Watch: Swine & Brine

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)
Swellnet Dispatch

Harry Bryant's dropped some heat in this new extended clip, showing off his repoirtore of wave riding in some pumping sessions across the NSW coast. Mixing his skills with the DRAG crew this latest edit by Zion Wetsuits has it all. Skip to the 4 minute mark if you want to get straight into the serious stuff.


scoopmaster's picture
scoopmaster's picture
scoopmaster Friday, 28 Dec 2018 at 9:21am

I always thought the break at 6 minutes was a hoax. Rarely saw anyone surfing it, and the one or two times we paddled out it never seemed to break in the same place twice. Either it was a special day or those guys are really patient / quick paddlers.