Florida location of proposed Webber Wave Pool revealed
Yesterday, with a suprising lack of fanfare considering the build up, Webber Wave Pools announced where their first wavepool will - if all things go to plan - be constructed.
In a non-descript company press release, Ocean Sports Development (OSD) - the US entertainment company that license Webber Wave Pools - said they'd chosen Coral Springs, Florida, as the site for their inaugural Webber Wave Pool location.
The site is at the intersection of Sportsplex Drive and Royal Palm Boulevard, which a quick flyover with Google Earth reveals to be on the extreme western edge of a housing estate, looking out across the South Florida everglades. Think moquitoes, gators, and hovercraft. Swampland really, which raises an important point: If Kelly Slater couldn't build his tub because of the high water table at Cocoa Beach, then how will Webber drop his pool into a similar setting?
The answer came in hot and fast, and from the chairman of OSD no less:
Kelly’s site is in the county north of our site and that location was part of a WWII bombing range. His site had craters that cracked the cap rock on the Floridian aquifer, therefore there was no way to stop the groundwater flow.
Our site has a 2-3 foot thick sub-surface water layer that does not move. The cap is about 80-90 feet below the surface. Therefore our construction water issue is solved with a 10 foot deep vertical trench wall back filled with drilling clay (sodium bentonite) which is impermeable to water.
Right next to our site the Coral Springs Aquatic Center has a high diving pool with a 22’ deep finished bottom. No groundwater anomalies were reported. The subsurface geology on our site is perfect for our development.
Anthony Brown
Local Floridian newspapers are today reporting the story with Brown telling the South Florida Sun Sentinel, “Our goal is not to create an amusement park. Rather it’s to create a place for kids to learn to surf."
He said he wants to see, “kids go to college because they can surf.”
If Coral Springs City approves the final plans then construction should, hopefully, finally, begin early next year.
Fark, if there’s people happy to throw their money at these things then good on ‘em. Will be super interesting to see how this pans out. It’s an exciting time to be a surfer in some ways.
Nothing beats great waves in nature without crowds and probably never will, but the waves we will make can be even more random and changeable than the waves we are used to. Or just stay the same the whole ride. Controlling the swell angle and the reverse current opens new doors in wave making.
You’re the mad professor of surfing Greg. I like it. I wish you every success with this venture.
Thanks mate. Learning a lot along the way about business too.
Whats the latest news Greg... ? A very quiet 15 months update wise.
Or we just leave the waves for the ocean, as they should be, and stop finding ways to fuck up this earth even more. This will only eventually fail
Good point. I guess the problem lies in deciding where to draw the line. I mean, a road to the beach is messing with nature, as is the industry that provides the raw materials for our surfboards wetsuits, cars etc. These are the tough philosophical questions that trouble me.
Good points bro
What a moderate reply to a really inane comment that guy made. How polite of you Spuddups. Fucking up the earth? Let’s go back to cave times then and see how fun that is.
All the best
Living in Melbourne, I couldn't believe the outstanding success (and profitability) of URBN Surf - and neither could they. Booked out for weeks in advance! That is until Covid-19 came and pissed in their porridge that is.
And I agree with your agreeing! Those guys have battled hard to get that pool built and look at how many surfers are having an absolute ball when the ocean isn’t turning on the tap.
yer, tulla is a hit but its onshore in the same conditions as onshore down the coast, would have been even more enjoyable to make it an offshore option when melbourne surf spots were onshore, just saying
I thought surfing was the thing you dropped out of college to do. Now, apparently, it will help you gain entry.
Hmm, I'll believe it when I see it, far too much previous propergander for my liking when it comes to Webber waves pools.
However, I do actually like the circular design, that's a pretty radical difference to what we currently have in the commercial wavepool space.
Mate you probably won’t believe it when you see it.
Cool, thanks for your reply. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait and your Ozzy invention will be the new A-grade standard in wavepools ;)
No worries WalkaroundG, and thanks too. I wouldn’t be making the big statements unless I was sure. Main reason being is that the system has great range within the design so that you can really control the shape and angle of the swell. That means we don’t just push a button and hope for the best, we can do subtle or large changes to speed and draft and trim angle that are the key elements in what alters boat wakes. And so we have effectively a full scale test lab for designing waves. And everyone has seen the range of wakes that come from the back of a boat so that’s one principle that underpins my certainty. But we also do one other thing that boats don’t do and that’s stop the hull from getting on the plane at higher speeds. That Is when the grunt comes in the waves get thick. We are forcing the wave to get big.
Another promise by Webber to build ANOTHER phantom wave pool? Last two confrmed build announcements didn't happen...
I remember the confirmed one in the Sunny Coast in 2014 with Greg Webber shaking entrepreneur, David Baird's hand. The exact site (just a few km from me) was announced and they even placed council development signs on site only to be taken down 6 months later and NOTHING was said by Webber - nothing. (I'm taking a punt something went bad with investors).
Then around 2017/2018 there was the Loganholme announcement in between Brissy and Goldy. Again nothing come of it and don't remeber any explanation on what happened Greg - hush hush...
Now Florida? What happened to all the big plans in Oz Greg??
Skeptical much...
P.S. Gotta say Greg, when you announced thr Sunshine Coast one, there were several locals excited about it and even local non surfing residents had hopes it may prop the local ecconomy up with new jobs etc with a 90 Million dollar wave pool & water park (first announcement) then later was gonna be a 400 Million wave pool and water park on the Sunny Coast (and that's takin big). After the signs were removed people were still hopeful for a several years afterwards (most didn't notice the signs were pulled because the big shed with logos and all stayed up for years) and thought there may just be some council hold ups but you didn't have the decency to let us know that the project had the pin pulled - could have let us locals know what was happening Greg...
