Watch: Welcome to the Gold Coast
Earlier today we posted an article about the Tweed River being dredged and the dumped spoil targettted to avoid an excess at Kirra.
After the last east swell, there'd be many people asking to leave Snapper exactly as it is too. For days it was doubling up behind the rock and draining down the first section in a way that it hasn't for most of this year.
Jesse Little filmed it from water and land for the Hueys, then whacked it into a best of clip that's worth three minutes of your time.
They are the type of waves the ct contest should be held in.
Top drawer.
great waves and surfing.
Something about the 'mad hueys' thing just sucks.
It's a particular type of surf bogan-hood that doesn't pass the stink test.
spot on!
Yeah no fan of Bogan Hueys but that was good stuff. Is it a case of no sand pump no Snapper but good Kirra ala pre pump; little pump some Snapper (the gnarly bit off that rock); and lots of pump lots of Snapper ie. The Soooper Bank?
Thanks Stu & Huey's crew...Great vid of sick Pits...
Note: 3-5 metres of sand dry docked points & smothered Little Mali over 15 years.
Sand Pumping raises the collar of Snapper Hole.(Water finds it's own level) Catch 22!
Default Froggie's Pump would smother remaining Snapper Rocks in 10-15 years.
Iconic Behind the Rock & Backwash remodelled into lame Superbank comb-over?
Locals know Snapper has already lost it's scenic route to Little Mali ruins.
Snapper Rocks backwash slabs should be Oz #1 WSR/WSL endangered waves.
Surfers have never looked so stupid & selfish with a heavy hand on self destruct lever.
Blame the hole or Plastic Bag! [Time-bomb is ticking]...just joking, no one will notice!
I thought I was the only mad Huey ahh disliker. Them and all their drop in, top of the point mates.
why the fuck would you pay money to go anywhere else,,,hey
One word - Crowds.
Great surfers. Wish I could get behind them more if they weren't such wankers.
I went for the early this morning,4 foot, fat long rides. just me, no crowds,
Still I loved the surfing great waves and good riders, so many people out there.
F’en insane.The old crew still got it!