PWCs and the new normal on the Gold Coast
Whether you saw it live or watched through the surf cameras, you may have noticed a change in the crowd at Kirra from the first day of Cyclone Oma to the last.
Less skis.
From around twenty on Thursday and Friday to a bare few on the weekend, and the reason? The MSQ - Maritime Safety Queensland.
Following on from a burst in activity late last season, the MSQ got on the front foot for the first real swell of this season. They carried out surveillance at Kirra and also at Currumbin, with an MSQ spokesperson observing at Kirra there was “clear frustration of paddle surfers as tow surfers were dropped onto the shoulder of waves paddle surfers were on, and very close calls - within three metres - between PWCs and paddle surfers.”
The spokesperson also noted a “distinct lack of sweep at the time of the surveillance”.
With that they swooped, and over the course of the day issued 30 marine infringements and many more warnings. Offences recorded include PWC being operated within 60 metres of paddle surfers at speeds greater than six knots, tow surfing without an observer, operating at speeds greater than six knots within 200 metres from paddle surfers, no required rescue board, and passengers onboard the PWCs not wearing a lifejacket.
The MSQ are aware of the ‘nanny state’ backlash but consider this the best outcome. If a serious accident were to happen, and there’s been plenty of close calls, the reaction will be far swifter and more wide-ranging.
Besides, as the spokesperson said, “every PWC rider has sat for a test, they know what the rules are and aren’t. When we speak to them they know they’re breaking the law.”
“When a [car] driver speeds among pedestrians do people think that’s acceptable?” If there are no paddle surfers out then the rules change accordingly.
As the spokesperson told Swellnet, the MSQ is sending a message to all PWC users on the Gold Coast: This is the new normal. If you break the law, you’ll get caught.
“We watch the forecasts pretty closely now. We know in advance what days the skis will be out and we make up the rosters to get out there.”
On Friday morning I watched a guy do a step off from a ski while a paddle surfer was already on the wave. Just didn't give a fuck. A bunch of other skis said something but it didn't stop them from repeatedly doing step offs inside of the pack of 30 paddle surfers. The MSQ are way overdue outhe re.
Yeah the MSQ are most definitely NOT on top of the forecast and acting proactively. There were over a dozen jet skiis out there in the line up at 10.30am on Thursday morning. Every man and his dog knew it was on on Thursday morning. Where were the MSQ???
My tweenage son is very close to being able to handle that swell, and in a year or two will want to be out there. I will be very happy if by then the MSQ have completely squashed the lazy arse step offs who can't be bothered paddling in 6-8' Kirra. But I won't be holding my breath. Seems like they let it go for a couple of days, and only then jump on it after the public backlash.
What's it going to take? Someone to get hurt or killed before something is actually done about it. I was chatting to my mate who lives in Bali, and an incident happened where a jetski in the lineup ran over a guy and hurt him bad. It is just a matter of time before some paddler gets hurt. Too little too late!
Did you read the article?
Yeah I read the article, did you? As it stated, the MSQ let the jetskis run amok for two days on Thursday and Friday, before finally getting off their arses to kick them out of the line up on the weekend. Or was there some other point you were trying to make?
Yeah I did. Nah no point, I guess you got one out of it though.
So why did you ask if I read the article then?
Didn't even bother going out in the Omar swell, can't bring myself to get out the point much anymore usually ends with anger and frustration. The crowd on any medium swell is bad enough let alone with a proper swell with all the hype surrounding it and the airport so close just so easily accessible for every man and his dog. Thumbs up to all the crew who paddle when it's proper and the guys on skis who know and respect where to use them. The pests who buzz swimmers and surfers on skis and not obeying the rules should have them taken off them, even on a 2ft day down fingal way they are in amongst us surfers and have been very close to me and my mates on many occasion. And to the pros and sticker crew towing and dropping in out there I have lost my respect for you, it makes me feel worried for the future generations who look up to you that they will think that's it's normal behavior shame.
Hey crew,
I was on that swell, pretty much start to finish. Doing the JetSki dodge to earn mine.
Had an incident- snapped leash after getting the first or second of the set. Extended hold down, no tombstoning board to mark my position.
When I popped up it was right in front of one of those annoying jet skis. An amateur, doing about 30 or 40 right through the impact zone. Hi eyes firmly fixed on his buddy riding the next wave.
In my estimation there was about 4ft in it.
That is, if I had popped up 4 ft to the left he would have mowed me down doing way faster than 6 nots.
Do we really have to wait for the inevitable to happen??
Fines afterwards are not good enough.
Why not a physical presence??
At this stage what's one or two more skis in the lineup?
Instant fines, move them on.
Protect real surfers!
As a Victorian hanging around the Noosa area, for a few weeks either side of the OMA swell, I didn't even bother surfing after Friday. It seems to me that these swells are just wasted in QLD (Where I grew up), the sweep gets too gnarly, and more importantly, the crowd ridiculous, and then there's the wankers with skis.
Instead of chopping up more land for development that will crowd the surf even more, what if the councils got some reefs made out wide in the bays were the wind is still protected and these "men" with their skis might actually be able to justify their use on some slabbing waves instead of double overhead surf that every man and his dog can do run arounds to surf? Sink some wrecks, run some anchors out NE and SE from em, and job done (good fishing habitat on small days) Might even get some crew paddling out to em if the QLD jetski fuckwits are as bigger soft-cocks as they appear to be.
How much are the fines though?
$372 each.
Get caught four times within a two year stretch and your license gets suspended.
Thanks stu, not much of a deterrent. If I owned a ski and was a wanker I'd pay that once a year to get crazy barrels all day with barely a paddle or a duck dive. Chump change to many.
Based on the statement from the MSQ Im sure things would escalate pretty quickly if they thought that the deterrents were not working. They have sent a warning which is a start
Exactly, does anyone really think the Darren Handleys, and other cashed up heros give a toss about a $300 fine?
I would suggest
- no warnings, straight up fine
- second offence within three years and you lose your licence for a year
Stu, is that just the PWC license or does it also include drivers license as well?
Pretty sure if you get caught drink driving in a boat, it affects your driver's license. Just wondering if the same principle applies here.
$372 bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Soooo let's say 5 of us organise a ski for an all dayer - me, you, mick free , ben and Craig.
Take turns riding. Each get a wave every 1/2 hour over a 8 1/2 binge , with a 1/2 hour lunch break. That's 16 waves. My share of paying the fine is 372/5 = $74.40.
$74.40 divided by my 16 waves
$4.65 for an 8 foot kirra pit!!!!!! Even if I just get 12 waves for the day its $6.20
Sign me up bahahahahahahahahaha
Hope the authorities see Sheepdogs comment and bring the bloody fines to $2500.00 fine I think that will stop any probable future incidents with paddle in surfers being maimed or killed
Got to question if fines will be enough.
Without accusing him of impropriety, just as an example, you’d think that someone such as Jack Freestone would have generated publicity worth thousands of dollars for his personal brand with his exploits during cyclone Oma. Surely this would more than offset a few hundred dollars worth of tax deductible fines ?
What penalties if you’re the surfer in a tow team breaking the law ?
I don't think they're tax deductible
Couldn’t be claimed as a business expense ?
If your business expense is a fine for breaking the law at work, the tax department definitely won’t offer to pay half.
I was always under the impression that mining companies getting hit with environmental penalties was a tax deduction and this was a similar deal ?
years ago they were tax deductible under argument just part of business operating expenses. Laws were changed so now no fine of any type is tax deductible.regardless these guys dont give a stuff
Pretty simple penalty is a ski gets impounded on a declared day if its too close to paddlers. Declared days are those where MSQ say it too big, too crowded for skis.
Ski not necessary for this swell. The paddle out was easy. Ran back up the point multiple times. Operator competency was a bit of an issue with the wake from the skis being a problem. Once or twice it assisted with takeoff. Once or twice left a big bump in the wave face. They didn't bother me too much. This time.
Cowabunga! Thank christ -or any other deity for that matter -had to intervene to stop skis speeding through crowds of people. Cars speed through crowds and the drivers are called tear-o-wrists, while dangerous and disrespectful PWC drivers have been hailed as hero's: "'Joe 6 Pack' gets best Snapper Barrel Ever" -yeah, right, a day after trying to drown someone...
