreaks, which i don't care to watch anyway, regardless of how good the airs are. Agreed totally on his chances of scoring 20foot cloudbreak now he's all freed up!

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 1:46am

Top 10 at about half the event locations.
Top 3 still at two of them if the swell is up.
Probably closer to bottom 10 at the beachie style locations at this point,especially if they're small.
He's just not all rounded in all conditions anymore since the Brazzo storm and a handful of other guys appeared.
Not that they were particularly all rounded in all conditions when they appeared (apart from JJF and to a bit lesser an extent Medina), they were the evolving future,Slates was the devolving past.
And the changing of the guard is now well and truly complete.
Probably no one will ever dominate the tour again for the lion's share of 20 years like he did.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 9:12pm

Kellys heats still get one of the highest numbers of viewers, and most people view his heats because they just want to see great surfing which is much more than just airs, its his turns his tube sense and just his flow and style and he still has that ability to pull something crazy off.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 11:27pm

He can still pull crazy stuff off but it's only ocassionally in the smaller waves on tour and when he does the judges tend to underscore him as he either didn't pull it off technically perfectly enough or it's not deemed new school enough compared to what the younger guys are doing these days.
I've noticed it for quite a few years now.
That frontside carving 360 he does at times is still one of my favourite manouvres of his and no one else does it often yet it barely scores higher than a stock standard turn every heat i've seen him do it.The judges score bunny hop close out 2 foot air reverses higher and they look not even 10% as good.
When the judging started going heavily in that direction,which was in his early 40's,he was never going to contend for a world title again,and hindesight has shown he hasn't.
He still gets the views in heats with guys that grew up with him as the undisputed best,but all the teens and 20 somethings these days i'd say much less so unless it's Chopes or Pipe at solid overhead size.Ever since Medina's first world title in 2014,Slater has never seriously been in the hunt for another world title.
That was the year the guard changed.
That was the year Slater stopped winning events too.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 1:45am

Finished 9th in the world in 2019, currently 3rd in the world. Surely that's considered in the mix for world titles?
I still think his surfing is as elite as any top 10 surfers, maybe not the top 3 on any given day, but i wouldn't write him off. There's guys in the next 10 down from him he can easily dominate on any given day.
Fair enough if you think different but it seems you're judging him more on his age than what he's actually doing in the water and his results.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 2:01am

9th in the world is not contending for a world title unless him and the 8 guys above him are all in the hunt at the final event,which was always Pipe before.
That's never happened.
He's 3rd right now coz Pipe was the first event.
When he's gotten 3rd before a handful of times and it was the last event he still wasn't seriously in the hunt.
2013 when Fanning won the the title was the last time he was in it down to the wire where he could of had it but just missed out.
Also was the last time he won a CT event.
A long time ago now.
Look i'm not trying to diss on him and be a downer on his stellar career,but you said it seems like i'm judging him on his age and results?
Age 49 now and no event wins or serious title runs since he was 41?
Well uhhh yeah........i guess i am then lol.
Seems to be solid enough evidence to think that way no?

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:28am

So if Mikey Wright happened to surf every event this year and finished the year 9th, would you say he's cooked and should get off the tour? I think that would have to be his best result ever? Or Robbo? Don't worry, i'm half arguing this point to myself as much as you cos it's a fascinating debate, but i still reckon we easily overlook just how difficult it is to be in that top 10 bracket of surfers in the world and i think anyone up there can still put together a world title year. And he's been top 10 consistently for every year he's done a full injury free year for a long time....but that right there could be his downfall as others have noted. The body not holding up. Or him continually surfing those same boards that aren't helping his results. Cheers though, i do concede that there's some fine points you raise in your argument for sure. Definitely not 100 percent convinced myself to be honest but i still reckon he's got a few good years left in him.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 10:50am

I replied to another comment here that it may be more interesting for some viewers that Slater pulled out and Mikey Wright has taken his place.
The young Aussie bogan mullet viewers would prefer it i'm sure lol.
Slater will still be in the mix at Pipe when he's 55 or even older maybe.
Similar for Chopes.
I bet he gets wildcards to those events for years to come.
He may even still be in the top 10 if he's still on tour then.
I'm just saying he's not gonna win a world title again and most likely won't get an event win in other locations either.
I was hoping he would for years after his 11th but he lets me down year after year and i gave up on him 4 or 5 years ago lol.
Accepted the physical reality of the situation regarding his own age and mortality while watching his competitors 20 something years younger increase the gap on him year after year.
I think if he's still battling on tour at 59 for that elusive 12th title he'll still have a small group of people saying he can possibly do it.
Maybe you'll be one of them too lol.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:08pm

There is no way Mikey Wright is in the hunt for a world title. At best we will requalify and then linger in the bottom half.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:36pm

I didn't say he was.
I said younger viewers would probably rather watch him compete than Slater.
He probably is a bigger chance at a world title than Slater though.
He's 25 years younger and has room for improvement and the future ahead of him.
Anyway i'm over this topic lol.
Slater isn't gonna win another world title..
The end.

