It's Gone! Surfing's social media hit

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

In a case of 'be careful what you wish' for, Facebook has this morning pulled the plug on every Australian media outlet.

The move follows talks between Big Tech - read: Facebook and Google - and the Federal Government, operating at the behest of News Corp. At issue was the fair use of third party content, with publishers arguing for fair remuneration by tech companies that accessed and distributed content across their platforms.

For its part, Big Tech argued that it enabled a larger readership for outlets via sharing and searches.

Last week, Google tested the waters with targetted restrictions, and then followed it up with a negotiated deal that will see publishers remunerated when Google hosts third party content.

Facebook, however, walked away from negotiations and simply flicked the switch, shutting down the news feed on every Australian publisher. And 'news' is a broad term on social media, including everything from straight reporting - the ABC, Nine Media, News Corp all have no posts on FB - to the weather - the Bureau of Meteorology has also been disappeared - to surfing sites such as Swellnet, Tracks, Beach Grit, and even the World Surf League.

The list of companies caught up is haphazard and may possibly change in the future. There'll also be a rush of companies changing their Facebook description from 'News/Media' to...well, anything else.

Any company that's built a buisness model around broadcasting news across Facebook will be adversely affected. Most obvious will be content aggregation publishers and clickbait sites that rely on sensational headlines to draw people from social media.

For the WSL, its 'It's On!' campaign is largely reliant on Facebook for its flexible, unscheduled contact with fans. Contest organisers could follow the conditions not the clock, and fans could log on irrespective of the time - or the time zone.

The way things currently sit, not only will the WSL be unable to reach Australian fans via Facebook, their livestreams will also be inaccesible by Australian surfers. It's possible they may be able to piggyback onto Surfing Australia - considered a Government Organisation in the eyes of Facebook - who are today livestreaming the Great Lakes Pro at Pacific Palms.

The WSL has also followed the lead of other for profit sports companies by rebranding themselves as a 'media house', distributing content marketing via social media. Those WSL franchises - Brilliant Corners, The Lineup, Getting Heated - will also take a hit.


thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:01am

For the record, Swellnet's Facebook page has been affected (like everyone else's). As for "Google... followed it up with a negotiated deal that will see publishers remunerated when Google hosts third party content" - it appears that the only publishers who will actually get paid from this are at the big end of town. Surprise, surprise.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 10:44pm

Very glad to see you're quoting Michael West. He and his very few ilk are the ONLY source of fact in Australia.

While we all fixate on electoral political solutions, the powerful focus on narrative control, because that's where real power is at. The people who pose an actual threat to the machine are those who disrupt its narratives and narrative control agendas. Everyone else is harmless.

If the majority of a troubled population believes their political system is operating in a way that is demonstrably very different from the way it actually operates, then that population doesn't have a political problem, it has a propaganda problem.

We might think "The problem is not enough progressives in government!" , but no, the problem is the billionaire media are constantly lying to everyone. Create a truth-based information ecosystem and politics will move toward health by itself.

As long as the ruling class is successfully using mass-scale narrative manipulation, it won't matter what political strategies you employ because they'll just manipulate that too. Everything we try will be neutered by propaganda until fighting propaganda becomes our number one priority. The narratives around your insurgent third party will be manipulated to the advantage of the powerful. Your progressive takeover of any party will be narrative managed into impotence.

You can't politics your way around narrative manipulation. You've got to make it the issue. You don't measure how effective someone is against the machine by what their campaign platform says or what their strategies are, but by how disruptive they are to the narratives and narrative control of the powerful. If they're not disruptive on that front they're not effective.

The good news is that manipulation only works if you don't realize you're being manipulated. Bringing mass media propaganda front and center will accomplish this. Right now it's very far from the spotlight; it's treated like a marginal issue when it needs to be the central issue.

The mass media do not exist to tell you the truth about the world, they exist to manufacture consent for the agendas of the ruling class. Any time you're clapping along with their Most Important Story of the Day you are helping your rulers and overlooking more important stories.

Deliberately starve a child to death and they call it abuse. Deliberately starve a nation of children to death and they call it diplomacy. See Yemen, Venezuela... many many more..

Violently destroying weaker nations which disobey you is authoritarian. A government which exports the bulk of its authoritarianism is still an authoritarian government. The US is far more authoritarian than any government it criticizes.

Strange how the ABC never goes to-toe-to with the Australian government over foreign policy.

But of course its accurate about China.

Gotta love our Permanent Government

It is necessary to have government secrecy in order to win wars. It is also necessary to have government secrecy in order to start wars.