I’m not sure if this is going to be a new comment or will it register as a reply to the guy above, whose name I’m going to check on, okay it’s danno1974. As in Book em Dano! Anyway it’s hard to take the criticism seriously when of course I know first hand and second and third hand from our own business, which is licensing the technology, and then From the licensees themselves trying to find credible clients, and then from the actual developers looking to fund the developments and then build them, how incredibly hard it all is without proof of concept, in an industry that has had nothing but bankruptcy for the vast majority of its history, and despite recent moderate successes, the grand scale business models are yet to be proven. Ask kelly’s team why they haven’t yet built pool number 2 after nearly five years, or ask Andrew Ross how easy it was for him to get their first pool done. And, if you’d tried and even succeeded in building anything worth upwards of $30m, even in a proven field you’d know how many hoops there are to jump through just to get to stage one. That’s why no wave pool company EVER get criticised by successful people in the fields that are involved from the first concept to completion and the eventual opening day. Mate each one of us barring Kelly Who has a billionaire backer, is a start up without proof of concept. Think about it, the concept comes into the mind of the creative person who then has to work out, not only if it’s a patentable idea, but whether it will be defendable. Then try to imagine how much work goes into applying for a government grant to assist in funding the research at one or more universities. And yeah we haven’t even started the research yet, because there needs to be agreements between the project manager the industry partner and the university. And on top of that if one or more of the students are involved in that research for their masters or doctorate, then this process in itself is quite complex because the research will be steered in one direction or another In order to succeed in the grant application, because not all government grants are the same, some are research grants where some new science might be found, (Like making an un-ending wave in a circular basin which then creates an opportunity for research that has not existed before ) and some are purely commercial grants, and the dissertation by the student will potentially get them some funding but it will then put some of the IP at risk since the research has to be published. But whose got the cash to pay for the research so early in the project at about $25,000 per week in the university test basins. So yeah I could have been moderate and pretend to be polite as so many people do when answering questions or criticisms, and then just show you objectively that you don’t quite understand but don’t feel bad, and that I should be understanding of the fact that you don’t. Ok fair enough I’ve edited what I wrote and have taken out the harsh bits.
That hit a nerve Greg? Was a bit of a hot under the collar reaction and ALOT of words...
Thought it was financial stuff that fell through. Totally get that it must be tough pulling off a wave pool (though Urbansurf/Wavegarden seen to get theirs off the ground and rinse and repeat) and I sure you know more about the pitfalls and difficulties of launching such a project. But it seems you missed the point...
And yes, as a Sunny Coast local I feel I have the right to voice my feedback on what I believe - my opinion is that you should have had the decency to let the community know the project in the area was canned. That's my opinion and yes, as a local I feel I can voice my thoughts. It's a free country mate.
Good luck Greg
Hhmm, I think some reflection needs to be done with how you communicate with your potential stakeholders in this i.e. surfers around your proposed wave pool/surfers in general/parents etc etc
Kudos to you for having a go with this concept Greg, but to publically abuse people who question your storied history on delivering this long awaited project, is borderline at the very best, and commerical suicide at the worst.
It appears you need all the goodwill you can get your hands on to get this concretely off the ground. A hyper defensive approach to valid questions on SW leaves a pretty bad taste IMO. The off chance that potential investors get wind of how you engage with your actual target audience surely wouldn't wash well, wouldn't you agree?
Well said, Ben
Maybe yes maybe no. Potential stakeholders also need to know that the the boss won’t buckle under pressure and I’ve copped more than my fair share from all sorts of angles, so my strong reaction to having someone give me or our licensees shit when they have no idea of what it takes behind the scenes is probably showing that I’ve got balls too. Mate it’s been 15 years since the first patent the and 20 since I developed the method from trial and error, so if I get the shits once or twice and don’t just fake being polite then I think you guys can deal with it. Potential investors primarily want to know that the business makes sense and that the boss won’t buckle, and so I’m sorry for not being more diplomatic, but I won’t suffer fools or foolish comments. The main objective of many of the negative comments is just personal big noting of themselves to give someone trying to do something some shit. As someone below highlighted Tom L hasn't got his pool built either. Same goes for artificial reefs, anyone had a total success yet? Not really, so are all those engineers and naval architects idiots too. Sorry mate but maybe I’ll just not reply to anything at all and stop bothering to clarify things for you guys. Do you see one single other boss of a wave pool co going to the lengths that I do to explain why it’s so hard? At least you get that. Edited this one too!
Yep, I get where you are coming from and also understand why you would react this way. But, there is a big difference in showing resolve under pressure and engaging in verbal slinging matches online. I would say that the crew who are out to ridicule or belittle your previous efforts shouldnt be recognised with a response, as any person would struggle to respond appropriately. Whilst the valid questions and words of encouragement on here probably do. Its pretty much social media man, ignore the weak minded who resort to ad hominem attacks, and engage with people that are worth your time. Anyway, as I said, kudos for having a crack as it takes balls to put yourself out there in any capacity in life let alone in surfing, as it is uniquely cruel IMO.
Too true.
At this rate you will be the first creator to get dropped in on every time you catch a wave at your own wavepool.
Fair enough mate.
And to add to that do you really think anyone will care that I give strong replies to blatant and disrespectful comments when the perfect piping waves are peeling along in large numbers? And if you all have the right to be totally disrespectful and offhandedly try to ridicule my efforts or those of the team behind the project then gees mate deal with the response. Don’t you realise that none of the negative commentators have done what I’m trying to do? Find one guy on these threads that’s ever built anything on this scale without proof of concept. These people NEVER criticise what I’m doing since they know only too well what a shit of a job it is. Also, I’ve never diluted the shares in the company and so that approach is also much harder. Had I followed the usual approach like the surflakes financing model then all my investors share value would be tiny by now. Check the asic register for how many changes to the Company register SurfLakes has had. Need more money, issue more shares, dilute the value of the shares of the people who’ve already invested. I don’t think any inventor in this field has got theIr start up project to the point that ours is now at without diluting or selling out the idea in some way.
So then Danno if the webber wave pool does work, and it’s actually off the fucken richter would you say no to having one on some land just west of Peregian beach near the college? Or should we just cancel all plans of building up there since it’s not welcome by people like you?
I never said it is not welcome. Opposite actually - I'm all for it. I and many locals inc non surfers were really keen to see it up here, still am Greg! But what annoyed me was that it was announced, marketed and talked about alot and then obviously the pinned was pulled and you or Actve never said ANYTHING. I actually saw the onsite council signs myself - got outta the car and looked for myself. And months later they were gone, that woulda been in 2014 maybe 2015. I knew it wasn't going ahead and mentioned it to other locals even a year or so ago and they still thought it was happening. My gripe is that i feel we were led on but when it folded - you or no-one else said anything. Not a word, So it is NOT about being against your wave pool (I think the curcular one particularly rocks and I loved the footage of you and crew surfing off the fishing boat in the Clarance river and actually I don't doubt that your tech could work, If you can make one up here BRING IT ON!!... I just I feel you could have let the community know what was happening as people were led to believe (for years) that this big massive project (400 Million dollars fun park wave pool) was happening in our community but no-one said anything when it did fold and people were in the dark about it.
