Watch: Land of Sand | Jonathan Gubbins

Ben Matson picture
Ben Matson (thermalben)
Swellnet Dispatch

The large north-west swell that graced the Hawaiian Islands a few weeks back eventually made landfall in South America, lighting up the Peruvian land of sand with solid gold. Here's an enticing clip from Justis St John, featuring Jonathan Gubbins and tunes by Drab Majesty.


bipola's picture
bipola's picture
bipola Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 12:44pm

what a perfect long left, i wonder what the length of their boards were?

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 2:41pm

Wow, you could spot him a mile away: skinny legs and one foot on the nose. Very characteristic style.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 3:10pm

Yeah board looked real narrow......

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 4:29pm

Since that mighty swell in Hawaii its been raining and junk
in Hawaii semi onshore gale force winds and miserable.
Almost want to go home

bruzzz's picture
bruzzz's picture
bruzzz Saturday, 18 Jan 2020 at 12:16am

Mainly closeouts.. overrated.

tonks's picture
tonks's picture
tonks Saturday, 18 Jan 2020 at 12:13pm

Fab surfing,fab music.Put simply,wet dreams!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Saturday, 18 Jan 2020 at 2:30pm

All the boats 0:45 - is that the surf charters delivering 400 people to the lineup, or the local fishing fleet?

Great barrel riding btw

Lamb_123's picture
Lamb_123's picture
Lamb_123 Wednesday, 22 Jan 2020 at 7:39am

Fishing boats. But if you’re not a local you could surf there for a year and not get a wave like that.

PrecambrianPeter's picture
PrecambrianPeter's picture
PrecambrianPeter Sunday, 19 Jan 2020 at 1:48am

Forgot his board bag, borrowed the groms

ruckus's picture
ruckus's picture
ruckus Sunday, 19 Jan 2020 at 1:17pm

How great is it when the surf is just on and pumping. Just a number of factors combining and Bingo. Mother Nature at her finest. Hot diggity

vascectomy-blottmouth's picture
vascectomy-blottmouth's picture
vascectomy-blot... Sunday, 19 Jan 2020 at 1:18pm

almost looks like a skimboard in some of those shots.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 19 Jan 2020 at 4:11pm

Semi-fast long open face is perfect for lazy inverted ceiling drift > (Long hang time).
Throw in a Triple Helix to reinvent yourself, anything & more on this bounty.

Crowded out by the town,boats,boards,drones and the wave still shines as the Star.
tbb doesn't know of surfers, but anything that keeps Goofs loopy has gotta be good.

Crew are chalking this up as another top shelf Captain's pick...Thanx for sharing Ben!

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 21 Jan 2020 at 11:09pm

You're right TB, nice barrel riding but the wave is the star.

Extra point for warm water too.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 22 Jan 2020 at 12:36am

You are so right zenagain...that's a double thumbs up!
No need to mind yer towels, a timely miracle recovery & tbb books a timeshare in there!