RPELA information session and giveaway
RPELA shark deterrents are holding an information session in Perth tomorrow night. See below for destails, and don't forget to register:
Following the overwhelming positive response and success of our Réunion Community Event, we have decided to launch a Perth based meet up. This is your chance to meet the inventor of RPELA Dave Smith and ask all your questions. We will also be doing a LIVE Giveaway of a Complete RPELA Kit valued at $495.00.
RPELA is extremely proud to play our role in Ocean Conservation and Protection in Perth since our first product launch over 7 years ago. One of the team members who is a Marine Biologist and has been heavily involved in the Scientific Development and Research will be attending and prepared to answer any of your hard-hitting questions you might have about RPELA.
This information session aims to inform the community about all the recent developments going on behind the scenes at RPELA. We have been working hard to update our product and our support, and have many exciting things in the pipeline for later part of 2019 that we would love to share with everyone.
As part of our Thank You to the Perth community, RPELA Owner and Inventor Dave Smith will be giving away a Complete RPELA Kit on the night. Additionally, Dave will be performing FREE RPELA maintenance check-ups on all your devices should you wish to have them looked at.
Please come on down and bring a friend with you, enjoy a drink, and fire away any questions to the RPELA team for clear answers.
A Complete RPELA Kit valued at $495.00 will be given to one lucky attendee on the night! To give yourself a chance to win please register your attendance at the link below! The winner will be announced LIVE on the night.
Register here to attend.
Well i hope swellnet gets a run down on whats happening behind the scenes
Firstly, massive thank you to the Author of this post - you are a legend!
Secondly, we welcome EVERYONE to come join us tomorrow evening 6:00PM at 8/15 Carbon Court, Osborne Park to take part in this RPELA Gathering. We will be putting on food and drinks for all attendants and giving away one Complete RPELA Kit to a lucky attendee ($495 RRP).
Thirdly, in response to the bloke above, we have invited a number of media contacts to come along, and we will be recording, documenting and publishing a video of the night in the near future.
Lastly, we intend on being more engaged on this forum and other similar platforms.
Cheers everyone
Dave & RPELA Team
Have you got any scientific evidence your device works? All my previous reading has shown that shark shield are the only ones with independantly tested and proven deterrent tech. Has there been changes in this field?
Hi mate, please see my lengthy post below.
You may have missed this bit
"One of the team members who is a Marine Biologist and has been heavily involved in the Scientific Development and Research will be attending and prepared to answer any of your hard-hitting questions you might have about RPELA."
So answer the question. I don't live in Perth, I am interested in the tech and hope it works I think there is great potential with electronic shark deterrents.
Got anything that will deter my missus from coming near me when she's having a moment
@mrkook there is information on their website including the latest research paper
Thanks for that - looks promising, low actual numbers for a study design (only 7 interactions) but the preliminary data looks like it is comparable to the surf +. Looking forward to more research and I'm glad there is another legit player in this area it can only be better for us as surfers.
Dave from Rpela is not active on these pages, he is a little busy. There has been loads of research and they have tested on many more than the simple report shared. But the cost is expensive and that was a preliminary report that the State government called for. The full details are being prepared currently, but sadly it takes time and money..Hopefully sooner rather than later the paper will be fully available.
Oops sorry should also mention Rpela have plans of a tour of the East shortly,
Thanks for the info - I look forward to reading the results. As I said I'm glad there is another legit player now.
One Rpela per board?
Or can you shift them around?
FR I use one hence my comments you can get the housing installed in all boards and move the Rpela from board to board, If you don't require it (Indo ) there is a blank that fills the space.
FR If I could just say it adds lovely balance to the natural state of the board..........
Hi mate, please see my lengthy post below.
The installation video shows that the antennae runs under the glass job beside the stringer.
I would like to know how the antennae can be adapted to a surfers existing quiver of boards.
I have had PU / Epoxy / Firewires have the antennae installed in without any problems but not sure of the method used.
But how is it done, if you run a cut into the glass job with say a circular saw with a grinding disc the board would be weakened .
On the Rpela page there is a video, or at least its on their Youtube video. They use a long wire and push it through the foam. Then pull the wire through. I usually pay around $100 for a retro fit into an existing board pus the receptacle $50 from memory. . Any new boards i have they didn't actually charge any extra.
That's a nifty idea.
So 3 boards $450 or DIY and it's $150 for the 3 receptacles.
Sorry, i think the video on their page is only a new fit, So pre glassing which seems much easier.
The unit is $495 as a kit. (that includes the installed part) then every unit after that is $49 a kit. Plus labour. I know Dave is very selective about the installs. He insists in it being installed by trained operators. (I guess he is that pactionate he wants it done correctly). Having said that, anyone looking to get involved in installing he is always on the hunt.
These are a little more technical and maybe better to ring the company directly. I'm just trying to help explain what i understand.
I really support the product, its great and have used it in all my boards for years now.
I have no connection financially to the company, i just genuinely want to spread the word..
Oops sorry found this..
Anyone remotely practical could follow those instructions.
Putting a border of masking tape around the 2 cut outs would have been neater and created less scratches.
You may like to put the link up to Dr Craig Blount and his 2018 testing.
Why are these things only installed to a surfboard bottom...just to keep electrodes immersed in water ?
