Shipping container debris washes ashore at Nelson Bay
A huge clean up is underway on the mid-north coast after piles of debris washed up from shipping containers that fell off a cargo ship off the New South Wales coast during rough seas.
Nappies, sanitary products and surgical masks were among the flotsam that washed up after 83 containers fell overboard from the YM Efficiency on Thursday, about 30 kilometres off the coast of Port Stephens.
Volunteers have been clearing carloads of debris from Jimmys and Bennetts beach at Hawks Nest since Sunday morning.
Volunteers have been clearing carloads of debris from Jimmys and Bennetts beach at Hawks Nest since Sunday morning.
Late Saturday afternoon, marine rescue authorities spotted four containers about one kilometre offshore of Hawks Nest on the mid-North Coast, Roads and Maritime executive director Angus Mitchell said.
Debris was also found inside Port Stephens at Rocky Point near Anna Bay and at Fingal Head, while a section of shipping container was also located at Yacaaba Headland.
Mr Mitchell said there had been no reports of any further containers lost by the ship.
Rolls of paper from the cargo vessel YM Efficiency washed up at Yacaaba Headland.
Ute-loads of rubbish collected
Hawks Nest resident Julie Sims said dozens of locals and holidaymakers have collected items including containers of emu oil, toilet-paper packaging, thousands of red foil lolly wrappers and clocks still in their packaging.
Debris was washing up from Fingal Bay to Jimmy's Beach as well as Nelson Bay inside Port Stephens.
"It's everywhere, we only did a 200-metre stretch today before the tide came in, but as the tide was coming in more plastic was washing in with it," she said on Sunday, adding that several utes had been filled with the debris.
"It's the tip of the iceberg, this was literally the first wave of rubbish … it's going to take weeks or months before this is finished."
"Standing on the beach it's just horrendous. It's heartbreaking to see in this pristine location."
Ms Sims said a lot of the plastic was becoming caught in the seaweed and needed to be pulled out by hand.
Mr Mitchell warned anyone looking to scavenge the debris that they had no right to do so.
"Members of the public are reminded items recovered from containers remain the property of the consignor and can't be salvaged," he said.
Boaters are being warned via marine radio to look out for the 12-metre containers.
Cargo ship waiting for berth
Managing director of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp, Steven Ka, said the YM Efficiency was currently off Sydney, waiting for the port to open.
He said the company was doing everything it could to secure a berth as soon as possible.
Mr Ka said there had been no dangerous cargo or hazardous material within the containers.
Along with the 83 containers lost, 30 had collapsed and remained on deck, Mr Ka said.
//Bellinda Kontominas and Emma Tonkin
© Australian Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.
What a mess. This is gonna take a while to cleanup. And unlike an oil slick (which sits on the ocean surface) there'll be a lot of debris floating through the water column or sitting on the sea floor.
The ship is called the' Efficiency'......joke right?
Unfortunately not Simba. Let us know if you see anything up your way! Couldn't rule it out.
About 6000 cubic mts of cargo all up..lets hope not too many containers opened up
"Mr Mitchell warned anyone looking to scavenge the debris that they had no right to do so.
"Members of the public are reminded items recovered from containers remain the property of the consignor and can't be salvaged," he said."
No scabs !
But claim your compensation:
There should be an agent for the shipping company somewhere in Sydney. The best thing would be to return all their property to their office. If you do that I think you can claim compensation for your work. So come on down with the ute loads of nappies
ha ha- great idea.
Can you tell them to come and pick up?
That's an outstanding idea blindboy.
Gutsy muck raking effort mid storm on a Sunday. Big salute to mighty proud Aussies!
World sees a bigger storm brewing with this incident being played out in Sydney Waters.
It was reported earlier that YM Efficiency was/has been refused entry!
Oz unions may not approve of non union Container Stacking!
Perfect timing for By Election...To decide!
Photo shows heavy paper rolls escaped container. Known gyrating wrecking ball onboard.
Images of crushed'empty'central containers weakening stack before tumbling overboard.
The whole thing could be a death trap...
Likely that Govt will invite OZ union wharfies into high stakes giant KerPlunk game.
Foreign Rubbish/Border Security/Union Bashing will no doubt secure Super Saturday.