Become a healthy organism by purging your mind of manipulation. Purging from your mind the manipulations of propagandists, advertisers, preachers and scriptures, and of narcissists in your personal life. Purging your own impulse to manipulate people and events from your mind as well.

You develop to the extent of your curiosity and no further. Remain endlessly curious about the world and your understanding will keep developing. Remain endlessly curious about yourself and your maturity will keep developing. Decide you know and your growth immediately stops.

You avoid the stuffy, stagnating sense of knowing by consciously meeting each moment for the first time. This doesn't mean meeting each moment as though it's for the first time; this is a very real thing that is already happening, because your every encounter with every experience is entirely without precedent. It's not a matter of creating anything new, it's just a matter of being aware of what's really going on.

Our story is that of a species struggling to break free of the gravitational pull of ego. Spirituality bursts free then sinks down into dogma. Movements spring forth then sink down into politics. Online platforms arise then sink into government censorship.

Credit to Caitlin Johnstone

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 7:12am

Great comment!

Mad Dog's picture
Mad Dog's picture
Mad Dog Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 2:08pm

Thank you very much JackStance, that's an awesome comment and very accurate.

memo...'s picture
memo...'s picture
memo... Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 4:17pm

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 9:49am

Totally with you Jack, every part of the comment, from Michael West onwards.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:06am

Facebook and Zuckerberg need to be impaled on a giant thorn covered penis

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:13am

If a penis of that description is unavailable then I Imagine a similarly shaped cactus would suffice.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:00pm


seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:12pm

Classic SF, bet they didn't think it would turn out like that

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:09am

Good on The Australian government for standing up to these companies.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:58pm

Wish they'd stand up to them about tax avoidance.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:04pm


While I'm neither here nor there on the FB thing, the whole talking tough by the Oz government smacks a little of hypocrisy.

Tooold2bakook's picture
Tooold2bakook's picture
Tooold2bakook Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 1:58pm

agreed. For mine FB did the right thing. If the pollies had any backbone they'd de-monoploise murdoch and stand up on tax against the corporates. This is just Murdoch vs FB with us plebs as the pawns

joesydney's picture
joesydney's picture
joesydney Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:32pm

Yeah, just putting in the good fight for that little battler and man of the people Rupert Murdoch......

peabo's picture
peabo's picture
peabo Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:59pm

They're only doing it for Rupert. Fuck em all.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:20am

Well somehow I have managed to find and use the bureau of meteorology site for over a decade whenever I wanted without the help of Google or fb. It ain't that hard.

Most people have a handful of sites they regularly browse for info and news. We can find them if we care to.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:28am

All that's true, but it's also true that FB made news sharing very easy. One of the big unknowns is just how many of those people will now organically browse the news sites.

Dx3's picture
Dx3's picture
Dx3 Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 3:59pm

Yeh maybe I'm different, but whether its The Age,, BOM, Swellnet... whatever website, I don't think I follow a single news website through facebook, always just go direct to the source.

ruckus's picture
ruckus's picture
ruckus Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:48pm

All time wasters wasting there life away on spoon feed crap. Haven’t been on Facebook for years. Couldn’t imagine anything worse. Actually deleted it a few months ago, best thing I’ve done.. the problem been they want you locked in.. and they roped a lotta people in via business thinking it’s the only way you could survive via Facebook or Instagram business services. Only thing better would be if it no longer existed at all. Things they are a changing

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 9:51am

News sharing??????? Fark, I read the news, I don’t share it.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:24am

Surfing aside, it's hard to see which way this is gonna go.

It's a barely concealed power play by FB, yet the Govt still seem intent on pushing ahead, so who's gonna blink?

Kinda feel like FB has really poisoned their own well here and their bluff may backfire. Wiping essential services such as fire, ambulance, and BOM will leave a bad taste in many mouths. Also, internet users are flighty but it only takes a week or two of new habits - bookmarks, Google searches, EDMs - to cause real damage to Facebook - if indeed they are to come back to Oz.

In the meantime a few business will be put to the blade and a shitload of jobs lost.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:20pm

Scary to build a business around a FB algorithm.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:35pm

Sure is.

We - that is Swellnet - made a decision nine or ten years ago to not follow FB down the path of diminishing returns. That started when they began charging companies to promote their posts. If you paid them you got max exposure, if you didn't you slipped - and overnight our reach did.

But of course, FB's rates kept going up and up, plus they put a ceiling on how many followers a non-paying site could have, and it became apparent that if you wanted to dance you had to pay the band big money.

