The Superbank to shut, other beaches limited to Gold Coast locals
Following a busy weekend, Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate has ordered a number of beaches to be closed from midnight tomorrow. However, while some will be completely off limits, others will remain open to locals.
How the Gold Coast will police the situation is unknown, even to Tom Tate. "We are working through the finer details now, including having parking officers redeployed," said Cr Tate this morning.
The Spit, Surfers Paradise, and Coolangatta beaches, including the Superbank, will be closed to everyone. Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said those beaches would be "heavily patrolled" by police.
Councillor Tate said all other beaches would remain open for Gold Coast residents only.
Snapper to Greenmount, just before midday on Sunday 5th April
"I didn't want to do this but over the weekend it showed me that especially people visiting from Brisbane are not listening to us," said Cr Tate.
"I say to Logan and Brisbane people, we love you, but we don't want you visiting us right now."
"When we ask people to stay in their suburb, it means don't come [to] stay on the Gold Coast."
Cr Tate said more beaches would be closed if people continued to ignore public health orders.
"I will absolutely close more if people think this is not for real," he said.
We'll have more news at it arrives.
Wonder if this'll just funnel the crowd - beach goers, and surfers - down to the Tweed, Byron and Ballina Shires?
For sure it will. Also take all those on the bank and move them round the corner to D'bah and just imagine what that would look like.
While I'm here... Please don't ring your mates for a surf or to see where they're heading. Go it alone. We're already losing valuable real estate let's not make it worse.
Isnt the border closed? Or is it only heading north you permission?
Yep, only closed north to NSW people. They need to close it both ways!
Supply must be constant to Nation's Capitals to win the war.
#1/#2 Pop' must be contained from spreading virus over vast Continent
Nation is committed to contain & supply our Capital Cities thru the virus.
Qld doesn't need to rush to less vital NT / SA so those borders are shut!
NSW doesn't need to supply less vital Qld so our border shut.
All states must relay supply non stop to NSW / Vic or we all die.
Less about borders, more about overarching #1 plan to defeat coronavirus
Quarterly Trade...
NSW Border delays $800m Meds from flowing > Qld (NSW need it more! Fine!)
Qld races to supply NSW with $700m Food / $600m Fuels / 1000m supplies
For the record...
Qld imports more than exports over NSW border. Qld hurts itself more.
Qld wavehopperz vs NSW curbcrawlers - switcheroo is all part of the plan.
Closing the borders doesn't stop freight or trade. Just people moving between states.
Qld Port freight has picked up .
Qld also led the Charge for 24/7 Clearance by Councils
SA / Vic / NSW followed suit so trucks have no time constraint.
Truckers trip south from Brisbane now saves 30 m
Truckers say trip towards Brisbane is delayed (No Time Given)
Vid shows Blockade slows all North traffic to a crawl
Qld Govt Ports Councils Truckers race supply to Syd / Vic
As said...the route North is slower with less urgency.
Qld have worked hard to proudly supply NSW / Vic...
Truckies are tooted & go extra yards for medical supplies.
Such spirit & Timetable saves are gonna be hard to toss!
That's exactly what has happened in Tassie - around Hobart only a couple of the normal surf beaches are open and so everyone is descending on them. I haven't bothered but I've heard it's mayhem (and also absolutely rubbish surf to boot).
Absolutely it will, unless the border closure works both ways.
My understanding is, technically if you're coming from NSW into QLD (regardless of where you live) then you need to start a two week isolation period. Although if you're driving that far south for leisure you're clearly ignoring the advice / rules.
I was really looking forward to some over the border winter sessions this year, but I'll be happy if I can still get in the water locally even if it means I'm left with ankle high shories.
The 2 week self-isolation period was allowed, prior to the implementation of the hard border last Friday.
Silliest rules I have seen - in Sydney its ok to fish from the beach but not to sit on it. It's ok to play golf with your mates but not to surf alone
the golf thing is because ray hadley and alan jones got stuck into a nsw pollie on air in an interview. can't believe our elected representatives remain so chicken shit even in the face of causing death to the public
"He adds that beaches will be open for locals to walk and exercise on." I assume exercise still includes surfing.
Fwits think surfing is a luxury I guess. Some people run, some people swim some surf - only surfers and swimmers suffer
Word on the street is that Ballina-Byron cops won't hesitate to hand out tickets to crew travelling south to surf.
QLD number plates will be a dead giveaway.
FR, any news of vans being moved on?
Seems to be a sudden decline.
Yeah, Ranger moved them on.
I don't understand how they can just book Qld registered cars. I also live in NSW every second week (long story) but my car is registered in Qld. So they can't just book you because you have Qld plates.
They can't book you, but they can ask to see your licence and ask why you aren't at home.
"I'm exercising officer"
"You live 2hrs's a ticket for a thousand dollars"
As I said, QLD number plates will be red flags to a bull for cops under instructions from the big brass to book people.
Well lucky for me my partner has NSW plates!!!
you aren't travelling from Brisbane to surf NSW though are you Don?
Steve as I said above, I live in Nth NSW every second week.
Copy that Don.
You're exempt then, moving between residences is fine I believe.
Surfing @ Holiday Home....that's a $1,300 fine.
Easter Parade Bylaw...(They just made it up not 30 mins ago)
"Coolangatta Beach will be closed from Greenmount Point to the Coolangatta Groyne"
Make sure to kick out in time.
So Kirra is fair play? Ha, how confusing!
Dreamy conditions for surfing a fish right now. Combination of mushroom tea, herbal biscuits and a fish - you wouldn't be able to leave the water "so this is why the call it Rainbow Bay"
"Therefore, as of midnight on Tuesday, The Spit, Surfers Paradise and Coolangatta beaches will be closed [to everyone]."
Councillor Tate said other beaches would remain open for Gold Coast residents only.
The way the ABC article words it makes it seem as though some beaches are totally shut down.
The wording on the City of GC FB page doesn't mention anything about an exception for locals. It just says they're shut:
This ABC article is the only one I've found that mentions an exception for locals.
Easy way around this;
Live in NSW - Paddle out North end of Dbah and drift round to Snapper.
Live in QLD - Jump off the back rock and paddle to Dbah.
I'd be keen to know if people are doing that already
NSW/Qld Boating
25th March Border blockade addressed those 'arriving' on a boat
3rd April 'Harder Border' (re: above - Ben)
tbb did hear that Patrols would ... 'extend'... to River Mouth x-ings.
Same news also informed of the scary interstate Bus Raids
Run with (Yes) Tweed River mouth Patrol ...until we know better...
It just confuses people if they leave some beaches 'open'. Shut the whole thing. Up here's fkd then when a million Brizzos invade unless we follow suit. Surf your post code or don't surf.
"Surf your post code or don't surf."
That'd simplify things.
What if your postcode is a 5min drive from the surf?
No surf
I think a major part of the problem is that there's no one-size-fits all solution.
What if you're 10 min away from the beach? 20 min? 30 min? Where do you draw the line?
Shouldn't 60 mins by country road with no towns enroute be safer than 10 mins through suburbia?
What if I don't have to fill up with petrol and I don't speak to anyone in the carpark?
Presenting a range of options for everyone to pick and choose from only makes it more complex and confusing. And ultimately defeats the purpose of enacting any kind of rule in the first place.
There’s no way to draw the line. Surf must be banned to everyone (or not) regardless were you live. Hope they don’t, for our mental health.
Stop car travel to commute to exercise will solve it.
No non-essential travel is the rule already so then there will be no cars in beach carparks so will make it very easy to police.
Walk or bike to surf then that is all considered "exercise".
I think there is a one-size-fits-all solution, Ben.
It's explicit now that people are not supposed to travel outside their local area unless for work.
