The WSL enters yet another exclusive agreement!
Straight outta Santa Monica...
WSL CEO Sophie Goldschmidt is "delighted" to announce that the League has signed another exclusive broadcast deal. This time it's FOX Sports who will be the sole US television broadcaster for the 2019 Men's and Women's Championship Tour, as well as the Big Wave Tour.
If you're struggling to keep up with all the delightful broadcast partnerships the WSL is signing then, rest assured, it ain't your ailing memory. A quick count by Swellnet registers media deals with YouTube, Facebook, ESPN, RedBull Media, CBS Sports/Bleacher Report, and ABC USA. We may have missed some.
All this in six years.
Here's Sophie's statement:
"We're delighted with the additional coverage FOX Sports will bring to our events and millions of fans across multiple platforms. With our athletes continuing to take the sport to new performance levels, more people than ever can now witness the excitement of professional surfing and everything that comes with our world class events."
More. People. Than. Ever.
It also appears Ronnie Blokey has been dropped from the webcast team with the release saying:
"Longtime WSL play-by-play announcer Joe Turpel and former World Champion Martin Potter call the action from some of the most remote and exotic surfing locations in the world. Rosy Hodge (former Championship Tour competitor) and Strider Wasilewski serve as commentators reporting from the water. In addition, Ross Williams and Big Wave Champion Peter Mel round out the commentary team."
Will OCEAN SPORTS DEVELOPMENT, INC., & The National Surf League be a thing?
OSD acquired the exclusive rights to the Webber wave pool technology in order to create the NATIONAL SURFING LEAGUE™ surfing park resorts across the USA and to help develop the sport of surfing as an Olympic and NCAA sport. The fact that we can create a world-class hollow barrel on demand provides OSD with the ability to create unique sports television programming content. Our stadium resort locations make the proliferation of surfing possible by enabling municipalities, non-profits, high schools, NCAA, and the Olympics with the exact same training equipment which is economically feasible.
Our group’s real estate, engineering, construction and operation experts will see your project through from site acquisition and custom pool design, to build-out, long-term management and league participation. Our technological niche and manufacturing expertise logically position Ocean Sports Development and the NATIONAL SURFING LEAGUE™ for long-term growth.
Wow, they've trademarked National Surfing League?
Surprised it got through.
US 86745522 - but only for Hats; Surf wear; Swimwear; T-shirts; Wetsuits.
Ronnie was the best commentator by more than a country mile.
Are the people that run this circus retarded???
Seems anything that is universally popular among rank and file surfers gets boned and replaced with even more banal, corporate wank. Not to mention the gradual move to full 'americanisation'.
How long can it last in it's current form?
agree love the Ron Dog, thought Vaughn was also very good on the Volcom comp...backward move for mine.
Agreed. So they have 2 South Africans, and 3 mainland US and 1 Hawaiian in the booth.
No Ronnie. No Barton. No Brazilian commentators.
And yet the top 10 has 3 Brazilians and 3 Aussies.
I don't get it - if they want to grow the sport surely have some diversity in the booth, and in the company. Or do they only want to grow on mainland USA???
The Brazilian announcers do the Portuguese stream. Though I think they don't appear on camera, only as voice-over.
Totally agree Jof, he was the lynchpin of the commentary team and super professional. What a dumb decision.
Second that.
Fox Aus has been showing WSL events for years, alas with varying degrees of commitment. The full press release is US centric (surprise surprise) and does not shed any light on changes, if any, for the Fox Aus coverage. Unless I'm completely missing something!
No, it's not pertaining to Australia. Really, I only posted it to illustrate how short term these deals are. Last year the WSL made a huge dance about signing the exclusive FB deal, yet now you can watch it on your phone through the FOX app.
Why are they creating digital and television infrastructure for year-by-year arrangements? What does it say about the sport? Is this the way it's always going to be?