I guess some companies just saw it as a cost they had to incur, except by becoming wholly dependant on FB they left themselves vulnerable to third party flights of fancy, such as what's happening now.

Gonna be a whole lot of soul-searching after this.

I hope also some creative thinking comes out of it. Never been a better time for adventurous solutions.

mpeachy's picture
mpeachy's picture
mpeachy Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:31pm

Interesting. Swellnet somehow still has a good following. Was the business model to just to be a good website? Seems to have worked!

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:54pm

Kinda ironic that such a business model would be viable!

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 8:07pm

Well done!

ruckus's picture
ruckus's picture
ruckus Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:51pm

Great comments and well done to the Swellnet team

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:29am

Life will be just fine without fb & wsl

channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:32am

Life goes on without FB & Insta.

I deleted them off my phone, still have the accounts and check them from the ipad occasionally.

Delete them off your phone and see how much time you get back in your life to do waaaaay more productive things.

Hamishnic's picture
Hamishnic's picture
Hamishnic Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:32pm

Agreed CB, haven't had an account on either for about 5 years - but still do waste a lot of time checking swell, winds etc on the iphone. Think the smartphone itself is still a time killer so using an ipad, computer or reading a newspaper is a better habit.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:32am

Spuddups I disagree, Murdoch etc are crying poor when they're using another business to promote their articles, get click throughs, more views and increased revenue.

Not a great business model at all..

This is the same as you coming into my bakery (FB), putting in your own bread for free and then asking me to pay for that privilege. Make sense? Not at all. It should be the opposite if anything, ie you pay me a small cut to allow your bread to be visible and sold in my shop.

Sure, the big guys have too much power and don't pay enough tax but the current scenario I side with FB/Google.

Imagine 30 years ago and this was switched around, Facebook asking Murdoch for money to put content in its papers. Seriously!

I reckon this is a bluff to thresh out a new deal.

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:43pm

I think spuddups may have been being sarcastic.
But yes, I agree with your analysis Craig (I'm not on FB).

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:49pm

Aghh, I see.

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:54pm

Well who knows, only spuddups can confirm this, just my suspicion :-)

fatjackdave's picture
fatjackdave's picture
fatjackdave Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:38pm

Is that it? Asking seriously here because I don't know where the advertising dollars end up. I'll try to stick to the bread analogy

I read it that your bakery - in which you make no actual bread yourself but you built a shop to attract people to come and get bread that they like - is using my bread to attract people passing by to come in and loiter. The more people that loiter in your bread shop eating my bread the more money you make. Yet I'm getting no revenue for my bread.

If I post a swellnet article to my facebook page that my 1 million followers all read - does swellnet advertisers see the extra read through and pay the extra dollars to swellnet for the article - or does Facebook pocket that and swellnet writers work voluntarily?

Radio broadcasters over the world pay a royalty to play a song - why is journalism different?

Have I completely missed something here? Noting that it's currently favouring the big end of town but the principle is still the same.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:43pm

Maybe taking the bakery thing a bit too literal. I'd have my own bread in there and don't need yours to be successful. Though having choice is a positive.

Facebook puts it more clearly (the difference between the Google deal and Facebook deal)..

"The answer is because our platforms have fundamentally different relationships with news. Google Search is inextricably intertwined with news and publishers do not voluntarily provide their content.

On the other hand, publishers willingly choose to post news on Facebook, as it allows them to sell more subscriptions, grow their audiences and increase advertising revenue."

fatjackdave's picture
fatjackdave's picture
fatjackdave Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 6:58pm

" I'd have my own bread in there"

But FB doesn't have its own bread - ever. Everything is someone else's content. Sticking with the bricks and mortar rather than the digital. It's a Westfields Shopping Centre and relies on others for the bread. So I have no problem with them charging rent to use the platform to allow me to reach more customers. But my produce is valuable and without me you'd have no customers coming through your shopping centre.

But that's not its business model. It's embedded itself so prolifically - as Stunet said in his reply - that it's using my produce to attract my customers to its building and taken my revenue stream without any payment to me.

I have an issue with that because good journalism that explores and investigates and informs costs money. And this fight only works if the powerful take on the powerful so the little independent is getting screwed now. I'd like to think if the content writers win - then the basic tenet will be in play and the end game will benefit the independents. If I download an obscure independent band on Spotify - they get paid. Just because I spout I have a different business model doesn't make it right.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:25pm

It's a messy one, FatJackDave.

Some background first: Over the last fifteen years both Facebook and Google have hoovered up most of the ad dollars that traditionally went to legacy media - i.e print, TV, radio.

