Watch: The Occ-cast with Jamie O'Brien

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

For episode 37 of the Occ-cast, Occy parks up in the garage of Jamie O'Brien and rolls tape. I haven't seen all of this episode but two of Swellnet's more discerning commenters had this to say:

"Refreshing honesty. The opposite to the WSL post heat muzzle." - Blowin
"...funny as...surfs unreal and a true character of the surfing world." - Simba

It's five stars all 'round!

Click to play...


Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 4:14pm


Even old semen tonsils Turpel couldn’t toe the WSL “athletes “ line when describing JOB’s fuller figure .....but he’d still surf rings around 80 percent of the CT in great waves.

Admittedly , that baby blue Lycra wouldn’t do anyone any favours.

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 4:22pm

Another 'discerning' commentator's take?

"Oh no!!! Who’da thunk it!!! No wonder bento tears his fuck’n hair out! Poor stupe’!!! First he gets a pile a grit chucked at him... now ‘duh’, there goes June’s feature news article!"

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 5:01pm

having or showing good judgement.
"the brasserie attracts discerning customers"
synonyms: discriminating, selective, judicious, tasteful, refined, cultivated, cultured, sophisticated, enlightened,

And my discerning judgment’re both fucked. I give you 1 star out of 5.

And that’s only cause you try so hard. Like when the coach from my under 8’s soccer team gave most improved to the guy with one leg significantly shorter than the other, even though his feet never made deliberate contact with the ball all year.

What do you reckon , Simba ?

How do you rate these two recklessly moronic humbugs ?

I’d call them dumb and dumber , but I reckon it’s a dead heat. A race to the finish line too.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 5:27pm

or the bottom.......

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 5:34pm

Jokes boys.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 6:31pm

Occy "crowd doesn't bother me at Snapper"

Wouldn't it be nice to Occy, Mick, Joel or any of the others rippers who get pretty much any wave they want at Snapper or Kirra :(

Bsm17's picture
Bsm17's picture
Bsm17 Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 3:33pm

They dont get what ever wave they want, they take whatever wave they want. Occy was my childhood idol until he rosted me and half the snapper line up.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 4:24pm

This could be a good game to play actually!
Which local surfer you’d like to be at which wave? So when w.o.t.d comes you can casually swing and go without a worry in the world...

I’ll start,
Either Rizal at Padang, Jordy Smith at J’bay or probably a Mexican local at perfect Escondido..

I’d love to say JJF at Pipe but who am I kidding. I wouldn’t want big Pipe..

Uplift at blax would also be up there

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 6:37pm

You played the round ball game, Blowie?

And is it wise to refer to Benny & Stuey as Dumb & Dumber?

Your 'protection privileges' may get revoked!

And Indo, do you mind if I refer to you as V.I. from now on? Brevity and all. Beats Larry, surely.

Namaste & Amituofo, brothers.

dandob's picture
dandob's picture
dandob Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 10:04pm

These two are lucky they can surf, aint much else going on.

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 5:34am

Thought this interview might show Jamie in a better light.
Still seems like a bit of an entitled show pony. How’s his dad ‘you must surf’-good bloke.
Also if Jamie thinks what he does for a living is anything like ‘hard work’ he’s more delusional than I thought.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 8:14am

I’ve done some seriously hard yakka in some seriously shit places , including a 12 hour concrete pour on a 48 degree day , but I don’t think I’ve ever worked this hard ....

Great illustration of JOB’s skill and daring.

JosephStalin's picture
JosephStalin's picture
JosephStalin Saturday, 4 May 2019 at 5:51pm


Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 7:21am

I wish someone would do a long video on that board collection in his shed. Some stories in there.

Eugene Green's picture
Eugene Green's picture
Eugene Green Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 8:47am

It exists. Check his past vlogs on you tube.

Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 11:32am

Thanks - I have seen this one before but was hoping for something longer if it exists

Bsm17's picture
Bsm17's picture
Bsm17 Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 3:37pm

Does anyone else think they both look a bit off chops?

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 4:28pm

I can never get more than 5 minutes into an Occ-cast.

Can someone point out where JOB starts the truth telling?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 5:33pm

Not just an Occ-cast for me, but any sort of 'cast'.

Podcasts drive me 'round the twist. Listened to plenty, each one of them could've been improved by turning it into a written article.

rooftop's picture
rooftop's picture
rooftop Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 3:01pm

Plenty of chaff out there but here's my top three for you:

Conversations with Tyler - Minimal waffle. Just short questions to noteworthy and intelligent guests from a smart guy.

Think Again - A bit more waffle, but still a focus on the guests (mainly writers) such as Ian McEwan, Karl Ove Knausgaard, Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Henry Rollins, Steven Pinker.

NYC Library Talks - The back catalogue is best. All recorded in front of a live audience. The host is eccentrically charming. Notable interviews include Mike Tyson and Philip Glass.

As for Occ, everyone loves him, but he's not a gifted communicator, and I also tune out of his clunky podcasts. I think he said everything he needed to say with his surfing.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 5:59pm

I wasn't expecting much, never had much interest in the guy, but it was still worth a listen, still interesting to a degree.

I think a lot of you people are a bit harsh.

I dont mind these Occy cast things , just put it on and do something else.

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Friday, 3 May 2019 at 9:52am

Check the Nine Club, Stunet. Start with, I dunno, Steve Olsen and son. Or Ben Harper. Or Alphonso Rawls. Or Grosso.

See what you think.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 8:59pm

Been enjoying Ain’t that Swell lately Stu, you tried that one?

H2O's picture
H2O's picture
H2O Friday, 3 May 2019 at 2:39pm

Enjoyed this and the Christian Fletcher one. Also JOB in "Burn" movie - good tunes on that one too.

wallpaper's picture
wallpaper's picture
wallpaper Saturday, 4 May 2019 at 7:35pm

where would all these blokes be without all the fan boys.

surfing these days is the gayest sport going.

beats synchronised swimming by a long half head.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 4 May 2019 at 8:19pm

Says wallpaper as he minces down to the shorebreak in a tasseled and sequinned , crotchless wetsuit.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 12:24am

Wouldn't a crotchless wetsuit defeat the purpose?

wallpaper's picture
wallpaper's picture
wallpaper Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 12:17pm

so you're saying there's something wrong with that?

wallpaper's picture
wallpaper's picture
wallpaper Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 12:30pm

on a different note, I saw this bloke and his dickhead mate threatening and using vile language at a small lady on a boogie board in soft 4ft surf when all she was trying to do was catch a wave and I'm not sure that the word gay is quite right for that.

maybe it was a one off thing I don't know. one thing is for sure, surfing ability is no substitute for character

but then again character has never been a factor in the calculations of surf star fan boy homo erotica.