Super Ministry hides grainy footage of smuggled Alien saboteur...We decide!... WE KNOW!
[factcheck] 40ft lost 'Top containers' hold 28t x 83 containers = 2,324t of marine debris.
Purely a matter of when rather than if the contents break free on remaining containers.
Not to mention hazard to boaties in the area with the floating shipping containers. Hitting one of those can ruin your whole day.
Australia's cargo cult strikes back
More seriously if you are involved in the clean up log your time and expenses as they really are liable for that.......I can see a nice little class action in the making.
Can't see a class action at all blindboy you do raise a good point though companies should be held accountable for the effort required by the public to tidy up the mess they have made and damage to the environment. Sadly I cannot see any compensation given for these efforts.
Precedent exists under international maritime law:
Newcastle Herald has some Debri and very Mangled Container pics
Why is Emu oil being Imported from Taiwan by ViT Australia ? does it leave Aust to be processed and packaged...?
Just saw, not good at all :(
Can't even make our own Emu oil
Hoist the Banana Flag Captain Keating!
WJ I think it is clear under law that they pay for the clean up. If the volunteers have made a significant contribution to that then they would have a case for compensation particularly if they are supported by the government. If people are cleaning up and neither the company nor the government has attempted to stop them then I would think that they have defacto permission to do the job. Local governments presumably will also have a claim.
Im not exactly sure what legislation your referring to that allows for compensation but considering the public have clearly been told not to assist with the clean up and to report to the EPA so contractors can clean up there would be no case for compensation for those who are cleaning up out of their own good will.
The information in the article bans salvage not clean up. If the EPA or anyone else has issued a further instruction, I missed it.
Think its pretty self explanatory if you read the article mate. Im all for the public being compensated for the effort somehow I don't think its going to happen.
The ship's insurer has put out skip bins to help the locals clean up according to The Guardian. They also say the state government is looking to recover the cost......I say go for it, get the local government behind you and demand payment for the work. Put it in a local environment fund if you don't want it!
'Emus are indigenous to Australia. Since their commercialization in the late 1970's, they are now raised all over the world. India and China are developing emu as a major food source.'
NEWS UPDATE: Debris/containers reporting line ph: NSW Maritime 131236
Tuesday morning the ship may take a pilot by helicopter to be slowly/carefully berthed.
Govt says no charges are being laid but are trying to recoup clean up costs.
However Australian Transport Safety Bureau & AMSA will Investigate further.
Sydney Harbour Master anticipates a slow & careful recovery of containers
Yang Ming HQ has an emergency task force set up to deal with this incident.
Containers will be salvaged/removed by vessel's PNI,Britannia P&I club.
Til this moment everything is under the master's control.
Greens have called on Government to fast track clean up to minimize damage.
Greens spokesman said busiest shipping lane should have emergency response.
Marine Parks Association- Community has no time to wait for ship's owner
Shoal Bay Community Association feel they can't wait for official clean up.
Ship's insurer has laid out skips for residents to dispose of 'collected' rubbish.
Port Stephens Council warned volunteers of risk and to report the debris only.
NSW Environment Minister says...
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Roads & Maritime Services
NSW Environment Protection Agency
Are'working' with Local Councils.
Even bigger NEWS just in....Happy World Environment Day!
Checked Yagon to Mango Sunday...nothing washed up there.
I thought Maritime Law is finders keepers???
Getting anything in the way of compensation for volunteer individuals cleaning up would be a very long and tedious process and I doubt would be worth the effort,. Insurance payouts in the commercial shipping world can take many years. If you find , recover and return anything of value you will compensated for that , but it has to be in good condition or its "no cure , no pay".
I believe Maritime and EPA authorities assume control of the clean up and bill the company accordingly. It would be very hard to prove your expenses and effort level if not contracted to do so.
Good time to plug a book I read some time ago:
The Wreckers: A Story Of Killing Seas, False Lights And Plundered Ships
By Bella Bathurst
Fabulous read.
Fuck me, your making serious money from the subscriptions and ad revenue off here if you can afford to buy that book...
$1690 plus postage!
Ha! Normally the hardcover is more expensive. Was a Xmas present from my Irish father-in-law.
