Greg Webber Prepares For His Run
The weekend's Founders' Cup introduced a new competitive format for surfing. Much like the snow sports, each surfer had their run, got scored, with the last contestant aware of what the prior surfers achieved, and in turn what they must accomplish to win.
So join me in a little poolside fantasy...
No, no, no...get that out of your head. We're down deckside with Strider and Kaipo, Kelly Slater Wave Company had the first run in the pool, they were followed by Wave Garden, Surf Lakes was up next, with the little known American Wave Machines making a huge impression on their run.
And who do have left..?
The last contestant, the one we've all been waiting for, is Greg Webber. After a couple of misfires, Webber is standing waist deep in the water, paperwork in hand, ready...oh so ready, to get going.
Meanwhile, Swellnet sidles up for a (real life) chat.
Swellnet: OK, so how much of the weekends competition did you watch?
Greg Webber: A lot of it.
And your thoughts?
There's a degree of predictability about the type of turn that everyone was doing. And that is a slight disadvantage because it's actually the surfer that’s the variable while everything else stays the same.
That’s largely the point though: an equal canvas for everyone.
True, but then you end up with what we saw, a lot of similar surfing. If you can make the wave change, that's better than having it all come down to whether one surfer does a slightly different turn to the other surfer. It's all down to the surfer doing something different, whereas ideally the wave is also changing, so no-one knows what's going to happen.
Can Kelly’s tech be changed?
Yeah...a bit. It can be customised to a degree.
American Wave Machines unveiled their pool on the weekend. Thoughts on their tech?
They’ll be able to make changes to the wave better than Kelly, but not a lot better. They'll be able to alter the wave a tiny bit. And that's proven by the fact that they can make that section. They can muck around a bit.
If you studied the method that they've got, they've got these giant voids, so the void changes the swell a bit. In other words you've got a sequence and it's like putting your thumb on a piano keyboard and running your thumb along it. It goes, "Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum," and they all join together.
Now if you alter the rate at which each void does its thing, or alter the actual chunk of power that comes through it, then you can do some small degree of altering of the wave shaft. They'll make a little change to the swell and there'll be a small number of variations they can do.
American Wave Machines test pool with voids visible underwater
It seemed American Wave Machines harness the disruption of the first wave quite well, making a further two rideable waves that follow.
Yeah, it looks like it at first, but we’ve not seen five minutes of constant waves. We saw three waves in a row and the third wave was starting to get the rebound off the second wave. I’ve tested that a million times and you can do it and then you'll watch what happens after three or four or five waves. So they have a wave which is similar to Wave Garden and Kelly’s. It's still a soliton, it's still got a very high tube and it's going to struggle to actually have a wave rate over any period of time.
And these limitations are because you have the patent on the Kelvin Wave, is that correct?
Yes. They've got to use alternative methods that make solitons, that's how they get around the patent.
How does it feel watching all these other pools when yours is still theory?
It's great watching what everyone is building. The watching doesn't worry me because I know exactly what we're about to make and it's going to eclipse them all.
Webber Wave Pools, still just an artist's impression, but for how much longer?
Again, ‘cos you’ve got the Kelvin Wave patent?
It's partly that. It's the nature of how we make it, and it's also having a reverse current in the pool which means we can do things that no-one’s even looking at yet. Just straight off the mark, our tube is already better.
Well, one of the things that we saw at the weekend was that the tubes were so predictable they lost their mystique.
They will when they’re a high barrel that doesn’t change. But our barrel will naturally go below sea level and it’ll curve. There’re all sorts of subtleties we can achieve by just moving the hull up and down and changing the current.
But till then, we just have to take your word for it?
Yeah. That's fine. Very soon the thing will be built and I'm glad that we'll be the last ones, so that everyone's frothing about everyone else's waves. All that I know is that we can't be worse than any of them. Some people can customise a little bit, but only one company will have the all time barrel.
Well everyone’s had their run and we’re waiting for you.
It won’t be long now.
Still not even a commencement date for construction. Pretty much the article as last time..
Maybe so Nick, but this time, if ever so briefly, I was picturing Stu rubbing suntan lotion on my back...
no predictions of when, what happened to this year .....I thought the land was bought and ready to roll?
The Kelly pool is just too small a wave , and tubes that you have to dunny squat in, so many pools so little surfers , so much investment it feels like the .com bubble!
Your second paragraph doesn't make any sense at all. Kelly's wave is awesome. Excellent for power turns and it barrels. For those with a good eye, it is also challenging.
So many pools? Last time I checked there are only 3 wave pools commercially operating in the world. If we had 200 pools operating around the world with that cove and now this new one quality, I bet that the vast majority of those would be pretty busy and making money.
So much investment? Where have you got the data from mate? It actually looks like so little investment at the moment with the potential these pools carry.
2012 Within the year and with Rabbit on Board....
No investment return yet eh Bugs.
Oh so you are talking about Webber's pool? So there are individuals or companies invested in it for that long mate?