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 10:11am

I was there for the 2013 pipe event and it turned out to be the perfect storm.
John John won the Triple Crown, Slater won Pipe Line and Fanning won the
world title seem to try and keep everybody happy in the surfing world it was
like a movie script. Insane surfing by all only thing is I really wasnt convinced
after watching the whole event that Fanning actually got the score he required
in the semi. But maybe thats just politics or me not being a professional judge.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 11:01am

I thought the same thing about that result.
Was almost stolen from Kelly and given to Mick i reckon.
I believe Slater would have retired after that going out on a high at the top.
He wanted to after that year but time has gotten away from him and the opportunity is now lost.
Anyway maybe it's better he stays on 11 titles.
Ke11y works better than Ke12y lol.

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 10:51am

Agree totally however in rubbish beachies with chance, luck and motivation coming into play, I think he is toast except for the odd cameo. The Zillas will be all over it like a rash so he shouldn't get an injury wild card bearing in mind his video reel from 2020 and early this year..

Gra Murdoch's picture
Gra Murdoch's picture
Gra Murdoch Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:45am

I love the idea of the plane being painted in full WOZ livery, maybe like the Partridge Family Bus or something.

Baron von Spatula's picture
Baron von Spatula's picture
Baron von Spatula Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 1:15pm

... YEW! And, with Bruce Dickenson in the left seat ... ?

Gra Murdoch's picture
Gra Murdoch's picture
Gra Murdoch Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 3:34pm

Oh Fuck yes!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 4:18pm

So if Kelly was not on the Passenger list...that can only mean one thing!

Baron von Spatula's picture
Baron von Spatula's picture
Baron von Spatula Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 4:24pm

... damn! .... hmmmm: Roger Murdoch as Co-Pilot?
(apologies, I couldn't resist!)

northeasterly's picture
northeasterly's picture
northeasterly Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:59am

They'd better not f*#% this up. No dangerous Brazilian covid strains in Australia thanks.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 11:12am

Oh no, we'll miss out on Miss Marks' mesmerising style.

At least there's the photo above to remind us.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 12:17pm

I almost think there was some sort of subtle intention with that photo.

calk's picture
calk's picture
calk Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 2:54pm

Caroline looks a solid 10kgs lighter at the moment. Hopefully she's well and it doesn't impact her surfing... Alongside style, power surfing is definitely one her strengths.

Have to admit, it's a little concerning actually... The pressure around body image on young female surfers in the spotlight would be massive. Fingers crossed they are healthy changes and just a consequence of body maturation.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 5:41pm

I was in no way commenting on her body/weight/shape/etc, merely that she has imho the crookest style on tour. Terrible.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 7:48pm

Short and thick build doesn't lend to an elegant flowing style like the taller girls.
At least she's got power that should improve as she gets a little older.
Sally Fitz's lightweight bum poking right out backhand style has been the crookest on the womens tour for years now to my eyes.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 8:09pm

seen's picture
seen's picture
seen Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 9:50am
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 9:46pm

Not including Lakey Peterson in the taller girls category lol.
Actually it could be all girls considered taller except Steph Gilmore.

Troppo's picture
Troppo's picture
Troppo Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 8:36pm

Steph 5'10"
Tyler 5'7"
Sally 5'7"
Lakey 5'6"

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:17pm

That a bit harsh. Was in the water at Bells with her a few years back and thought she looked friggin amazing.

rj-davey's picture
rj-davey's picture
rj-davey Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 11:48am

agree. I reckon Lakey rips.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 9:07pm

She does 100%.
But at times her style seems a bit tin man from wizard of oz jerky.
Trying to push things hard without natural flow compared to a style like Steph's.
Maybe it's more evident in some contests than when she's freesurfing without the pressure of judges scores.