If it was a heap of crew from anywhere descending on popular places without surf for exercise, the message would be the same. Mountain biking? Sorry. Rock climbing? Nuh. This is not about localism - it's about public health and keeping everyone local within the communities they live and circulate within, and not doing things which can transfer the virus between communities.
I don't care if you live 10/20/80 minutes from the beach. If you don't live in the community, you should not be visiting that community to surf. It's simple. Stay in your local. That's where your house is.
Postcodes are the easiest way to apply it, and I'm at the point where I'd welcome licence checks and on-the-spot fines for the entitled pricks who think they're above the need to protect communities and then travel to surf. When it's all over, sure, travel again no worries, but until then surfers who travel outside their local area are essentially telling the communities they visit - from Margs to Bells to Kirra and everywhere in between - that they don't give a fuck about them.
I agree. But even "Stay in your local" or "only surf if you live in the community" can be interpreted many ways.
Until specific rules are implemented (for example, "don't travel more than X km to excercise"), everyone will continue interpreting the existing advice in a manner that suits their own needs.
I can't figure out how you could interpret postcode in many other ways. You'd have to be some kind of maths prodigy.
I agree about the opaque nature of the current rules, but I'd suggest that by travelling to surf anywhere outside their local area people are suiting their desires/wants and not their needs. Nobody actually needs to go surfing. Humanity survived a fair while without it.
OK... here's an example. Once we're under a week or two of very large swells and persistent westerlies, crew living at Flinders (postcode 3929) can't surf The Pines and breaks around Point Leo (postcode 3916)?
And if we get a few weeks of easterlies, Flinders and Shoreham crew can't surf Gunna or Cape Schanck (postcode 3939)?
Not saying I agree either way, but lockout based exclusively on postcodes is very explicit and I can't seeing it being adhered to.
The multi millionaire long boarders would love going by postcode but reality is 99.99% of MP surfers do not live in Flinders or Shoreham. By shire would work well down here
Good point. But my response would be - preferably - yes and yes. It would definitely be hard to enforce everywhere and all the time, but a couple of $1650 tickets would put paid to that pretty quickly. It's a far better outcome than having surfing banned everywhere in my opinion. Of course, that won't be the only thing contributing to the pressure to ban it, and there seem to be enough peanuts everywhere willing to crowd places out whether they live there or not.
I'd have thought that being explicit is exactly what's needed in light of the criticisms about the current guidance about surfing being opaque?
Thank you Tango
My sentiments exactly
Entitled pricks are going to ruin this for the crew who want to simply comply and just get on with it and stop the spread.
Maybe the bathers v undies rule. If you cant see the beach (from your house) your in undies and staying at home?
Thats what ex pro surfer from Gracetown (who shall remain nameless ) suggested on this side of the island . Entitled holiday home owners and other rich cunts rule surfing in the apocalypse .
Bugger! Only 40km of coast if that came in.
To Steve and co who were wondering about Airbnb's mandate to operate. From SMH:
Airbnbs declared ‘illegal’ as NSW government cracks down on holidaymakers
By Sue Williams
It is now illegal for anyone in NSW to stay in an Airbnb or similar short-term letting agency accommodation, a government spokesman has declared.
Under the new coronavirus regulations, no one should be staying anywhere other than their own permanent home, and they could be fined or imprisoned if they were found to be breaking emergency rules.
But the Nsw side of the qld/Nsw border allows unrestricted travel ! I still cannot fathom why ? Sure people work / live on the wrong side of the tracks , but they’d have exemptions. Shut the gate . I support all these tough policies but they kind of don’t make sense if they allow unrestricted travel options
They closed all the eastern suburbs beaches in sydney and they all
now go to cronulla. Families,arrogant surfers,beach bums and worse
of all dirty disgusting backpackers and hippies.
Never seen so many unfamiliar heads as yesterday here.
Imagine if that cyclone did the right thing and the points pumped. Would
make some interesting news.
So glad I don't live there anymore. I really liked the local lads out the point and the island, always tried to stay out of their way and they looked after me.
There were always blow-ins that thought they were local until locals paddled out.
I do miss looking out my ozone street bedroom window to check the point/island.
That's what people are telling me Evo. So why are eastern suburbs beaches, and Manly I think got dragged into it as well, unavailable, but Cronulla allows surfers.
Apparently not so many surfers in the water, so I heard, but so many people walking the promenades it made a joke of the thing. Next door builder told me he got out of there, went to Kurnell to get a coffee with family, worse there he says.
Makes no sense, which tends to lead to the situation of 'no exceptions', because every exception leaves you scratching your head wondering how they come up with this crap. Exceptions for Cronulla - because they're in Morrison's seat??
I for one welcome the timely release from my unrelenting bondage to surfing. I desperately needed a reprieve. I look forward to fulfilling my incessant need for instant gratification through other means. Namely treating my body as an amusement park, substance abuse and gardening. Ahhhh.... A weight off my shoulders.
Here you go, think I've almost fit all of your means in one, fun, action packed link:
VJ that's one of the weirdest, most twisted things I've ever seen.
It was mesmerising.
In these dark times one must occasionally raid the top shelf for some internet goodness. His zoo episodes have their moments too, esp the Hannibal Lecter giraffe.
Never seen anything like it.
Didn't know such things were possible.
No wonder there're so many freaky gamers about.
I think the humour is in how much you can abuse the physics engines of the games, unintentional glitches etc. I'm a terrible gamer myself, they lost me when controllers got 17 different buttons and games required 3 dimensional problem solving, too much for my small 2D brain. I was pretty good at 1942 back in the day.
Now I have no need to eat the acid I bought from the sketchy young hippy from Uki and his mum.
Tonight you're my hero health professional VJ.
lol thank you so much! Glad to make people laugh (or save them $$$ in keeping valuable acid that may not have home delivery options currently)
I probably enjoyed that way more than i should have. haha
Me too!
Wow, hahaha, that was so weird and good!
Fucking Hoax.....
if they are open slather in shops trains buses and trams churches etc...
the ocean is one of the safer places to be....
Its like no one is allowed to remotely be able to enjoy themselves..
the Spit at the top end of Surfers is a place to escape the hordes...
we're all trying to toe the line but closing beaches makes no sense.
Closing beaches wouldn’t make sense if people followed the rules. Unfortunately, beaches are currently being used for social gathering, sunbathing, etc. - not only for exercising. All this thanks to ignorant people who don’t follow the rules established by the Government. Today: The Spit, Surfers and Cooly. After Easter: all Gold Coast beaches.
The ocean is one of the safer places to be - have to agree warddy.
Has always annoyed me that I can't park at local during summer due to people coming down and spending all day picnicking, family bbq's, sitting on the freaking beach, anything but actually swimming or surfing. 4 hour parking time limit is never policed as far as I can tell. Get there early and crowd out everyone else for the entire day.
Hard to say all that without sounding like it's a rant, people are entitled to go about their business (in normal times, not now) but staying there all day is not about sharing, and often as not aren't paying the local council rates that create the amenity. Just saying.
And no, we don't want parking meters.
If it pumps I'm still going to paddle out. If theres crew at kirra ill just blend in when i get there .
You won't blend in at Kirra.
Unless you have a jet-ski.
In which case, I hope you get locked up.
Qldurr salutes the Goldie basher humour...straight up!
Oh I intend to pull in out front the big groin and come out near the north Kirra surf club. they won't catch me
Make a point by removing the points!
Beachies for the win?
Food for thought. Council's issue exercise/surfing permits based on suburb. Cops can ask surfers to present these permits and those without one can be fined. It really wouldn't be a difficult task - much like issuing a water bill or rates notice.
Dear Tom Tate,
You send out your little clipboard men to roam the beachfront.