I am trying to see this from your perspective. You're smaller than urbansurf/wavegarden and therefore getting financial backing must be difficult. I guess if you said anything it may have hurt your prospects of finding another investor and so it was better to say nothing then???
Anyway.. I hope you make one. It must have been a long hard slog to get to this point and keep going - don't give up. Seriously, wish you success!
So if you do make one bring it here - I'm for it Greg and I think there is enough flat spells and shity surf days around here heaps of people would surf it. So to answer your question, it is WELCOME here!
Ok good to hear Danno that you’re still ok with the idea and the reason that development fell through did get covered in the press. The land was taken away from them despite the fact that they got the DA passed. Imagine spending nearly $500k on getting to that point and having that site rejected for a bypass that was in the pipeline decades ago and then somehow brought back to the table. I can’t imagine how this can happen but maybe that slight risk was what helped to make that land affordable. But how on earth can I know that. I have no right to delve into their confidential business matters. They took on the risk of getting the DA through and we just had to hope that they, would build. We are the licensee and if they choose not to give us a detailed answer on how this came to be then I’ve got nothing more than that to give and in reality that’s all that needed. Our family home in Sydney was bought at a lower price in 1959 since the eastern suburbs railway was tentatively planned to go through the entire block, but it never happens. These are the risks home buyers and developers take. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Thanx udo ...tbb dedicated a swellnet site to Sunny WAVE pool..
Also to head off the Covid Lockdown Showdown
Oct 2016 Webber Design was shopped for White Water West
Note Company still promote Webber's Linear Wave Pool.
Jan 2017 Actventure Wave Park was Approved
Oct 2018 Sanad swap Plans to sniff out Qld Govt Glamping Handouts
Nov 2019 Resubmit altered Plans with more Res'
May 2020 Govt Kate Jones told SC Council to Fast Track Waterpark
Dozens of Court Cases drag out over Horse Shed in JW's bed
The Infrastructure & Water Charges flooded the courts.
Sept 2020 Council approved Wave Park a 2nd time.
Dig by Xmas for Govt Covid Bonus..
tbb thinks Qld Bonus $2-3m (Approx) covers $2m infrastructure fees.
That was the deal breaker that dragged this outta the courts.
Don't quote tbb on that. but it does dovetail perfectly on time / cost!
2021 Xmas Sunny Wave Pool surfing sessions...Cowabunga!
Here's the Company behind Sunny's 1st Wave Pool + Designs
Endless Surf delivers 2-7ft waves every 10 secs for every skill level
They'll even have a Wave Pool in Paris for Olympics.
Here's the Layout & features of the Actventure Sunny Surf Park.
Here's some more o/s layouts & wraps of Sunny's Wave Pool.
Qldurrz have no beef with Greg...(Sunny changed hands)
If anything...owe him one for [M2] taking out his Tunnel Vision.
Greg might even review Qldurr'z Sunny Coast Wave Pool...Please!
Gees TBB your comments and links are great but my god there too much to go through. Maybe the sunny coast surfers have some real estate agents or developers amongst you or a town planner or two. If so then maybe put a small team together to look for ideal sites while we build our first pool in Florida. Where would you guys want one? Or maybe it doesn’t matter. I’m sure someone will say “just build one mate”
Well sourced Udo. Maybe some of you guys who think it’s easy should read just the first judgement report of the case between the two guys that were behind the Sunshine Coast pool earmarked for Steve Irwin way. Stuff like this can and often happens even before a spade hits the ground.
Ok, so basically there was some unforseen, unpredicatble council stuff that got in the way that was totally out of your hands and even the developers hands. They are the ones putting up all the cash and so basically your saying that as the creative ideas man you can't exactly be making statements about why it didn't go ahead because it is beyond what you are allowed to say or maybe it would have been over stepping the line for you to comment on it at all?... I don't understand all the details and definately alot of the locals (not just surfers) would have liked to know what was going on but sounds like it was an awkward position for you to comment on.. It was in the local news quite a few times and I think some simple follow up on it folding would have probably been good. If there was I never saw it but saw plenty of press about it being a 90 then 400 mill attraction in the local news, most locals i spoke to thought it was still in the works and did not hear anything about the pin being pulled, but ok... (personally, I reckon the Sunny Coast would say YES to a webber wave pool but they may be a little skeptical it would happen cause of the previous hype and let down, but thats not to say they would not be open to the idea. Maybe it's good this has been discussed.. If what i said was unfair then I'm big enough to say sorry. Hope the Florida one comes off soon. And once the first one is up and functioning I reckon you'll have a proven thing to run with...
Yes council and other factors that can’t be disclosed yet. And thanks for the apology, same here, had had a huge day and probably should have left it till a day later.
Have you guys ever thought of whacking one of these things out in somewhere like Lightning ridge or a Broken Hill? Cheap and abundant land, heaps of solar power, maybe run boar water from the artesian basin. Places like that could probably use the tourism after mining companies have extracted everything they could from the ground and moved on.
Yes indeed, can’t think of anything better for the guys in the mines, to have a few tubes in some clean water at the end of the day, as well as a few beers of course!
Don’t say sorry he completely misread what you said and started shooting from the hip , methinks he owes you an apology.
Read my replies better. I’m responding to part of what he said.
Good luck Greg, nice location at Peregian. I used to live there a while back. It would be nice to see something eventuate on the sunny coast. As mentioned in previous comments there has been previous plans for wave development that have defaulted due to no fault of your own. Good luck and we will see who gets built first. Kelly's wave site already has cargo containers and other various stuff at the back of Coolum.
Thanks mate, yes of all the surf locations in Australia I think the sunny coast must be one of the most frustrating ones, because on one hand you can get some of the most incredible waves possible on the points, but then have long periods with almost no swell at all. So yes it must be frustrating to have the hype that then never turns into something tangible.
when I think of Florida, everglades, hovercraft:
Geez some stressful comments here. When the waves come, the waves come. Just chill. I think it's epic that Greg has taken a concept that originated years ago and has nurtured it to this point, through all the hurdles that 'the man' throws his way. I heard about this concept maybe 10 years ago, and have been happy to sit back and enjoy it's organic evolution. Why the rush, why the stress? it's surfing. Its waves. Go with the flow. Or at least go get a little shorey bash under the belt to relieve the stress. Good luck Greg Webber.