Plato describes Mythos -a man's ability to control his warrior nature. Fines are an appropriate start.
Redbull Nike Ski - The Pot NOOSA THURSDAY 21st 1.00pm
PWC being operated within 60 metres of paddle surfers at speeds greater than six knots. NO
Tow surfing without an observer. NO
Operating at speeds greater than six knots within 200 metres from paddle surfers. YEP
No required rescue board YEP
Passengers onboard the PWCs not wearing a lifejacket. YEP
Paddle out via T Tree Bay you didnt even get your hair wet.
Current - Lots. Do the run around or get out and let others use their arms.
They just shouldnt be in surf zones full stop. They're always seemingly attached to some pro ex pro or wannabee pro.
Quip of the day.
Harry B Fades JW and JW paddles up and says "Hey whats the go on the drop in?" And HB reply, Phuck off you dont even live here &ickhead!
If that's true about Harry B,he just went up a notch in my book!!!!
A drop ins a drop in local or not way to respect a pipe master and local champion f heads everywhere
He drops in on people using a ski and you think people should give him respect?
What planet are you from?
I dont think skis were involved if so I apoligise and retract my comment
Waited patiently for a set wave at First point after getting a wave from the Pot through to Johnsons on a solid swell a couple of years ago. Julian Wilson was out there catching plenty of waves. Finally got one to myself and who should drop in on me but Julian Wilson. When I read about him being burned I thought there's some small amount of karma.
He'll drop in just about anywhere on the planet. Have photo of him fading my mate at solid Cloudbreak last season. Jock-mentality knob.
Put up the photo cylinders!
Most pros/sponnoes are cunts like that. Got a long list of pros I’ve been burnt by around the world. The list of average joe drop ins is much lower.
Reports are he was been ferried up time after time and not waiting his turn. So if true, a drop in is completely warranted.
People that tow in around paddle surfers: Right up there with kiddy fiddlers, drunk drivers and members of the KKK in my opinion. They should get all those skis, put them in a big pile somewhere and blow the shit out of them. Farken' oxygen thieves.
Best comment award!
Spot On Spuddups
Three cheers to Connor Coffin! He has his first surf at Kirra, uses a jet ski to get lifts back up the point then brags about it.
Wonder how many locals he dogged out of a wave?

Wonder if we can rock up at Rincon and do the same?
Its a bad look. Oblivious.
Shameless self promo.......
"Jet ski assist"
The wsl does it ........
dammm, I used to think this guy was cool.. but your totally spot on.
Everyone should drop in on this guy and put a Nail In his Coffin.
What if we stopped showing tow waves in these situations on this and other sites , respect the paddlers
I think the ski's were definitely not out of place ( in more shelted breaks like Kirra, l agree, they shouldn't be out) but ski's are probably essentially needed when the BIG S S/E swell arrived, those madmen where charging some MASSIVE Burleigh and Currumbin, I doubt very much that anyone could paddle out there and battle what must be an unfathomable sweep at that sort of hellish size..... but hey, maybe I'm wrong?
It's pretty simple. If there are NO paddle surfers in the water, then jetskis have every legal and moral right to be there. As soon as there is a single paddle surfer, the jetskis have to fuck off. They should never ever be at Kirra. Burleigh and Currumbin might have times where there is no one paddling out, but even in the solid stuff there are usually paddle guys out. I did see at the last cyclone there were a handful of paddle surfers at Burleigh, and the tow in crew stayed out of their way down the line a good 100m or so. That was good of them. The Kirra jetski guys are just lazy, dangerous, arrogant, wankers though.
WOW! ss, thanks for that update. My hat is off to the very brave watermen that were paddling that stuff. That's some REAL SERIOUS shit that they were attempting, I hope someone captured some of their efforts/rides, they're the real hero's of the Oma swell in my opinion.
By world standards, it wasn't even big. None of those waves were even close to maximum paddle in size. No one on the GC even owns a full on paddle in gun like you get in Hawaii or Mavericks etc. We just don't get big enough waves here for it. My step up board is only 3" longer than my normal short board, and it was plenty big enough to paddle everything that came from Oma. It may have seemed huge for non-surfers, but for any experienced surfer, it was nothing particularly intimidating.
That's what I've been thinking. Get a gun shaped ya kooks or go down to South Oz and REALLY use your fucken kook-ski. I hate the things so much. I go for a surf to rinse off the traffic and the stresses of life and when there's finally a bit of swell, every former semi-pro is mentoring future spoilt semi-pros into riding big waves FROM A SKI. FROM A SKI!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS IF YOU"RE READING THIS, AND DON"T FOR A SECOND THINK I"M JELOUS, YOU"RE SOFT FUCKEN BOURGEOIS WANKERS AND I LOVE EDDIE AIKAU NOT YOU GUYS.
Exactly Billie! Perfectly said!!! Surfing is for chilling in nature, not for sucking in the petrol fumes and noise of a fucking ski. And when the swell picks up, that chilling in nature takes on an extra level of zen. Fuck off and die you ski wankers.
Yes billie, reminds me of smiffy from aint that swell, hehe...farkin skis soooo boring doing tow ins, yawn its a snoozefest, every wannapro and his mate with pwc gets towed in.....go left at kirra and say "mine mate farcough!"
Yeh, I hear what your saying but apparently there was 6 knots of sweep ( that's basically 11kph of sweep!) due to the strong S S/E wind, that's not to mention no channel to get out there or defined take of area(relatively speaking), of say like a reef set-up such as Pipe, Cloud-break, Teahupoo etc and water moving around like in this shot.
I think most people would call that sort of setup Is it really possible to get into an appropriate position with all those factors, to actually get a beast like that under standard paddle power?
Update: Sorry, in relation to above ss comment.
My opinion is buy a bigger board. Paddle against the rip, use the foam, feel closer to nature and your equipment. You don't HAVE to ride a short, high performance board just because that's what you see on videos. No rip my ass. Jump off the rocks, paddle from the beach further south. Find a way. Embrace the challenge.
So from your text, it seems you're trying to say that the sweep was so strong that it was impossible for paddle in riders... and thus therefore they should be on skis???? But your instagram pick shows a paddle in rider calmly waiting to catch a wave. And a nice one coming that he could of caught if not for the fucking tow in rider that was already on it. See, the thing is with the sweep, is you can paddle out upstream from the sweep, drift through the line up until you catch a wave or two, then walk around and repeat. It doesn't matter if the sweep is 11knts or 0knts, it doesn't stop the paddle in surfers. Please correct me if I've misunderstood your gist?
PS - and no, that pic is not at all intimidating for an experienced surfer. it's just a damn nice wave.
Ok look, I'm just not so sure if everyone should be hating on the ski's so much? ( *note, I don't own one) At Kirra, I totally agree as there was obviously heaps of paddlers but massive Burleigh and Currumbin with possibly one or two guys paddling over that vast playing arrena........?? If there are legit paddlers out there then they should have right of way, no quarrel about that and any wave they want, they should also be given a very large area/buffer that the ski's clearly shouldn't impeed as per existing government regulations but if no paddlers, then I don't see why someone can't use a ski to get into those things and make the most of what's on offer.
With regards to that insta shot, I'm definitely not sure whether the guy watching or whatever is paddling, who knows? Maybe he just got one off the ski before, didn't make a section or whatever, however if he was a paddler then he should just turn and go, he should have right of way.
I don't disagree with that comment. "...if no paddlers, then I don't see why someone can't use a ski..." - absolutely agree, and I don't think any commenters here disagree either. "...If there are legit paddlers out there then they should have right of way, no quarrel about that and any wave they want, they should also be given a very large area/buffer that the ski's clearly shouldn't impede as per existing government regulations..." - again, agreed. If they are following the laws, there is no problem. There is not much wrong with the current laws. It is the lack of obeying and policing of the laws that is the biggest problem. Someone is going to end up seriously hurt or killed. And it might be me, or my son, or my mate. Or your son, or brother, or mate. The only other thing I'd like to see is that some breaks, eg maybe Snapper and Kirra, simply be a permanent ski free zone. Just so that there is some natural ski-free nature.
Yep, how's this close call.......
thats a legitimate near death experience for the surfer involved...
