Gabriel Medina on his return to Margs
He said he may not ever come back to Western Australia. Not with the constant threat of sharks in the water. But like the Prodigal Son, Gabriel Medina has blessed the wild west with his presence, and they in turn have welcomed him with open arms.
Though there's a few things that need to be straightened out.
ABC reporter Anthony Pancia bailed up Gabs in the carpark to find out what's going down.
Anthony Pancia: How are you going?
Gabriel Medina: Good. I’m good.
Your year so far?
It’s been fun. This is the fourth event of the year. I got two good results, the Gold Coast and Bells, and Bali was really bad for me. But I’m looking for a good results here in Margs.
Good one. Last year, like a lot of surfers, you were concerned about sharks, you even suggested you weren't coming back. What changed your mind?
Last year was a tough one, everywhere we were surfing, we were seeing sharks. This year they put more security - jets skis and drones and airplanes, so I feel more comfortable coming back here. So that's why I came back.
I mean the city is beautiful. I spent a bit of time in Perth and I drove down and yeah, the city was amazing.
We’re not used to sharks in Brazil, so sometimes it gets scary and...yeah, hopefully this year everything works out and no sharks and good waves.
(Anthony Pancia)
Out of curiousity, did you think if you’d had a better start to the year you still may not have come back?
I was going to come back if I feel comfortable, you know. That’s how I'm feeling right now. Everything they [the WSL] say to me, to all the surfers actually...I think everyone feels comfortable coming back here.
Hopefully nothing crazy happens, and we have a beautiful contest and I really enjoy my time here.
Thanks, mate.
They'd take one look at his poo stance and swim the other way.
As a Tier B selection can't not put in your Fantasy team.
This is just set up perfectly for Gabe to get smashed on the comments
I wonder why they don't have sharks in Brasil? Fished out? Pollution? I would think the amount of nutrient and fish around the outlet to the Amazon would be prime shark territory as would any river along its coast and it does get a shed load of rain being on the east coast. Anybody?
There is heaps of bull / Zambezi sharks up north but that’s not where the “good” surf is in Brazil. Gabe and many (not all) of the Brazilian pros hail from the southern part of the country.
“There’s too many sharks ....I’m scared. “
Gabriel Medina discussing surfing midday main break under the gaze of thousands of people , drones , helicopters and jet skis.
“I’m out there”
Sylvana Lima surfing onshore , late arvo lefties solo.
Brazil is home to the candiru which has been known to swim up the eye of a man's cock, lodge itself in place with barbs and then eat it from the inside out. And he's worried about sharks?
Either Gabriel doesn't have a penis or.......
Hang on, this all makes sense now.
Brutal. Worse than the cookiecutter shark.
I wonder what he sees amazing in Perth? Girrawheen I believe.
All the best and bless them all.
The DNA tower in King's Park. Once a bowling ball was dropped off it to forever settle the bet on whether it would shatter or bounce...
A couple of questions.
Is the WSL running electronic deterrents at the event this year ?
I've noticed a lack of lobster traps this year too , ,, coincidence ?
They have the fisheries research boat anchored right in the bay, so sure there's electronics at play. did you notice Strider spent no time on his board in the water? He was dry on the jetski all day. Water temp still around the 22c mark so wasn't because its cold...he might be more of a woss that the Brazilians.
haha , thx , I wasn't sure what that boat was , haven't been following it that much tho.
Overkill as expected..
However - Gabe and Italo happily competed at J-Bay last year where multiple heats were put on hold as white sharks cruised through the ACTUAL LINEUP, not some beach miles away.... not to mention Mick's encounter and many other incidents over the years at J-Bay. Their complaints were a bullshit diversion from their lack of chance to have a win in WA. The fact that the WSL bought it hook line and sinker astounds me and demonstrates where their bread is buttered.
Wozzle was looking for an excuse to pull the trigger. Surf was gonna be shitehouse after the incidents.
Gabby don't like the West. His compatriots do though.
Poor Gabby. Coming from one of the most murderous and violent countries on earth today - look up the most violent cities as measured by per capita crimes- one would think he would love the beauty and serenity of WA. What a true piece of work.
A few years ago I surfed my favourite N NSW point at 4-5ft with only 4 guys out. Turns out that a 12ft White had cruised through the lineup just before. Try asking Freeride76 how the locals feel about sharks, and you'll see that they too are a 'true piece of work'.
I think Medina grew up in Maresias, which is a coastal town. If you stay out of the favelas of the big cities (mainly Rio), Brazil is quite safe. Saying that you can't be afraid of sharks because Brazil has a high murder rate is using very strange logic.
I understand that boy bands developed the poo stance. A fiberless diet gives their love songs a strained meaningful sound and the poo dance and stance naturally followed.
I'm glad you're back Gab. You are the deserved Champ and I like your stance. Sorry to everyone for all disrespectful narrow minded comments I may have made, I have been striving to be initiated as a member of the white shoe brigade.
Apperently kings park is used for satanic rituals at night.
I thought they voted no on South Africa too . Either way their bitching now has the WA Fisheries being used to enforce some bullshit AVO and 'shark exclusion zone' for a minority of competitors safety fears. And yes , the WA government is hyper alert to bad publicity which doesn't help.
As for the PV Hemelin {the fisheries boat} ,, which can be tracked ,, click on 'past track' link for vogage details. (just noticed they've anchored up south of Margs}
is a waste of assets to appease a select few. I'm no fan of Fisheries in general but they do have a job to do , babysitting a couple of freaked out brazzo surfers isn't it.
The WSL should cover the entire cost of the operation , I don't care what dollar estimates are said to benefit the state . It's not like the WAgov/fisheries are putting this on to make the locals feel safer. Its all PR bullshit.
I think they actually make it look worse for the tourism thing to be so overtly concerned and running with all that anti shark flotsam in every second camera angle.