Watch: Pipe before the Masters

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

In the days leading up till the Pipe Masters waiting period the North Shore was struck a by a flurry of swells which gave contestants a chance to warm up - if they could only wrangle one of the sets.

Appears they did, cos there's a greater percentage of CTers in this clip than most Pipe edits: Owen Wright makes an appearance, Ryan Callinan, Griffin Colapinto, Zeke Lau, and Seth Moniz, plus the usuals such as Jamie O, Takayuki Wakita, and Healey.


Denyer's picture
Denyer's picture
Denyer Friday, 21 Dec 2018 at 3:19pm

Great waves but I hate such a tight crop.

jaunkemps's picture
jaunkemps's picture
jaunkemps Saturday, 22 Dec 2018 at 8:55am

Same here a always way to close to appreciate........Giddyup

Bozza's picture
Bozza's picture
Bozza Saturday, 22 Dec 2018 at 12:31am

What is a tight crop.? Is that a hair do.?

cuddlypandasbc's picture
cuddlypandasbc's picture
cuddlypandasbc Saturday, 22 Dec 2018 at 11:10am

When you plant your tomatoes too close to each other....

ringmaster's picture
ringmaster's picture
ringmaster Saturday, 22 Dec 2018 at 8:45am


radiationrules's picture
radiationrules's picture
radiationrules Monday, 24 Dec 2018 at 4:12pm

i loved the tight crop - so clear the intensity of pipeline; the will to take the drop when you can't figure out the consequences

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Monday, 24 Dec 2018 at 4:43pm

Yeah I loved it as well, worked for this clip and in big intense surf.