Ok look, I'm just not so sure if everyone should be hating on the ski's so much? ( *note, I don't own one) At Kirra, I totally agree as there was obviously heaps of paddlers but massive Burleigh and Currumbin with possibly one or two guys paddling over that vast playing arrena........?? If there are legit paddlers out there then they should have right of way, no quarrel about that and any wave they want, they should also be given a very large area/buffer that the ski's clearly shouldn't impeed as per existing government regulations but if no paddlers, then I don't see why someone can't use a ski to get into those things and make the most of what's on offer.
With regards to that insta shot, I'm definitely not sure whether the guy watching or whatever is paddling, who knows? Maybe he just got one off the ski before, didn't make a section or whatever, however if he was a paddler then he should just turn and go, he should have right of way.
I'm not Greg Long or Twiggy, but fair dinkum, it wasn't that big. 10 foot maybe
Its possible to paddle against the sweep at burleigh and currumbin if you ride a board longer than 5'9. Its not possible to compete with 25 ski operators that threaten you for asking to share the waves.
yep, fuck em all off, and the idiots on them.
- buy the products of any surf labels such as Billabong, Ripcurl, DHD, Hurley etc who's team riders (e.g. Parko, Fanning, Wilson etc) use skis in the lineup and break the law.
- publish/promote/forward/retweet images of the waves these guys caught using skis (otherwise you're just part of the problem)
- write/insta message/tweet to the surf companies and pros and tell them that you will no longer support/purchase/fawn over them. Both the surf companies and the pros only exist because people buy stuff off them. Stop buying stuff off them and put them out of business!
It’s akin to hiring a golf cart to go 18 holes. If you’re not an 80 something year old needing two hip replacements or the weather is shite, then you’re just a cashed up lazy fuck getting up the noses of ordinary punters.
Aw c'mon, golf carts are fun as hell. A six pack between the seats, maybe a light slick of rain on the grass, and some grassy embankments. Golf doesn't get any better.
Now that's my idea of golfing.
Okay Stunet I'll give you that one. I did forget about the six pack scenario. Be even better if Johnny Knoxville was the navigator!!!
Fines need to extend to more than just financial penalty.... Unless Queensland takes a leaf out of the South Oz Govt book..... this was for a whale
They get a lot right in SA.
Lots of clowns up here chasing whales every winter. I'm all for the nanny state. Current deterrents are anything but.
So here's a question, you reckon the pros are making the decision to be out there on skis on their own, or are their sponsors encouraging or even requiring they do so? If the sponsor is directly involved in the decision, and the pro's contract with the sponsor obligates them to promote (blah blah all that), then I imagine the courts would find the sponsor has ultimate liability in the event there's an incident. Any kind of incident, whether it involves a surfer, swimmer, goatboat or even another ski.
I thought Mick Fanning had retired ?! Surely he,s not still sponsered by Red Bull.
Yep the sticker boys with there fcuk buddies on skis might finally get the message after the multiple fines
Riding a PWC in a manner dangerous to the public should mean a court appearance in my book, and even a first offence should carry a minimum suspension period.
I gots to admit, I surfed Kirra Sat arvo, 6-8ft.
And although there were skis out there, I didn't really notice them.
Maybe the word had come through to behave by then?
But yeah, fuk 'em off.
They weren't needed in Coolie.
Burleigh and Alley different story.
I have been a long time owner of a ski on the gold coast, and it only comes out at a few river bars, or beachies on the tweed, maxing points (burliegh) if no one is paddling. the maxing points only really occur honestly is only about once every two years.. .. I have never used the ski at kirra, and never will. I am one of the many cursing the pros and ski owners who drive near paddlers.. So do you think their is a middle ground here? For me if someone is paddling in, we don't take the ski out, and go somewhere else... there is always another option... my question is.. if no one is paddling (like Burleigh on Saturday and sunday) are skis able to be used? bearing in mind the conditions were... as follows:
- 35knots southerlies.
- 6knot plus current
- breaking another 200m out from the normal takeoff, with no chance of reaching out the back without a ski....
- 10ft sets...
I also don't have an instagram page or filmer... I work a full time job and share the ski with three mates, and feel there has to be some middle ground here.....? We used the ski at burleigh on the weekend, and saw no one make it out the back or attempt to paddle in.. ..
If there's no paddlers then the distance off and speed rules change acordingly.
Stu, thanks I understand the legality side, and I think we are ok -
From memory, there is still a max speed to adhere to near the shore, or where practicable..... although as the beach was closed the bathing reserve rules didn't count,
I was more interested in general social perception.. seems skis are now hated more than SUPs??
TBH I think public sentiment has been shifting for a while now. There's always been an undercurrent of dischord but what's a paddler to do against a 500kg machine travelling at 30knots, the driver with no regard for anyone except those who 'like' his Instagram posts - each double tap an implied thumbs up to cowboy behaviour.
But the same medium has also been a solution to the bad behaviour. Last year's close calls brought a barrage of footage and the State Govt realised they had an issue on their hands, and it seems the public has largely backed that (going on comments here, on other sites, and on social media).
So yeah, feels llike the pendulum is swinging, but fortunately for PWCs they can easily go where no paddlers physically can and when they do it's no harm, no foul. Carry on.
Nice to hear from a thoughtful and reasonable ski owner.
Apparently there are thoughtful and reasonable SUP owners as well.....although yet to meet one personally.
Nice to hear from a thoughtful and reasonable ski owner.
Apparently there are thoughtful and reasonable SUP owners as well.....although yet to meet one personally.
hey plastic. I think if all ski owners used them in the way you've described, there would be no issues with them. they have their place
Agreed, although it kind of goes against the inherent nature of surfing/hassaling on the gold coast points.... the ski in some peoples eye seems to have just become another weapon to use when trying to one up on everyone else and get a wave out there... driving a ski around lots of people terrifies me with the carnage potenial...
funny this does not seem to be an issue anywhere else? I see they use skis in france a fair bit.... never seen one at Mundaka....
you do see them in and around sydney a bit - had two of them towing blokes into 2ft waves a few weekends back (unpatrolled beach just outside syd) with about 15 paddle surfers around 30 metres away. unbelievable. sometimes driven by f*ckwits, sometimes see them used as they should be - towing into bombies on big days with no one else around. but nothing like the numbers you see up there.
the foils worry me more down here - small numbers so far but they will cause a death or maiming soon enough I reckon
Thumbs up to you plasticspastic. You're doing the right thing, if all jetski owners had the same attitude there wouldn't be a problem.
Heavier fines say 500 first offence 1000 second then confuscate ski third offence.
Fines are a waste of time as has been suggested. This issue could be treated similar to the hooning laws on the road. Just confiscate/impound the skis for 30-60 days and compliment it with a hefty fine.
Or just continue to play the waiting game for someone to be killed then wade through the aftermath shitstorm that will present.
Awww come on Rabbit who doesn't like to do a power drift on a nice wet road or gravel. So much fun now subject to hoon laws. As long as there is no-one around who cares. I think the issue is doing it in a crowd. How do all the locals feel about it up on the Goldie? They are all living together so there must be a few words said on shore afterwards if everyone knows who the offenders are. Any tension amongst the populace? I know down our way if someone is acting like a dickhead they get told pretty soon and are not welcome.
Haha! Yeah ofcourse, hooning whilst no-ones around, been there done that. But yeah the issue is crowd related as you know :-)
Very sycophantic zone on the Goldie.
I look forward to every time u post something so I can see your profile picture. makes me laugh every time
Me too I can't believe someone would put themselves out there with such a dorky, cheesy photo. I was too good to not use it.
Fines and the embarrassment of being pulled up in public view will deter a lot of people. A few high profile videos of on the spot fines in front of the paddlers and the onlookers with appropriate applause and hoots would do even more. People hate embarrassment more than a few hundred bucks. Sponsors don't like it either.
A key thing is that the pissed off people are actually the better and fitter surfers around so these guys can't right them off as shorebreak gumbies. They rub shoulders with them daily.
So start posting the evidence ....
It will entertain us and magnify the deterrant factor.