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 10:52pm

I get a bit... 'tin man' when there is a camera anywhere in eye shot, so i can agree with that drift...

And to top it off what sloppy surf they often have to compete in.

'Tis the reason I enjoy the Maui round so much. Nice swell, nice point and location.
The women get a chance to show off their power and flow when a decent swell comes through.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 1:40pm

Nov 2020 Surfboard fees for all airlines

Quarantine Flights Passenger Caps.
Based on 2m2 rule for " Indoor seated dinning / venues or 25% capacity.
Other descriptions include leaving all near (1.5 - 2m sd) seats vacant.
From Red Zones (LA) are restricted to 25% / 75 max' passengers (re: AO).
Asian Uni flights & all via "Mutant Turnstyle" (Qatar) arrive in Oz under 75 pass.

Several reports claim that WSL plane was / is carrying closer to 120 passengers
Tracks dead set swear that WSL is pushin' 160 passengers...(Double Quarantine Quota)
New VIP VIP Exemption Class...Starky's Photo Album must have some candid snaps!

There are these 3 recent examples of 25% Covid Flight cap breaches...

1) { X Travel } $4,000 a Ticket for "120" from Chile > (Charter Plane cost $633,000)

2) WSL (Qld / Vic refused "120" passenger Quarantine Flight breach ) re: 109 >107
WSL Qantas Charter Cost : Econ-$2,500 / Premium Econ $4,000 / Business $6,000
Seemingly a dozen Lib CEO Zero Tax wax comberz are bankrolling seats on Oz Leg

7 Feb 2021 : Geelong Advertiser (Rip Curl Bells)
" Because the Vic Govt would not agree to permit "120" international competitors and support staff to enter Victoria on a Charter Flight!"

3) Joycey is ramping "120" cap lucky dip flights (March > May)

Note "120" is the new "75" + WSL are runnin' a dozen extra contraband CEO's!

What is the current going price for these 'LA tickets!'
14th Feb 2021 - UA flight from LA to Bne $21,000 per passenger
Only business Class is on offer!
Scomo :"We honestly feel so sorry for scrunching the skulls of Aussie corpses!"

Crew are rushin' way ahead of tbb...right 'o! Lets do the Maths...
Starky can return Aussies home 10x cheaper than Scomo if only we surrender our beaches
WSL could return 30,000 @ 40km VIP WSR each for a minor loss of 1.2 million kms of Coastline.

Aussies Interstate Bubble
SA / Vic ran companion Quarantine Bubble and penalties to enable AO.
NSW / WA aren't friendly...Aussie WSL o/s contacts may need 3 day iso' [-] Test?

Oz athletes (Essential Workers) were told to avoid crowds when outside AO Bubble.
Any sniff of an Aussie Lockdown & Team Oz is granted Diplomatic Comp Immunity.

At which time Dutto surrenders WSR to WSL under International priority emergency.
Essentially Pro Surfers must Surf Comps during a Pandemic or Oz goes to Jail.
This is how WSL can screw our Govts...just surrender yer Coastline... it's the Law.
Difference being a Private Arena is no biggie compared to "Shutting Our Coastline"
We must surrender 40kms of Coastline to hold WSL comps or they'll sue us!
VIP Ransom & Extortion...now rate as top 5 best things about Pandemic...Win! Win!

Happy Chiko Chix can't Surf Day & get well soon US.

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 4:15pm

So how many others did she have contact with before they left and how many others will test positive on arrival?? Seriously, I admit to being a frother watching the comps but right now we don’t want this in Australia, we’re doing great and the WSL trying to resurrect their shitty tour means nothing to us!! If their track record of bringing a Covid positive Brazzo into Hawaii is anything to go by this could be shit. Lets see who ends up positive in quarantine and whether Gladys the Ruby Princess can contain it.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 7:54pm

Well the thing is is that if anyone from the charter flight does test positive then they'll be in quarantine until they get over it.
Just like they were for the Oz open tennis.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 1:02pm

Surfalot67 asks the right question & tbb was sure it would be censored on the day!


Dutto won't hassle WSL Chix for a straight answer until the bottle stops spinning.