Yes, the electrodes need to be in the water for the full field. The power unit sits between the fins as it complement balance, but also least likely spot for damage from rocks. Once the unit is in the water its on, their os no on and off switch.
Hi mate, please see my lengthy post below.
So its only on and in Repell Mode whilst stationary or paddling..
Yes, when it's wet and in the water its working. The point is the competitors product, (although i don't deny works) is rather uncomfortable and zaps badly, so the idea is to turn it of and on when your feeling vulnerable or sea a shark.
Forgive me, BUT i i install a deterrent, i really want it on all the time my legs are in danger..
The design and weight was important and all done by a surfer, so he understands why and what will not affect the surfboard. Hence why we are now seeing pro surfers, especially from Reunion using them recreationally.
Tonight will be very informative if people can make it.
Dave is a very experienced shaper and surfer and charges! He surfs the reefs of Perth and has shown me videos of shark encounters out there. I lived in Perth 2010-15, a particularly notorious, scary and sad time for those who were affected by the shark attacks of that period. Dave shaped me some great boards and is a no nonsense type of bloke - he appeared on the farce of a TV show shark tank and turned down their offer cause they wanted to take over.
Why am I writing this ….saw the article and felt the urge to give credibility to a bloke who I knew for 5 years - he gives it his all, and is out there working hard on this as well as shaping. As jbshack commented "he doesn't spend much time on these forums"
I would encourage anybody interested if you are in Perth to get along tonite or if you are in other areas contact RPELA and find out more ….. BACK AUSSIE INNOVATION & HARD WORK!
Beatts my experience with Dave is the same as yours. Good guy and keen to help. As I focus said, the retro fit is easy and I've had about 4 old and 3 new boards done. I move the one battery around. It's easy as.
You can feel the current if you put your hand around. It can give a real boot, so I cant imagine a shark hanging around and if it did bite i suspect the shark would feel like it stuck a knife in a toaster.
I cant feel any impact on board performance.
When I jump off the cliff and paddle 500m or so along a deep water ledge to a local reef where there have been more and more sightings, I feel far more relaxed. I surf more. Worth every cent imho.
G'day everyone.
Sorry for the absence, as another user pointed out we have been very busy! I'll try to stay on top of the replies here better in the future.
To try and answer some of the above queries:
Q) "Have you got any scientific evidence your device works?"
A) Yes we do - please see our 2018 Scientific Report here -> https://goo.gl/j2Cc8p
Furthermore, we have completed additional research in Isla Guadalupe (a white shark hotspot) with shark subjects ranging in size up to 6 metres. These latest findings have not been compiled yet, and we in the process of planning more research trips to compile alongside this latest expedition. Basically, we are scientifically verified, but expect more research to come in the future.
Q) "Got anything that will deter my missus from coming near me when she's having a moment"
A) Not yet mate. Will write it up on the whiteboard and see what we can come up with ;)
Q) "One Rpela per board? Or can you shift them around?"
A) As explained by other users above, customers have their boards (as many as they want) fitted with the RPELA Housing. From here, the RPELA Unit can be clipped in and out easily and transferred across boards. In short - 1 device needed for all your boards. If for whatever reason you want to take off without the active device, a sub is included with every Housing to plug into your boards. The RPELA Unit is only 155grams, and we have had 0 complaints regarding surfing performance.
Q) Someone also mentioned quality of install.
A) Dave has personally travelled to every RPELA installer and made sure they follow the strict guidelines for installing. Dave has travelled worldwide and heavily covered the East Coast of Australia as well as WA both in Perth and the South West. We have installers in almost every surfing hotspot, please check out our installer map to find your local installer: https://www.rpela.com/installers
Q) So its only on and in Repell Mode whilst stationary or paddling..
A) The Device is automatically active upon contact with water. As soon as your board hits the water you are protected. Again, someone above mentioned it being on the underside of the board; this is for user benefit, i.e. to stop the user getting mild shocks as often. We know a lot of our competing products have a bad stigma of shocking the user and we have been working hard to find that sweet spot between protection and enjoyment.
Thank you everyone for the comments!
EDIT: Thought i'd throw in the fact that we are 100% (West) Aussie Owned. The RPELA has been completely developed and funded by Dave Smith (with the help of engineers, scientists and other professionals), who is a lifelong surfer and surfboard shaper in local breaks in WA. We are not like the other competitors who don't understand the nuances of surfing, we value comfort, ease of use, value and above all, protection. The RPELA is 100% made in Australia. Every RPELA sale is not only buying you protection in the Ocean, but you are supporting local Aussie R&D in the Ocean. Cheers.
Great product and have them in all my boards. Easily interchangeable or put the plastic blank into them for Indo etc.
There is a bit of a shock factor but after the first surf you work out how and where to grab your board after a wave etc. If there wasn't a shock then there would be no electronic barrier.
Suitable for Guns as per wave of the day size boards
one size Rpela fits all ?
Yep seen installed in guns and mals
Yeah mate sure is.
I have Rpela installed in most of my quiver and feel some much safer with it in and operating after some very close calls
The backup and customer service Dave provides is outstanding and he has always backed up his promises with action with his product
It is now installed on my sons boards as well, just makes us feel safer in the water