Watch: Matt Bromley // Global slab hunter
Pro surfer > big wave surfer > slab hunter. It's a subcategory to a subcategory. We've got a lot of them here in Oz owing to our geology, but Matt Bromley is from South Africa, and this ten-minute short traces his history as well as noting his influences along the way.
You'll also note that 'slab' in his lexicon can refer to a three foot undersuck that's as shallow as a shower or multi-storey Jaws. Size doesn't matter, it's all about the shape.
Footage is from South Africa, Indonesia, Ireland, Australia, and Hawaii.
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Epic. I love his surfing, always great clips.
all the talk is a bit much but fuck he's good
'Global Slab Hunter"
Now that's something to put on your resume.
Awesome surfer.
If he was my mate he'd be nick-named 'Bromo the Big Wave Barrel Banger'
Couldn't get past all the talking. 2 things that suck in a surf clip - slow mo and talk
Give the kid a rap why dontchya!!
his hype men are a bit would think he was the messiah the way they bang on....
‘‘His purpose in life is to ride big waves’, ‘I can’t wait to see what plan is in store for him’........
...........he’s a good surfer, it’s not life.
Funny they only mentioned Twiggy briefly at the end.
Looks amazing, but so is Bierke, Laurie and 100’s of other guys from around the world. Can only imagine how many Oz has like this guy in the south and west.
Would be tough doing it on the ZAF Rand I suppose. Good luck bru.
this llllad charges and good luck to him but that promo dribble is heavy I couldn't finish watching it.
Mason Ho is way more entertaining and would surf rings around him.
He's a very barrelled man. Was that big left in a steamer in Oz? Looks similar