ABC reported they converged on LA to " isolate. "
No US Hotel Quarantine / Iso' mentioned?
LA can knock up PCR (Oz Compliant Tests) in 3hrs for $165 per surfer.
All get an (Airport Compliant-Provided Test) then board Plane....
* If surfers stayed in a LA Hotel they would be Shuttled in small groups to Testing
* LA Airport Test centres don't restrict or isolate surfers once test is taken.
* Surfers are free to superspread the City as results are given 3hrs' on via text!
tbb is guessing WSL greeted one another at LA Airport, they'll be sweating.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:03pm

I pray that Caroline is one of the lucky few 99.98 percent of people who survive the terrible China virus

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:40pm
Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:50pm

Lock yourself down and engage extreme panic bloke !

Caroline has only a slim 99.99996 percent chance of surviving the horrific Chinese virus which has an average age of death > 85 years old ....pray for her !

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 2:05am

Or one of the lucky 98% that barely even know they have it lol.

Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 10:55am

Its hard to ignore the arrogance of people quoting statistics to dehumanise a deadly virus. Consider yourself lucky not to be immunocompromised or one of the many who can't "stay healthy" through no fault of their own.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 1:45pm

Is it really dehumanising to put the threat of a virus into perspective by factually quoting statistics do you think ?

Is it dehumanising shark attack deaths to state that 99.9999999 percent of the world will never die from being eaten by a large fish?

Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 2:25pm

Who’s perspective?

Dying of a shark attack would generally be the result of YOUR actions/decisions. I’m not going to be attacked by a shark if you decide to go for a surf.

YOUR decision not to take precautions to prevent a disease spreading because you are healthy and likely to survive could result in the death of others.

Statistics can be inaccurate and misrepresented. Your argument above is a clear example of this.

Check your privilege.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 2:29pm

Check your privilege.

Cheers for the laugh bloke.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 9:17pm

We have another 'believe absolutely everything the mainstrean media spoonfeeds me 24/7' bloke here folks.

mpeachy's picture
mpeachy's picture
mpeachy Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 12:34pm

More than 0.02% of the entire world's population has already died from it, so that figure can't be accurate unless everyone in the world has already caught the virus and it has exhausted itself already (clearly not the case).

And if you genuinely didn't think that the virus is bad then you wouldn't have bothered with the racial connotation.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:24pm

haha blowin....yea shes got a fighting chance

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 6:50pm

she'll be right.

at this rate Kelly will have more injury wildcards than world titles.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 7:18pm

Ha ha!

Turpel- "and presenting your 2021 twelve time injury wildcard winner..."

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:28am

Lol. Looking forward to the acceptance speech

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 8 Mar 2021 at 10:48pm

Caroline shreddin' some lefts...

Princess Caroline gets bumped for the Future of Surfing
Room for one more!
Did Rip Curl throw the Baby Bump out with the String Bikini?
Oprah: "Blonde Bombshell's ugly fallout with Surf Royalty."
The Mother of all International Chiko Chix Can't Surf Days.

Redmond Clement's picture
Redmond Clement's picture
Redmond Clement Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:48pm

My hip has bounced off reef and sand a fair bit so I sympathize Slat's hip.

greg-n.williams's picture
greg-n.williams's picture
greg-n.williams Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 5:35am

Kelly can do what he chooses! He has nothing to prove to anybody except himself. He came from nothing & is undoubtedly the best competitive surfer & free surfing innovator who has changed surfing forever! He is also a very good business man who has been innovative & ground breaking in developing surfing both in the water & out!

Troppo's picture
Troppo's picture
Troppo Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 8:39pm

Thank goodness someone sees things for what they are!

Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell Sunday, 14 Mar 2021 at 5:57am

Well said.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:15am

Here we go...

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:19am


Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 9:31am

Imagine if he fucked his neck.


Love the guy for having some fun and never been to serious..

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 10:43am

So funny Stunet...
...meant to say Freddy Krueger should've couch surfed the penthouse suite yesterday!

Starky : 'You can't compare WSL Quarantine Divas with Tennis Quarantine VIP's!'

[ Hot Hotel Secret Spot Pool Party ] ~ {Reserved for WSL Shedderz Only}


Starky's Hot Hotel Pool Rules : [ Respect the Locals - No burning the Creepy Crawly ]

Charlie : C'mon everyone! "Let's Superspread Him!" "Superspread Him!"
Starky : "Yer not emptying yer viral Corona dregz into the hotel pool are you Charlie!"
Turple : "Classic Tennis Coach Drug Cheat breach maneuver!" [10][10][10][10][10]

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 12:06pm

Back to Smelly Skater and the tour conversation. I wonder if he is potentially avoiding the issue of his own mortality by staying on the tour. His Dad wouldn't have been much older than himself when he passed. Or it a way of keeping himself relevant in business? By appearing in comps the conversation around wave pools and clothing companies continues.