In the US they collect about 70% of all ad dollars spent, and old media - at least that which relies on ad dollars - is dying a slow death.

When Facebook shares a news story, the Facebook user goes to the publishers' website, so theoretically they get traffic, however this mode of consumption is very different to the past - i.e just reading a lone story, as opposed to reading a whole newspaper - and in most instances people read the article then return to the Facebook environment anyway.

It just doesn't make sense to advertisers to spend on publishers when the tech platform gets most of the attention.

So already there's an imbalance there that's been left unadressed. Publishers had to allow sharing as it was the only game in town, but at the same time they were signing their death warrants.

Also, from FB's point of view: What's the point of allowing free news sharing when it strangles the very outlets that produce it? 

Recently, the Federal Govt, encouraged by News Corp, took Big Tech to task, with both News Corp and Nine Media extracting generous remuneration from Google - no-one else has yet got a cut and they probably won't either.

Facebook indicated they weren't prepared to negotiate and walked away, taking their bat and ball and the whole damn platform with them.

But this isn't a clear cut case of good vs bad.

Facebook are a large, aggressive, and manipulative company - and their tax dodging is par excellence - however they propped up many smaller and mid-sized media companies, who will now fail if the blackout continues.

This reduces competition for the big publishers such as Nine Media and News Corp, and that's very convenient indeed.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:46am

Never had FB, never wanted it and the sun rose today.

All good.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 11:58am

You do realise that what you think is the sun is actually Zuckerberg's bleached arsehole shining it’s benevolent light as he orbits gracefully on angel’s wings above us all don’t you ?

Old Marky boy bought the real sun back in 2016 and had it put straight into his pool room.

rj-davey's picture
rj-davey's picture
rj-davey Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:03pm

too funny

Ash's picture
Ash's picture
Ash Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:09pm

Irony, you live in the land of the rising sun......
I couldn't care what or doesn't happen on FB, it's a cracker day here with no Zuckers or Murdoch's in sight.

Bob Sacamano's picture
Bob Sacamano's picture
Bob Sacamano Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:02pm

FWIW I think FB will just show its dispensible in this context, just like Irish banks did when they went on a 6 month strike and no one cared because people just adapted their habits. Just bookmark the site(s) of interest to you.

stanfrance's picture
stanfrance's picture
stanfrance Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:17pm

Life is better without Facebook. What sucks is all the smaller news outlets that are missing out in negotiations with Google.

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:21pm

Or maybe Facey will go back to the original intent of keeping in touch with your family and mates without being bombarded with targeted shite? Win win as far as I can see

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:38pm

Quite possibly:

"It’s not just Australia. This week Facebook announced it was extending its trial of “de-prioritising” news posts from Canada, Indonesia and Brazil into the United States. “De-prioritising” are Facebook weasel words for cancel by default: news drops so far down your feed that you’ll rarely see it.

“News” has been little but grief for Facebook since the world discovered in 2016 that its much vaunted algorithm couldn’t readily distinguish between real and fake news. Bad faith actors (“Russia, if you’re listening”) worked out how to game the algo for their own ends.

"Facebook’s initial solution was to throttle news posts in an early 2018 pivot to prioritise posts from family and friends, and throw moderating resources (that is, people) to trawl through feeds — creating one of the worst jobs in the tech world."

From Crikey. Subscribe to it. Bookmark it. Worth your while.

Bustard's picture
Bustard's picture
Bustard Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:29pm

WTF !!! there's news out of Canada ?? .......please please tell me more .. :)

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:59pm

Yesterday, an ice hockey game was stopped as a Mountie chased a moose across the ice-rink. The moose was arrested for allegedly stealing a beaver. Eh.

Bustard's picture
Bustard's picture
Bustard Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 5:37am

fuck I would've dropped a few toonies to see that Eh

brettvans's picture
brettvans's picture
brettvans Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 12:34pm

Fuck News Corp, their right-wing misinformation agenda, and their Liberal gov stooges.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 10:34pm

How fuckin hilarious that SN put them in the "straight up news" bag.

el Sid's picture
el Sid's picture
el Sid Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:17pm

Zuckerberg, created Facebook out of the desire for revenge to get back at his old girlfriend, the theme continues, Facebook's basis is underlined by nasty, spitefulness, greedy motives.
What a sad organisation, thumbs dumb all the way.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:26pm

My wife thinks Zuckerburg reminds her of Data on Star trek.
Maybe he's an android and that's why he doesn't really care.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:27pm

She's not the only one Optimist


seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:26pm

I removed myself from FB over a year or so ago, they wanted my passport bio page or DL to confirm my age...

