Margaret River Pro secured till 2021
Back in September we learned that Margaret River was once again on the CT calendar, albeit at a later date. The usual late March/early April slot shifted back to late May owing to the shark threat.
Last year two non-fatal shark attacks in one day threw the future of the event into doubt. WA surfers Alejandro Travaglini and Jason Longrass were attacked just hours apart during the competition's waiting period.
Gabriel Medina and Italo Ferreira both publicly voiced their concerns.
"Safety is the main thing…there is risk," said Medina, "but I don't want to wait for something to happen to us. I don't think it's safe to surf."
Overnight Tourism WA and the World Surf League have announced they've struck a new sponsorship deal and the Margaret River Pro will continue till at least 2021.
“The Margaret River Pro not only injects money and creates jobs for the local economy, but it gives us the opportunity to showcase the region and the State to a global audience," said WA Tourism Minister Paul Papalia.
Papalia continued with news that will thrill WA surfers: “Attracting more people to regional WA forms an important part of Tourism WA’s Two-Year Action Plan to increase visitors travelling to and around the State.”
One group that will be happy about the overnight news is Kit Rayner, President of Kalbarri Boardriders Association. The Margaret River reprieve would seem to have taken the heat out of the WSL's plans to run a CT competition at either Jakes or Gnaraloo.
Nothing to see up there in the NW.......Move right along...WSL.
I'm happy for Poo Man Medina to skip the whole aussie leg if he's still worried....
I still find it amusing how Gabriel Medina and Italo Ferreira chicken out of Margaret River, yet happily rock up to Jeffrey's Bay where a pro surfer was attacked during the competition a couple of years earlier....
Yeah don't know what was going on with Medina (I think Italo just jumped on the band wagon). He doesn't seem to do well at either Bells or Magarets so probably happy to pull the pin and move on to the sewer otherwise known as Brasil.
If Gary recalls correctly, it was Italo who first voiced concern and Medina jumped on afterwards.
Thanks GG I guess Medina had a higher profile so he got more press which is why it lodged in my cranium.
Gary thinks it's an important distinction.
At the start of last year, Italo wasn't viewed as the top-rank surfer he had now and would have had significantly less voice in the discussions as to whether to run or not (in addition to English as a second language). If you view his rising of the issue on IG from the lens of someone who feels their genuine concerns aren't being addressed, it makes more sense. All he had to gain from the move was to get his concerns recognised.
Garybriel Medina jumped on afterwards to add pressure to his already strong negotiating position. Whether he did so to get a competitive advantage is unproven, but not impossible given his pattern of other behaviour.
Just Gary's 2c
I,m concerned for the waves safety when John John is out there.
I’d be surprised if greed doesn’t get a leg up and they don’t push for a NW QS at least.
Just like those one stars they’ve got through Asia,
At least one of which has been turned into a three star.
How's the shark fin in the top right hand corner. They breed em big in the west.
Looks like a Great White. ;-)
Great news for Margarets, now may be a good business opportunity for strap on rubber shark fins to piss the shandy drinkin wendy Brazos right off, but hey why stop there the Goldie and Brazuluvatu could use a clean out too.
The later date will see relentless promo strike missions by the WCT crew up North anyway. Tourism WA wins without alienating WA surfers. The WA tourism Pro proxy event !
Get ready for set piece theatrics of Pros staring longingly at a sunset with an emu bitter in their hand , confiding how they rediscovered themselves in the desert and how soulful it is to be overwhelmed by nature.
This despite the fact that they’ve jetted in for a two day strike mission and will be vacating their luxury glamping accomodation before they’ve even gotten the remnants of the weekends Crown casino coke binge out of their veins .
Couple of photos holding a dawn cuppa next to someone else’s decrepit caravan allowing the viewer to believe they roughed it before they’re heading back to the airport and it’s a wrap.
Desert trope - Scene two , take two and......action !
Classic! Hit the nail on the head Blowin,
The times have changed since "Bustin Down The Door" when Rabbit had to lend MR $50 to enter the contest.
Classic Blowin
Great result for WA surfing. The locals that don't like the circus will be up North anyway. The tourism numbers to WA have been dropping in a big way. Great way to showcase the state. Being later in the season there should be a better chance of running into a massive southern front. That would be very interesting!
The shifting of the seasons over the last decade has been noticeable, should see much better size and conditions in May. March and early April is practically still summer!