Coke were involved with pro surfing for over 25 years, Fosters sponsored the whole tour for a decade, Quiksilver, Billabong, and Rip Curl have been there forever, yet the broadcast deals turn over every single year. Why?
Because nobody watches and they can't make any money
And surf comps are a nightmare in terms of TV scheduling. This isn't football that kicks of at 7.00pm on the dot.
Does this mean the FB deal is now null and void?
Ha ha...fuck, who knows??
Sure looks like a clusterfuck.
Find anything on your travels Stu?
Cause most of it is boring to watch even for surfers.
Massive waves with lives on the line might get some attention.
Or, perhaps they could release a couple of white pointers in the line up during heats. That would rate through the roof!!!
They did that at Jefferys the other year. It was quite a fish.
Pretty happy to eject myself from following this side of surfing.
Don't think I'll miss the Jeep ads or the Kanoa Igarashis of the world...
Here's hoping Bobby Martinez is the next CEO/Commissioner
Ah c’mon that Jeep ad was pretty good “I Surf the roads” so cool . blokey ron thats terrible news..he is da man for commentary
Great. Spot the Aussie.
Ronnie still there ..YEW!
Speewn;no ronnie.thats pretty shit.
We should take bets on how long the WSL will last. How can a sport with so few real participants (once a week) and who also get bored stiff if the waves are rubbish or lullish (often), make any money. If Ziffy pulls the plug the whole thing is gone immediately. Supper and the tennis player move onto another sport and we go back to watching Youtooob clips. Has surfing outside of selling clothes and paraphernalia in its heyday, made any big money for anybody (Ben are you rich and famous?). Even more so for those from outside the bubble, who always end up in retreat with their tail between their legs after losing big (nike 6.0?). Ziffy and the yanks have far more money than sense and now Ronny has gone, we have it all white USA except for Potts (back in my day when I was number...but never mentions the fact he should have had more than one title except for a strange habit). Very frustrating watching something I have loved all my life getting railroaded and with GOAT (who I respect though never liked) a seeming participant. Someone has got to call bullshit eventually.
"Someone has got to call bullshit eventually." Ok, fine. Bullshit. Bobby Martinez was clearly way ahead of the curve on this one.
Thanks Giovanni yes and he was quite prescient about the parallel with tennis considering Soph is an ex wanna be tennis pro. Nostradamus eat your heart out.
Is he still there,!!
Pro surfing's endless search for an audience! Not going to end anytime soon. They appear to be in "blame the medium" mode when the issue is, and always has been, the product. Coming up next ....... the great wave pool fiasco!
Right now they are blaming the viewers for not enough viewers.....LOL.
Gary thinks the WSL needs more Gary
Gary isn't really looking for an exclusive agreement, more like a broadcast partners with benefits kind of setup
I'd like to hear Gary call the Big Wave events, what did Fred Van Dyke say again?
Ha ha ha
Gary doesn't know much about this Van Dyke fella, but he sure feels a latent connection to those big wave surfers with their toned muscles and giant sticks.
Seriously Stu can we organise this? WSL Big Wave tour events but the Swellnet stream has Gary G doing the voiceover for 2019?
It would be better than Roy and HG commentating on the Graeco-Roman wrestling or gymnastics at the Olympics!
Wowser.......still not sure if I could handle this VJ
So much fluid ........
Just quietly, I heard Sophie had a few too many West Coast Coolers at the WSL Christmas party and hit Ronny B up. Ronny being the gentleman that he is politely declined.
Hell hath no fury and all that...
Hang on- this isn't STAB.
Apologies chaps. Lashings of apologies.
Never apologise for what is very likely the truth... 'Sophie Goldschmidt' lol. You can't make this shit up.
No Zen they are walking a middle path now. They new Enfant Terrible is Beach Grit from what I can gather (Chas got kicked out a while ago).
Look more puff pastry about nothingness.
This time filled with Cream and Shit*........I mean goldschimdt....