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:07pm

Really? I don't use FB much, but I have never been asked that.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:22pm

Hi Ben, I was fooling around with my profile one night after to many vino's and then logged out. Next time I tried to log in it said I needed to verify my age asking for such details. I was shocked, thought it was a scam but no, official FB page. No way was I going to send them that. Can't create a new profile using my previous used email address any more.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:48pm

Firstly LOL.
Secondly, so those sites aren't meant to work, I don't have FB, how does this work?

dazzler's picture
dazzler's picture
dazzler Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 1:36pm

No WSL I can handle, but loosing The Betoota Advocate is another thing all together!!

I hope Shit Towns of Australia isnt impacted.

Swellnet I get from the website

ojackojacko's picture
ojackojacko's picture
ojackojacko Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 6:19am

betoota, like swellnet and all other news sites, is better straight from the source. just bookmark it mate and get all the gold instead of only what fb wants you to see

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:05pm

....eggs in one basket

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:30pm

Here's hoping local sporting clubs go back to the old way of being contacted via in person, phone or email.

kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 1:38pm

Fuck that. I run a local sporting club and the use of team app and FB reduced my work load massively. I love my peeps, but I don't need to sit on the phone or message back and forth with every Stevo and Davo.

Dunko's picture
Dunko's picture
Dunko Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 2:38pm

Um, how is sending a group email any more work than sending a FB Message? Ok collating then emails but that should be a one off.

How do you contact your members that are not on Facebook? You’d have to email them anyway?

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 2:53pm


Ape Anonymous's picture
Ape Anonymous's picture
Ape Anonymous Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 3:44pm

Trade war!?

When are we gonna admit to ourselves that it's not the russians, the chinese, covid, terroists, global warming or racist transgender nazi hookers that have turned the 'conomy bad.. it's international monopolies i.e. tech giants, pharma, offshoring of labor to the third world slavery, the same old oligarchical shit that ever was.

We are in the middle of a massive trade war! Does anyone else realise this? Or is the media so corrupt, so controlled that we can't see the shit that's been sprayed around the room? Better than sending young men to the front line..??

Got to expect that stupid shit like this will happen... has anyone seen Idiocracy? "Brawndo bought the country", "they're putting Brawndo on the crops, it's got what plants crave, it's got electrolytes", "the computer did that auto layoff thing.. because we put water back on the crops, it's your fault!".

We've got to laugh (and cry) about the stupidity at scale here - the sheer size and raw power, the mammoth fuck-ups.

Like watching bullies in the playground - govt vs. big tech. Big tech owns us, get used to it.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 6:05pm

1) walk away from the plantation
2) build your own productive capacity

Bustard's picture
Bustard's picture
Bustard Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 4:41pm

cant see how this effects the Wozl...i thought they produced Movies these days.

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:06pm

Tried it out over years ago, soon deleted it after seeing all the trash some women were putting on there.
I thought it was only for kids and women.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:15pm

Trying to imagine what the fuss is about, having never facebooked. -that one was from the old days! Now it's

It's like losing a derivative and being forced to use the underlying. (with all that implies, ie the increased leverage available for businesses when using the derivative)

there's some rad stuff out there. On a linux system you can install Lynx browser that is completely html still, and you can individually select each cookie to disregard.
I imagine after the apocalypse people will be using C64s with dialup modems over copper, leaving messages on message boards...

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:33pm

Taking 10 minutes to download a single nekkid lady jpg on the old 2400bps modem from a BBS hoping mum doesn't walk in the room or pick up the phone. Good old days.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:40pm

When everyone got their first office job with email and proceeded to send their mates the worst pr0n they could find... the dread of clicking on the email, knowing it will load slowly and the whole office will see it and there's nothing you can do to stop the painfully slowly appearing picture - short of ripping the monitor out

channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:03pm

You said you wanted to get the emails.

campbell's picture
campbell's picture
campbell Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 11:11am

fnmoc navy / military ! that was a real game changer when it became available to mortals in the early days of internet weather and swell forecasts , a real step up from reading the charts . used it for years
What is facebooks?