You'd wanna hope so Kellya. Looking at last years conditions at the same time, there was only one proper offshore day (NE) between May 29 and June 9 last year. there were 2 days of NNE winds of which one of those days, it swung NW. It could be totally on the pump...or totally on the skunk. There's a reason why crew start heading north in June.
Let's hope it pumps! One or two days of light offshore conditions will put the Margs comp near the top of the best spots on the tour.
Salmon run just starting to fire up. Here we go again for another year. Yeeeeeeeeew!!!
Great quote Mr Papalia. As long as it supports WA's "two-year action plan" to boost tourism, everyone in the lineup at Main Break has gotta love it. Right?
Confirmed till 2021... it gives the artistes of Dunsborough who drew that penis-shark on the billboard ample chance to strike again!
Something very fishy going on but I need Swellnetonians help to check on docs.
*Shire of Augusta Margaret River (Ordinary Council Meeting 27 February 2019)
For a start that don't sound very ordinary...I mean that's not today or yesterday folks.
Normally council agendas are delayed or redacted to throw newshounds of the trail.
*Sustainable Development Attachments (Subject)
Public Event (WSL SURF PRO) Surfers Point/Box/Prevelly/Nth Point/Gracetown
Is Agenda a public invite to 27/Feb council meeting or is this doc rubber stamped?
Whiteshoes predating docs...Bloody corrupt! You wouldn't get away with that in Qld.
Summary of Comments...
Either-way the Corona/grog/ADS come under fire at this Family-Drug Aware Event.
Council Officers standard reply: "No Comment" + "No Comment"
Then on XXXX ADS..." The policy is silent on matters in relation to licenced venues!"
Sure fuckin' is mate! Cheers to that!
Locals are steppin' it up to rid the grog & WSL are pissed!
Meanwhile across town...(Way way back 2 days before future Council rubber stamp)
Tourism WA announces a new 2 year Sponsorship Deal with WSL
Tourism WA says we won't do deals with sharks-Sophie says is perfect the way it is!
Sure looks like TWA + WSL have teamed up to slay the ugly beastie.
'Drug Aware' weighed down with concrete boots in the belly of a whale.
Better feed these Council docs to Dr No's pet shark while you're at it!
Right or Wrong this is the picture that's painted here today folks.
Normal Govt's would deal with the Sharks & praise Surfing's #1 immortal Sponsor.
Just stating the bleeding obvious, it needed to be said if only to flush out Drug Aware!
(Happy to be proved wrong...tbb sends apology to all parties 2 days ahead of time!)
See: {Carnival of Freaks vs Monsters} [ CORONA WSL PRO SHARK FRENZY ]
More chance of hugging a great white in May so will be interesting, hope the swell kicks and John John hits form.
Why bother holding a Shire Council meeting (that called for public submissions and input) regarding making the decision to extend or (hopefully)end the Margaret River Pro contest by the local AMR Shire when someone in the state government just rubber stamps it 2 days prior anyhow? Something smells very fishy and its not just the whale carcasses that the same state government can't get it together to remove before they become a massive problem (again).
Interesting.. got a link to the meeting request etc?
It has been advertised in both the local papers (margaret River times and Augusta margaret river mail) and also on the shires website itself . The meeting is tomorrow night at 5.30 at the shire offices. Submissions were asked for which won't even get a look in the door in the decision making process
No search function in those papers so it's difficult to find articles. I can see the notice of Ordinary Council Meeting on the council website, and it includes a discussion on the contest, however it doesnt say what the nature of the discussion is. I'm assuming it's to consider the precautions and limitations within the event.
Pages 9 to 18 of the meeting agenda give all that info.
Cheers Wally. So submissions had already closed ("A total of 65 submissions were received in response to the Shire’s invitation to comment." - page 10) and the upcoming meeting is concerned with the running of the contest, not whether it runs or not. More than half the submissions were in support of the event.
Interestingly, Surfing WA applied for a five year lease, till 2023, but only got three.
Re Gabs and Italo and Margs versus J-Bay, I think all CT surfers have probably got the memo that if they want to actually get paid to surf in comps, they're going to have to go where (and while) mug taxpayers are forking out for their wages, noahs or not.
Wonder how much influence former ASP CEO and now Tourism WA CEO Brodie Carr had on the decision?