Simple solution-Blanket ban on all jet-skis’s in the line up unless MSQ has issued a notice the due to prevailing conditions ski’s are permitted in the line up(ie Burleigh & Currumbin last Sunday).This would require an assessment by MSQ , but surely that a shouldn’t be too hard.Bottom line is if you’ve got paddlers in the line-up then skis are not allowed .Increase the fines & implement “ hoon legislation “ same as on the road with a minimum impoundment of 3 months. That should bring about a change of attitude
Good solution. No fly zone within 500+m of any known surfspot. Like a fisheries reserve.....
When the conditions dictate boundaries can be waived by MSQ.
This is a good move but the fines are so light people will be tempt the law to get that barrel.
Does Qld have anti-hoon laws for cars? In Vicco you get fined plus your car impounded for 30 days first offence. 3 offences in 3 years you get to see your car crushed plus more fines plus loss of licence.
Hooning in the water ought to viewed the same as hooning in a car and the same laws apply, whatever they are in Qld ... but, gee its only 2019 why not nationally consistent laws?
Yeh, inconsistent laws across states and territories is inefficient. All laws should be national. We wouldn't really need state governments then although we'd still need at least some of the state bureaucracy to actually run things.
Fit young men in 6 to 8 foot surf and can't paddle in? Can't paddle against current? Privileged pros wreaking havoc on noisy smelly machines and then boasting about it? Surfing has become a seriously messed up sport.
Anyone know who these guys are?
What about the flog at 2:28??? Session over after that stack! Hahaha!
It couldn't be DH.......again! Could it......?? That's the kind of f-up that could get someone killed.
Yeah ya right, serious injury waiting to happen there or worse, death, especially how quick he loses it you'd have no time to even bail ya board if you were paddling out would ya, so fkd up
bloke driving that ski either has no fcking clue or was avoiding a paddler just on his inside... get a rope if you are going to do that instead of step offs.... it's safer
Here's last years F-up......???
yep, seen that a few times. Darren Handley? if they don't have the seats strapped on it can be an expensive mistake to happen.
Don't like discordant noise of ski, the fish don't either. Not to mention the vibration of Joe 6 pac.
Jack Freestone / 11 skis out Burliegh on the big day was ruthless
it seems hassling and snaking between ski teams is now happening.
Some very interesting (ie disturbingly narcissistic) reading on this particular topic on other forums. Hailed as heroes by some, villains by others.
You’ll never win an argument with a fool.
yes we saw that at Currumbin and avoided it.... the hassaling only seemed to be when the pros and filmers were around.... most of the time, everyone was looking out for everyone.....
Surfed The Alley last summer, late Jan( east/south/east low before TC Gita).A couple of Ski's appeared on the biggest day of the swell with a fierce sweep happening but only 6ft on the biggest set waves. Straight inside the rock takeoff & taking whatever came through ignoring all the stated rules. Sounds like not too much has changed in a year, Sooner or later someone is going to be run over or worse still killed. Time to act NOW with confiscations & fine/suspensions that hurt the cowboys!
rumor is it that at least three ski's were trashed over the weekend.... might make some people a little happier....
Just, fuck em all off period, its bad enough the pros get to take over breaks for all the Wanker Surf League events and they also want privileges whenever theres a decent swell running, these so called ambassadors of surfing should be promoting the environment and showing respect for over surfers who pay their wages by buying their promoted products.
Not hooning about on petrol polluting loud fuckin Jet skis. How about some of these companies Billabong, Hurley Rip Curl getting serious it about and backing $$$ into stopping plastic pollution in the ocean, not just while they hold there 3 day Wank at your local beach.
But year round.
The new norm is here. Forget the fines, loss of licence for repeat offenders will do the trick.
"The new norm is here. Forget the fines, loss of licence for repeat offenders will do the trick."
Maybe...…..Doesn't stop some people driving cars without a licence.
Jet skis,
I was thinking.....why would you live on the g c and own a jet ski......
It pretty much flat for ten months of the year.
Well one would come in handy for t o s .........seems convenient,
Maybe for the tweed b also.....
One might also come in handy for escaping the crowds. Or getting the upper hand on the "millions of Blow ins that move there every year and claim to be local........."
I just don't see the point in using jet skis personally.
I watched kirra break a few times and surfed it on more than a few times...never have I needed a ski.
Had Fu kin sore arms though.....
#" over the HANDLEY bars"
If you don’t paddle to Straddie you shouldn’t be allowed to surf there.
@ Stu net.
Just a question. How does Jack get wave of the day then this article comes out a day later?
Because I thought it was a good shot of Jack? Or, to be more precise, I thought it was a good shot by Lance Morgan who was swimming and scored the hook up. The rider is secondary.
If the actions of the MSQ mean there'll be less shots of Jack in the future...well, no problems, I'm never short of good WOTD shots.
Wow, that's quite a swim for the photographer.
I think that it should be mandatory that all surfers and drivers on skis should use life jackets with numbers printed front and back. That way they came be easily spotted.
Violatior can then be filmed/ photographed then used as evidence for dangerous behavior/ actions .
All vests must be fluro pink or orange!
Game on for paddle surfers also !
This is really good news for QLD surfers at least they are now taking notice and fining people, maybe its not a big fine, but I'm sure the more times they get fined and recorded the more serious it becomes.
"less skis"
Fewer skis
If we let standards slip on Swellnet, what will we become as a society?
Just do what has been done here in vicco and go straight to the boat ramp and let their tyres down
They will soon get the picture
Tyres down, electrical wiring snipped to little pieces, licence plate in the bin, angle grind the hitch almost completely off so it falls off under load and goes backwards down the ramp into the drink
Yeah I don't like skis much
How about when 1 of these clowns saves a surfer from drowning whilst out on one of these solid days.
Just mention the word safety these days and BAM, approved.
Been waiting for this topic. Absolutely makes my blood boil.
I think a big part of the problem is the herd mentality. Who is actually calling these dickheads out? How are any of these guys who stepped off, got a trip out the back via a ski allowed catch another wave? People need to get vocal, drop in, ala Harry Bryant (if that’s true). If this forum is anything to go by most of us feel the same.
Any of you wankers with skis thinking it’s a good idea to zoom to quieter places south can fuck off too.
I’m a really mellow guy, would never get in a blue over waves but skis anywhere near paddlers send me over the edge.
Last year a day after the peak of the Black NE’r a local beach break was flawless 6-8, just all time. Got my step up and after a majorly hard fought paddle I made it out. There were a couple of other guys floating about and I’d assumed they were fellow paddlers.
Before I knew it two skis were tearing about at scary distance away. I lost it and screamed all profanities I’ve ever learnt. One of the drivers proceeded to call me a kook before picking up two blokes and buzzing off back where they came from. I was fuming and bagging the shit out of them to anyone within earshot and the ‘Paddle’ crew became real quiet, started to look at the horizon in the opposite direction and gradually paddle away towards the remaining ski. Nearly all of them were with the other ski. Net result I looked like a psychopath and had the peak to myself. What should’ve been all time, turned into a session that I really felt pretty crappy about due to the altercation.
There’s been 2 or 3 times since the the above where someone and his mate have tried to step off on 4-5’ beachies close by and have had to be told to piss off. They always do.
So although it’s awful to have to carry on out there it tends to work and why I feel more of you lot surfing these crowded spots with skis need to chirp up.
Bet that’s why you don’t see them buzzing around Lennox and Angourie, the crew would not tolerate it.
On the GC everyone is lording over the epic waves these guys are getting.
For me it’s not jealousy, not that I want that wave to myself, it’s pure and simple safety. I just can’t relax safe in the knowledge that flog on the ski won’t do something stupid.
Been wondering the same thing, why isn't there more resistance up there from other surfers?
Down here if skis get closer than about 100m to surfers everyone starts giving hand gestures to move on. At a slab not too far away there is a general rule if you show up on a ski and theres people paddling then you have a crack paddling before even thinking about towing. Its also expected the driver will assist people in with broken boards etc. If it not a tow worthy size then its not tolerated.
Are people up there too scared to tell a local pro what they think? Is it that 90% of the crowd are blow ins so want to tread lightly?
To be honest, about 90% of the crowd was blow ins. I shot from land anywhere between 25-30hrs over the 4 days and honestly there were a lot of evidently inexperienced people out. So yes, I would think they would be treading lightly. Furthermore, i swam out at Kirra twice to shoot and most of the crowd you could tell was not local. Didn't know where to sit etc...