Nothing about surfing though...just more jumping up and down / ego / nothingness press release. Oh wait a minute don't want to upset the millions of fans wink wink.....
Maybe Ronnie has had enough? He’s got a family.
Will be missed. I must say out of all remaining, I reckon Ross Williams is the easiest to listen too, humble and knowledgeable.
Ohio's analysts Ross Williams
Does quite a good job being over critical of well everyone except john and Kelly .......
True Lanky Dean, he does give a verbal working over to most everyone but those two. Would appear with his return that John-John no longer needs his services as much as the 'millions of fans' that don't actually exist.
Fucking idiots. I guess they are sick of the 4000 online viewers for each event. Keep Turpel that will solve the problem.
Dunno peoples.
40,000+ plus stadiums surrounding wave parks doing a big bash hyped noisy, flashy day nighter competition.
As the sun rotates around the earth in 24hrs comps can be competed throughout the hundreds of stadiums around the world. Imagine what the Indians could bet on. ( I dunno how many actually surf).
Not a bad way to fill lay days of the WSL adding to that junior events and solid other wave highlights and comps.
Seems to me some potential there now with all these players involved. Must be time for a dedicated surf channel fox!
Is it the times are really changing where potential is pretty bloody good for everyone's hip pocket.
Every chargers!!!
From young grommets to old.
Though I do wonder.... Do the pools need to be barrelling 6ft?
At the most recent cricket world cup (and maybe the one before that?) in NZ we had a great thing called the Alternative Cricket Commentary led by a bunch of comedians (actual ones). They would livestream their own call so you could mute the TV and listen to all the name calling, shit stirring, nicknames, and sing song antics. It was glorious, and I don't even follow cricket.
They eventually got shut down by the ICC and broadcasters but it was something special that many Kiwi's will remember for some time.
Methinks this so called surfin league could use some of that magik.
Relax , relax , don't forget the most important fact , everyone commenting here surfs , so just go surf !
DROP OUT of the WSL "sphere of influence" and go surf .
I personally 'dropped out' some 4 years ago , and by my calculations have managed to score approximately 24 more surf sessions in that time . Some quite memorable .
So I would like to thank the WSL for doing such a good job of attempting to fuck up our most loved pastime , but alas I'm about to go for a paddle once I'm finished typing this .
I like the logo.
Hillsintas at first look I thought...
Yep the pools need to be 6ft. Then I noticed the bottom half of the legs and thought at least they reflect the current times.
Let's hope the waves get bigger in em.
C'mon Occy!!!
Mall Cop's splitscreen Flow Barrel Cam franchise is up for grabs.
Mall's smudgy swimwear Change Room Cam gets 1000 x the hits of Pipe Masters.
WSL trades Pro Chix xxx bum shot catalogue for Mall Cops bikini trial highlights.
WSL is not fishy enough!
Californian Girls knock me out when I'm down there!..("I wish I wrote that!")
Return Surf City to it's roots : 2 girls for every boy...("I wish I wrote that!" )
Next Xmas WSL for Me too!..("I wish I wrote that!")
The commentary is all so bland - its akin to state run media. Surely it would be better to have the broadcasting at least once removed from the governing of the sport.
Are the non english commentaries more interesting?
One over used commentary line is "xxxx gets progressive on the end section"....
Now the viewer observes the pro surfer doing a boring air reverse in a boring shorebreak. Boring air reverses were sort of progressive 20 years ago but now??,
One or two moves a contest are truly progressive. The rest is just routine surfing with varying degrees of style and dificulty.
Turps and potts should try silence sometimes like in tennis. Imagine tennis commentators commenting on every backhand or volley as it happened?
But i think they have a brief that unless it is pumping, if they are silent for more than 5 seconds, the 4000 viewers will have time to think "this is boring" and might look in the fridge or put some washing away to brighten their day.
lol Frog "... or put some washing away to brighten their day." Pissed myself laughing reading this one... well, time to go do some laundry...