Greg can be pretty abusive when you question what he says ... I dare say that doesn't help him gain approval or support for his ideas.
Who knows ... he may yet prove us all wrong
Thanks for the support! You must be patient by nature.
I'm super excited about wave pools, whether they be a KS pool, Wavegarden, Surf Lakes, etc. I'm fully amped to see what a Webber pool would be like in its first iteration.
I think it's very early days for wave pools and the future only looks bright. The only way forward is to start going down the learning curve right now by building one and learning from and continuously improving each new iteration of one.
The first iteration does not need to be "perfect" and blow all the other pools out of the water - it just needs to be a proof of concept that generates interest and excitement, and doesn't send the parties involved bust, so they are able to do another iteration and keep moving down the curve.
The Wavegarden people seem to be leading the pack with their new and improved iteration in South Korea. They are actually building pools that also appear to be commercially viable with later iterations better than previous ones. Due to this, the time for talking and excuses in the wave pool space is now over.
I hope this time we actually see a successful Webber pool that enables Greg Webber and the parties involved to "join the party" and start going down the curve.
Yes it’s an interesting and exciting time for wave making now, and a long way from the first wave pool event that I was actually at in Pennsylvania, my god in the mid 80s I’m pretty sure it was. Some guys being critical on this thread probably weren’t even born when that first wave pool event happened. And it’s not through lack of interest or effort or a lack of potential that it’s taken this long.
With the amount of surf we get on the Sunny Coast, a commercially affordable viable pool for regular surfers would be very welcome. Close to Brisbane, fast growing area and a lot of surfers.
Good luck with this project!
Totally agree Andy, that’s why I have Google Earthed the entire region many times before and had many meetings up that way as well. It will get a pool at some point and not in another ten years I’m sure.
Thanks for reply Greg.
Wish you every success!
No worries and thanks.
Roads were built for the journey, not the destination. Best wishes going forward, cause there is no going back. Hope is a stick we all need to carry.
Well said and thanks Hill!
believe when I see it, urbn surf in its infancy seemed to be the real deal however
I think the idea of building one in the middle of nowhere is a great idea. Dirt cheap land and within no time people will be queuing up to buy land next door. Then once a community has been built around this lifestyle , all the wanna be people will try buy there way into the lifestyle. Kinda like what happens at most popular surf locations.Not saying that what happened on the Gold Coast But it sure is an expensive place to live these days just to enjoy the surf. It will be profits all round.
How many years has Webber been raving on about their non existent wave pool, now again they say,”if goes to plan”time to stop talking and start doing Webber
This Blokes been at it a while....
He sure has, and had great success with Flowrider. And he makes one key comment in that Wavepoolmag interview “...It’s really important to have a physical medium for proper social engagement and health.” If anything is going to swing the balance back in favour of doing something physical as against posting and checking YouTube, then surfing real waves, no matter how they have formed, will be one of the best activities. .
Moquitoes, similar to Mojito's but with a bite? Apologies I'm enjoying a Peroni ( cheapest slab at the bottlo ) after a reasonable sesh at the point. On point though is Greg's tub, I hope it comes to fruition and proves to be a winner, looks like wave pools are here to stay.
Thanks Ash and I’m sure you enjoyed your Peronis!
Great News Greg. Best wishes & I hope all goes as planned.
Seems like wave-pools attract more nay-Sayers than most things [well after artificial reefs/coastal manipulation.]
One point I'd like to make is that no one really seems to talk about the positive health benefits of wave pools. How many times have you turned up at the beach and not had ANY surfable waves? I've lost count, and I'd love nothing more than to be able to surf WHEN I want and as many times as I want. Something that Natural-Surf does not allow. The physical and mental health benefits of surfing on a regular basis are well documented and it's being used widely in a lot of mental health programs lately.
Surfing is for everyone and I'd love nothing more than seeing wave pools helping those suffering mental illness who are too afraid of the ocean. [Plus we need to remember most of the world is not fortunate enough to live near a surfing beach]
One of the best videos I have seen is of some disabled army vets surfing in Kelly's tub. [Way better than the pros] I feel that is what it should be used for...I'm sure the military is not short of a dollar. [Interesting NOTE* The famous Rhodes Electric piano was developed by Harold Rhodes who was helping teach WW2 Army vets the piano and needed a small portable piano] Now if we could just get some of that military money put into wave-pools...
Imagine how many kids in shithole land-locked towns could be saved from a life of crime and violence by having something positive in their lives.
On a positive note, it seems that due to people actually showing manners and taking turns in the Wave-pools, those who learn there may actually take some of those manners out into the ocean and spread the good will. Unlike those who have learnt in the free-for-all most of us see at our local beaches.
....and possibly some of those people who discover surfing in a wave pool will help push for improvement of the ocean and coastline.
Keep up the great work Greg and hope the Artificial reef ideas keep coming along.
My god lilas I couldn’t agree more. And I must say that I’ve never heard anyone find a positive attitude to those surfers that started surfing in wave pools and then go to the coast,. But you obviously have enough of an imagination to have come up with a quite believable idea that the pool surfers will be less aggressive and less frustrated at the open beaches. I’m sure the therapeutic value of riding waves will help solve or at least help many of the physical and mental conditions you’ve mentioned.
You see this comment above fellows? This is exactly the type of comment we need. This guy lilas above is no doubt aware of the negative aspects of creating a man-made wave, we all are. You win on some levels and you lose on some others. But instead of attaching himself to his opinion he is looking objectively at the consequences of providing large numbers of waves when there are none, and so his comment is of great use. It’s not just that he’s saying something positive and I’m obviously going to react with appreciation because I’m connected to the industry that he’s talking about. But more importantly this is the kind of comment that opens the door to more discussion. Nearly every comment I’ve ever heard or seen about the difference between a pool surfer and a “real” surfer has always been a negative one where the guy commenting wants to degrade the pool surfer as a naive inexperienced wimp and only the “real surfer” can handle the big dangerous ocean. That obvious kind of approach to a subject exists in most of the online forums which is why I occasionally get pissed off. Of course they will be challenged by the disorder and wildness of the ocean but they will relish it too!! Imagine a capable or even very good surfer that has spent years surfing in land and has yet to see waves in the ocean, imagine how incredible it will look to him to arrive on a day where there’s a perfect swell peeling down an incredible point break. As he said, this group will never take the ocean for granted. They will probably value their surroundings in the ocean itself more than we do, sinve they have had the waves but not the natural environment that we’ve had. Maybe we have been a little bit spoilt.