OR, is 50 the goal? He is a numbers guy after all. The only dude to be competing in the top level at 50?

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 9:50pm

Well he's just made it a lot harder to qualify next year to be on tour at 50 by skipping the next 4 events in an 8 or 9 event year,with Pipe already done for the season.
Makes me suspicious he's already had the chat with WSL heirarchy about a wildcard for next year.

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 6:56am

Give it a rest, the bloke is the greatest surfer of all time, he can do whatever he wants, I’d rather watch him at 50 than poo shooter Madina lol.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 7:08am

Absolutely no doubt he is.
Just a shame he'll end up limping out of the tour just making up the numbers instead of retiring at or near the top of the game like most GOAT's do.
I always thought he would until it became obvious 3 or 4 years back he's stringing out his career to the bitter overdue end lol.

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Saturday, 13 Mar 2021 at 9:57am

So what who cares, surfing is not like NRL and going out with a GF when your body is done, he will be surfing when he is 70 lol. Why wouldn't you want to keep travelling the world surfing the best waves most of the time with low no's.
He doesn't need the money like the rest on tour so is obviously doing it for fun and enjoyment, and being around the younger guys.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:34pm

Nope - I’d say he has just gave himself the best chance possible of surfing the tour next year at 50. Why ? because he is currently ranked equal 3rd and can claim that position for a injury wild card next year. If he competes in Newcastle and Nara he was only going to drop down the ranks(injury or no injury). I saw him at manly QS a few years back now and he made one heat or two I think but was no where near the QS small wave hoppers. This is calculated Kelly playing a slightly longer game. WSL won’t deny him a wildcard as long as he pulls a crowd on the beach and online and he still does that. Here we are talking about him online.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 12:09pm

I've read and listened to a few IV's where he's mentioned his goal is to be surfing the tour in his 50th, now he's got this far. That'll probably be the end.

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 7:52pm

Uh-huh! That'll be it most likely. It must be pretty annoying having people like me try to predict his resoning

Jono's picture
Jono's picture
Jono Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 12:18pm

Well there could be some cheap bed linen on the market after he retires



udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 12:33pm

The Ol Boy was still Zinging here..

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 9 Mar 2021 at 3:33pm

exhibit A : Swear tbb was not even searching for this....
Bully passenger has shade open, repeatedly pulls down annoying other pass' shade.
So who should be our mystery Tough Cop Sky Ranger?

exhibit B : Someone should blow up that Bells < > Goldie Comp caper.
WSL Done! Gone from the Oz Leg ...GOAT will be pleased!

exhibit C..World's richest surfer goes on about VIP White Trash baggage.

Starky: "That's 6 grand for the Mile High Club Elo SUP dance...
Almost forgot...we gotta rattle the tin for $1.50...it's for the Board Racks."
Kelly: "Fuck %*@# $1.50 for the boards...I think my ankle or toe is playing up again!"
So Kelly hobbled off Gra's Partridge Family Learjet because of injury to his hip pocket!

sfshralp's picture
sfshralp's picture
sfshralp Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 1:43pm

Time for slater to exit stage left. Move on, let go!

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 2:09pm

This has turned into the Kelly show, he would be happy

braudulio's picture
braudulio's picture
braudulio Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 2:16pm

Time for Robert to pull a Cameron me thinks.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 8:12pm

Is HRH back to making Waves again?

Starky test rides Auntie's Pod..

Rip Curl selected their team rider Crosby Colapinto as the New Newcastle wildcard..
Sounds like [+] news for one of Starky's seedlings.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 2:05pm

Kelly Slater drags Princess Diana into explosive swipe at royal family

In explosive social media comments, the 11-time surfing world champion wrote: “Id be mad too if I was James Hewitt’s unacknowledged, illegitimate kid, got essentially kidnapped and held hostage by the royal family, was forced to pretend that boring, square Prince Charles was my dad all those years, then they cut off my trust fund, and disapproved of my hot, American wife cause it didn’t fit into their ongoing inbreeding program.

“Did I miss anything?”

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 6:25pm

Top in flight WSL Pro Show... Well worth a watch!

Seems Pros rocked up separately to greet at LA.
Tsunami of pure WSL marine debris floods LA Airport.
Barges ain't big enough to drop off some VIP loads...Insane!
Olympians could surfjustsurf without interplanetary battleship fleets.