I liked the commentary when it was just ex pros talking shit.
I think they were usually sponsored or ex-sponsored pros from whoever the event was being sponsored by.
Real amateur, but funny.
Then Kelly would come on occasionally between heats and give some professional insight.
I don't think I learn anything that I find interesting or care about from the commentary these days.
I really miss those days.....
It's hard to see how pro surfing can survive in its current form. Seems to me they're just rearranging the chairs on the Titanic at the moment. Like Memlasurf said, once the WSL's billionaire owner gets tired of throwing his money down the drain then the whole thing's gonna fold like a pack of cards.
I'm not sure where pro-surfing goes from here. There's a couple of events I enjoy watching: Jaws, Pipe and J-Bay, but apart from that I can't be bothered these days. The wavepool thing was shit. I've been surfing for 32 years and I live and breath it. If they can't grab my interest then what hope is there? How can they expect the non-surfing public to give a shit?
At the end of the day if the tour dies who really would care other than the pro surfers and hangers on? For the vast majority of us we'd just keep surfing and watch the odd clip on youtube.
Oh yeah, the only commentator I liked was Jake Patterson. He was too controversial for them evidently.
I’m going to try hard and not watch and listen to the dribble....I’d rather watch good Aussie local talent in local comps like the Burleigh heads single fin comp. bring on the single fin tour!
Maybe Ronnie was axed because sometimes he dared calling the people riding waves surfers? (instead of athletes)
How come footy players are footy players, cricketers are cricketers but in WSL speak surfers are athletes?
(Some image trip I guess)
I reckon they are just overcompensating..
Let’s get serious, the whole set up and the ‘athletes’ are by and large far from what other sports would deem professional. I’ve got perspective from the health / injury management side of things and it’s totally laughable. They also love to repeat that they have the best surfers on the ‘planet’ ad nauseam.
Of course they have most of them but I’m sure the bottom half of the CT would be looking up and to the right when trying to explain that they were better than surfers than the likes of Chippa, Jack Robinson, Kai Lenny, insert totally ripping freesurfer sponsored or not.
Well spotted,more.people.than.ever.Fuck the lot of the snivelling cunts.Get a dog up ya Sophie fuck you and your kind.
No Ron dog wft.. can’t listen to the other FLOGS .. talkn absolute shit..
Dont panic Ron dog is still on the team, was just a missed typo (apparently)
It's incredible that in publishing a broad descriptive paragraph about the entire commentary team for use across major international media (seeing that this was a milestone achievement, being with Fox Sports), that they left out one of the most important announcers.
Does anybody else think it’s weird that the least liked member of the commentary team is ostensibly it’s head ?
WSL arrogance or just another graphic illustration of their inability to read the mood of their core audience ?
Silly me .....of course it’s arrogance !
They don’t need or want the core audience whilst they’re not required to make a profit.
The WSL is probably shaking their heads in disbelief, thinking “ Who do these people think they are ? We’re the ones funding this thing .”
Except , in Australia they’re not the ones funding it....we are.
I wonder if the Europeans and Brazilians feel the same amount of 'Americanism' as most Aussies feel with regard to the WSL?
When your winning world titles like Brazil is probably helps those peripheral issues go away. Also they're up and coming countries in a relative sense, Australia a traditional competitive surfing powerhouse, the pill is more bitter for us. Read the replies in the thread ;-)
For those wondering if the non-english streams are more entertaining, your ol' pal Gary has found a side-by-side comparison:
The problem they have isn't the commentary, even though it's generally poor.
It's what they a commenting on. Endless heats of journey men when all you really wanna see is the top 10 or so going at it. The format needs a shake up. No one gives a shit whether Morias beats Hermes apart from sponsors & extended family.
Only the very best should be on the CT.
Pick the best day of the waiting period, send the top 16 out in 4 x 1 hour heats. Winner makes the final. Encourage them go nuts from the get go. Hassling, paddle battles, the odd scuffle.