There is a sucker born everyday. Good luck and send that money quickly offshore.
Whats the Ballpark build Figure on this
and length and Width of Pool..?
About US $20m and Apx 200m x 100m. 18 to 25 second rides depending on wave height.
20 mill US - its not possible.
How do you know Udo?
width x breadth x depth / excavation concrete steel labour DC electric power Computers Automation etc etc etc
Udo, do you know what a quantity surveyor is? Well that’s who we used for our single channel linear estimate. Wilde and Woollard is the company. It’s what they do.
Well aware what a quantity Surveyor is- Is this the same mob you used for your 100k build on the V reef.
No I worked that estimate out myself using concrete volume and mass of steel reo and square meter sections of their spreadsheet for two 150mm thick walls.
That figure was to just build the thing. Two walls joined at the tip with four capped 900mm diameter stormwater pipes. It was a crude base model to show the reflection and the pivot. Ok you price one wall 100m x 4m x 150mm and let me know what you come up with.
Not transport, not council permitting not installation.
Yes it is.
tbb will update the Sunny Wave Pool from above
Sunny Water Park Approval - Yes x 2 (Jan 2017 + Sept 2020)
Sunny Wave Pool Designs - Approved (Jan 2017 + Sept 2020)
Sunny Wave Pool is Opening- Xmas (Govt) 2021/22 > 2023
This depends on Olympic Bid ...Govt can Ramp project if need be...
Goldie congratulates bro Sunny on yer new cool Wave Pool (Better than ours)
see (tbb) above for more layouts & info...not a trick- Sunny is getting a Wave Pool.
2017 Original Wave Pool Approval was Stage 1
2020 Current Wave Pool Approval is Stage 2
( Not necessarily built after ) Often stages mix to jump ahead!
Wave Pool is a massive Quarry that is messy & supplies fill so it could advance.
If Wave Pool is built 1st & separate it could isolate a tidy windfall to fund stages.
just saying...Qldurrz know of cases where later stages are fast tracked .
Pretty sure the Wave Lagoon was advanced in Darwin Resort Development.
Note: Designs have changed often...unsure if Wave Pool is gated separate?
tbb: Most Theme Park Waves run a/h (re: Urbnsurf Beast > Dawn + Dusk-Evening)
Sunny would be Looking at pre work Quicky + a/h Binges + (Comps & w/e digs)
Weekdays would also run Chix & Sup's even Corps / Parties.
Solid points Lilas,great perspective. An8-10 second barrel on a head high wave is unheard of around here&yet everyone surfs
Yes he’s certainly onto it he and also highlighted one factor which has not been really talked about in a specific timing kind of way, which is the value of being able to surf precisely when you want to. Or putting in another way exactly when you need to. We all have stress of some form in our lives and it varies over time, and at those frustrating or low points just one great wave can be enough to completely dissolve those feelings. But more often than not, when you really need to have a wave it’s either not there at all or the waves are not that good that day or that they are quite good but it’s super crowded. Riding waves somehow puts a perspective on all of the other dramas of life by changing the context of our existence. Yes I know that sounds a little bit esoteric, but instead of having to deal with what the cause of the issues are, which is complex and takes energy in itself, how good is it if you don’t even have to think one thing about the issues themselves, which is exactly what happens when you’re riding a wave. Not only cant you think about anything other than the wave when you’re riding it, but you can’t even sense the mental background effect of all that stress. You are in the moment and totally exhilarated. So often there is a miss match of the timing between the human need to surf right now, and the ocean’s random supply, and that’s something that the complete constancy of a wave pool can resolve. And it is always there sitting in the back of your mind as a release that you can get anytime you like, so that actually might improve our attitude to the repetition of our day-to-day lives because you know you’ve got it sitting there. And so when things get slightly stressful or pressured, you know that within days or even that day you’re gonna get tubed off your head. Currently we surfers have our yearly trips to look forward to as a little bit of future fun to drift off to when things get boring and frustrating. But sometimes you can’t get away for long periods of time and this stress is something that Wave Pools can certainly alleviate.
I’ll reply tomorrow if anyone is still checking this. Some good points and yes I did go off a bit. Apologies Danno.
No worries Greg. All good. It must be a difficult journey cause wavepools up untill recently had money thrown at them and failed as commercial ventures. It seems that only recently the tech been capable of producing quality waves that ALSO pump out enough waves to cater for a mass market at a low enough running to make it commercially viable. Probably easier for Kelly who has tons of cash and massive authority in the market or say for a conglomerate of investers that have the money AND the conecept...
It was not that long ago that Japansese wave pool, Ocean Dome, was at the time the best artifical waves ever produced. But as far as I know it folded because the running costs were too high and it used wave generating tech that could never make it viable commercially.
I was a frustrated landlocked surfer in Melbourne for 9 years from 2003-20012 (2010 I spent 10 months in Fiji - that kept me sane) so I have been passionately following the wavepool development ideas from probably around the early 2000's. I'm a believer!!
Now I am a frustrated surfer in the Sunny Coast!! Haha, not really, we still get fun waves here and as someone that also grew up in Bondi surfing crowded shitty waves so it's pretty crusiy here compared to that (surfed with your brothers Ben and Will in ITN in the late 80s early 90s)
Actually, we still get plenty of flat and/or sub par days here on the Sunny Coast so a wave pool would be well recieved I think. Don't worry about the (and I know you won't...haha) tree hugger comments or the "wave pools suck -ocean waves only" people...
I remember back when you and Kelly were on the patent race years back and I mentioned to many a surfer and in surfing related FB groups how wave pools are gonna be a thing and people laughed at me and said similar stuff. Always gonna be those people but there is a market for this as long as the pricing is affordable for the average punter... And fact is some of these same people will be lining up for regular pool entry in the future - no joke.