However, the ski's yes are beneficial. I had a mate out who was doing stepoffs down the beach away from the crowds and when he came to Kirra, he sat very wide and gave frequent free lifts back to the point for randoms. They are beneficial but yes there are definitely some radical ski drivers out (3+ skis were done)
This is one use for a ski or boat haha, The Reef way out of Coffs last weekend. You cant paddle out there. Tow in for surfers. Bodyboarders love it.
Lee Winkler
Those boogs must’ve love having that ski buzzing about
I don't think $350 is a big enough deterrent for the cashed up professional who are the worst offenders and usually the ones showing the most amount of aggression and least amount of respect. They are in it for the money so they can get the shots and vids out their to capitalize on the marketing value. The sponsors will fork the bill while they are stealing waves off recreational surfers and children whilst being hailed as heros on the internet.
Had a good mate tell me once you don't have to be a wanker to have a jet ski but every wanker has one.... says it all. Towing into 6ft waves, only on the gold coast!
(Cyclone Oma) Friday All media!
Qld Premier said people should not be complacent.
"There could be waves up to 7 m over the course of the weekend and in some instances it may be higher" she said.
"We don't want to put other peoples lives at risk to save you,so please keep off our beaches this weekend."
"My clear message to families from Sandy Cape all the way down to Coolangatta is don't go camping,don't go boating,don't go swimming and don't go surfing."
On top of these warnings SLSQ issued several directives for... [NO SURFING]
Just to be clear here,it was an offence for any open water activities over the weekend.
Now everyone on the Planet would respect the ladies request. Surely not too hard!
Just one day for volunteers to breathe...Here's how our Cyclonic weekend played out!
Swimmers were prevented from entering surf & were threatened with police fines.
Boardriders defy 'surfing ban' putting lives at risk ( No warnings or fines given)
Jetskis defy 'boating + surfing ban' putting lives at risk as a result were fined.
Govt defy boating ban putting lives at risk to bust Skis blowing kisses to boardriders
Boardriders remain the only Qlders to pull cones while pissing on Martial Law.
With every Cyclone or Tsunami Alert! Boardriders request $billion a/h SAS crews
Divas give breakfast TV burp then dump debris wherever while saluting the boss.
Rock Stars drooling! Oh Dark Lord please make me as fucked up as that white trash!
Enough is Enough.(This is Bullshit) Fine one then fine the lot or none at all.
Stop pandering to lawbreaking Skegz...This is seriously fucked up people!
[ It's dead...They killed the WSR ]...Opening Soon...{White Trash Boardriderz Salon}
Influence comes from many directions, the issue is responsibility, respect and culture. When the pursuit of adventure and fun is employed, its' not just having a good time, its a huge maritime responsibility to captain a boat and abide by Maritime, Admiralty and State or National boating laws. Most folks learn from imitation and whom the imitate from may be the worst example and not the best, and can certainly cause great harm. Who is thinking about that before they launch their PWC into these surf zones? Nobody. A personal water craft is a boat. Boating rules and regulations apply. Safety of paddle craft and swimmers are the number one concern for power craft to not generate gross negligence of operations by creating a mishap, injury or a fatality from loss of craft maneuvering. Surf is a high risk environment for power craft. Surfers have had to adapt to the inclusion of PWC's in towsurfing with minimal competency training by the Coxswains of these craft. Historically their accidents percentages are high and they cause migratory problems. The comments here are vital to save somebodies life and reputation. Thanks for sharing your opinions and views, they are very important, but action is required now.
Has annoyed me for 15 years when as a traveling Victorian waiting hours for a wave on the super bank, Finally found some space and a set wave approaching with only me in position. Suddenly a ski burns in out of nowhere and farkin Occy steps off onto my approaching wave and burns me.
Still pisses me off to this day.
If you are using a JetSki for assistance at the Gold Coast you are a dead set poof. No excuses it’s just lame and you should be ashamed of yourself. Harden up and paddle. There are blokes rolling in graves. It’s an international embarrassment
This is not good news for my jet ski legrope business idea...
hang in there stupot - the best ideas are sometimes slow burners
If the jetski legrope idea becomes a kneckrope instead, I'm all for it!
come on everyone, lets be real!
the cooly kids-cowboys love this shit and probably the commentary even more
hasn't anyone been burnt by fanning,parko, hazza's etc when paddling the points
they love it. their mates applaud it, anyone remember damon harvey blatantly burning the guy during cyclone Gita and getting record reviews on 18 sec's instagram page . if they weren't the best surfers on the planet they would be just be bogans living in logan.
The kids see their heroes getting the waves of their lives and think this is cool and THIS must be how its done!
the problem is no one challenges these monkeys because they are worried about the pack mentality that surrounds their bubble.
wayne deane would be turning in his grave right now!
once an injury or death occurs serious criminal charges /civil will follow.
dangerous driving leading to death is called umm
manslaughter! that includes watercraft you egomaniacs
Fully agree, except they are not the best surfers in the world, the best guys at the moment are Hawaiians and Brazilians. We have a couple of good up and comers, Jack Robbo, maybe Freestone, but they won't be winning any titles. Apart from Mick and Joel who have lost my respect because of this step off bullshit, the rest are just Gold Coast heroes, who can't make a dent in the surfing world. How do the Hazzas go at Pipe? How does Brent Dorrington go at Jaws? (When will Julian get some cunt in him, a killer instinct, stop putting out pink fins?) I watched Matt Wilko in a heat against Medina last year and it was fucken embarrassing, There's more Spaniards than Australians on the BWWT. We suck in "the best surfers in the world" category at the moment, but we are worlds best at step offs on sand bottom points.
You definitely haven't been watching...
Shaun "Hammers" Manners
Noa "Mean" Deane
Or "Chippa" Wilson.
Those pricks paddle everything and are on their own level.
"This one goes to 11".
I'm not attempting to play devils advocate with this or anything but check this POV.....interesting, I'm not sure if they are all tow crews or if two are 'paddling' but it gives a perspective of what was going down at Burleigh.
Nice ride all the same Jack.
Not unlike skidoo’s in the ski backcountry they are a blight on a natural space. (Smelly, noisy, too fast) Continued objection in any way ( on here, fines, direct communication, boycott products) will make a difference even on the overdeveloped goldy. I cannot understand how a true pro would even consider using a ski assist where others a paddling.
Just on Maritime law and enforcement in the QLD , they are literally over run with enforcement officers who can't seem to police the most obvious infractions.
MSQ , QLD boating and fisheries , water police. For fucks sake. How many more resources do you need?
I do realise that most of these badge wearing patrols aren't really up to handling craft they are supposedly trained for outside of 'safe operational' parameters , namely cyclone swells. But the reality is they don't even need to go to sea to catch these offenders.
Don't want to be a seen as a nanny state now? A bit late isn't it.
Whales will be here soon , countless patrols will be offshore soaking up the perks, all the branches of authority I mentioned ,,enforcing strict proximity regulations etc etc, , perhaps even taking the 'girlfriend/spouse/partner' on official trips .beers etc I've seen it all before.
Side note ,# regarding jurisdiction on the qld / nsw maritime border , and this only concerns Snapper tow ins,,,, is that the official maritime state border extends 60 degrees east off the northern tip off Snapper rocks for several miles before heading along a 90 degree line further out to sea. The inshore reefs and take off area in big swells lies in two different states. Nsw maritime in Tweed are hardly watermen and barely police errant jet ski riders breaking the 4 knot/ wash rules in front of their own office on the river.
These guys are also hardly Hawaiian water patrol either. The lack of solid conditions equals lack of experience on PWC’s in these kinds of surf zones. It’s friggen scary. These guys wasting money on their aquatic wank tanks and the result seems to be them getting them out there on smaller and smaller swells, likely justify having got it in the first place.
First time in, so hi all. I started surfing as a 7 yr old because MR won a world title, so I'm an old fart and from Newy. Different needs back when... But that's a different topic.
I just want everyone who has posted a comment here, to go and have a look at the boards they are riding, the board shorts, wetsuits, tee-shirt etc that they are wearing. Do you want to hurt these guys? Apparently a lot of you do! Stop buying their over priced rubbish that supports their egos. All professional athletes rely on the average weekend punter for their livelihood. Imagine if an NRL/AFL player went out and crash tackled a weekend player (on the ground not at the Pub), it wouldn't happen because their club and sponsors would rip their livelihoods away for them.