$1690. for a book. Ha Ha try $16.90, you need to go to specsavers!
i specialise in bird law, so this is outside my area. but does inherent vice come into play?
Fascinating. I imagine the cuckoos must drive a lot of business for you in paternity disputes?
Dear taxpayer
Good luck recovering any clean up costs....remember the oil tanker short-cutting the barrier reef a few years back...guess who paid?...not the insurer or ship owner....I think Qld courts might have fined the captain....and he disappeared anyway...
SHIPPING NEWS: 'Weather & 'Other Issues' have further postponed today's docking'.
The new docking time is set @ 8:00 am Wednesday Port Botany.
Mid Coast Council have again advised Locals to drop what they're doing...
Customs & Border Force have made the scene & picked up the scavengers scent...
Breaking news: 'Soggy nappy lands volunteer beachcomber in deep shit'.
"Put down that Nappy!"... "NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
HARBOUR VIEWS : YM EFFICIENCY enters Harbour preparing to dock at Port Botany.
The ship is expected to berth @ 9:00 onward (Anytime soon)
Ship's spokesman has apologized and accepts full responsibility for recovery/clean up.
Harbour Master says unloading containers will be tricky like a complicated game of Jenga.
Ship's Debris has made it's way to the north of Newcastle...
New artificial reefs north of Yacaaba headland.
Diving industry sees potential.
Whale watching fleet grounded.
Trawlermen making new nets.
Friday 83 containers were missing...
Saturday 81 containers were missing...
Today 82 containers were missing...
(Find that missing lost container & you've found Comm Games asylum seekers hideout)
NSW Maritime services: 'Containers likely at the bottom of the sea but don't know for sure.'
Clean -Up is costing ship's insurers $10,000's a day
Hope the doors are open habitat creation for Grey Nurse Sharks
5/yr olds worldwide can track letters/Cookies/Carrots to an imaginary friend in North Pole.
Yet "OVERSEAS" flight recorders can't keep afloat to save just one life!
In case of Shipping Containers... GPS are switched off once loaded onto Ship.
Logically it's cheaper to use One Ship's GPS than run down 5,000 hidden batteries.
Aircraft/Shipping are famous for safety impact release devices. Why not for essential data ?
Obviously design flaws protect precious/dangerous Top Secret info from www scavengers?
If they can't have it ! No else can either...but is that the right message to be sending?
We saw this approach last weekend..Stand back! Don't touch! Resulting in more loss again.
Take a look around! We're more lost than ever...Today/Last Week/Last Plane Crash..& on.
NEWS: YM EFFICIENCY (Container Incident)
Public Info Sessions...(2 locations)
*Wed 13 June, 6pm: Wests Nelson Bay, Remembrance Room
*Thurs 14 June, 10am: Baptist Church Tea Gardens
Report Debris/Contact 131236...Further updates on Claims/Clean -up/Debris Map...
YM EFFICIENCY Marine Debris now strewn over 350-400 km of NSW Coastline.
Newcastle (Worimi) -- Coffs Harbour (Red Rock)
80 containers still missing...more Marine debris over many years as remaining containers break down on ocean floor
Right you are udo!...
(Sorry but we must backtrack first..That Debris I reported at Coffs Harbour was Yoga Mats!)
Back up a little further- June 10 " Newcastle Herald (This News article flew under the radar)
*Fishing/Tourism fear they'll loose $Millions
Fishing Fleets have already been damaged + nets destroyed...Many Fleets now grounded.
* Incident may result in largest ever OZ Maritime Insurance Claim!(See why we went back!)
* Australian Maritime Safety Authority formally requested Australian Defence Force to help!
That's a double WOW! WOW!
FF-Weekend Marine Debris Update...Sorry to tell ya we're back to the 81 missing containers.
Yeah and it seems those wretched 2 containers are still where they wrecked.
They started to retrieve them & reckon they'll get rid of them some time this week!
Weekend last was Yoga Mats again! ...Yep! Heaps of them washed up onto Fingal Island.
I calculate that since last week we've escalated into "Mega" measures of Marine Debris.
Debris collected is approaching half a swimming pool in volume.
AMSA confirm further good news of a sub-sea search for Missing containers.