Keep on keeping on Greg, you're onto something! (maybe with a bit more patience with some of us here though : )
Thanks Danno, yes so many boxes have to be ticked for real commercial success and yes ocean dome was bloody good and yes it did fail due to the running costs in relation to the price you can charge per ride. One of the key arguments that start up wave pool tech companies argue is that it’s not what you make out of the wave pool that counts but its all of the other ancillary income streams around it that you make your profit from. Which at first glance seems to make some kind of sense until you realise that if you are actually making a decent profit out of the wave pool itself then of course you must be making a hell of a lot of waves at relatively low cost while charging a relatively low price per wave to the customer or it won’t be full all the time. . And so if you’re making many many waves then those associated incomes will be vastly higher purely because you have so many people passing through the pool in one day. That was a misleading argument that many wave pool tech companies would put forward when an investor realised that there wasn’t much margin in the actual wave making itself.
Ha! Classic that you had some ITN time back then. And yes it seems that you’ve been starved of waves for many years so no wonder you got pissed off with the big statements and no actual pool. One day if we ever meet I’ll give you a run down of the behind the scenes shit and you’ll have a fucking headache at the end of it.
Back tracking a bit is there a scaled Webber wave pool anywhere ? I’ve never seen an video or even a 1/10 model. That’s why I’m sceptical.
Lots of physical scale modelling done in the university in Tasmania, and hundreds of runs making 6 inch waves and the low hundreds of runs making 1 m waves.There’s plenty of stuff on YouTube and you can check the webber wave pools Facebook page and website
Orlando prototype pool footage...?
Not sure what you mean. When completed you mean?
I thought you had a Prototype of Orlando wave pool ?
Sorry mate do you mean a small scale prototype? If so not en exact copy but the linear tests we did at the Australian maritime college was where we refined the gradient for any length linear pool section
No Orlando
you said you had done some testing at the Orlando Prototype pool ?
"Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves:
what weakness did I overcome today?
What virtue did I acquire?"
Greg sounds like your well into the 5th day of the test and you only need to bowl over the tail end to claim victory! The classic aussie dick smith battler inventor swimming against the tide, constant headwinds and good ol' tall poppy naysayers beating you down - one could be forgiven if you had pulled the pin and quietly disappeared like a Sizzler restaurant. But no, your kylie minogue like persistence will eventually win over these angry forsaken folk. After their 100th webber hair part the holy water batpism will be complete and once angry middle aged men will be seen emitting high pitched hoots and doubled fisted claims of unadulterated pure joy. Bring it on! Please messiah Greg, part the waters and turn this apparition into a reality - a religion we can all sensually touch and deep throat without guilt. The Sunny Coast has long suffered. It is time. Bring forth the Webber Church. We are tired folk - years of onshore slop and increasing crowds have seen many of us lose faith and resort to unimagined sins such as 9-5 jobs and god forbid Sunday Nipper fests. So bring down the hand of Webber, find your coastal patch of flood prone heaven and turn on the rotating waves of infinite pleasure.
"Kylie Minogue-like persistence"?
Well she is still going 37 years after this chart stopper:
&ab_channel=PWLInteresting that the land in Florida is currently home to ZOMBIE LAND
Ocean Sports do not own the Land and are not buying the Land is that correct Stu ?
That's right. Hoping for land to be donated or at worst lease it.
Who needs land?

Greg is there a link or schematic/visualization for the linear" facility with the 200m x 100m footprint. What are the key differences between the linear facility and the circular/looping design?
Thanks Hillsintas. Yes I saw that animation - which looks to be the full loop concept. Was interested in what Greg mentioned above as a linear version....if its cut in half does that mean a back and forth train like the Slater pool - and subsequent delays and resets for turbulence etc. Or has Greg overcome that and a linear version can produce 500 odd waves per hour? And if so, an overview would be great.
7 years ago.
Tempus fugit
&feature=emb_logoDr Steven Schmieds work
Relating to new news of a new location at Coral Springs I'd like to ask you these questions.
1. Has the project been approved to its entirety?
2.If so, when do you anticipate on starting to build?
3.Wehen do you anticipate building will be complete?
4.Who is funding the project?
5.Will Coral Springs residents be receiving any kind of discounted price?
6.How will it benefit the City of Coral Springs?
7.Will it be something everyone can enjoy or will there be a minimum age requirement?
Sorry mate but the more information that gets released about any site the more you open the door to rival wave pool companies throwing spanners in the works. As has happened with Coral Springs. It’s not like the other wave pool technologies are looking forward to the first webber wave pool. Neither Kelly nor the surf Lakes crew have had an easy time building their second pools. So it’s probably better that we don’t say much until there’s absolute certainty.
spoken with wisdom
Only a Vapour pool atm
Hey Greg, recently watched the movie “The Current War” about the introduction of mains electricity to the world. You probably don’t have time to burn but mate you will see parallels to your venture if you get a chance, Might pump your tires a bit. Tesla vs Edison vs Westinghouse - business reality / personalities/ fame / misinformation/ genius ideas / failures / bureaucracy/ success and chasing dreams. Anyway good luck to you, stick with it!
I’m sorry that I never went back to this thread I thought it must’ve been done. I’m gonna check that right now and thank you for the suggestion.
In the news last week.
Margate-based Ocean Sports Development was also planning to construct there retail shops including a three-story building with a restaurant and aviary deck to see the distant Everglades.
Those plans, according to Anthony Brown, chairman of the development company, would have attracted more than 100,000 visitors a year from across the region, bringing with them millions in tourism dollars to local hotels, restaurants, and other businesses.
~Ocean Sports Development~
July 6, 2022: OSD received our permit to dig a test pit at our 44-acre site in Orlando, Florida.
All good things come to those who wait. Thanks for the info. Wonder what tool they will use for the test dig.OSD website is looking good. https://oceansportsdevelopment.com/
Ocean Sports Developments :
September 9, 2022: We have successfully completed the test pit dig at our 44-acre site in Orlando. More details will be announced soon.|
Backdated Entry ( Preamble )
Ocean Sports Development Timeline ( Intro )
Late 1960s / Early 70's Anthony Brown rode his Dirt Bikes over the proposed Surf Park patch.
He also hunted & Fished the former Swampland! "Nothing out here back then...it was great!"