I imagine he would have been twisting elbows hard to get the money secured after last years debacle.
Brodie is literally selling out the surfers of WA.
He’s probably another industry bro so balls deep into fucking what we’ve got that he believes that the term selling out is an anachronism.
Wrong !
I recall the council building a canoe shed on the river... It turned out to be an exclusive hideaway for the council staff, ratepayer funded.
Thanks Wally...I do have said attachments before me but I can't download them...
20 page Attachments have any reworked Plans/Maps + Submissions
Plans & Maps show setups for all Safety / Media /Cams /P.A.
eg: Legend No. 26-['Corona' Public Licenced Bar "Area"] looks as if it goes alfresco.
Should downloads or manual link fail...
Here's a Schedule of Submissions lists Summary of Comments as I mentioned above.
(No. of Submissions are in brackets)
We'll lead with the most explosive submission that...
*Application does not comply with LPP8-Surfing Policy [5 key themes]
North Point is identified as only suitable for minor events. (x2)
28 Replies raise various concerns of Event...
*WSL (concerns)
WSL 5 yr contract = Pro 2yrs > QS 3yrs ? (x4)
WSL Event takes from the town more than it gives (x6)
WSL pay $10K reserves + 70K sponsors + 50K fees to Bells but nothing to WA.(x2)
WSL taxpayer handout doesn't provide local surfer transfer [P] +WC Amenities(x8)
WSL shutsdown break for a month for only 4-5 days comp (x8)
WSL (2019) Does new approval supercede prior years arrangements?
WSL Post Event review be subject... if contract break... should issues be raised.
WSL flyers to households as Tour de Gracetown event
*Environmental concerns
Coastal Environment has not been protected -Notably 2018 damage (x6)
Footprint is too Large/r (x3)
Sand dune protection issues (x4)
Sound Visual Enviro Pollution (x4) commentary can be heard at Prevelly
No commitment to single use plastic
*Event Safety concerns
Event Pressures or lack of Emergency/Evacuation/Sea rescues (x3)
Grog- ADS @ Drug Aware (x3)
School Holidays (x2)
Road flow+ safety - WSL Towies race along roads.(x3)
37 Replies? in support of Event...(Yes you're right ! It doesn't add up does it)
Able to watch World's best surfers @ iconic M.River (x2)
Promo/Buzz for Region (x2)
Event is short as is local inconveniences?
Big drawcard & well managed event
Organizers & Shire demonstrated successful management of event in previous years
Here's that failed Auto Link
Here's the unchecked Manual Link
If neither links work for meeting then feel free to ask of any Officer's Replies/Maps.
I'll mind this copy until we're all on the same page.
[google] margaret river pro 2019 plans attachment
It should read...
[PDF] 11.2 Sustainable Development Attachments - Shire of Augusta...
If not! Then type shown search result into search.
The May date makes sense as Easter is late this year. Bells at Easter MR pro a few weeks later. The date hasn’t changed due to whale/shark migration
I didn't mind the circus coming to town for a short period. It seems soured now and I would say surfing the South west would be safer than walking the beaches and streets of Brazil.
Meeting at AMR Shire regarding contest tonight. Surfing WA didn't bother to show up t as they figured they already had it all in the bag but some amendments made to contest plan including less time (only 2 days rather than 4 that they demanded at North Point and no semis or finals to be held there for the event) as well as maximum recreational surfer and pedestrian access to Margs and the river mouth around the contest rather than a complete lock out as they normally get, also a stakeholders group to be set up with local recreational surfers, environmental groups and event organisers for future planning of the event. Didn't get rid of the whole thing unfortunately but at least almost some fair treatment for everybody for a change, democracy in action.
Thanks for the heads up, Campbell.
This blowup would never have happened had that idiot who got nibbled on 2nd, not surfed after seeing a shark in the line up. Paddles out after seeing a shark and hearing reports of a shark. What a goose. .
1 attack yeh ok bad but keep surfing, 2, no no this place is crazy. Can’t have a comp here.
August 2017 Surfing WA said comp didn't have a Pulse.
Code for WSL being sick of age old nerdy sponsor re: [Drug Aware]
Brazil's rise to Surfpower status played the 'Fear of Surfing' card on 'Margs'...
Prehistoric 3rd Oz Event is seen as an unfair impost to new world Brasil WSL.