That may or may not be Dutto's Mob?
Also that the investigation's findings won't be known for some months.
Costs already spiraling the stratosphere... Makes a GBR oil spill look like a nose bleed.
Pays to do your dirty work outta town...closer to the big smoke it's a Shark feeding frenzy.
Unloading revised overboard containers down from 83 to 81 leaving 79 unaccounted.
YM EFFICIENCY... Debris report...(Updated 10 July)
Stockton to One Mile Beach = Plastic Cups + Vehicle Parts
Yacaaba Head = 75 litres of new debris.
Dark Point to Seal Rocks = Slight scattering of Debris
Fingal Head (2nd container)15m offshore 6m deep is deemed 'Not a Hazard!'
Hydrographic (sub sea) Survey..."undertaken by insurers" contracted to Port of Newcastle.
This 5 day container search began on Friday 22 June...
Weather hampered the search but was expected to be completed?
A final verification expected a week on from survey.
Survey located 50 containers either broken apart or intact on seafloor.
Moderately grouped together about 30km E/SE off Newcastle.
Coordinates for shipping are available from site...see above NSW RMS or Aust Gov' AMSA
After analysis of survey... News is then expected on remaining containers search?
(Update 24/July/2018)
Preliminary report published (re:Oz Govt: Marine safety investigations & reports)
Phase: Evidence collection
*Oddly the Ship was classed with American Bureau of Shipping
* Report is very detailed log of rising wind/seas to 7 metres and a failing engine.
(Update 7/August)
Port of Newcastle surveying vessel JT Gowland... reports only 37 containers are found.
Also that search is continuing for now 42 missing containers.
This is odd because Coordinates/Maps were produced for above mentioned 50 containers.
Could mean that 13 are random unclaimed overboard containers lost in shipping lane?
(Update 13/Aug)
Minimal Debris Collected from Stockton/One Mile/ Fingal
Total Debris Count...1042 m3 or a third -half of Olympic Pool
There's a link above for further info...
27/September 2018 (Daily Cargo News)...
YM EFFICIENCY highlights SOLAS concerns
Update 30/August 2018 (Location...Kooringal Golf Club Altona, Melbourne)
The Container Matters Forum organised by Container Transport Alliance Australia
Subject: SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea)
2016 Australia amended law to include individual container weight as for safest stacking.
Weigh bridges came and went as quick as you like. Australia still follows it's guidelines.
Re: Loading weights on International Ship Exports.
28% of (Exports) don't match PRA (pre-receival advice)
51% of (Imports)don't match declarations
YM EFFICIENCY having 321 containers mis-declared & stowed incorrectly as to weight.
This being apart from the 81 overboard boxes.
AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) Response to CTTA...
AMSA found deficiencies in Ship's Safety Management/Navigation/Cargo Stowage
Crew not familiar with...Planning for Heavy Weather risk/Cargo arrangement
Loaded containers were stowed in empty container slots others too heavy for tier weight.
Adding 324 containers exceeded tier weights as per Ship's manual.
Total of 276 containers required re-stowing prior to release from detention to comply.
Update on YM EFFICIENCY (Lost Shipping Containers)
Oct 19th 2018 ...AMSA confirm 2nd Sonar Survey begins
Nov 8th 2018 ...AMSA reveal a Dive Operation is set to begin involving Remote Subs.
The Remote Subs are to be deployed over the coming weeks.
*Professional Fishermen's Association this week called for action to remove the containers.
Citing lives are being put at risk... Sections of the seafloor are still to be avoided.
Full Story....
November 9th 2018 AMSA (Update)Continues with Remote Drone Subs...
Nov' 8th 2018 AMSA signed contract to deploy (ROUV's)
Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles to investigate containers.
AMSA received 3 reports of Trawler Hookups..
ROUV's will provide imagery to assess salvage operations
Survey is expected to begin in a week lasting several weeks...
Plans to remove debris ASAP.
December 12th 2018 AMSA (Update)
Continues on from last Update...Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROUV)
Dec 3rd 2018 (ROUV) Identified 3 targets of interest.