The top 4 then fight it out over a 2 hour final for the win. Condense it down to the very best surfers, best waves & 1 day.
Common Tata reports on the commentator expression session surf off........
Pottsy, it looks like Sophie has gone for the Brazillian wax for this heat.
Yeh, she switched it up looking for a bit more stick for this heat.
Joe is lining up from deep inside and looking for a nugget on this one.
Yeh he might have just found one, Sophie has just dropped in on him and Joe is going for it, he has priority on this wave of consequence and it looks like hes getting ready to backdoor it.
Look at these athletes unbeleivable both disappearing under the chandelier, wooh looks like Sophie has found the doggie door and been spat out!
What do you make of it Strider?
Yeeeeeh, Joe is looking a bit disappointed on his exit there, probably wishing he had a bigger gun on hand.
Ok then, we will be back with that last score to see who came out on top after the ad break featuring random people with voice overs of people chugging coronas and doin fuckin airs off the sand dunes in their Jeeps.
Stay tuned we will be back with more seppo dribble from WSL
Wanker Surf League.
Confine the pricks to Manly like it’s 1988.
Medina and JJF will still be amazing and if you need to see them in good waves either :
A/ Wait for a web clip
B/ Go to a world class line up and watch the best surfers go nuts like they tend to do with or without the parasitic WSL.
Make it Manly likes it's 1978
Perhaps the WSL could put this guy on the commentary team. I think Fox has his number on file.
@Fleazool great idea. WSL have turned every comp into an event that just seems to go on and on and on, and at times are so boring that I forget to watch the few heats I hope are worth watching (e.g Toledo, Wilson, JJF, C Moore etc).
Make it intense and reduce them down to one or two days to keep it interesting. Plus forget chasing perfect comp waves. The stuff some of those guys do in average to crappy waves is mind blowing.
Fleazool you're on fire, the format needs a shake up. 2 man heats are boring, they just sit around for most of the time. Go back to 4 man 20 minute best 3 waves so they have to catch something. Cricket evolved with 20 20.
I might be Sandra Sully with the late news but for those who are interested Ronnie B is still on WSL Commentary team according to this link.
Foxtel are killing every Oz sport they touch in recent deals.
Oz % foxtel viewers + (2019 TV)...v...Oz % 2018 TV ratings
30% Cricket Test- Foxtel + (TV 7 )viewers down 30% from TV 9 ratings
30% (Cricket One Day- Foxtel only) viewers down 60% from TV 9 ratings
20% Cricket Big Bash- Foxtel +(TV 7) viewers down 10% from TV 10 ratings
30% (A League Football -Foxtel only) viewers down 30% from TV 10 ratings
30% NBL Basketball -Foxtel + (TV 9) Foxtel viewers only down from TV 10 ratings
Note: Despite Cricket crowds leaving... A-League + NBL attendance is Up.
However...Foxtel is down no matter which sport...It's brand is Toxic.
WSL (Democratic Santa Monica Jewish Community religiously ban FOX/Breitbart)
Add Foxtel's clumsy publicised decimation of high end Australian Sport.
So what sort of deal would bait Democratic WSL to court washed up republican TV.
WSL big Wig Steph scored 'Kayo deal' that may need to backdoor Foxtel.
One Fox drawcard is 'Sportstar soaps/quiz shows' rating higher than Live Events!
Dumbass Footyshow style Pro surfer Sandcastle Squishing or Wax Cake Bake offs.
What I don't get is... OWN's >(WSL) Erik can do the double twist couch surfing trip.
[Erik] Looks identical to his twin bro' rogue Swellnetonian 'memlasurf' see: above.
All we know is WSL crossed enemy lines & Pros are modeling coronas in Greenroom.
I won't go into whether the donkey or the elephant (or those who pull the donkey or the elephant's strings) owns the US Media, but re: your declining sports attendances, here's a great twitter:
I don't mind watching the odd contest when the surf pumps but can generally take it or leave it at most locations (pipe, jbay the main exceptions).