We got some Surfboard counts (12)...Duty Free ...Heat Checks
From LA onboard in flight > 15 hrs to Sydney 14 day Quarantine...
34 Surfers / 46 Family / 21 Staff (Turpel counts on 111) >10 ring ins! / on 200+ seats

Anyhow...It's a pretty good Pro's VIP home movie to stir up our Aussie Repats.
Amazing to think Qantas can fly WSL Divas to Oz 10x cheaper than Scomo's Repats!

ProTine (NSW charges $500 Extra for that Open Window!)

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 6:51pm

From Hawaii to quarantined... for some.

Tough gig. Dedicated bunch.

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 6:52am

It’s there job no choice for most of them.

geek's picture
geek's picture
geek Thursday, 11 Mar 2021 at 8:10pm

So Caroline Marks had a false positive and has now landed in Aus. Question is...how? Did the WSL put on a private flight, did she take the spot of an Aussie trying to get home?

Edit: or maybe WSL have multiple flights?

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 6:54am

Where have you been? Anyone with money and power has been able to do and go wherever they want in the last year.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Friday, 12 Mar 2021 at 2:07pm

Yes Robo, I bet she was on the WSL charter flight, they snuck her into the cargo hold and kept it quite

geek's picture
geek's picture
geek Saturday, 13 Mar 2021 at 6:14pm

Yep, great to see struggling, stranded aussies like Josh Kerr also in HQ. What a broken system we have when a bloke can leave Aus half way through 2020, travel the world chasing swells and come back to Aus when they start to fizzle out in the northern hemisphere

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 4:24pm

Hey geek I questioned him on facebook about all his travels in 2020 and he completely denied all of it. So I say hes full of it. Just go to youtube and find all his travels. I didnt
mind his denial until he turned up in Australia.

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Thursday, 18 Mar 2021 at 4:28pm

Hey geek I questioned him on facebook about all his travels in 2020 and he completely denied all of it. So I say hes full of it. Just go to youtube and find all his travels. I didnt
mind his denial until he turned up in Australia.

Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell Sunday, 14 Mar 2021 at 5:52am

Kelly is the World's greatest Athlete PERIOD. No other Athlete has done what he has done in the History of any sport. The longevity of his career, the criteria changes he has adapted to and notwithstanding 11 World Titles and countless wins. At his age to say he would be without injuries and carry over issues is nonsensical. If the Trolls commenting here knew anything about Competitive Sport they wouldn't be standing on the Bridge 'Weapon' in hand! Lol. Even a 1% carry over injury issue will affect anyone at a peak level of any sport. He has nothing to prove, but a Sub Par performance is not something he would be happy with...ever. If he stopped playing Golf though, that might help, I have never come across a Golfer yet that didn't have serious imbalances on many levels. (I doubt Julian is reading this but....) If you're going to criticise/have an opinion pls have the 'round things' to put your real name! Trolls are cowards! Oh and yes, I am a Kelly fan, yes I have met him..... but he wouldn't know me from a bar of soap!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 5:58am

Firstly Clive... tbb really likes what you wrote.

tbb's reply is not Kelly specific ...more a real life worldly surfing fact check.
Lets say Kelly won a Gold in his dream Olympic Wave Pool Stadium.
Kelly was the only Athlete to win a Gold medal for not engaging feet or Lower Body.
Stands bossing wealthy Nasa designs, Caddies, Straps, Adhesives & Temp Control suits.

Kelly is not disabled but needs more assist than all Paralympians combined.
Most of which must compete more athletically from the waist down for medals.
'Surfing' is the lowest price Ticket at Olympics because it is the least Athletic Sport.
IOC wasted no time in handing out Cheapest Tickets for VIP Surfing Gold Medals.
Sure! We can all argue that a few goofball sports are lazier!
Kelly is 11x champ of cheapest laziest Olympic sport & shafted from Opening Ceremony.

Jock tbb has awarded many Jnr & School -Champ trophies.
Know enough to go 3 years undefeated at grom club & pretty sure Kelly bettered that!
Also judged Surf & National Skate Comps.

