Massive wave of action to support mental health

Eighteen teams will be competing in this year’s third annual Lifeline Classic, which will be held at Sydney’s Queenscliff Beach on Sunday 28 April 2019.

The 15 men’s and three women’s teams have raised more than $25,000 so far, with fundraising still continuing.  You can support the teams here Lifeline Classic

Three school teams have entered via the Lifeline Schools Challenge, which was held as part of the recent Vissla Sydney Surf Pro at Manly Beach. Narrabeen Sports High won both the boys and girls divisions to qualify for the main event, and NBSC Balgowlah Boys have also entered a team.

Mental health organisations including Headspace, Walk ‘n’ Talk, One Eighty and Man Anchor have combined to support this year’s Lifeline Classic.

Pro surfers and rising stars are also lending their support including legend Simon Anderson, who has donated two of his classic surfboards to the prize pool, along with  Dayyan Neve, Jared Hickel, Winter Vincent and Sophie Fletcher.

“The vision has always been for this to be a festival rather than a simple surfing contest,” Lifeline Northern Beaches CEO, David Thomas, said.

“The focus is on community involvement in an effort to help those in crisis, and those affected by those in crisis, and this year that festival feel is really beginning to take shape with the involvement of other mental health service providers,” he said.

Thomas said the event is not your traditional surf comp where the uber cool and gifted elite compete - “It’s open to anyone and everyone just wanting to participate in a community spirit - last year we had a competitor who only started to surf that week!”

Fundraising teams include Surfing Mums, Man Anchor, Swellnet, Meditation for Men, Christian Surfers Youth, CMS Surveyors, Manly Surf School, ICMS Surf Club,  NAICHE, Sutton, QBC Girls, Manly Wine and Hotel Steyne.

‘It’s not just a surf comp - it’s a fundraiser, an awareness vehicle; it’s really a coming together of saltwater people for mental health,” David Thomas said.

“The day will kick off with a meditation session and then a Walk ‘n’ Talk from Queenscliff to Shelly Beach and back, which sets up the tone of the day well.”

There is also a Lifeline Classic Raffle with $5000 worth of prizes. Tickets are on sale online here Lifeline Classic Raffle

All funds raised from the Lifeline Classic will be used to provide crisis support services, which in turn help to aid the quest for a Northern Beaches (and Australia) free of suicide.

Alongside the core 13 11 14 telephone crisis support service, Lifeline Northern Beaches offers a range of other services including face-to-face counselling, telephone support for the isolated and at-risk, support groups, training and community visitor programs.

All funds raised from the Lifeline Classic will be used to provide crisis support services, which in turn help to aid the quest for a Northern Beaches (and Australia) free of suicide.

Alongside the core 13 11 14 telephone crisis support service, Lifeline Northern Beaches offers a range of other services including face-to-face counselling, telephone support for the isolated and at risk, support groups, training and community visitor programs.

It costs Lifeline Northern Beaches approximately $15.22 to answer each crisis call - that’s close to $1 million annually. Every dollar raised at the Lifeline Classic will help save lives.


  • Every day EIGHT Australians die from suicide
  • EIGHT people attempt suicide every hour
  • There are more than 65,000 suicide attempts in Australia each year
  • Three-quarters of deaths by suicide are male
  • Suicide is the largest cause of death for Australians aged between 15 and 44

Lifeline 24 Hour Telephone Crisis Support 13 11 14


Tarzan71's picture
Tarzan71's picture
Tarzan71 Saturday, 27 Apr 2019 at 1:45pm

$100 of raffle tickets coming right up.....
Out of all the people that I knew who have passed away, suicide has taken the most

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Saturday, 27 Apr 2019 at 7:17pm

This is the biggest killer of our youth we have. I know way too many people who've taken their life and I know absolutely that one of my best mates is still here thanks to lifeline.
Get behind this if you'll save lives.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Saturday, 27 Apr 2019 at 7:25pm

Can't wait for tomorrow, and if you haven't donated yet you can still here:

Many thanks!

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Monday, 29 Apr 2019 at 7:55am

Unfortunately the comp was called off due to the near flat conditions at Queensy. Hopefully a reschedule for this weekend.

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Monday, 29 Apr 2019 at 1:11pm

Plenty of insightful talks on youtube by this wonderful man.

Dr Gabor Mate'

redmondo's picture
redmondo's picture
redmondo Tuesday, 30 Apr 2019 at 7:13am

Good to see. Every one should empty their mind of thoughts and meditate daily. I will donate to my local opshop. Bless you lifeline.

bipola's picture
bipola's picture
bipola Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 7:26am

some times it not about the black hole its the STIGMA that follows you around