Adding that 2018/19 sees 3 dinosaur No.1's Slater/Parko/Fanning moving on...
2019 shows No Oz Surfer in Men's Top Ten!...('3' Oz Comps are under pressure)
WSL plays off States with dying OZ comp story fleecing Oz Taxpayers $9m/year.
Not including NSW/ Noosa WSL Events.
State Tourism bodies kiss WSL Old World conflicting sponsors are binned.
[Drug Aware 'Margs']-Surfing WA main sponsors are now relegated to Margs"Trials"
2018 [Drug Aware] still lingered around Surfers Point with grog limitations.
WSL let their feelings known...'North point safari' rid unwanted nerdy sponsors.
North Point branded WSL/Jeep/Corona/Hurley (Ok sooks! ...Tourism WA a late extra)
Shark aside...WSL bully branding bossed Bali for Marg's Final.
Now Corona flowed freely on {'Marg's} o/s stage' for the 1st time in events history.
Complete slap in the face for Suring WA one year deal.WSL bullies show who's boss!
That brings us to this here contract signing...Corona now move up the leader board.
Margs Leadership Board (Surfing WA is gone plus [Drug Aware] is as good as gone)
WSL / WA Tourism / Jeep /*Corona /Air Asia / Boost / >> Drug Aware as an add on.
WSL crew no longer wear / sell product branding 'Surfing WA / Drug Aware'.
2019 Merch! Confirms WSL alcohol addiction.
WSL 'Corona' Bali Protected 'Kidz' T's + Chix "Recycle" Bags branding 'Corona' label.
Sadly confirms Govt has [SOLD OUT] Non Grog Event to kidz wearing Grog product.
WSL Marg's winners have Govt backing to spray grog over the Kidz & Surfers Point.
One of Us! One Of Us! (Crack a tinnie Kidz!)
This here 'upgrade deal' also (changed event date)... to avoid annual Salmon Run.
This breaks up! (Ends) WSL longest running Triple Crown...(Equal to Hawaii)
Bastard act spells the beginning of the end of Oz tri-leg...hard to argue otherwise?
Other Shark mitigation...
Fisheries Vessel HAMELIN patrols lineup with VR4/Mobile "Tagged" Shark Receiver.
Dedicated Shark watch/retrieve Jet Ski Fleet + Dedicated Shark Drone.
Sun/2nd shark was spotted by a nearby surfer & competitors were retrieved promptly.
Got a future prediction for the event and the Oz leg , TBB ?
No prediction Blowin...mostly just run of the mill mobster rort as with our govts...
As guessed Margs deal rings true with Stage Backdrop finally peppered with Corona.
Top 4 all spraying Corona over / .D:R'U`G" *A'W"A:R`E \ Logo...(Taking the piss!)
No1 is also the 1st to chug endorsed swig of Corona on Marg's stage..all went to plan
As said, Oz states are on $3m yr/ WSL contracts + local council handouts & freebies
WSL will surely raise the stakes to $4-5m each Oz Comp contracts
Blowin can read between the lines...WSL broke up Oz Triple crown for other reasons.
Ok! Perhaps we're stupid enough to believe the Salmon Run but forget Whale Run?
Wild Margs is now isolated in all ways...surplus to Oz leg now ripe for the takeover.
Bali can Double Up on their Leg to cash in on dreamlike tourism exposure.
Brazil can Double Up on their Leg for a Tourism/Sports bonanza...(Coming of Age!)
Blowin can see how WSL rescheduled comp calendar to value add 'Tri-bid' for event.
Brazil to fork out $8m BRL(approx)...for Back 2 Back Brazo Leg. (Less $ than Oz/Bali)
This is because Brazil can payback in many ways with larger market share.
Bali needs to fork out $40,000,000,000 IDR (Approx) for Twin Indo Leg(Matching Oz)
No guessing as to who WSL wish to pen into Marg's soon vacant Calendar spot.
Of course Margs can keep their spot so long as WA are prepared to out-bid Brazil.
Note: Considerably more, as WSL will likely favour a lesser near offer from Brazil.
Qld/Vic will also need to bid as WSL will threaten-that they're next...(Sharks!)
swelnet crew aren't gonna surrender our Oz leg...still good!
2020 WSL Margaret River Pro (April 22nd - May 2)
swellnet crew presents WSL True Surf 2020 Oz leg Margaret River Pro Webcast
[Disclaimer] Essential Home Surf Schooling complies with Govt Website Crash Tests.