Support your local board builder, you may find you will get the board you actually need not want. There are also some great wetsuits produced without brands and $3 tees same quality, same material produced in the same Asian backstreet shop, just lacking a above mentioned ego labels. Don't whinge about getting drop in on, ask for your money back.
Go Local, not locals..
Looks like you will be buying kuta lines boardies then!
Picking them up from ricta surf.
Then paddling out at nobbys bank.
That pd board looks pretty good.
Can't wait to get wet at the race track !
G’day evski great points mate
There are plenty of other options than the big brands such as ‘needs essential’ etc. Also plenty other local options (in most surf towns) than your DHD or JS.
Two years ago when all those Alley videos came out (which increased crowds ever since) my mate was taking off behind the Alley Rock paddling pulled into a decent stand up barrel and a ski dropped down the face burning him putting someone on the face for footage. They then proceeded to cut through the crowd OF SCHOOL CHILDREN (yes it was that big) to steal the best peaks. I ask them about surf etiquette to which the response was "shut the fuck up or I'll smash you" and they then attempted to grab me to hit me. Their hero hailed rides were featured on many surf websites. Oh and another hero crew bashed one of my mates on Tweed Bar who was paddling.
Name and shame brother
seconded. If you say that kind of stuff you need to name them. And also yourself I'm afraid....
No, name and shame anonymously is fine I think. If they have the audacity to behave that way they do NOT get the courtesy of our names.
Educate, fine, impound, crush.
In that order.
363 of 365 days I agree with Jet Ski policing & back the boardriding crew as I've said.
Govt $1m/hr Hero braves Cyclone to fine Jetski in [NO SURFING ZONE] Is that Legal?
News (Wed night 27th/Feb)
GCCC Jetski rider is contesting charge & fine!
Yeah! You heard me! One of the Ratpack sunlights as an undercover L...G...D. (Shh!)
Always comes down to Border Patrol
*Walk outside the xing (Cop a Fine)
*Park over the Line (Lose your ride)
*Cross border with a banana (Get strip searched)
At sea the Borders are a lot more blurry & near impossible to police.
* Enter Oz Territory >5 year stint on Nauru Cairns Timeshare with a free beer!
* Jetskis breach Boardriderz space...jury is out as Surfers/Jetski/MSQ all broke the law.
Consider clubbies operate Jetskis in the Flags! Most swimmers would say to man up!
(Applying to recent years)
* I can't recall a boardrider ever being charged for breaching a closed beach or Flags?
I'm not being smart! They seem alone in riding way up high above laws of the sea.
I guess surfboards get more [Likes] than Puppies...(Anyone have a more cute reason!)
Anyhow enjoy your #1 rank Skegz...I wouldn't be crying wolf if I were you lot... Shh!
But the waves were like an average day in west oz. So why the ski. I have a dream. Every surfer on the super bank gets a tow partner and jet ski every time the swell is 3 ft plus. 300 jets skis out. Is that what u want?
On the heaviest day out the Alley there was only 1 human paddling a booger fella called 'Chuck' ...3 of the tow teams were respectful and gave him lifts back to the southside every so often...however one bunch of fuckwits on a dull yellow ski nearly killed him ....Chuck had paddled a bomb on his own then had these wankers whiz straight at him and not only blatantly roasted him but nearly took him out for good .....any footage or pics from any bystanders to hunt these cunts down much appreciated!!!
Coupla things:
Yes. Fines link to drivers licence IF boat / jetski licence linked. Is in Qld, is option in NSW. DUI rules apply on water too.
No. Fines specifically NOT a tax deduction (specific section of tax Act, has been for years) But ATO has to find the claim, reduction of net income via an Audit due to 'self assessment' tax system in Oz. Pro's etc will be putting them in as an expense, along with the fuel, cost of ski (remember any item under $20k gets immediate 100% tax write off), so until ATO does an Audit it will come of their taxable income. PS: it's what banks, mining companies, trucking companies etc all do... They claim it as an expense and feign ignorance if found on an audit. Tip is, hide it among other large volume transactions!
Winkler @ Coffs. FMD, it's not an "offshore reef", muttonbird island is in the background. It's the reef Ledge just outside the harbour, north side, near the yacht club, FFS.
Brilliant idea that 'hoon laws' concept. Confiscate skis and court appearance, plus fines etc. Much more robust. How do we get that to happen?
Why not run photos n videos of the MSQ fining the fuckers?
Why not a policy between all surf media to stop publishing at pics or video where a ski was involved? Surf media can take a stand! Swellnet got the balls to lead it?
"Swellnet got the balls to lead it?"
Mate, don't come on here and question our "balls". For one, I've highlighted this issue for years, made myself persona non grata with Warren Young (Head of Lifeguards) in the process, and almost every pro surfer who surfs the Goldy.
Two, you're an anonymous poster, while people know who I am and I have to wear the consequences offline.
Three, if you're gonna question anyone's mettle then take it to the media who aren't standing up for the recreational surfers, maybe point out to them who their readership actually is.
Lastly, if you've followed what I've written you'd know that this issue is now squarely in the public's hands. You guys have access to all manner of footage via surf cam replays, Instagram, video clips, and photos, and the authorities have made themselves available via Police Assitance Line or email contact for footage.
Oh dear ... here we go ...
First up, there are a LOT of 'anonymous' users on here. That simple fact does not dilute our opinion, so stop that BS now.
Second, if you want user engagement, why attack a comment like this? By your response, it's obvious my comment has touched a nerve. Stop and think as you read further as to why ...
Third, yep, 100% agreed and it's good you have been running articles on this issue. But, isn't there more you guys can do? Contact your peers, and agree to to run any pics where a ski was used? Or set your own policy to not run them?
Fourth, yep, 100% agree, we as recreational surfers can and should be doing something too ... like others posted, we can stop following their instagram, facebook, etc and not "like" their pics, we can stop buying the products of the sponsors, and yep we can contact the authorities. How many of us have done that? I know I have ...
Fifth, by posting my comment I am "taking it to the media" ... you guys are part of the surf industry and media!
Is it really that hard to stop using pics and vids where a ski was used? What about a compromise of tagging pics and vids where no ski used with say, #nojetski? Or even #paddle... Start a movement / trend to differentiate those who paddle vs those who used a jetski?
If you're offended by my use of 'balls', my apology. But, my point stands. Do you guys have the guts, the mettle, the willingness, to take a stand and lead the 'industry', the 'media' and stop using pics or vids if a jetski was used?
Stu, Ben n Co, I'm serious ... if you develop a 'policy' and publish a press release off the back of this issue, mainstream media will pick up on it ... policy could be say, wave under 10ft, or no paddle surfers in the water, whatever ... you get the photog / video dude to sign off on the details of ski or not ... then only publish in your policy guidelines ... take a stand, press release, mainstream media will get on board ... Set yourself apart and lead the charge!
Very fair response Stu. Any long standing reader/viewer of this site knows you have raised this (on your front page) a number of times. What else can you do??
Some of the best footage of the swell
To be honest, Swellnet is the only outlet highlighting the situation. The current efforts by MSQ are likely to be because of the last round of forums on Swellnet last year.
Good effort I reckon
Completely agree.
Virtually the entirety of the surf media apart from Swellnet is engaged in a “ Who wore it best ?” Competition using the semen of the pro surfing hierarchy as the contested outfit.
Guaranteed that any pressure on the reckless and greedy use of skis amongst crowds on the Goldy is due to Swellnet giving a voice to the majority of surfers who dont act like selfish , entitled pricks .....well , not selfish entitled pricks on skis anyway.
More power to them.
But, can more be done too?
I thought it was a great paddle swell waves consistent sets big sets every 30mins. Still amazed that you can get sessions relatively quiet despite all the hype. Surfed Currumbin Kirra Greeny during swell. I didn't think you needed ski, but obviously you got a bunch more waves. The northerly direction meant the sweep was reverse (ie out to sea) the first 2 days.
Thought the ski guys were better behaved than previous swells.
Be nice if there was an unwritten law no step offs no tow. Ferry people into position like behind the rock and Burleigh but you gotta paddle. You can't stay in position behind rock paddling so its not black and white.