Make sure you tell 'em we’re coming. We are coming and Hell's coming with us!!!!*
wally from brisbane
*just kidding
lol that pic is gold!
Put armed guards on bridges going over Talley Creek at TalleyConnection Rd, M1 & GC Hwy, keep the northerners out!!
We have sealed off the southern border and protected the western flank, as along as we stay firm against the invading hordes from the north we will be free to live the way we want!
Check the Snapper cam NOW to see the people getting the last little dregs before it's all over.
Gunna be some bad shit happening soon.........
How does a mayor have the power to close beaches? Mayors are just real estate agents or bored retirees looking to get their way round their local council area. Might have to get elected n start closing some beaches of my own. Fuck me leave it to the federal idiots who can at least be supported by a medical person.
Great move from Laurie Towner, going to put a sign at my local!
Central Coast don't want invasion from Sydney
Central Coast NSW is Corona capital, just behind Waverley. Except for a very few select areas, anyone going TO Central Coast is going to a more dangerous spot.
Hopefully people stop crowding up the sunny coast banks so we don't have to follow suit.
yes, warning first then "born again local" style with car windows waxed while you are in the water; broken car windows, deflated tyres, or in extreme cases having your car torched;
Watch out!
How would they fine you if you don’t give your name and aren’t standing next to your vehicle? Lock you up? For how long? Your board in the corner of your cell... strange days indeed..
Don't worry, we will find you!
Watch out!
a taste of socialistic future for ya all
wait till they ration ya fuel
you power ya water - food?
and most on here wave the como flag (ignorantly)
Yep this is just a taster of communist/socialist society.
Restrictions on what you can do who you can see.
Money being thrown around like crazy and some groups like get up are already lobbying for all these hand outs to be kept up once things recover.
Even a lot of the supermarket shelves are empty and limits of things you can buy.
There is kind of some cruel irony that it's because of communist China
As an example of what you call socialism, take Sweden. In Scandinavia, and Europe in general, we call it social democracy.
Anyhoo, in Sweden they have what's called Allamannsrätten - the law of every man - which says that you can pass over all land, camp on farmland out of sight of houses, etc. Total freedom to roam.
They also have the most liberal Covid-19 measures of all, with schools, sports, bars and restaurants still operating.
Not exactly oppressive.
Socialism is not communism
The dose makes the poison.
How much of it do you want?
Given that we are governed by a right wing government (as is UK, USA et al.), don't you mean "a taste of a fascist future..."?
Exactly this.
The rules are pretty simple essential travel. You will get booked. Stay Home!!!! It's not like heroin or Meth and you need a fix that bad. The sooner we get over this the better. Imagine watching Kirra going off it's head with no one out. I'd like to see that.
Over a week of confusion in NZ. On Saturday they passed a new water sports.
Simple enough.
Get ready for it.
OS, your PM was a case study in clarity and strong leadership. She made it clear, stay at home.
Our PM, not as bad as that idiot Trump, but the mixed messaging has been the worst of it. Most of us are doing the right thing, but not because we are being clearly led, not at the national level at least. States have been much better, but not perfect. But nobody was expecting perfect, just something you could follow. Morrison kept getting interrupted by his own bullshit.
The banks are mostly rooted from Burleigh to The Spit with huge longshore gutters, with barely anyone surfing the open beaches lately. It'll be the massive packs of families, dog/walkers, sunbakers, ex gymbandits etc that'll get all the beaches shut I'm reckoning. Surfing banned. Fark
totally agree, people that hang out in cafes and shopping malls have migrated to the beach!
I agree, close the car parks, dont drive to the surf, adhere to the distancing rules when there.
BALLINA beaches were a hive of activity on the weekend, with walkers, surfers, swimmers and four-wheel-drivers getting a healthy dose of vitamin D amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Lennox Head locals raised concerns about the high volume of 4WDs on Seven Mile Beach with Ballina Shire councillors, casting doubt over the viability of keeping our beaches open during the health crisis.
Professional surfer and 2021 Olympic qualifier Owen Wright, who is from the South Coast but also has a home at Lennox Head, is pleading with the council to keep the beach open.
"The beach means a lot," Mr Wright said.
"I heard that there was talk of closing beaches and borders to other shires.
"Just thought I'd write in to beg them to stay open."
Mr Wright argued people's wellbeing was at stake.
"If you're looking at the amount of people there are on our beaches, I've been a part of them and they are all local people believe it or not," Mr Wright said.
"Most are out of jobs which is why there is more people at beaches.
"The beaches are also why we live in this beautiful place and at a time like this it's what holds a lot of people's mental health together.
"Outdoors and swimming in salt water has been proven to increase people's health and wellbeing."
He said social distancing measures were being adhered to, and put forward a compromise.
"From what I've seen people have kept their distance," he said.
"Lots of young families on the beach are walking or swimming, but never in big groups or lingering. As a healthy compromise I would suggest closing beach car parks. That's the only place where people linger."
Councillor Eoin Johnstone replied, agreeing with Mr Wright's sentiments.
"I share your concerns and I agree that if social distancing can be maintained the beaches should remain open for walkers, swimmers and surfers," he said.
However it is likely councillors will be forced to make an official decision.
Meanwhile, further north, the Gold Coast's mayor has shut down three beaches after a weekend of defiance of social distancing measures.
Well said Owen lets hope sanity prevails or there could be a lot of insanity
AEC haven't Counted 40% of Qld Council's votes.
Electorate were forced to vote under fear, a record 25% (on Roll) + 5% never voted
Mayor's 55% drops to approx 37% (63% rejection) Fails to override caretaker governance.
Councils complain they can't address Covid 19 Policy until they're sworn in!
GC Mayor Elect has NO power to call immediate BAN in a crisis..
LGA 2009: To enable this too happen,all applications should be addressed to State Govt.
Department of Local Government (State Govt decides-Not the Mayor/s)
Hon Stirling Hinchliffe can shut the beach ...not a GC Mayoral candidate with 63% rejection.
Minister does not inform any Beach Ban. (GC Mayor has not followed due process!)
tbb can safely inform GC Beach Ban is Bullshit & illegal until Local Govt Minister informs so.
GC candidate with 63% rejection orders Police to lockout Australia from Pacific Ocean.
Since when can a yet elected 'candidate' incite Marshall Law.(Why not a fetus or amoeba Rulers?)
AEC still haven't ticked Tom's Saturday School Homework & now he outranks Dutto!
tbb has always said Tate has the best Photo Album & cassette collection.
Oz Premiers - State No travel @ Easter...
GC Beaches are reserved for Gold Coast residents & Guests Only
Following GC Beaches are Closed to all... (Possibly the Toilets & showers as well)
Note: The Spit & Northern Beaches increasingly close often during Hazardous Surf.
Hazardous Surf Closures average 10 x 6 day events or 2 months per year is standard .
The Spit is also renowned for untold closures due to....
Camping Crackdowns / Protests / Police Roadblocks / Fires / Events + many past examples.
8th April ( GC Beaches Closed ..until...possible choices)
14th April Easter Long Weekend ends or 20th April Qld School Returns
The Spit Closed- (Seaway Wall < > Tower 42 Seaworld)
GC Biggest Dog Surfing Reserve (Whole)
20th -21st June Qld Junior Titles (The Spit -usually) (On/Off re: Ban)
(Not mentioned or Essential)
GC #1 Tourist Bus selfies @ Beacon (On) Seaway Wall.
GC #1 Fishing @ Seaway Jetty / Wall
GC #1 Dive Zone along inside Seaway Wall?