Please sit back 1.5m from the screen & No fingernail biting during the Final...
swellnet crew present WSL 2020 Margaret River Coronasurfluenza Outbreak.
Marg's WSL Mystery Shark feels honoured to Judge competitors social distancing
*True Surf Intro to Margs
*Lay round
(No eliminations as usual) + Bonus > Wipeout Sets > Carnage
Romaine Lettuce (Natural) ~ Fans [ 31 ] ~ Earnings [ $10 ]
Unsponsored Metal Grom
Surf Report - Swell 27^ 32ft / Offshore / Tide 1m / Temp 20*c
[ Level 11 ]...Let's Surf ...Note: Marg's Webcast kicks in at [1:30 ] OK!
Kiwistyle ~ (Natural) ~ Fans [ 286 ] ~ Earnings $2,640.
Sponsored by NZ Grom Hill Bomberz ( Insane Raw skate Clip ) ...tbb Punk Salute!
Surf Report~Swell < 52ft /Offshore/Tide 0m /Temp 20*c + [Hazardous Surf Warning]
[ Level 12 ] ...Let's Surf
*5 Man Knockout Heat
Squirt Asaurus Rex (Goof) Fans [ 73 ]
Sponsored by Reverse Cap & Ski Sunnies
Surf Report ~Swell 9 >10ft /Offshore-Lines /Tide 0 m / Temp 18*c
[ Level 8 ] Let's Surf! [ Note: Margs Webcast from 0:30 ]
Ismael (Goof) ~ Fans 26 ~ Earnings $1,400
Sponsored by 1028
Surf Report~ 12 < 13ft / Offshore / Tide 0 m / Temp 20*c
[ Level 7 ] Let's Surf!
Andrew ~ Switchfoot~ Fans`[ 23,973 ]~Earnings [ $44,546 ]
Sponsored by L.A. Guns
Surf Report~Swell< 52 ft /Offshore /Tide 1m /Temp 19*c [ Hazardous Surf Warning ]
[ Level-23 ] ...Let's Surf!
SurfCoach/GOAT: Johniverse (Natural)~Fans [ 293 ]~Earnings [$260 ]~Sponsors WSL/Surfline.
Surf Report ~ Size 18ft / Offshore / Tide 1m / Temp 18*c
[ Level 17 ] Let's Surf!
Surfer Dude (Natural)~ Fans [18 ] ~ Earnings [$9,720 ]
Sponsored by Centrelink
Surf Report ~ Swell 19 < 21ft / Offshore / Tide 1 m / Temp 20*c
[Level 12 ] ...Let's Surf!
Semi Final 1
Surfer Kook of the Day ~ Fans [ 36 ] ~ Earnings [$255]
Sponsored by Intro Maker
Surf Report ~ Swell 13 < 15ft /Offshore/ Tide 1m /Temp 20*c
[ Level 18 ]...Let's Surf
Surfer X Glawy (Natural) Fans [ 995 ] Surfs for the Hell of it!
Sponsored by Go Slow Pro (Montages)
*Semi Final 2
Gabriele Pruneti (Goof) ~ Fans [ 39 ] Earnings~ [$16,820]
Sponsored by Du Recorder
Surf Report ~Swell 15 < 17ft / Offshore /Tide 0 m / Temp 21*c
[ Level 13 ] ...Let's Surf
Best True Surfer ? Daniel Vilalta (Natural) ~ Fans [ 153 ]~ Earnings [$4,935]
Sponsored by Whatsapp
Surf Report / Size 14 < 16ft / Offshore / Tide 1m / Temp 20*c
[ Level 14 ] ...Let's Surf!
*Surf Chix Expression Session on finals real smooth.
*Finals Day
Krishna_SBH Natural ~ Fans [ 59 ]~ Earnings [ $16,777,21 ]
Sponsor ~ Krish Games
Surf Report~ Size < 18ft / Offshore / Tide 0 m / Temp 19*c
[ Level 11]...Let's Surf!
Macattackattackattack Unnatural ~ Fans [ 33,361 ]~ Earnings [$17]
Sponsored by Go Girl Pink Hoodies
Surf Report ~Swell 17< 20ft / Offshore / Tide 1 m / Temp 20*c
[ Level 15 ] Let's Surf!