If you step off or get towed you have no rights. I'm going if I can make it. But it's hard too when they already on the wave gunning towards you to just flip and go. Are you going to drop in on Parko or RCJ?
Surfed down coast rest of swell and NSW Marine were all over the skis in lineup checking safety.
sounds like a few people need a (hug ;-) ) & a jet ski to run out of petrol , pre, 8ft set , just a though
I understand the logic of not buying offenders sponsors product and it may have an effect on smaller companies like DHD and JS but no one buys clothing from the big 3 anymore already. Maybe not buying Rip Curl wetsuits is about the only thing that could make a dent. I havent seen a surfing mate wear a rip curl tshirt since 2000.
I'd be hardly feeling sorry for DHD and JS.
See all you c-nts at Balter, I'll be at the front of the bar queue on my PWC!
With all respect to you Stu, and acknowledge that you lead the charge on this, I think part of the problem is the amount of photo's and videos that get published of surfers post tow-assist.
I'm assuming because I don't see many drops that the clips have edited the tow in or step off out of the ride.
There appears to be a bind that as a surf-related site that you need to publish lots of content on the best GC swell in a while, particularly to maximise viewers and revenues, while also campaigning against the problem.
Im starting to think if I had step off and paddle assist every time it got over 2 foot I'd eventually make WOTD too. Someone send me some photogs numbers will ya...I wish!
The argument we had to have!
Current swellnet [ALERT] System is by far the best.(Easy & Direct ALARM)
This weekend swellnet set a leading example & I couldn't be more proud to say so.
Friday pm- Media briefly relayed Premier's [ALERT] No Swimming/Surfing/Boating
Swellnet allowed me to relay Premier's [ALERT]
Premier's [ALERT] Swellnet Front Page for Friday/Sat..
Media briefly relayed SLSQ [ALERT] in desperate plea for 'missing' surfers of boards.
Swellnet allowed me to relay SLSQ [ALERT]
SLSQ [ALERT] Swellnet Front Page for Sun/Mon..
I believe Swellnet was the only site to constantly frontline official Oma warnings.
Note: tbb ALERT comments are not used lightly nor abused.(They are just that)
Despite Premier's ban mainstream media threatened Swimmers with criminal charges
Again Swellnet afforded tbb to relay fines that apply to entering [BEACH CLOSED]
No media singled out similar Policing fines for illegal Boats & Surfboard owners.
All media promoted Boardriding #1 sport during the Cyclone despite Premier's Ban!
Again I questioned this entrenched bias during Cyclones or Tsunami Alerts.
Govt official copped Jetskis trying to 'retrieve' illegal skegz?
Masses yell hang swimmers/ban jetskis while applauding Boardriders & Drones?
What's legally important here! Govt official risking Cyclone or cruising EX TC Oma?
At what point did Cyclone Downgrade to the timing of fines.(WSR open/closed?)
As to promoting misadventure or preventing 3rd party ring-ins on an open site...
I guess that's the downside of being completely open & honest.(Tell it as it is)
We must know that seemingly dormant forums are all links to potential Towies Ads.
10 yr linking of comments to same news site fires up 1000 of said towie's ads.
Do swellnet axe all said person's comments & bastardize links to said towie's Ad.
Then do swellnet restore Links once Towie ad is gone? Assumed guilt by association?
One Swellnetonian's constant news link...Dwarfs swellnet media Whole.
$Gazillion facebook can't rid rogues but will block Qld Premier's [Cyclone Alerts]
Bonus! tbb has included this weekend's wave Charts
Govt Cyclone Oma forecast chart [~~~~^~~~~/\~~~//`~/C~/(C../(C....xx\\xx]
(Fri Midnite) The Hadron Collider records the Premier's (No Surf) nanosecond [......:......]
TV News Headline Reel [~*/#@~^~*+$*/\~*#`~//`%%Kill%%*/Cx%%*%Die%cunt%x]
Weatherman:'Plenty of waves on offer! 3.2.1 Back live with Mad Huey's barrel cam!
So good luck handing out fines to every Qld'er but one...(That'd be this loser!)
gcuts raised many good points as did all ...
Confiscation is right across the board & also applies to vessel as a conveyor of crime.
Boat People/Container/Drugs/Fishing/Tinnies vessels are not only confiscated.
As with hoons if the vessel is but modified in the slightest they're history.
This week's Qld Local News: Check out Red Claw Cray poacher's Boat. (Bye! Bye!)
I actually saw this Govt Ad on the news... (Gnarly process Ship was spitting chips!)
I recommend surfers post Swellnet [Jetski ALERT] + Rules @ Next Cyclone
Swellnet fairly offers more comment billboard space than it affords to sponsors.
I can confirm that swellnet is fairest avenue for ALERTS. (Try it & see it's also free!)
[Not a Swellnet Ad]
First offence $1000 fine.
Second offence: your ski gets put in the crusher, while the mob cheer.
You could sell tickets and give the money to Surfrider.
win win win.
3rd offence. . Being made to read all of trueblue bashers comments top to bottom.
So its not just me that finds em painful!
I disagree. The guy knows his shit, doesn't bother linking his words, just spits 'em out in noteform, does his research and often is spot on. I'm a big fan of his work and if you are reading this Trueblue, keep it going son, I think you are a gun contributor.
'kin oath!
Totally agree.
The weird thing is that True Blue actually has a lot of knowledge and does some interesting research but his writing style makes most posts too hard to bother reading or his interesting points get lost.. I know he can write better - occasionally he slips up and falls out of character and writes a good (almost) easy to read post. Mostly though I jump his posts or skim down looking for the occasional nugget. If he wound back the style he uses a bit and was more selective in the links he posted he could be one of the more interesting posters on SN.
Managed a short, very late surf at Granites (Noosa) this afternoon. Three blokes in the water (!), one of whom had a mate with a boat in the channel, ferrying him back out to the lineup after each wave (!!).
Kidding, and it wouldn't have been that long a paddle with the size either!
I wonder how the authorities would handle me taking a motorX bike to a crowded skate ramp?
In all fairness though, some of these guys , certainly not all , have great skill in operating PWC's in heavy conditions. For that and those that do I have some respect. However that's where it ends when it comes to "cheating" in less than appropriate conditions and locations.
Come in Adam 12 ...tbb has never had a better { * reference * }
Only makes me sound half mental or somethin'...Too late now...I've already framed it.
It's going up in the treatment rooms where my Psychiatrist's Certificate used to Hang.
Adam 12 is invited to come Couch Surfin with me & the Doc !
He won't mind as he's long considered me part of the furniture.
Didn’t even bother to surf last week. I had a feeling the best waves would be ridden by the PWC crew.
Pros and ex pros the Kardashians of the water. They love the adoration, love saying they are for the people and green peace, love how many likes they can get and photos of themselves and most of them drop in. Hypocrites. And then go to the beach and laugh about all the average surfers and how they pocket your money through surf sales or their latest start up brewery! Welcome to 2019 and beyond!
And one of the biggest ass bandits for it has an AO after his name!! Is this the only sport in the world where the professionals and has beens can make such assholes of themselves in their respected domains??
What's needs to happen for all these PwC geeks are rounded up for a public showing,
hogtied tarred and feathered... then paraded through the streets of Coolie and Kirra with signs around their neck.. " Inconsiderate PWC Wankers "
I surfed Thursday thru Sunday at Kirra bout 3 hours each day and couple of hours at Burleigh early on Monday all sessions I paddled I dont have access to a ski. The sweep at kirra was fine all swell but if your caught inside its a 20 minute run around to a easy paddle out at Greenmount.
I had no issues with skis during the swell. I even managed to scam couple of lifts off blokes I didnt know who were ferrying pros back up the top, all youve got to do is wistle them over and ask for a lift.
Seams to me that the only people complaining about this are people who dont surf our points at size.
Cyclonic dynamo Nogaryno could easily paddle-tow the tired Jetskis into some gems.
After such a marathon paddle quest, I'd also surrender to the Kardashian bodyguards.