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 5:47pm

anyone worried about face book is only worried about there 'friends' forgetting their birthday..seriously no one cares ...good riddance!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 6:20pm

Hard to get your head around this, i can't see how the government really has a case, but still its kind of good they are shaking things up a little.

fishnsurf's picture
fishnsurf's picture
fishnsurf Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 6:48pm

I think we will survive without all these high tech propaganda mediums, spewing their capitalist corporate sewage all over people who struggle to form an idea or opinion for themselves . The vast majority of what you all see isn't even remotely unbiased news. They should have all their sponsors on their shirts like the surfers when they spew out their bullshit, so at least you all have half an idea what they stand for.
please copy and paste this to a Facebook page somewhere,Im not on it.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 8:52pm

Ok, got off FB about a year ago.
Found I was getting upset over political shit and arguing with friends over climate change, politics, bush fires etc.
When first got on it thought it was great, kept in touch with friends from os
from traveling days, that would not normally do with post cards, shared pics of surf trips etc, family and generally great tool to keep in touch...
All the news sites I would have gone to on FB are available I knew about, or if did not know about was a new visit so in essence free advert from FB. Seems like to me that news corpse etc are asking for commision for a service directing them to their digital platform.
Not a fan of the power that FB may exert but why should they have to pay for sharing stuff that is available free if you put in website name, (ok news corps stuff normally behind pay wall).
Seems the same as like I would ask for a commission from someone I told about a good restaurant I recommended and they visited...
Maybe I am wrong, but FB for all its faults is a private company, and if it is told by the Australia govt they have to pay for certain things, they can choose not to if they don't wish to.
In regards to Oz media, population not missing much as Murdoch is hardly news...

Ronson's picture
Ronson's picture
Ronson Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 8:52pm

With a few extra keystrokes you can have what you want from the internet and not have your news fed through a tainted funnel. Well maybe not but fuck facebook regardless. Never done it, or instagram, ever. I live with four people who give it a crack and every day I pat myself on the back. Texts, email, actual phone conversations and I'm good. I admit there's a whatsapp chat with a bunch of old mates but now that's under review with facebook openly saying they'll take data that they previously didn't from whatsapp.

Scotty M playing the little aussie battler again. Full election mode.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:11pm

It takes 3 weeks to 3 months for people to change a habit. There are many people glued to their phones, like Pavolos dog waiting for a meal. My guess is FB phycologists & execs know this ....and after the hype .....will backflip the bans, say ,within 2 weeks. polies do it, why not FB?

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:23pm

Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus e.g. food (likes on FB, etc) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. a bell).

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:25pm

I liked FB originally as a way of sharing stuff with friends and family , but it’s gone to crap the last 3-4 years and I was forever changing settings and advertising prefrances , then I just started reporting all there adds back to them as scams and irrelevant , amazing that I don’t get many adds now . For quite awhile there was a lot of advertising which in fact were scams . Zuck will advertise anything for a buck.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:34pm

First up...sorry to hear Ben...rough times are these, only made rougher.

Qld Locks out all Gov alerts to non [f] subscribers...
Govt's use [f] for Live feeds (Not static Govt sites) Cyclone / Fires / WAR =[f]
Live - Cyclone Shelters / Flood Shelters / Road Closures / Fire retreats all on [f]

BOM Joint Oz Tsunami Warning Centre (Ready to Go!)
Twitter * Youtube* Blog* RSS* Insta* [ Facebook You must log in after you drown!]
BOM were saying Facebook were down...they were never there!

Qld Govt Hypocrisy....(tbb wrote 4x / phoned to remove [f] extortion from alerts.)
Govt says [f] is popular & tbb is in a minority...STFU - see ya mate!
Reckon 8 years ago tbb made Qld Govt aware of [f] Extortion by default.

tbb has done research & [f] extort most Nation's defence / Police / Emergencies
You must subscribe to Zooky to unlock location a live War Zone / Survival shelter

It is a cold hard fact that Zooky controls all Nations power by a subscription window.
Bizarrely all nations allow him to block all world's alerts & all are too happy to join in!
Zooky decides who lives or dies & who he rejects come the final hour.

think tbb is joking...(Take the test...try & find real time anything on Govt frontline)
Qld Police > [You must Log in to survive ]
Qld SES > [ You must Log in to survive ]

Many more facebook search clicks for ADF /SES link to end Game sign up only...
They were never like that....Govt's join [f] lockout insisting on E tag [f] conscription.
In fact they are racing to lockdown all live Govt Sites to confronting [f] Sign in Policy.

This whole Govt [f] Lockdown is bullshit as Govts endorse [f] Lockouts.
Qld Govt stacks info then asks to subscribe to [f] & other Govt disabled sites..
This is so most expensive product line can be sold to least able to comprehend.
No caring Govt would abuse disabled in this manner ...yes! tbb told em off alright.