Target 1 (Fingal Bay) Number of Car Tyres in 20-30m of water
Targets 2/3 (Redhead > 32km East) 2 intact containers in 120m of water
(Images are available on AMSA site link) see: below
Sonar survey has again continued albeit in extremely poor weather.
2 additional targets have been located.
254 km2 of Sea Floor has now been scanned.
Total of 31 identified + 42 Possible containers of overboard 81 containers.
Hydrographic Survey Map is available on AMSA site link below...
Love your work TBB . The containers that remain will be silted up and pretty much anchored as hard as any reef. The danger to commercial fishos, mainly trawler guys ,will be increased with stronger summer currents, which causes more vessels that are 'hooked up' to sink.
Thanx...I also find it interesting tubeshooter...
From high sea tie downs,ute cleanups,denial of entry,dodgy stacking & tech search.
Thanks also for you insight on container silt outs.That raises near future concerns...
Apparently as silt is disturbed it creates a dust storm deadly to shipwreck divers.
So I guess drones are useless when container is first opened on sea floor.
Not sure if there is an x-ray process to determine inside load weights/goods.
Alternatively how to lift the dead silted weight?
Seemingly a long way to go.
'Tampa' #1 largest ship rescue + Pasha Bulka #1 grounding + Montara #1 oil spill
YM Efficiency #1 worst ever container ship disaster in Oz history.
This incident gives rare insight into Container (Bio security) 27/Sept is very telling.
As poor as it is! Oz seems to be only Nation to have a handle on what comes & goes.
Oz only rule is container weight matches stack position on ship.(100% honest check)
I got a gut feeling AMSA will pull the X-files when it suits them.
This incident is thwarting commercial fishing for too long.
Note: Since start of June incident, only one container has been retrieved.
We Surfers are forever caught out with the Whales/Jet Skis/WSR & none the wiser..
Should such carnage befall a swellnetonian's break, we'll have a rough guide.
All kidding ourselves into thinking we have an even chance... however prepared!
You raise many good points truebluebasher ,
The floating containers were only just the start of the navigational hazards for the trawler guys, and actually any mariner in the area at the time. They still remain a definite issue.
Re , silting.. I've seen some debris like this on the ocean floor disappear and sink beneath the sand, only to reappear miles away.
And as I check in again I notice an add on swellnet (not a subscriber} and that add is for repainted shipping containers .
YM EFFICIENCY (Welcome back swellnetonian/s to first official 2019 Update)
Firstly a big thanx for tubeshooter's gritty Xmas wrap-up.
January 23rd 2019
Explosive start rocks 2019 with top secret Government video...
No! Not just yet! You must promise to wade thru the boring stuff first.
First things first we must report on this Container Caper.
We pick up from after the Xmas break...
January 12th 2019... Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROUV) [Assessment]
Recall 3 items of interest from Dec 12 / 2018 report...
An additional '9' containers have been located & imaged...Total targets imaged ='12'
The December targets feature in the Video. AMSA will assess images for recovery.
AMSA will be seeking all operational/recovery costs from ship owners 'Yang Ming'
ROUV assessments will continue over coming weeks (Weather permitting)
Signing Off... What Oh!....Ok! Dutto's deep blue porn Flick!
Aust' Govt/AMSA ~ YM EFFICIENCY ROUV SURVEY 10-13 December 2018
Spoiler Alert! Tubeshooter was right about the silting...measly lot of relics though!
Honestly! Who would load such cheap shit into a container! No sunken treasure here!
Hard to see any wanting to pay to haul that lot ashore.
Be interesting to see how this plays out...Trash or treasure all must go... Stay Tuned!
Bumper 2019 issue contains genuine local Newclip Newcastle Herald Jan /24/2019.
YM EFFICIENCY update 15/March/2019
Welcome back Efficianados
tbb needs to reward swellnet missing container crew with a treat....
You wish another Oz 1st video? Sadly not this Shipping Report
( tbb always aims to please!) Just hang about a bit !....Ok!
tbb shopped around & scored a CD from ABC Shop...
Have we done a CD Yet? ...I don't think so!
Ok! Sounds a bit boring but tbb assures it's groundbreaking on many fronts.
Plenty of tough talking ! Aussie Pride on the line....No spoiler, just jump straight in!
tbb was impressed by the engaging interview & level of honesty on red Hot Topic.