It’s only a handful of skis causing the grief on the goldy , And I reckon they know who they are . I got a ski because I was sick of getting dropped in on and frustrated at snapper/Kirra . I’m an average surfer like most out there , we used the ski at north Kirra , mostly in front of Kirra surf shop . Occasionally there would be a paddler drift right down that far hoping to get a lift off a ski , which we would oblige to . We would take them back up to the end of the line up so they could paddle back up through the crowd to earn there spot in the line up ..We had heaps of good waves over the swell , but nothing like the gems the good Kirra paddlers were getting . We caught more waves with the ski and stayed out of the way of the line up . I would suggest to all ski operators to not give lifts to paddlers anymore as this is what I think is pissing most people off , getting snaked by someone on a ski . If skis are used properly they are great for getting 100’s of waves that would ordinarily go unridden . By the way I don’t think most of the ski crew can’t paddle 6 ft Kirra they just do it because they want 100 plus waves in a good day as opposed to maybe 10
Can I ask how many days a year do you actually take your ski out? I mean we all know how often it gets > 6’ on the goldy.
We have other spots we go on the ski where there are no paddlers . I didn’t just buy it for the goldy . We only went there because too windy anywhere else . Don’t forget we are only catching waves 500m plus north of where there were paddlers and taking waves that had no one near them and would have gone unridden .
Go back a few decades and when goat boats ' paddle skis ' were the latest fad , surfers got the shits with them for getting inside quickest to snag the waves . They were a most maligned and hated species . Today it's the noisy and petrol fumey jet ski's . And now THEY are hated by the MAJORITY . Guys who used to be admired for their ability , are now becoming despised for their snakes gluttony . . " I'm not happy with 10 waves , I want 100 !!,,, .... you greedy , greedy fuckers .
Totally agree, the ONLY reason for taking skis out at those places is pure greed.
I mean who’s not absolutely stoked with 10 waves out there??
I’m not greedy mate, quite the opposite! You can see greed paddling the superbank every time it’s over 4ft . Don’t know about you , but i hate hassling for waves at any line up . That’s half the reason i got a ski , that way I can stay away from the crowd and do my own thing . Like I said it’s only a handful of skis that ruin it for everyone.
What if one day a paddler pops up in front of you and you hit them, down at North Kirra or when you are ferrying someone back up the point? Is that worth a hundred waves? You say you know what you are doing and it's all safe and good, so I have to trust you? Well I don't. You are a safety risk and a greedy cunt and a pussy for not paddling that swell. It's not a ski wave, it's Kirra, and you are not the Hawaiian Water Patrol, just an inexperienced ski driver and owner. If it's ok for you, why not everyone? What if next swell there's 50 or 100 guys like you "500 meters down at North Kirra" sitting on skis doing step offs. Is everyone entitled to be a greedy cunt or just you and Mick and Parko and Taj? Jet ski assist is for waves that can't be paddled or lineups that are empty, Kirra was neither during Oma. Just admit you are in the wrong and stop trying to justify your being a pussy that swell.
Ha ha!
You can dress it up how you want but having a ski whether you like it or not is to get more waves = greed.
I'm exactly the same with regards to crowded points, barely ever do it. 99.9% of the time I surf by myself or one or two others for reasons of having a better experience with the ocean, nature, so as not to get frustrated with behavior of others (and I guess safety reasons). If I were honest net result is often more waves albeit with less quality. I suspect we surf for different reasons - would be a good forum topic.
Complaining about crowds at snapper is like whinging about the it being hot in summer.
Good on you for speaking up though. You're about the only one I've read on these forums. I'm also not doubting that you use a ski safely or responsibly but I feel all of you are kidding yourselves with regards to your reasons and justification for being out there in this neck of the woods. I feel people who have invested (read: wasted) money in jetskis are using them in increasingly smaller surf to justify the means of owning one.
Surfers should unite , join legropes , and coat hanger these fucks
Pity they didn't come to Noosa & fine those tools
Don't give a shit how good they hit a wave, real surfers paddle . . . bottom line!!!
Reckon Greg Noll would find the tow brigade limp wristed over indulged phonies.
'Kin oath. I'd love to hear Greg's take on all this. He doesn't mince his words.
Tow surfing totally has its place - just not among paddling surfers.
Take one look at Kai Lenny's session after the Peahi contest, if you're not convinced.
I think a lot of the massive performance leaps in big wave paddle surfing has come on the back of tow surfing.
In NSW and Vic they have "Hoon" laws for losers who do burn out's and other stupid things in cars, I see no reason why the same laws can't be applied in the PWC context. First instance is a fine and a warning, second incident, thirty day confiscation of PWC and $700.00 to get it out of impoundment.
Havent been able to read it yet but big blow up story in the Sunshine Coast Daily about Ski's at Noosa...
Im wondering if they have any quotes from the Golden Child JW?
Noosa Boardriders Club secretary Michael Court said he had never seen anything like it in his 43 years surfing the points. "They've never come that close," he said.
Mr Court, who is the boardrider club's representative on the Noosa World Surfing Reserve said the committee was aware of the issue and was discussing what to do about it.
"The guys out when it was big didn't take into consideration their impact on the waves," he said. "The jet skis dominated the place. They took every single wave because they could."
"It was either ignorance or arrogance. As the waves came around the point they would swing someone in on every wave. It was just complete disregard." "The Noosa World Surfing Reserve deserves better. I love the place and I don't think that kind of impact fits with Noosa at all." "It's so foreign to what it's about."
Noosa Boardriders Club president Paul Peterson said jet skis created an uneven playing field. He said they had a place but there were questions around safety and conditions. "I'm concerned if they were inside the line up," he said.
Mr Arnison said Noosa was a surf reserve that never gets big enough to tow into.
"They should be either banned completely or at least 200m from the line up," he said." "It will take a young kid being hit and killed for them to look at the issue and then its too late." "If you can't ride a motor bike through the Noosa National Park, why then could you ride a water motorbike."
Yes. Lets hear what the Golden Child has to say.
I have the answer for all you guys who tow your surfers into waves other guys can paddle into. GO FUCK OFF TO Jaws, Shipsterns, Mavericks, Nazare, where it is over 20ft. If you can't paddle into a Cyclone Swell FUCK OFF. You are all lazy sons of bitches who give every other good paddle in surfers the Fucking shits. Sorry about the language but these Morons deserve it. Go play in a Lake or something. When I surfed Fairy bower Deadmans Winki quite a few years ago it was big and these guys were told to Fuck off and ordered off the break. the Law made them. I have been surfing for over 48 years and still paddle in on my 7'8" Outer Island Coral Reefer these boards DONT NEED TO BE TOWED IN!!!
You tell em mate. fuck em
Noosa Bar < > National Park / WSR < > Sunshine beach
No Dogs Permitted > (XXXX Dog Surf Pro is fine just don't eat the last NP Koala).
No Bicycles Permitted > (Jet Skis are fine just don't drown out WSR/NP Dolphins)
No Skateboards Permitted > (Drones are fine just don't bug the threatened NP birds)
Queensland Tourism asks for tourists to respect the locals.
a)Doggone Jet Ski Pilots please keep pet basherz/cyclists/skaterz out of the WSR/NP.
b)Surfboard riders must stop paddling when Doggone JetSki Drone selfies are filming.
{N.P Map} [1] Jet Ski float Bars [2] Drone flythru takeaways [3] Timeshare Kennels
Enjoy your session at Noosa WSR/N.P (Always room for one more Hotdog!)
So two guys on a ski fang it round Granite this arvo right close to the headland (Thursday 7 March 2.40pm).
As I walk back towards Dolphin point one is in the water filming with a go-pro whilst the ski driver rides the wave right into the rocks, and falls off then has to get the ski going off the rocks.
In the meantime swimmer comes to help, loses his GoPro, and finally old mate gets it going. and gets out, probably a few holes in the hull. Gorpro boy then tries looking for his camera getting washed around the rocks.
Quite comical, at least they didn't have boards with them.
Blow flies of the ocean.
pwc of the future
seanboz links to swellnet drone surfing article.
1 Drone surfgod can exterminate >WSR > N.P.> WH wetlands in a matter of minutes.
Dolphin School / Bird Roosts / Fish Nurseries all obliterated by Smoko & wins a prize.
Kitesurfer Takes out Shark @ mach speed-'a tad over 6 knots inshore speed limit. +
Kitesurfer blindly overlords entire Spit as peasants bunker down for inshore landing.
seanboz said it...Blue Planet is in Go Pro's hands [LIVE / DIE] cue: Last Post Alarm.