You's a fucking sick joke....the Govts are Zookys Advertising milch cow.
Qld Health #1 ad Vax campaign will advertise Vax mostly on [facebook]
Seriously! Scomo feeds Anna feeds Zooky first dibs on rollout Vax Ads...
How to see wot Zooky getz of the $24m rollout are onto it! Wot?

Wanna click to Queensland Health [f] to locate a VAX centre...(That's how irrelevant!).
[ Sign...or die from covid ] Yes Zooky is the devil but Oz Govts are doing his bidding.

AlwaysOffshore's picture
AlwaysOffshore's picture
AlwaysOffshore Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:42pm

Its all lies and smoke screens anyway...

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 9:44pm

So does this mean we still get to see the toy gun ads?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 10:02pm

You're right TBB and not withstanding old people, or people that may not have ready access to a device, or those that simply choose not to belong either missing out on valuable information or being railroaded into joining FB and having to surrender their valuable data or privacy.

Not exactly QLD health but when pro surfing was only able to be viewed if you signed up to FB that was the precise moment I stopped watching pro surfing.

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 10:26pm

I'd ditch it in a heartbeat but I'm caught between hating the targeted feeds and ads the bastards hit you with and the secondhand board/gear and other surf pages I subscribe else could I lose all that time?

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 7:47am

I agree with this, I'm not on it but my partner is and the classifieds are a very useful service.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Thursday, 18 Feb 2021 at 10:45pm

I've been on FB since 2008, and crikey there have been changes along the way, but I've never seen this message before, which appears after a couple of minutes into scroll o'clock.


suchas's picture
suchas's picture
suchas Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 6:41am

"Australia's only news site" has managed to slip through the bristles of the broom....
..... and the current temperature in Cairns is 23deg.....

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 9:49am

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 11:38am

"acting at the behest of News Corp". you've never been a fan of a free press have you stu. and yes I recall you detailing your issues with Murdoch, they were so naive there was no point arguing. I remember one of your complaints was the (admittedly mr burns-like) owner. because well, who would expect the owner of a right-wing press would be a right-wing billionaire? surely it should be a woke collective! theres work to be done getting more tax dollars out of the facebook weasels.newscorp too, but other than childish abuse, and even Michael west seems to be making zero sense blinded by his hatred of news corp, this government action extracting some money from facebook/google is a good thing? even Rupert can get it right sometimes can't he? I mean I know he can't be nearly as smart as facto, Westo, sheepo, yourself etc but just occasionally...

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 12:03pm

Cute that you get offended on Murdoch's behalf.

Is it possible to convey an objective fact without causing upset, or are you the spellcheck of right-wing politics?

"You meant this!"

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 2:43pm

seems a few people tying themselves in knots rather than admit this might be a good thing. most reports say the guardian and the abc about to do deals with google which is also a good thing. when crikey sign up too think they will say thanks to the Murdoch press campaign?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 20 Feb 2021 at 7:46am

It's been really interesting to see how the left respond to this, i think this one has them a little confused, as it's both cool to hate Facebook but also cool to hate Murdoch and also cool to hate anything the government does, but also cool to hate on big business in general, so many are confused on who to hate or how to hate them all at once.

This thread is a bit refreshing though as the hate seems to be more for Facebook, while elsewhere ive seen the hate mostly directed at Murdoch and the Government.

Id expect the reason being comments under these articles or on Swellnet FB seems to reflect a more balanced variety of readers, while the forums tend to attract a heavy more political left crowd.

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 10:25am

The left are just laughing, they can’t lose in this one.

All this lefty/righty stuff Indo, it really isn’t relevant any more.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 3:18pm

Agree, it's more like watching a sportsball game where you don't go for any of the teams, and maybe even actively dislike them.

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 10:26am

Yes, extracting some money from multi-national tax dodging psychopaths is a good thing.

jasper99's picture
jasper99's picture
jasper99 Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 1:51pm

Pretty sure life existed before FB....who gives a shit

booman's picture
booman's picture
booman Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 3:53pm

Facebook has bought out over 60 rivals including instagram and whats app.
Anticompetitive practises...

Facebook produces no content.

Facebook keeps algorithms secret therefore no Australian business/ person knows if they are being unfairly rorted, shadow banned or even that australian law/ fair competition laws are being broken. It is also possible to defraud rival companies through click fraud.. facebook still gets paid.

Facebook uses Australian companies bidding against each other and sends this cash to the US paying minimal tax in Australia.

F$/# facebook, instagram, messenger and whatsapp.. feeding hate for profit.