GC Seaway Taxi < > Banned TOS MP
The Spit Broadwater Park Dog Beach
The Spit Public Boat Ramps + [P]
Surfers Paradise Beach (Whole) Closed -Tower 33 < > Tower 37
*18-19th April Film Music Dance SP Beach (Cancelled)
*Surfers Paradise Beach Markets (Cancelled)
*Life Savers / Nippers (Cancelled)
( Not Mentioned or Essential )
9th April Sipfest SP Beach Film Festival (On) >[Event now contravenes beach ban]
Beach Volleyball Courts (Note $35 /1.5hrs beach hire...who knew of this rort?)
12th -13th June Sea Fire (Fireworks) Surfers Paradise (on)
Coolangatta Groyne < > Greenmount Point (Closed)
*2019: SandTunes concert was cancelled @ Cooly Beach due to overcrowding
*26th-5th April WSL Corona Pro (Cancelled) 'Sunday' was to be Finals Day
*12th April - Cooly Beach Markets (Cancelled)
*3rd-7th June Cooly Rocks On (Cancelled) [No Retro ~ Woodies / Cycles / Skate / Boards]
*Lifesavers / Nippers (Cancelled)
( Not Mentioned or Essential )
WSR Legislation- (How many seats for - Round, Hexagonal or Square Table)
Increasing Drone Surveillance on No Fly Zone - Beaches
NSW < > Qld nearest beach for Essential disabled water therapy exercise.
Qld < (swap) > NSW to 'nearest beach' for essential full daily exercise
Qld Surfing position is selective & for that matter worth including.
Grom Titles (Yes) / Big Comps (No) / Surf Schools (Maybe not) / Club < > Comps (Maybe Not)
Guidelines on Corona Surfing Hygiene [Don't Share ~Sunitisers or Sanscreens]
if your not a regular surfer surfing at your regular spots then don't start now, to many new faces last week all killing the etiquette. please stay home and make bread. just saying
Where's OUR (recreational surfers) united voice?
Unless WE stand united and voice our reasoned argument for ongoing access to surf, we'll continue to lose our rights.
Time to form an alliance?
Yeah we can call it:
-Next Citizens to be Drafted for Sticking their Necks Out, or
-Political Prisoner Assassinations, or
-the Lynch Party -named after Wayne.
Good idea, but I reckon it would struggle with this one - we already have two pretty firm camps: one wants to be able to travel outside their local area to surf in a pandemic because they're special, and the other wants the travellers to stay home and not risk bringing the pandemic to them.
All these rules and regs are gonna be paydirt for Govt, Councils, etc.
Guess they have to ramp up some revenue streams eh?
Nah, the reserve bank has agreed to bail them (and the banks) out of the crappy situation they got 'emselves into by being corrupt, immoral. Just print more money - tax payers to foot the bill while largest companies pay none. Anyone played the game of Monopoly?
Zimbabwe edition.
OK, but take a proper look at the first photo: the majority of people are 1.5 m away from each other. Where's Sonny Boy Gomez when you need him?
It's a brave new world out there. Just logged into the Snapper cam and a goat boat seems to be dominating the lineup.
Looks like he’s about to mow down a mal rider too !
It’s like Alien Vs Predator playing out at the shallow end of the human gene pool.
Not too sure if the two people riding the same blue board just above the word Swellnet at the bottom of the page are 1.5 metres apart either. Or if they’re not engaged in a waterborne attempt at same sex procreation.
And I saw when the Goat opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of chunder, one of the four bazzas saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white egg beater: and he that sat on him had a paddle; and a helmet was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Kegenation 6:7
No that dude's always been there -takes some serious beatings -not scared of a pitching lip takeoff! There's just few enough people that you can see him.
I'm outta here for the day, done too many sadistic comments in a row... sorry kind folks.
So all the Brazilla,s living on the Goldy are allowed to surf at any open beaches but people born in Australia that happen to live in NSW are not able to surf in QLD.
Yes. These restrictions are about limiting movement between areas rather than who 'deserves' to surf a particular location.
Gee, you didn't even really try hide your xenophobia there. It's got nothing to do with where you were born mate, haven't you figured that out yet? The whole world is cooking because of this thing.
OK . Point taken.
or we could all calm down just a bit, maybe go for a surf! Yeah don't sit on top of ya fellow enthusiast, or belt 'em or pash 'em, well not just yet. Maybe, just maybe, there is just a TINY bit of overreaction going on. And before you all pile on, yes I know lives are at stake, but we run risk/reward all the time. Like this: we could all drive at 20kph and have a road toll of zero (or close) but we don't.
Tbh I don’t think surfers are to blame for beach closures. It’s due to all beach goers not following the PMs advice.
The NSW Health Minister starting to weave into her messaging "we will have to keep social distancing until a vaccine is found". Get ready for a mandatory shot in the arm chaps, brought to you by non other than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which also is the majority funder of the World Health Organisation, where this saga all started.. Hang on?? WTF?? And in other news Cardinal George Pell walks from jail today.. Haha... Wow.. If you're not outraged, your not paying attention.
Shortenism - there is no vaccine yet so not sure you can say who is supplying it,
Yea outraged at Pell walking free
Turn off the webcams , reduce congestion.
That would actually work.
But it would also sever a link to seeing the beach that some isolated people need.
Hi Steve!
So many Qld plates with boards inside and on roof cruising Byron this morning while I was out on a ride - spoke to the cops on Sunday as they drove along the beach south of town (we were walking) asking people how many in your group.
They're aware of the problem area and will be camped out here over Easter asking anyone with a Qld plate wtf are you doing here. While I was talking to the cop his radio was going off - he said it's just constant calls about the pandemic.
Local residents getting pretty pissed at all the vans setting up here too and crowding into the local supermarket not bothering to sanitise their hands and not respecting personal space.
And I know this all sounds Nimby but we're a small community and don't need randoms coming in and squeezing our avocados. We'll smash them ourselves thanks.
Getting serious now, walk to the beach only!
"Council-owned car parks along Gold Coast beaches will be closed to deter people travelling to the beach, Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate has announced.
"Progressively, we are closing beach-side car parks all the way from Main Beach to Coolangatta," Cr Tate said on Tuesday."
Fark, it’s crazy reading all these comments. Pretty much everything has been banned here (NZ) other than a walk round the block. Probably the fairest thing really; there’s no exceptions. It’s a shit sandwich, but hopefully by going all out we’ll be able to get back to a normal existence at the end of it.
I think the plan if for at least two more weeks of full lockdown, then a gradual Loosening of restrictions. There’s a few regions here where they basically have no cases, and also there’s only one or two roads in or out. West Coast South Island, East Cape North Island and the far north of the North Island. (The latter two have good surf by the way)
Hopefully before long Australia, NZ and the Pacific all get on top of things so we can enjoy some international travel between these places. The ski industry here will be hoping for this as their main source of revenue is from Australian Skiers. The season starts in July...
How you coping though Spud?
Fraying around the edges, or finding silver linings?
I'll let Spuddups answer for himself, but his almost neighbour is not happy :-(
I always believed in the 'Health is Everything' mantra, but in two weeks I've learned that health is only so much without freedom.
I wonder what happens for NZ, who have basically taken an eradication approach.
surely, they can't allow International travel for the foreseeable future, at least until a vaccine?
Yep, basically no international travel from places that still have the virus unless there’s a way to quarantine travellers.
There’s been a bit of discontent over here with the incredible increase in numbers of tourists over recent years so this will give the country a chance to take stock. It’s gonna be hard though since international tourism is such a large part of our economy.
Politically, I think our government has painted itself into a corner, a bit at least. It started out a measure to 'flatten the curve', so that our hospitals could cope, but with 3 in intensive care (one critical) and 14 in hospital, it's become our goal to completely wipe out Covid-19.
That leaves us with a bit of a no-win situation. A; it probably won't happen, and b; if it did, we'd have to shut ourselves up and off from the rest of the world.
