Taylor Steele releases thirty years of films and outtakes
In the thirty years since releasing 'Seaside', a surf vid cum high school project, Taylor Steele has amassed a formidable back catalogue, from the Momentum films, Focus, Good Times, Loose Change....well, there's too many to list, 27 titles in total, plus a few collaborations. And then there's the outtakes and forgotten scenes. His study resembles a Cash Converters store with piles of musty VHS tapes slowing rotting away.
Steele's latest project is to provide free access to his archives before the whole lots turns to dust. Working in roughly chronological order he'll be releasing footage daily from the vaults onto his newly created YouTube channel, The Momentum Files.
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19 second mark in the vid above. Steele must've been rubbing shoulders with Tom Servais.
Peter Crawford captured that wave the best imo.
...a couple of hundred metres apart perhaps
No thankyou, I'm ok ......
OMG he now looks like Chandler