But loved the teams event at the board riders battle over the weekend, surf was reasonable but not something I would watch a wsl heat in but it had me hooked all day. Good format good atmosphere good commentary. It kept making me think how boring wsl broadcasting is.
yeah - the whole thing ponderously rolls inexorably closer to the king of all circuses - the roadshow that is F1 motor racing !!!
" wanna buy some cheap diamonds , my boy ??? " a ahahaha lol
..... and ' frog ' don't even mention sharks mate , the mere sight of one a couple of miles away is enough to cancel a major comp. now it seems ;-/
Sorry Wsl you have lost me, I have tried to tough it out and listen to the American dribble but with no Ronnie that’s the nail in the coffin. I don’t mind Peter Mel but joe, strider and the Hawaiian commentator are cringeworthy. Just not interested in it anymore, which is a shame.
WSL 2020 Australian Broadcast Deal with Channel 7 "Plus"
Beginning with...
Longboard (Noosa)
QS Sydney
Gold Coast Coronavirus Open Outbreak Surfluenza
All Pro Calendar Events
*Olympics Channel 7 (Surfing)
World Surf News Weekly on 7 Mate (Previews+Replays+Reels+Profiles)
Partner - Yahoo Surfing is not mentioned ?
Owen & Tyler (Promo) on 7 Sunrise. 12th Feb [ 49:00 ] > (Expires 18th Feb)
Previous Channel 9 deal re: (Below)
The bastards are going after all rights to surfing comps all over the world, not sure what their up to eh
Let them have it.
Glitter bug Seppo fuckwits burning through cash like it’s kindling on cracker night. Theyll be gone in a couple of years and their hair gelled , head honcho will be frantically instagramming his new found life’s passion for rapids as he tries to float his next career as CEO of the World Whitewater Rafting League.
The silver spoon bankroller will move on to his next attempt to fill the hole in his soul with MOAR money.
And the rest of us will continue to concentrate on riding waves around the next generation of parasites who would think they’re the heart and soul of the simple act of floating around in the ocean for thrills.
Laugh at those pricks and enjoy the ride whilst you can
Somewhere on Earth today. Double overhead . Less than a handful of keen punters out.
There would have been that many places around the world uncrowded and pumping today alone....don’t lose heart , don’t ever stop believing.
PS I met a fella who’s brother broke up with his Missus because she got busted sucking off a roadie for Journey. There’s a line in the sand when it comes to enjoying your favourite band. Safe to say she long jumped that fucker.
Not even a band member... Brutal
Rock and roll takes no prisoners.
Just ask Michael Jackson’s chimp Bubbles. Years of enduring Jackson’s creepy digits invading its bunghole and how was he rewarded.....euthanised because the paedophillic old songbird took one hot shot too many and left him as a stranded asset.
That is one of the best posts I have ever read
Thanks Blowin, beautifully put
Wow, It's like Barnaby Joyce is running WSL after a month long bender.
If you want to destroy a sport, sign Fox up as a broadcast partner. Rugby is on it's knees after they went with Fox and things are only going to get worse.
It's a shit service that's massively overpriced and Fox is getting completely whacked by Stan and Netflix. Fox is a dirty word in Liberal America (where the US surfers live) and their subscriber numbers in the non-english speaking world is poor at best. Fox and NASCAR makes commercial sense but Fox and surfing is just insane.
Looks like the WSL has sold out it's long term future for a few short term shekels.
Oz Surf media timeline exclusive to # 1 swellnet.