Wow! Still can't can't believe that! Gotta be bullshit...Oz is playing to win! WTF
tbb Salute!...Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!
tbb scored overdose of Aussie Pride when played backward. All too much!
Yang Ming fire first shots over the bough of OZ.
*Hoping for seabed to part smother Containers then arguing unsafe retrieval
*Arguing real risk to Environment by retrieval
*Company will compensate fishermen for loss to date + equip crafts with sonar
*Company never pay recovery bills unless pushed by Newcastle media.
*Requiring AMSA to define "Pollution" through Federal Court.
footnote 2017 Yang Ming revenue $5.9 billion
AMSA: You put it there you move it!
ROUV update: 42 containers confirmed 35 missing 4 inshore
Fishermen: Abandoned area for first 3-4 months (see photos with comments)
Some fisherman snagged on the containers and contents all share safety fears.
Murray Ham has caught enough pushbikes to open a bike shop but all rust quickly.
*Down $50,000 in Tiger Flathead for season (not including 2nd catch)
*Intergenerational fishing loss must be compensated. Can't claim until resolved!
*Sonar installation will help somewhat
credit to Newcastle Herald: features several bonus recap links.
9 July Update: AMSA (ATM)"Approach to Market"
For salvage & disposal of up to 79 containers
Tender timeline will be published during Aug 2019 - closing 13th Sept 2019
Registration & further inquires...
cheers tbb, Its a shamozzle and sounds like a hard job to quote.
As for recent salvage estimates,,
"It could be anywhere up to $50 million and there are challenges in doing that because they've left it so long that the containers are starting to break down and disintegrate if we lift them, so we could cause more pollution in the ocean"
Nice work with the Anniversary wrap tubeshooter.
Interesting to see how the Marine Debris response differs...
GBR,Marine Parks,Public Beaches,Shipping Lanes its Front Page & all hands on deck.
Fishing Grounds,Bio Security-Food Stock seems to be Go slow & Compo delays?
In the wash up the Clean up Bill needs to be sent.(Tender Process) Hook or by Crook!
Now to make them pay the bill...When court is yet to rule if it's "Pollution!''
If Judge reads out "salvage operation" it suggests rescuing or saving valuable cargo.
AMSA must be careful how they label this operation. Judge may rule against them!
Call it Marine Debris or Fouled Goods but don't mention Salvage! (That's not clever!)
“The tender opened today calling for salvage and offshore construction operators to remove containers and safely dispose of them onshore”.
re: thermalben > tender docs...
|[Container][Overboard][People] Smirking as Dutto salvages their "Pollution".
Next week Oz to get sued for muckraking CEO's private"pollution"off the GBR.
Message from PM Haveago Scomo!
"OZ no longer gets a say in which bomb-like shipping containers mine our shores!"
Tender Review: (Will take a few months..thru to Jan 2020)
AMSA would consult with fishing & community prior to clean up!
Broad scope consult across whole industry to ensure tenders are suited.
There has been a reasonable response with 4 or 5 in the mix...
Operational equipment that's needed may not be available in Oz > (Security issues?)
Depending on Tenders we may clean all, some or none? (Unlikely all.)
We could risk more mess in cleaning some containers are already split.
tbb notes: This is the first time AMSA have avoided 'SALVAGE' wording.
Could be that court rules on definition of "POLLUTION" between now & January!
Current Container Scorecard:
15- Missing
Final update for 2019 also heralds a new chapter for new year 2020.
18 December 2019
*Salvage (Pollution recovery) Tender Docs
9th Aug - re: thermalben (Above) + 10th Aug - re: tbb (Above)
*(Contract Signed) Ardent Oceania Pty Ltd will remove 60 containers + debris.
Total 81 containers (5 recovered)+(16 undetected) Always one Rogue container?
*Salvage Preparation & Outlines:
*Operational Updates:
ROUV (Remote)Will cut / drill / loop cables then deploy wire baskets.
Baskets are craned & drained upon breaching ocean surface then swung onto ship.
Heavy or difficult containers will be scooped of contents into baskets to ease access.
Survey the scene before moving on...
Port of Newcastle will host a special sorting facility to accord with guidelines.