Pause! Coral Springs (Namesake) Ironically has no Springs!
Above describes War Era > ('60's Plan Estates > Swamp > Developed thru 70s-90's)
Wild upbringing led Guitar playing Anthony to Mid West > Running Environmental Remediation.
1991 Coral Springs (Neighbouring Site) Olympic Swim / (5m) Deep Dive Pool...( re: Above )
2003 Anthony returns to Florida > Skilled in Hydrodynamics & chemistry flicks thru Pop Mechanics.
2008 issue of wave pool article! "Something inside clicked...I knew this is what I wanted to do!"
2015 Started "Ocean Sports Development" + Exclusive patented Webber Wave Pool Licence
2015 Coral Springs Pool is deepened 1m + 5-7m Dive Pool switches to Soft Water base lining.
Again ...(see above) > No Issues with like Pool base depth, base or Expansion!
Neighbouring (Deep water Wave Pool should sit sweet!)
Company plans National Surf Parks League Comp...
7th Oct 2020 OSD History reintroduces both Stu's above feature & adjoining Timeline
This email was from OSD a few days ago.
"Looks like the county approval process is going to take several months, so we can't make an official announcement just yet."
Crew salutes hillsintas & udo for Coral Springs Ocean Sports Development updates.
Almost sounds like another Wave Pool fairytale ... Anyhow! Ya got tbb wading in for a peek a boo!
Reckon we scrounged just enough to rollout an Official Coral Springs Surf Park Timeline...
Yeah! tbb was most surprised...wasn't easy going & had to link in some offbeat news but it works fine!
2020 Timeline
30th Sept 2020 Ocean Sports Development launch at Coral Springs City Commission Workshop.
Local News Letter : Commission approves of Surf Park & might donate land.
2nd Oct - Stu's #1 swellnet feature...(Above 'News Link' is now subscription...alternate City News link)
2021 Timeline
3rd Nov 2021 City Commission talks over Ocean Sports Development's Plans for vacant site.
Wave Pool 100,000 visitors/yr + 500 waves/hr (8-12 months construction)
City agreed on bidding process.
9th Dec 2021 Coral Springs invites tenders for an Aquatic Destination Tourism / Municipal Attraction
(Thanx : hillsintas above)
15th Dec - Commission sheds some light on why City would gift a park to Wave Pool Developers
Coral Springs has 49 Parks costing $8.5m / year = Revenue $440,000 (But wait...there's more!)
This is exactly wot tbb was referring to...Park News article is a Surf Park article by default...True!
Indeed tbb did well to dig this out, as it championed the gifting of a park for the Wave Pool!
Crew can read that this innocent presentation makes for a perfectly timed under the radar anomaly! (Drool!)
2022 Timeline
2nd March Bidders Deadline
9th March - City received 2 Proposals for Surf Pool or like by Deadline.
20th April - Presentations to Select Committee...(On Hold!)
6th July- Permit to dig a Test Pit (See udo above)
11th July City : "Surf Pool Plans on Hold for Now!" ( re: $20m Pandemic Rescue Plans > Expiry 2026)
Note: City is slow at spending "Open ended" Pandemic Rescue Money...(Not exactly for Surf Tourism?)
Pandemic funds (Canal / Park upgrades) Can be viewed similar to Oz Cocoon Qld Wave Pool grants.
In the Wash up...slight chance that the Surf Pool is being considered for City grant dregz...Maybe?
Mostly as it's Fed money so City is excused of any untoward handout.
14th July (eg:) Coral Springs Aquatic Complex $2.65m Grant (Why!) Pool generates $20m / year
Another example why City would rather fund a Municipal Surf Pool than Parks...(Better value - return!)
So in essence this Fed Grant is billboarding a case for Park handover & Start Up for a Town Wave Pool.
Salute the Coral Springs local news for the straight rip...allows the crew to build this solid timeline.
Each and every Coral Springs recreational news story orbits around the Surf Park by default.
Up front recreational Grant reporting makes it super easy for crew to read between the lines...good job!
9th Sept : Test Dig is successful > results soon...(Thanx also to fellow researcher udo ...again see above)
Fills out the Timeline for both parties to give a fair account of progress...all coming together...cheers!
September : "The Surf Pool may become part of discussion for City Visioning Exercise."
Major Seasonal Events fill out Coral Springs Timetable to years end...(Locked in solid...not negotiable!)
October - Hurricane Recovery
Nov - Election
Dec - Covid Rebound
Possible end of year or start of 2023 for next Surf Park News update!
TBB -Have you got any News on the V-Wall for Triggs W.A.
From June 2019.
Webber said : Negotiations are now at the signed contract stage, we will have the first Vwall built in Perth for Triggs.
Mike Simm from Perth surf parks is funding it and engineering talks underway. Bless you Mike. At least with this design there will be no dragged on ridiculous wait for proof of concept. And it can’t not work. It’s too fucking simple.
Reply : udo ~ Talk of $100,000 Triggs V Wave Trial! ...(Ok! But it smells like a Trap!)
Timestamp dovetails (Mid 2019 peak) 'Perth Surf Park/supporters' onto WA Erosion.
Fuelling the Perfect Storm that whipped up Greg's perfect solution..."The V Wave"
It seems odd for any to borrow same PSP name during 2019 Peak Wave Pool War Cry.
Also might refer to Scarborough < > Triggs from Surfer's perspective...(See timeline)
Perth Surf Park Supporters (Mid 2019 Politics).
April ~ PSP Concert + Rally sign Petitions & contact all Local Reps as (One Large Voice)
May ~ Govt reject corrupted Council Bowls takeover - thus cancelling Wave Garden!
June ~ Massive WA Coastal Erosion > One listed Hot Spot is Scarborough to Triggs
June ~ Trigg Surfers loosely call for trial of Bunbury's newly proposed Airwave
June-Aug ~ PSP links to Wave Pools / Reefs / Webber to #1 swellnet (All one family!)
2019/20 Stirling City Centre 10yr Project/s (Beach Road / Tram Station / Wave-Pool)
Trackless Tram Approaches / Departs / Terminates "Square to the Beach" (Where!)
Note Council Beach Tram Station has no Station! (Should be 2 trams & 4x this size!)
They know it don't fit! So they just sell the dream! Who the fuck cares!
Also plans for new Beach Road to quietly skirt around any future station. (Where!)