New Zealand will be in basically the same situation as us, and pretty much every other country Steve. There is not going to be any international travel I would think for 12 to 18 months, at best. If they get a vaccine sorted in 12 months, a hopeful but remotely possible achievement, they then have to vaccinate the world or close to it to allow international travel again. That will be another 6 months minimum. That's a best case scenario.
The only flights coming into Australia, or NZ, will be carrying nationals who have found a way to get home. Straight to quarantine from there, for probably a month or more - asymptomatic spreading within quarantine may mean longer.
No doubt the vaccine will turn us all into socialistic communists (cough!)
There may be some exceptions. If Australia and New Zealand have no cases in either country for 6 months or so they may allow travel between those two countries only. There will be no travel between Oz and NZ until the end of the year at best. No Australians skiing in NZ this year. None, zilch.
We may find ourselves going down the route of travel treaties, one country at a time, literally. It won't be a case of us demanding the government allow us to travel, it will be the rest of us saying 'I'm not going into lockdown for 6 months again so some wanker can check out Tuscany for a few weeks'.
The 'herd immunity' route is possible, in which case maybe 18 months on that basis, but herd immunity presents different problems, that being if a vast majority of the populace has had it, then that means the virus has had immense possibilities for mutation, like the flu. Herd Immunity sounds good in one sense, but may backfire.
Eradication has its downfalls too, as you suggest, but not having tourists crawling over every inch of space has its upsides too for me.
Remember that international travel as a common experience is only something that has happened in this generation. It may become a very niche product indeed. I don't think any Cruise Liner will survive this, and that's damn fine with me. Plane travel can go the way of the dodo too. Huge carbon emissions so that people can post instagram poses.
Oh Brave New World, that hath such people in it. How lucky are we to be born in Australia or New Zealand. We may find out.
That's a really well considered post Batfink, and I see things progressing very similarly. It's going to be a very different world for a while, and seamless air/ship travel can take a breather and that's OK too.
" 'I'm not going into lockdown for 6 months again so some wanker can check out Tuscany for a few weeks'."
'Eat, Pray Love II: the Faaaarkoffening.'
Great post and a fascinating perspective of what the new world may look like Post Covid-19. Is this an educated opinion or casual speculation?
Stu, We’ve been fortunate that there’s been no waves to speak of in town for two weeks. The east coast (2hrs from here) has been good, but at least I can’t see it from here. It’s an unusual feeling to want there to be no surf!
I’ve been keeping busy doing projects around the house and keeping the kids occupied. We’re lucky that we live right by the beach and also a bush reserve, so there’s plenty to do. It’s a pretty strange feeling really. Everyone’s just hoping that the measures we’re taking will work.
Know how you feel, as there's been very few waves here since lockdowns began.
Great to have different projects to stay busy, plus spend more time with the kids.
Pretty simple. Don't surf!. If you need exercise walk around the block. Put your board in the racks for a few weeks. It won't kill you. Surfers are sheep. The "if he/she does it then I am" mentality sucks. When I get back in the water I will burn every fucker that I know who has been surfing.
I can guarantee that I don't surf because others do. In fact, the opposite applies.
Where do you usually surf, just so I can avoid you?
Oh, and when this is over, you could just keep walking around the block. Don't really need to surf, aye.
Well said. Who does this guy think he is?
"When I get back in the water I will burn every fucker that I know who has been surfing."
Ya reckon?
Why swellnet still posts reports? Locals don't need report, just walk and check it. Reports just help the crowds.
Hits equates to dollars mate. I have been asking this question for 2 weeks. Be part of the solution or part of the problem. My opinion reports and forecasts get people frofing. This in turn leads to crowds.
"Hits equates to dollars mate."
Yeah, nah.
Reports, forecasts, and most cams are behind a paywall. The days of 'hits' are long gone.
Not going to bother with rest of the comment as it's been answered by us and other people many times over.
That's OK it was just my opinion. If it's not a money thing then why don't you take the reports down? Maybe just point me to where you(and other people who answered the question many times over) answered the question. Do you really think surf reporting and forecasting doesn't add to the problem?
What does everyone else think?
Ha ha ha...well your opinion was wrong.
Glad we've got that straightened out, eh?
There's an article, it has many comments, I know you've seen and read them because your name appears there many times, so I feel I've done my bit already.
And no one ever answered my question including Ben. I just got a smart arse answer off him as well. Give me a yes or no? Do you think you are contributing to the issue? My opinion was on reports etc. creating crowds FYI.
I agree, drop the daily reports and forecasts for the foreseeable future. I put a post up a couple of weeks ago that I still stand by. I’m happy to keep paying the fee regardless of the forecast.
Here is some questions that are based solely on my opinion.
Has any regional council, state or federal government across the entirety of Australia come out and said that surfers (keyword) have flat out disregarded social distancing whilst in the water or around the beach? And that the measures taken to address this issue has been as a direct result of people surfing?
To my knowledge, and I might be wrong, it's a zero sum affair. Each action taken, beginning with Bondi, has been in response to beach goers doing their thing in groups and in close proximity to one another.
It's not hard to see it for what it is, surfers come, they surf, they leave, most of the time. Families, couples, friendships groups, tourists etc etc setup shop for the day and have a go of it, which flys in the face over all of the medical opinions that currently stand.
Yes, there is crew probably having a chat post surf for a tick to long, but good luck trying to implement arbitrary social rules that stick at all times. It goes against human nature no matter what the potential consequences. On a side note, I see even bigger groups waiting for coffees at cafes standing just as close, if not closer.
I would say that most surfers that can still surf and who may frequent this site, are acutely conscious of trying to do the right thing. It pretty much dominates all chat in the lineups I frequent.
The aim of all of this, is to save our hospitals and buy them some time so that they can properly care for % of the population who will inevitably get the virus. Not destroy any semblance of the life we once had.
You do realise that all the freedoms that they have taken from us and will continue to take, will be immeasurably hard to claw back. Think deeply on that. It's not a on off switch mate, we are talking months/years (18 months I read for a vaccine).
Enjoy what we have while we have it, not push for more restrictions. Mental health should be considered equally important, so that we are a functional bunch who can rebuild a life they may have once had.
Haven't seen any comment so would be glad to understand why.
I surfed a particular beachie this morning that a few old locals came out too. I have to say from my observations it's "the locals" who aren't abiding by the social distancing rules. All of these old guys were within metres of each other chatting and laughing etc and would paddle back out within metres of others.
Whilst me and my mate stayed at least 5m+ away from each other. As they say....if everyone assumed that everyone else had COVID then we would all practice good social distancing. I can't understand why all these so called locals believe they're immune to catching it. Kingscliff was one of the first Nth NSW locations to have a confirmed case. Kingscliff High School has over 1500-2000 students in it. You do the math and it can quickly spread to any of these locals from their children who attended school before it was closed.
Less than 5% at the school each day ATM.
The bigger unknown are all the Qld folk 'visiting' for day trips, picnic, surf, etc over the past couple of weeks.
I suspect with Qld beaches closed, Northern NSW will be swarmed by Qld people looking for a surf. How that gets managed will be our beaches get closed too.
its already happening.. mayhem this morning at the closest surfable spot to the QLD border. By that I mean the quickest route to the beach
If you want to do the latest math Don there are currently 480 cases in Brisbane, 174 on the Gold Coast (valid 5April).
There are 13 confirmed cases in Tweed, 13 in Byron , 1-4 in Ballina. (valid 5 April).
So if you are moving from Brisbane/Gold coast over the border you are moving from an area of high concentration of cases to low concentration.
Thats how the disease spreads from area to area.
It's also highly likely that there are 20% and possibly as high as 70-80% of asymptomatic or very mild symptomatic cases. Ie you don't know you have it and you are infectious.