Step up Australian tech sector.

memo...'s picture
memo...'s picture
memo... Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 4:10pm

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 4:44pm

To those fed up with/creeped out by WhatsAFaceyGram, have a look into Signal messenger... non-profit, end-to-end encrypted alternative to whatsapp (from what I can tell, the bloke that started whatsapp then sold it to zuckerberg is behind it).

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 4:49pm

Hmmm, then track record says he'll sell that to Zuck as well.

What about Telegram?

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 5:08pm

Given that it's set up as a non-profit it might be harder to do that. Plus the encryption they use means that only the sender and receiver can see any data (not even the platform), so you'd be able to give it the flick if that ever happened without any issue...

By all acounts the bloke regretted the sale of whatsapp; hence getting involved with signal.

Looks like telegram might be another option, but I haven't looked at that one so closely.

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 5:48pm

Ah, thanks for the info.
If they can't harvest data I guess it won't be of interest to advertisers and government agencies. Hence not much of a saleable platform. I'll check it out.

I use Telegram a little but not like I do WhatsApp which is obviously more popular... now I know WA is owned by FB I'd like to find an alternative.

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Friday, 19 Feb 2021 at 9:59pm

Kind of hoping that Facebook starts linking to the independent news outlets only.

Would great to see Michael West take all of The Daily Telegraphs traffic. Might be a quick change of heart if that happened

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 20 Feb 2021 at 10:03am

We are just a global nation of sheep, all following each other into the shearing shed. We don’t need these huge corporations. How about using our own brains for once.
So glad I’ve never ventured into the long list of crap providers like Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Wake up folks and get a life and stop spending so much of your life looking at screens. By the way, most of you will need prescription glasses way earlier than normal and need major work on your crippled fingers of each hand. The obsession with this type of media makes me sick, how about going outside and enjoying the outdoors, nature and do something relevant and tangible with your life instead of wasting untold hours of your life basically reading SHIT.

Henno's picture
Henno's picture
Henno Saturday, 20 Feb 2021 at 6:15pm

Oh no. No links to the ABC weather from a platform most people use to share funny videos of cats! How will stupid people know if a bushfire is bearing down on them now!?

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 at 3:20pm

The local cats will be on fire.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 20 Feb 2021 at 6:39pm


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 22 Feb 2021 at 12:33pm

Power Outage or [Face Off Thursday]

Last Wed..."World [Likes] Aussie wine & are getting off their faces (Burp!)"
Err! That should read Thursday...( tbb...sure they're just taking the piss ...well durr!)
Anyhow...Oz says Cheers World...

Previous post tbb trolled Govt Vax Rollout Ads on Closed Shop [f]

Health Minister Greg Hunt : Declares [ Ban on Sovereign Bully Advertising ]
"[Liberal Party Vaccine] Ads leave no room for competitor Ad agencies...seriously!"
Aussies collectively fell off their Bar Stools...
Strewth! Did one of our weaklings just man up to that Sovereign Sissy (reads Bully).
Yep! A full on tit for tat facebook face slap spat.

However [f] is festooned with Fed Govt Health Ads dated after Hunt's backlash.
tbb was again booted [Join Zookie's [f] Yuppies] for access to frontline Health [f] Ads.

Seriously! Why does our Government lock out Emergencies on Private [f] Account.
Less Likes more Hot Lines + Hot Links [0][0][0]
Health Minister: "Zooky faints if we show sharp needles & gory blood transfusions!"

Let's run the Health Minister's rush of blood under the Microscope.

Hot Handcuffed Media Chick : "Mr PM Mr PM ... Pick Me! Pick Me!
Aussies: "Pick Her Scomo!" We're truly Sorry! "Pick Her! Pick Her!"
Hot Chick: "Is Health Minister's [f] Backlash a Rush of Blood or another Media Stunt."

PM : 'That's a pretty question luv'. (Daggy Dad joke earns a Poll Bounce > 64%)
* PM : (Captain's Call) "We are using "All Likes" for the Vax Rollout."
* [f] Vax Rollout Contracts were signed pre (Face Off Thursday)
* Minister Hunt only refers to "Paid" AD (deals) since [f] Thursday.
* No! We won't be paying [f] to exploit Govt Media as they see fit it.
* (100% of Govt Health Advertorial [f] Ads) are Exempt from Backlash
* Ban applies only until a Govt deal is reached.
* In confidence deal does not include Little People's [f] sites being restored...(Never!)

Like Health Minister's Facebook Stunts

Total Govt [f] Closed Shop Yuppie's Only AD Contracts = $20m/year
Govt Various Media (Vax Rollout Ad Contract) = $24m