All are fighting for more beachfront = Beach reclamation is #1 Quest.
(V Wave) Would best reclaim CBD 'Trackless Tram' Beach Station / Rd Development
eg: Utilities / Parks push out onto new beach then Redevelop Foreshore Station site.
This enables the Station Project to pay for itself as opposed to no beach reclamation.
Same goes for then Proposed Beach Road to Trigg (Either Either!) All need wider beach!
Tram projects often offset resumption by innovative reclamation...eg: V Wave!
WA Schooled - Mike (Simm Group) > Steel > North Fleets > Mines (Possibly a Surfer!)
If it is this bloke..then he likely knows the entire built beach structure of WA coastline!
And most likely knows every surf spot, as he grew up in WA.
Surf Park Supporter Mike Simm may have backed (V Wave) for City beach / Station?
Again! Mike would know more than council of Large Transit / Beach Side Steel Rigging!
Greg's innovation also doubles as #1 CBD Beach Site for Iconic Oz Steel Sculpture.
Most City River/Ocean structures win instant acclaim by prime real estate alone!
$100,000 may have been allocated for Beach Reclamation / Tourist Attraction?
Not publicly as such, but likely to seriously present to a fanatical beach centric council.
V Wave would present as an ideal Council Option in 2019 eroded eroded CBD Beach
Hence the urgent timing of Greg's thoughtful share with swellnet..(Less a sales pitch!)
Naturally, Mike or others may claim it would pay for itself, better than other proposals?
If Mike was in talks with Council engineering then money might be on the table!
Why not! Bunbury splashed cash for Airwave...say no more! This was the Era!
Ok! So crew are still not buyin' it...still sounds like a bridge too far?
Well...not so! Besides WA Bunbury backing Airwave + Albany Surf Reef etc...
(Surfers Vote!) PSP or Mike did hold some sway with City of Stirling council...(How so?)
For the record...Stirling City did back Perth Surf Park Supporter's Wave Garden...(Yes!)
June 2021 Stirling City Wave Garden Promo (Noting: Ahead of Cockburn proposal!)
tbb is unsure if this was V Wave's $100,000 that was spent on buying Surfer's Vote.
Elsewhere it's odd, but V Wave ticked all the boxes for a Trial in that time & place.
Yes! It's very likely some or equal money was afforded for V Wave trial or Wave-Pool.
Without inside intel...this timeline backs Webber's Trigg claims as being there about!
Well! More so than not! (Correct!)
Recap! After Wave Pool cancel > Govt-Councils were looking to buy back Surfer's Vote!
Not sayin' Councils were prepared to sign any Wave thingy! > (Just Politics, isn't it!)
Good work TBB...what have you got on the Orlando Prototype Pool that was built ?
- - - - - -
Edit : Forget that...Wild Goose Chase....was one big Fib.
This post started 2 years ago and here we are. Thanks for the post and all the efforts. Would also like to know more about a prototype pool. Maybe GW or OSD could make a update statement?
This email was from OSD a few days ago.
"Looks like the county approval process is going to take several months, so we can't make an official announcement just yet."
Greg? Any Updates.
13 March 2022 Coral Springs Consultants spent $2.1m / 3 years...
Lets say the crew asked to check on Wave Pool consultancy...can we even do that...Yep!
This in turn should out some weird arse link to backers...
Get crew to help trawl thru this boring list...
Check that year...2021 ...Wot...Right about there...back up a bit & stop!
Wotz that...[SURF PARK] Bring that one up...
2021 CBRE Inc $9,887.50 Consultancy Services (SURF PARK)
Payment slots in around end of 1st Quarter of 2021.
Ties in with this swellnet Oct 2020 Launch
Only it don't help a great deal...
CBRE are Coral Springs Commercial Real Estate Brokers
Simply means CBRE got in on the deal...sniffed out a Council junket...standard whiteshoe rort!
Unless crew know that CBRE are solid backers...coz that would up the game!
CBRE Florida seem to have a sister link to mostly Qld Properties.
Main coincidence being Qld Commercial properties has run several Webber Wave Pool proposals?
So! Could be a player but tbb can't link them directly...can see how they'd lunch with councils.
tbb tried searches on their site but can't squeeze out more than a Florida - Qld > Oz/Global Link!
Meaning : Nothing unusual as Florida / Qld run several Sister Cities as bog standard.
But sure...tbb does recognize Goldie White Shoe offspring in their Oz lineup!
Just sharing this CBRE link if it triggers anything with a backdoor to Wave Pools or with the crew!
This just came across my news feed.
A Coral Springs-based company is ready to make a splash in west Orange County with plans to build a surf park at the site of a soon-to-close landfill on Avalon Road.
The developers behind the project say the public venue would include a 15-acre pool capable of creating waves as high as ten feet. And in addition to plans for a restaurant and shops on the 44-acre property, the concept is envisioned to drive professional and collegiate surfing competitions to a city roughly 60 miles from the nearest beach.
A company called Ocean Sports Development submitted a preliminary application to Orange County on Sept 21 for the property at 7902 Avalon Rd. in Horizon West. Located just east of S.R. 429 and across the street from Orange County National Golf Course, the property has for years been used as a private landfill for construction and demolition debris. Gregory Lee, an attorney with Baker Hostetler who is representing the applicants, told county planning staff at a meeting Wednesday that the facility is set to close soon.
Located just east of S.R. 429 and across the street from Orange County National Golf Course, the property has for years been used as a private landfill for construction and demolition debris. (Orange County records)
Located just east of S.R. 429 and across the street from Orange County National Golf Course, the property has for years been used as a private landfill for construction and demolition debris. (Orange County records)
“This (surf park) would generate waves for recreational use,” Lee said. “We also believe that this facility could accommodate some special events related to surfing. This would be a great opportunity for economic development for our community.”
The project, which requires a land-use amendment, is pending final approval by the county.
Ocean Sports Development plans to invest “several million dollars” on the landfill excavation effort while the development of the surf park is expected to cost $45 million, Anthony Brown, the company’s chairman told GrowthSpotter. Plans include a beach volleyball court, playground, a pavilion, a surf shop, and an academic center for educational programs.
Got up, hung over after 6 months of sobriety … argued with the misses before she went for a walk with friend's… saw a story about a Greg Webber wave pool
The world is back to normal