If you are travelling from area to area you are a potential carrier and spreader of the virus.
Especially if you are travelling from an area of high number to low number.
Yep and this is why I treat everyone around me with respect and social distance from them as I assume/pretend I have it. My point was, locals seem to think the opposite. Perhaps it's because of the low numbers you point out above away from the populated cities, but there's still no room for complacency IMO so everyone should be social distancing.
I also witnessed considerable numerous gatherings at local headland carparks all weekend (not this weekend but the weekend before) of young locals drinking copious amounts of alcohol and socialising. I'll say it again, locals are not immune from this COVID, so why the fck are they all acting like they are!!!
The numbers above are also the main reason I've been working from home for the last 3 weeks and only going to the shops to buy food once or twice a week.
Just out of curiosity Steve, how do you get the locality breakdown of these stats?
ya all jumping the gun
winter is coming
flue season (er'' not to mention a certain virus)
ban all chinko fins
All MNC beaches closed until the end of the school holidays.
All Bass Coast (Phillip Island) beaches too, including surfing
Edit: over Easter period
Mid-coast council not MNC
Not the same? I'm guessing from Port to Seals?
MCC is a local government area within MNC
MNC is Woolgoolga to seals
MCC - diamond head (south of Port) to seals
Port will probably follow suit though.
Ah thanks!
Mayor Jamieson said the Queensland Police Service would patrol beaches, parks, nature reserves and public areas and anyone flouting the rules risked being fined.
“Large numbers of people congregating could force more facilities to close,” he said.
“Under the home confinement public health direction a person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residence except for necessary permitted purposes. This does not include leisure travel.
“Queenslanders should stay in their homes and should not travel. Now is not the time for people to leave their local area.
“This public health direction is currently in place until 19 May 2020 and may be extended further.”
Just take one look at the Dbah cam right now!!! Fcking idiots just don't get it do they. GC Beaches will be closed next which will then force the hand of Tweed Shire Council to implement the same soon thereafter. Every fckwit out at Dbah now (5pm Tuesday) who reads this later you are a bunch of selfish fckwits!!!
Coronavirus is ramping abuse of power on every level & we are the losers.
2020 Qld (Forced) Council Poll recorded lowest roll turnout 75% +(5% not on role)
'Mayor Elect' has no more than 37% of (Total City Vote) [ No Mandate ]
2009 Local Govt Law
Councillors (Not Sworn in) Cannot Close Beaches without Govt Caretaker Approval.
Local Govt Minister Hon Stirling Hinchliffe is the current caretaker.
13 / 03 / 2020 - Ministers last Media Release- (Multicultural Affairs)
Crew can see for themselves...(Caretaker has not Closed any Beaches)
Corona amoeba with 63% disapproval rating bans Australia from Pacific Ocean.
tbb & crew nearly fell for it...see how easy it is for a Mobster to run the World.
Also note our Elected Officials couldn't give a fuckin' shit about our eroding liberties.
Sometimes it's a horrible feeling being correct... head hung low, eyes to the ground, hands in prayer - got a sinking feeling in my gut TBB.
How can you get to Dbah from Tweed without going through qld?(therefore needing a permit)
It was blocked off at boundary st qld a few days ago?
Get yr paddling arms on.
It's also a short walk from the Jack Evans Boat Harbour. 'Bout the same distance as walking to Snapper from Cooly.
Problem is Qld/NSW Transport Maps fail to reflect Check points
Thru = Police Check is more west to free up the Roundabout to D'bah.
ABC shows it west up Griffith St Border at little Park - (7/11)
From Tweed...D'bah surf safari should be the same
Map doesn't show all smaller walled streets
If no Barricade on Point Danger then nearby...(Unsure!)
Qldurrz likely access D'Bah via Routes (1)+(2) Check Points.
[ Disclaimer ] tbb's Quarantine now 9 months, so don't listen to him!
You can park your car at Twin towns and walk up the hill. I walked over the border yesterday, no questions asked.
And my! The Valet service there is second to none.
Shitloads of canetoads all over our landscape in nth nsw. Is this a respiratory illness or a neurological one.
Watch your TV in a crisis and you might just learn a thing or two.
Qldurr actually listened to incessant whinging Southern crew...Alright! Already!
3rd April Qld Health Officer
[ Border Restrictions Direction No. 3 ]
Exclusive swellnet crew's legitimate Qld Surf Invites...Shh!
Part 1 Quarantine for Travellers.
For Surfers living close to the NSW/Qld Border (Suits Tweed Surfers)
25. Travels to Qld for a 'Permitted Purpose' ... (Means)
* Medical Treatment
* Health Care
* Physical Exercise - Alone / Couple / Family Household
[ Permit -Entry Pass Application]
[ _/ ] People living Close to Border ...(Sorted- thanx tbb)
(Compassionate Grounds)
29. Essential Medical Treatment or Medicine Qld...(Suit Tweed Coast / M'Bah Surfers)
Book Qld GP Appointments for (re: Optometrist / Scripts / Puffers)
Note: This is the [FREE PASS] that we see on TV- Border Force / Love Boat.
Clever, as you score Superbank Session with Qld Appointment / Script...( thanx tbb! )
Hint (a)Appointment (am Glassy) (b) Script can be timed around epic session.
Permit- Entry Pass Application (Book appointment/s +Script as proof)
[ _/ ] Compassionate Grounds (Sorted...Thanx tbb)
Seeking Superbank Asylum (Last Resort)
33. Escaping an Army of Qldurrz spreading Coronavirus over the border...
tbb advises Southerners to think twice on that one...
No going back...[ One of Us-One of Us-One of Us ] We'll squeeze you in at Snapper?
[ . . ] Please tell me you didn't Tick this Box ...You're on yer own now > 1.5m
Qldurrz Party Wave invite...Where the Bloody Hell are our Southern Skegz.
Oh tbb you're so on the money!!!
Talk about over reach on every level.
Power tripperz cant sleep at night coz they're dreaming up new schemes.
Compliant Turkey Citizens just gobble it all up
MidCoast council have shut beaches...
Skuttlebutt is Tweed to announce all Tweed beaches closed from midnight Thursday.
Where'd ya this about the Tweed Council?
Couple of guys in my usual morning crew work for TSC...
Skuttlebutt is Draft press releases were seen on a printer in the admin office.
Their intel is usually pretty good.
Carpark closures are first step. Will be fencing to go in to stop access to beach.... TSC like all local government control the crown land down to high tide mark, so they can only stop access from the crown land to the water.
Someone among us might know, but I'm told, the water line down and into ocean, surf zone, is then maritime law. Surfboard is a vessel? Local government level had no control over that??
How does a beach closure link with the use of jetski in cyclone swell. What's different about the Qld beach closure now? Can still use a jetski to get to the lineup?
Well it's a small world as you and I may know the same people in TSC.
Tweed beach carparks closed!!
Interesting tidbit re: Qld/NSW border:
"The border fence, which was there until 1957, used to be two barbed wire fences that ran down from (D'Bah) to the back of the airport. To get from the Tweed Heads side to the Coolangatta side you had to go right down the bottom of the hill and through the border gates."
And there's some fascinating reading re: 1919 Spanish Flu at the Qld/NSW border:
"One can imagine the plight of a swimmer in the surf from the Tweed Heads side of the fence being ordered to refrain from returning to his breeks and other wearing apparel on leaving the surf."
[note: it's still happening today - plenty of high profile athlete contract negotiations have resulted in surfers "returning to his breeks", "wearing (other) apparel"].
"The stranded Queenslanders, however had been working as well as waiting and filling in the intervals with surf bathing and other aids to philosophic outlook."
[I am absolutely going to pinch this phrase! "Surfing is nothing more than an aid to my philosophic outlook."]