*Cost of 2020 contracted recovery - $15,263,435.00 (re: Year 2019 - 13/12/2019)
AMSA attempted to engage Yang MIng's Insurers...who deny it's Pollution.
Dec 2019 / Jan 2020 Newsletter...
Sorry! No idea on why they pulled that forwarding newsletter
Not like AMSA (So far, they've been shipshape!)...perhaps ahead of itself or wording or Glitch ?
(tbb can't track down missing doc?) Pretty sure it had operation diagrams.
Try & dig out, this will do quite nicely...thanx to Port Stephens Examiner
March 2020 The "Salvage of Pollution/Debris will commence.
April 2020 (1 month) Completion pending weather
ATTENTION : [ Community Information Sessions ]
Project Team are available to answer any questions on retrieval process.
There is "No registration Required" can just rock up & fire away...Ok!
Tuesday 4 Feb 2020 [ 6:00 - 7:30 pm ] Newcastle SLSC
Wednesday 5 Feb 2020 [ 10:00 - 11;30 am ] Tea Gardens Baptist Church
Wednesday 5 Feb 2020 [ 6:00 - 7:30 pm ] Wests Nelson Bay
"AMSA has taken action to begin the salvage operation because the owners of the YM Efficiency, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp, have refused their obligations to clean up the mess that they have made."
How good.. :/
Thanx Craig is still an issue! Read on for some progress on this front!
Great Photo & Bio of Project Team.(They actually look tough enough!)
Budget increase from $15.26m to $15.6m
(Good News)
AMSA: After petitioning the Court Admiralty Marshall to recover the outstanding debt.
Early Sunday morning 9 February 2020 AMSA [ ARRESTED ] "YM Eternity" Wot?
The Sister Ship of "YM Efficiency" at Port Botany...(Yang Ming got served !)
YM Eternity is very much related & was arrested last year by AMSA for poor stowing.
AMSA CEO: "Our Ocean won't pay the price of Yang Ming pollution -Yang Ming will."
The arrest was sneaky & downright clever & says Don't Fuck with us Aussies.
tbb never gave up & is blown away by the smarts of who ever laid the trap!
On behalf of all Oz oceangoers... swellnet crew Salute' AMSA. That is way gutsy!
Thanks to Newcastle Herald (Excellent reporting!) crew are stoked!
Continues...Newcastle Herald (Thanks)
Federal Court 'Battle' ("My word that's what it says!") Another top article it is too!
26 March 2020 EPA green lights recovery mission...
(Check out the Thunderbirds Recovery mission Ship) WOW!
April 3 2020 (Tomorrow) MV Pride is due in Newcastle
(Probably best to add 2 weeks Quarantine onto that date!) Seriously! It's now a thing!
Marine debris Warning for Central Coast. (The Entrance)
Cargo Ship APL England en-route from China to Melbourne.
The Singapore Flagged Ship Hit heavy seas south of Sydney on Sunday.
Losing 40 containers in 2km deep water + 74 containers damaged.
AMSA searched for containers on Sunday
Debris is starting to wash ashore north of Sydney Magenta Beach & The Entrance
Ironically surgical Masks of all things...Go figure!
APL England turned back to Brisbane to avoid heavy swells.
The ship is now anchored in Moreton Bay & being inspected by AMSA safety officials.
Aug 2016 The same ship lost 37 containers in big seas off Great Australian Bight.
Photos from AMSA following the weekend's incident:




"Coastal communities are on high alert for debris or shipping containers washing up on beaches after boxes appeared on Bondi Beach yesterday.
Alex Barrell from NSW Maritime warned coastal communities after the first debris— boxes of flexible ducting used in heating and cooling systems — were recovered at Bondi and Long Bay Beach."
YM Efficiency (Container Retrieval) by MV Pride (Port of Newcastle) Timeline
Truly incredible videos of these Container removals.
Videos from Container 1 >
2 more Containers were located leaving just 14 unaccounted for..(Great Work!)
63 Containers successfully recovered...Crew Salutes MV Pride!
News Wrap...
Well done to Ardent Oceania & AMSA
Brilliant Job all round Team & making them eat their words, is better than perfect.
Link to APL England...