Don't need a name if you're not advertising a sponsor.
10,000's of Longest & Biggest ride surfers never had names recorded in history.
1829 thru to 1890's longest rides & all built & sold their own surf craft.(No stickers)
Vajont surfers rode 250m high wave but win no scroll in the Big Wave Hall of Fame

NASA Kelly had 10 years jump with Tech Quiver + Sponsors + Cheap US-World air fares on tap.
www has closed the Tech / Sponsor Gap + Many Regions fly competitive Internationally now.
Kelly no longer bosses the 1980/90's VIP jumpstart on 99.9% lesser wealthy tech Nations

There are countless athletes that set no boundaries for untold realms of possibilities.
For them...comps are pure pomp that can also undermine their surf culture.
We need only unfathomobiles that ever transform into any shape of being and feeling.
Why glue feet to dead things...can walk,run, skip, cycle, roll & fly above waves. Surfjustsurf.

One soars past all athletes whipping up 7 seas to spin the Blue planet on yer little finger.
A wetsuit, surfboard or Craft is a major impediment that severely restricts surfing.
Olympic Gods can only wet dream of such a purely athletic all encompassing sport.
Crew have seen that Kelly has dipped a toe into such a sport...
Again! Should tbb rate Kelly even more of a surfer for doing so & would like too!

Passionate surfers could manhandle one wave - point 2 point with no assist.
Lost yer board & yer life was hangin' on it, only a few rare surfers would pull thru!
A handful of surfers could fly airs looping barrel rolls, mocking the seriousness. Yep!

Never once seen Kelly rip a wave face by stringing top flight Barrelrolls & air rotations.
Either with or without his full bag of tricks & trophies...yet it's easier than most think!
Kelly could wear 100 sheriff badges, but if he can't surf that one wave save his life?
And if he can't make light of it by backing himself...well! What's there to say! (Exposed)
Never even seen Kelly clean surf a full lap of his wave pool, let alone ramp Airs & Barrel Rolls.
Fucked if tbb knows why he even built a wave that he's too afraid to touch or love to death!

tbb is a poor athlete & struggles to the pool edge, but could still lei Kelly inside his own barrel.
In otherwords...Loop him inside out as looks back between his legs...as many often do!

Having said that!
tbb hoots when Kelly surfs & say again now, that he respects him as much as any here!
Never because he's the best surfer & less so for any Athletic claim.
Mostly for when he's more in tune with the Ocean or a Wave (Deep barrel!)

tbb can't even wade into the ocean anymore, so am dry docked with Kelly.(Get well soon)
Untold friendly surfing compliments, but name was ever the last thing people ask or given!

Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell's picture
Clive Rodell Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 8:19am

Thanks, of course I now feel famous because someone read a comment and replied. I am of course hamstrung in complexity of your Zen Master comments. Now I’m starting to discover reality and not feeling so famous. The main reason being I am feeling not worthy, as even on the 455th read I still not have unravelled the deepness and complexity of your lost scroll. 

I do feel someone one day will discover your writings in a cave. They will exalt you as a lost deity. 

I am duly humbled TBB. Thanks for a clever reply. There is obviously more to you than my third eye sees. 

Have a great day.. you have brightened mine. 

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Sunday, 14 Mar 2021 at 2:15pm

WSL competitor, team member or official infects hotel quarantine worker in NSW, more to come unless it's swept under the carpet

geek's picture
geek's picture
geek Sunday, 14 Mar 2021 at 6:09pm

Wrong hotels (or it’s already been swept
under the carpet)

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Sunday, 14 Mar 2021 at 5:37pm

"Mark McGowan has said he would not hesitate to make the first act of his second term re-installing the State’s hard border, as Queensland and NSW scramble to trace two new cases each",

Ahh except for the guaranteed WSL travel bubble....

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:26pm

A question for everyone. Do the Australian athletes not in quarantine and therefore training freely in weak and shifty beach breaks up and down the east coast have an advantage over those stuck in quarantine ? Will be interesting to see play out. I imagine 2 weeks is a long time for a pro not to surf or maybe they will come out super fresh and super charged ?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:44pm

They've got ten days from the end of quarantine till the start of Newy - plenty of time to acclimatise.

Being stuck inside for fourteen days isn't ideal, but a ten day leeway should even up any advantages.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:33pm

That’s what I was wondering too.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 3:46pm

That first jump into the ocean is going to be invigorating.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 4:14pm

Yep it will be nice ...look at Gabriel
14 days on the Vinegar stroke with Yasmin...

Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 at 6:58pm

I didn't watch the tennis, did it look like the quarantined players were disadvantaged against the Aussie or players in country that didn't have to quarantine ?