"There were guards placed on the beach and rocks below the border fence at Point Danger to restrict any movement in that direction, especially as Tweed Heads surfers, deprived of Greenmount and Kirra at the height of the season, were happily discovering the surf at what would become known as Duranbah beach (following the wreck of the Duranbah in November 1919)."
Not quite sure on the veracity of the surfing claim - the Duke had only brought surfing to Australia four years prior, so I'm doubtful that Greenmount and Kirra were revered by in quite the same manner. Also, the training walls at D'Bah weren't extended until the early/mid 1960's.
Great reading, nonetheless.
My grandfather raved about bodysurfing at Greenmount in the 20s/30s "you could catch them from way out the back", so revered but not in the modern sense.
Happy to stand corrected!
Awesome read mate, thanks Ben
1915 ~ Cooly Surfers of all sort including many Body/Surfboards
*1st 2 Bne direct to Tweed Trains of 16 carriages each were packed.
* 3rd Train had a fair compliment
1200 left the Tweed Station + at least 500 @ Cooly Station
Murwillumbah Steamer full + 2 return Steamers to carry near 500
States: " more services could be warranted."
*500 surf bathing at any one time..
1903 Greenmount became a surf Mecca with Train (Packed)
Cooly boardriders: Jim, Charlie, Sid, Bluey all up before Duke's Qld leg.|||l-year=1915|||sortby=dateAsc|||l-month=1
Duke's Stay in Bne & this Cooly Surf Promo was lying in his Hotel.
Note: Duke is well wise to Indigenous Churaki's RHS Surf Award...|||l-year=1915|||sortby=dateAsc|||l-month=1
News Train Timetable affords return day trips to Cooly Surf Mecca.
Duke has East Coast quiver at Bne Hotel...(Train+boards Ok so far- Easy.)
(Local's story places him at Cooly & also with Churaki) See Below...
It is plausible on his lay day that the Duke surfed Cooly / Fingal!
Anyhow! No one's supposed to know half of this...tbb said too much...
PS: Duke ran dozens of Surf-Grog-Tobacco Ads in Qld News papers.
Goldie Surfboard craze was hot & Duke Logos would've stoked it more.
1915-25 (approx) GC Surfboards would number over 100 easy
Source: Many Bodysurfer's letters-Council replies & assorted images
1919 (Tweed + Fingal Surfers) 10 - D'bah boardriders 'd be a base count.
However Social Distancing applies to also include any friends.
The Author Robert Longhurst is tbb's favourite as he pushes to include a surf angle.
Being a Brizzo Govt Stooge he could just serve Goldie Volumes of Dross.
This Guy knows more intimate Goldie surf History than any resident surfers.
The Surf passages Ben read out...need not be included but he drops gold nuggets!
As Ben said...the bloke has no right to weird us out about D'bah (That's his Gig!)
Reminds tbb of Peter Townend who mirrors nostalgia to bomb epic occasions.
Special Thanks to Ben for digging deep to uncover our lost local surf tribes. Cool!
Can I surf? 10 min bike ride to the beach from my place - GC based.
Warning: some may find this post (and others) offensive!
"People just south of the border have issued a strong warning to Queenslanders - do not come to northern New South Wales over the Easter Holidays.
Officers say driving interstate for a surf does not count as exercise, and if you're caught you could be fined $11,000."
Specific advice for surfers at the 1:08 mark.
Thanks Ben..that's an important share...
Strange Cop message without Council or State rep back up!
NSW Cop says check >>> Qld Police Corona News
Something about wide Travel loads (That's it?)
All North Coast Councils asked for Lock down weeks ago & again.
Every Govt Banned Easter Beach Trips (Weeks Ago)
NSW Govt want border Open.(Police & Health) Are not advocating Closure.
Qld Premier now has Police checking reasons of Qldurrz travel...
No Fines at this Stage...
Qld Premier is ramping up Policing from Qld side to cut Surfie's Loopholes
We are seeing an Easter progression leading into [ Level 4 ]
NZ on [Level 4 ] Banks open 1 day/wk
The things is, police don't decide what the laws are, they just enforce them. What this guy is saying is his interpretation. He will find that surfers who challenge a fine given because they drove somewhere for a surf will have that fine overturned in court.
Here's the legislation below
This direction applies from 11:59 pm on 2 April 2020 until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless it is revoked or replaced.
Home Confinement requirements in Queensland
A person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residence except for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish, the following permitted purposes:
to obtain food or other essential goods or services;
to obtain medical treatment or other health care services;
to engage in physical exercise;
to perform work or volunteering, or carry out or conduct an essential business, activity or undertaking, and the work, business activity or undertaking to be performed is of a nature that cannot reasonably be performed from the person’s principal place of residence;
to visit another person’s residence in accordance with paragraph 9;
education and early childhood workers may travel to and from their home centre over the term 1 break;
to visit a terminally ill relative or to attend a funeral or wedding, subject to any applicable restrictions under other relevant Public Health Directions;
to provide assistance, care or support to an immediate family member;
to attend any court or tribunal of Australia or to comply with or give effect to orders of the court or tribunal of Australia;
to attend a childcare facility, school, university, or other educational institution, to the extent care or instruction cannot reasonably be obtained in the person’s principal place of residence;
to assist with or participate in an investigation or other action by a law enforcement authority, whether voluntarily or not;
for children under 18 years who do not live in the same household as their biological parents or siblings or one of their parents or siblings, continuing existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children and siblings, but not allowing access or contact with vulnerable groups or persons;
Example of a vulnerable group or person – a person over 70 years or a person with a medical condition that makes them vulnerable to COVID-19
avoiding injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm;
Example – escaping a risk of harm related to domestic and family violence
to comply with or give effect to the exercise of a power or function of a government agency or entity under a law.
The question then becomes - for travelling surfers this cop fines- is their travel "to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish" their chosen exercise of surfing?
I would argue that if the breaks near you are closed, travelling to the next closest break is what is "reasonably necessary to accomplish" your exercise of surfing. I would also argue that if its flat, travelling somewhere its pumping is "reasonably necessary to accomplish" your exercise of surfing.
There is nothing in this legislation suggesting you should do another form of exercise rather than your preferred form of exercise if doing your preferred form of exercise involves travel. This cop is way out of line suggesting there is.
He's not a lawmaker. He's a law implementer and he needs to stop pretending otherwise.
Gold Coast (Brief Surf History)
World > OZ surf History begins with 1st Wave / Oldest Beach then moves South
Respect to Saltwater Surf Origins...
1791 Bryants craft surfs storm sets around XL Point to safe beach in M Bay.
1829 Convicts built Unique Pro Surf Rafts > surf all GC points & Export to England.
100's of Surfers on similar design surf Big Wet Swells North from Clarence > Bne.
1860's All Northern NSW / Goldie coastline is surfed 1000 x by Pro enduro Surfers.
These surfers had their own "Surf slang / Songs / Rum / Camps + Longest rides ever!
1864 GC Bodysurfing + Own Slang + GC - Noosa Surf Safaris < > Cruise Surfing
1866 GC Kanakas Bodysurf South to reach Sydney by 1890's Sydney Bodysurfing
1872 GC Surfing Reserves
1870's Pilot Crew bodysurf Southern Points (Every Morning)
(G)Chamoi & later Son (J)Churaki Lifeguards (Ship rescues by Saltwater crews)
Saltwater crew patrolled & piloted river / mouth / points / beaches
1876 GC Surf Resorts
1885 Swimwear Law from North to South (Still Nude Surfing until 1920)+1975-85
Nude Surfing still happens at Sunny Coast > Tweed > *Byron (Nude Beach)
1888 Surf Buggy (Surfed around whole Point & stopped all surf breaks-Pubs)
1900 Spring Boards + Old Coach Seats (car era) were early 'Utility' Beach Boards.
Utility : Beach Camp Shelving / Seating / Surf -Sand Boards..(Yes- Always a thing)
1909 Tweed SLSC + GC 1st Surf Rescue Awards by RHS
1910 Local shaped Surfboards Surfed @ Main Beach & Currumbin
1913-14 Southern Points 3 x Boards +1919 surfing D'bah (above).