Late 1960's Radio Surf Reports
Late 1970's Channel 7 & 9 TV Surf Reports
1989 Ironman series SLSA (Full live Event)
Channel 10 > (9) > (7 TV 2013-14) > Fox
Channel 10 (Salute Episode)
1989 -2005 Brownies SEQ > o/s Coastwatch TV (Surf Reports / Break Vids / Profiles)
(Produced 100 x 30min TV episodes) + Presented TV 300 shows (Newspapers/Radio)
Early 1990's Website (Active)
Beacon 2 Beacon Guide (Bathymetry-Channels)
tbb's fav...Shaun's epic barrel
1998 Coastalwatch
2019 (Sold to US company Surfline)
1999 Swellnet (Ben's Fax Forecasts)
2003 Surfer's #1 swellnet live Website Ben Matson
2000-2 ASP (Chilli Productions) > IMG International Media Group
TV Comp feed to Trans Word International
2013 ASP (3 year from 2014) sign with ESPN / YouTube / Facebook
BWT is now in ASP fold.(Not Live but ASP after)
tbb: "Article doubles as an Excellent Surf Media report." pre WSL.(Must Read)
2014 WSL Takeover may have inherited / part of said Deal...
2003-2006 (ABC) Surfing The Menu
2016 Next Gen...(ABC) > 2017 Now screens on SBS (Food channel)
2005-2008 Blue Water High ABC (Pro Grom Camp Drama series)
See Pilot Episode here...
2006 -(Still Running) Bondi Rescue (Reality Rescues on Bondi Beach)
Secret formula being the focus on...same now celeb like crew...
Recent rescuer of Lightning Victim brother ...."Learnt by watching Bondi Rescue!"
See Pilot Episode here...
2007-2009 Surf Patrol Channel 7 (OZ Wide Reality Rescues)
Example of reality rescue
2012 Lightning Point (Surf-Fi Sitcom) set on Gold Coast - Byron
See Pilot Episode here
2011 Surfing Australia (In house intro / Web Promo + Oz Comps Site)
See Pilot episode here...(re: 2013 package with Channel 9)
2 Dec 2013 My Surf TV (Live) Surfing Australia / A.Stark
via o/s Brand New Media' (Channel Play)Perry Smith >All media devices
*ASP Surfers / Gromz / Grassroots / Legends + Old Surf Flix + All things Surf / NEWS.
Australian Sports Commission worked for 3 years to commercialise digital surfing.
18th Nov 2015 -Feb 7th 2016 SA (A.Stark) My Surf TV signs to Channel 9
Sundays 10am (10 x 30m episodes) Host: WSL Commentator Ronnie Blakey
My Surf TV is brought to you by Brand New Media & Billabong
10th Feb 2017 Surfing Australia A.Stark. > (Channel 9 / 2 year deal)
My Surf TV (15 x 30m episodes)Host WSL Ronnie Blakey re: (Above)
SA TV (12 x 30m episodes) Host Sam Squires(Boardrider Battles / Wahu Gromz +)
tbb recommends a first/final look at original SA format before March expiry.
After 5 years the hosts are sharp & the production is excellent...
The Hold Down (Surf History Show) Season 5 (Final 2 episodes expires March)
If the crew like ASP/WSL Greatest Comp flashbacks...better hurry up!
My Surf TV Season 5 (Episode 1) Aired 9th Feb 2020 (Expires March)
My Surf TV Session Vid (Feb 2020)
Crazy Kirra:Time Tunnels from another Dimension at Qld Premium Point.(Swansong)
SA/Channel 9 (Nov 2015- Feb 2020) (5 / yr My Surf TV + Surf News series)-
Surfing Australia still currently list partners > Channel 9 + GO
11th Feb 2020 - (WSL) - CT / QS / CS +(SA ?) events sign over to Channel 7.
Channel 9 cancelled above Shows...unsure if Channel 7 will run SA / My Surf TV.
My Surf Tv progression over time is #1!!!
For Australia's sake keep it going!!!
Ronnie was the only one capable of putting together a professional sounding sentence. Going to be 100% un watchable.
Dont know how the WSL have managed it but ive gone from a watcher of every event, almost every heat, live or replayed, to being almost completely uninterested.