1915- WW Duck Boards were lifted from Surf Chix change Room Floors
Duck Boards were a World Wide Surfing Cult...(Some with Nail hangs)
Basically 2/5ft planks with 3 cross stays (Chix 'd take one stay out...durr!)
Bodysurfers complained about them hurting quite a bit & had them move on.
1915 Duke backs out of Qld Swims (Cooly Train?) + Auctions Tour Boards
Duke was ridiculed by local Bodysurfers who were ripped off by his No Show Gigs!
Baby's on Mum's ironing boards maiming surfers.
That's how many surfers described this new plague of surf boarders.
NSW / Oz Surf Sticker Collection impossibly starts where surf history ends.
1st of everything they say...tbb has 50 surf books sharing same blank front page.
Hawaii-Sydney-Pro Duke Logo spelt the end of Surfing by birthing a Sea of Stickers
tbb is not trying to prove anything, just add to the richness of surf history.
Local Saltwater history & era before them is the epicentre of World Surf culture.
Several varied Surfcraft designs including pioneer use of resins in Surf Craft
Just saying we should start at the beginning & not race to the won't hurt!
Stickers! Hell yeah! Of course you get stickerz!
Why wasn't Jesus from the Gold coast?
Because they couldn't find 3wisemen or a virgin.........
Bahahaha ;)
All beach carparks in Kingy were closed tonight when I took the dog for a walk. In other words stay away Gold coasters and stop fucking things up for everyone
All Byron < > Tweed Coast < > Gold Coast [ Beach Car Parks - Closed over Easter ]
Tram / Bus / Bike / Hang Glider Drop Offs Only
Byron -Bay -Beach [P] Closed
Tweed Coast - Beach [P] Closed
Gold Coast - Beach [P] Closed
Sunny Coast - Beach [P] Closed
Cronulla beaches and carparks are going to be shut for the weekend
[ATTENTION] ARMY EASTER BLITZ - Untold Demerit Points + Police State beatings
COVERT -19 (XXXX - Files)
Qld Premier Qldurrz stay in Qld
Brisbane [M1]-Southbound [Intercity Random Checkpoint] > Gold Coast (Essential Only)
Qld Police Commissioner:
"Why do I let a not sworn in candidate boss me around!":
Australian Defence: "Yeah! Same random swill with zero power is bullying us as well!"
Qldurrz : Premier's unauthorised Mobster's abuse of power in Police State & no one cares! Check!
Northbound [Gold Coast > Brisbane] Remains Open
Gold Coast Southbound > NSW [ Border Random Checkpoint] Essential X-ing Only + (new)
Fri/Sat Midnight All Qldurrz will equally need a permit to re enter Home State (Qld)
Basically means ... you will be 'stopped' to prove residence.
NSW > Gold Coast [NO Entry] Essential Only
All Beach Parking [CLOSED] Sunshine Coast < > Byron
"Anyone" Returning from Sydney requires 14 day [Quarantine]
PM: Frontline Easter Church parish 'workers' will be waved thru by an act of God!
PM: Collection Bowls are located at each City Border $1,300 min. Pay wave is also fine by God.
PM: Sunday Surf School is hard work...Salute your frontline hero christian surfers
Cabarita & Hastings point headlands carpark s closed this morning.
Police already doing regular patrols
I suppose everyone's got their own definition of Essential Travel.
"Man caught at Queensland border allegedly smuggling 93kg of marijuana"
Of all the opportunities for a dash across the border, really not sure why this bloke chose the only time in history where every single car is being stopped and questioned.
Hmmm, consumed far too much of his own product perhaps.....silly bugger.
What about the fella court with a kilo of shard crossing the border with home made paper plates in an unregistered car on the day the border closure came into force. People are crazy...
That’s no good! That’s a bit of smoke to have on you.
I wonder what the unwritten law stipulates for this type of situation:
Option A. Say nothing, do the time & you wont need to payback the dealer.
Option B. Say nothing, do the time & still payback the dealer.
Option C. Plea deal (disclose dealer) less jail time & some form of later retribution by dealer for disclosure.
Likely some other options...
IDK, regardless, very unfortunate for the bloke.
Quite a lot of North Gold Coast (Closed Beach) Cams are blocked...
The Spit Cameras are down but Seaworld Cam shows a soft South Spit boundary.
Sat: Surfers Paradise has quite a few Surfers & Beachgoers entering from Southern End.
Also a less concerted push from Northern End...but a few surfers riding their luck.
Seems like central Beach Policing with random Buggies to North/South perimeters.
Possibly Surfers & crew split when the Buggy fires up.
Sun: (Occasional) Beachgoers + Boards/Dogs walked the length of Surfers Lockdown
Strictly no Jogging / Sitting / Surfing / Swimming in central lockdown Zone.
Southern Surfers boundary breaches were also just as occasional.(10-40m apart)
Sipfest Surfers Paradise Film Festival has been transferred online ...
Follow your Goldie Usher > swellnet { FREE Ticket} to Easter Film Festival
Dutto's Dobber. [COVERT-999]
Spit Closed + No Patrols > Dogs are shitting over the entire Coastline now...
Every Gold Coast beach is effectively an non patrolled continuous Dog Toilet...
Didn't take long for pet owners to move on in either...Top Predators Rule Now!
Ain't no one Patrolling or touching viral Dogs as they shit all over all our beaches?
Outlaws with Surfing attack dogs will soon have possession of all surf spots.
Premier: 'Keep off the crack dealer's Dog beaches...or else!'
Mon./ Southerly Wind switch favours Cooly Today (see Below)
Northern Goldie Lockdown (Cont...)
Spit Cams are still turned off... (Frames show some suss leisure speed boats)
Narrowneck cam is back on > Car Park is open (Re-Opened or Whatever?)
Both Surfers cams are down > Both North /South borders have slight creep again!
Beachgoers are still pacing 50m apart thru Whole Zone (See Above: No Sports)
Allowing a timely distanced thru-fare.
Southern End
Cooly has SUPS milking the (Mid Beach?)
Boardriders have pushed wide off Greeny well into Cooly
Note: (Bay distance may render hailer useless.) + Water a little cool for reminder.
Snapper is well Crowded & will need to cross yer fingers there...not looking good!
NSW ( Them! )
D'bah crowd is measured & earnt their Border a Dual Razor Wire upgrade.
[ Fuck Off # Qldurrz plan is working a treat]
Only a slight increase in cars being sprayed, so nothing outta the ordinary.
Whale Migration Begins
Lifeguards put in a good word for surfers.
GC Mayor's Signing in!
20th April Gold Coast - Cooly & Surfers Paradise Beaches Re-Open
*Spit remains Closed
Mayor: Outta-townerz 'r Not Welcome so Beachside Carparks are still closed...
All other Qld Beaches are open for essential exercise
Further restrictions may ease after 4 weeks
TBB - Tate is a FW of the highest order. We have to suffer is brain farts endlessly, and now he's re-elected with only 38% of the vote he thinks he's a god. It will be four long years sadly. I mean, what kind of imbecile thinks $500 million of public coin on an offshore CST is a good investment right now? Retard. Covid CST / Super Yacht Marina updates available on swellnet...
This NSW hardcore Surf Chick was fitted with a tracker & Banned from Surfing Qld.
Made her Rip down her fav Surf Posters but can keep her fav Surf Stalker Merch...