Supposedly Dan Mckenzie and Rabbit...
The rest of the surfing world tend to think that there were no real power turns , small barrels , I found it exceptionally boring from an entertainment point of view , because none of the surfers were at their best, but that's the subjectivity of our sport!
yeah there are Wavegardens,flowriders,Kelly's the JOB pool , there's one being developed at Docklands , there's one being developed for the canals and rivers in Germany/Holland, there's a French mobile one being developed....
Just so you know WSL alone are investing $100mUSD , for pools in Japan and Miami....and up grade lemmingmore!
I reckon for that first batch of pool waves these guys are doing very well. That freight train running on kellys wave looks very odd tho.
Rewinding the clock six and a half years to November, 2011:
Followed by:
As Tyler Allen would say, “There’s been a lotta talk”
Photo 2:
Backdrop is Huey's weathered Golf Ball on top " Mt Stapylton".
Home to Bodybash'n Bosun Bill's Rum Barrel ("A nip before the dip")... then Stab the Slab.
Greg Webber has had way too many false starts over the years hasn't he? I remember seeing once a photo of him with a bald supposed rich dude signing a contract somewhere up on the sunny coast. Before that rumours of projects in many different locations around the world. Recently that one somewhere around the Goldie Dream world area farmland... so what happened to that recent one Greg?
Where will it be built?.
I look forward to Greg's pool and do hope it is all he says, but Kelly will always be the one who struck gold and will be remembered in history for bringing the world the first proper wave pool.
That first video was one of those moments we were all like wow, doesn't matter how good his wave is, we wont get that moment again.
Yeah, that was a moment. A bit like the millennium wave
I think Adrian De Souza will ever forget that incredible moment , when the wave was first posted!
“Soliton” run a spell check, ain’t that hard
Eh? Two of 'em in the article, look OK to me.
Final sentence, see below:
It seemed American Wave Machines harness the disruption of the first wave quite well, making a further two rideable waves that follow.
Yeah, it looks like it at first, but we’ve not seen five minutes of constant waves. We saw three waves in a row and the third wave was starting to get the rebound off the second wave. I’ve tested that a million times and you can do it and then you'll watch what happens after three or four or five waves. So they have a wave which is similar to Wave Garden and Kelly’s. It's still a soliton, it's still got a very high tube and it's going to struggle to actually have a wave rate over any period of time.
Actually, disregard my reply!
On the topic of Soliton, here's a video Greg did back in 2013 years explaining the difference between Soliton Wave and Kelvin Wave Technology.
How does Greg plan to create the wave via Kelvin wake?
From looking at the video the trawler is pretty big and was also full of water. I have seen large ships make small (Kelvin) waves.
Am I missing something ( I hope to be ) yet I feel that the concept may be flawed? It's interesting I get it . I just don't under stand how they will create a wave bigger than say chest high at most. How big is the hull? How much will each wave cost to produce. How much energy is needed to create the wave?
Most surfers don't want to surf waves under waist high.....
I am more confused now about Kelvin waves then I was before watch the video ?
Elliedog at last report beneath BOM radar along Mc Pherson Rd @ Stapylton
On Gold Coast bend of Albert River adjoining [M1] with deadend Underpass to site)
Surfer Photo is N/E View from Mc Pherson Rd. (BOM Golf Ball as central backdrop)
Who would want to be last when you could be first.
Does it matter who built the first car?
No, you want to have the best car (subjective of course)
Does it matter who built the first car?
No, you want to have the best car (subjective of course)
Does it matter who built the first car?
No, you want to have the best car (subjective of course)
Does it matter who built the first car?
No, you want to have the best car (subjective of course)
Does it matter who built the first car?
No, you want to have the best car (subjective of course)
That North Shore movie where the guy goes from a wavepool to take on Lance / Laird at Pipe doesn't seem so fucken' stupid now. Maybe time for a remake.
Actually, on second thoughts, it was still a fucken' stupid movie.
haha or the reverse , "Kelly Slade", who's been working a potato farm in the mid west USA comes out of retirement to teach a young guy , who rips in the ocean ,how to take Toledo on at the pool.
Was it my Marty Feldman eyes or did l see another pool to the right of the working pool laying dormant hmm hmm ??? That's maybe the one they'll blow some sizable lines down hmm hmm ........Giddyup
Gary’s first reaction was that this poolside fantasy ain’t big enough for both of us; but after a little more fantasising, Gary reckons he’s got just the spot for you.
When are you coming in the pool, Stunet? Gary is, and the water’s warm.
Thats enough out of you Gary .
I keep telling you to stop coming in the pool .
You'll clog the filter .
Stu , dreamin' of getting his Soliton with Kelvin .
This site needs a Proof reader .
GF , " Make Swellnet great again "
Swellnet 30/11/2017 (Webber Wave Pool for the Gold Coast)
Maybe interview "hillsintas" as he put out constant solid inside info on this wave park.
Stu has previously thrown this link to partners ...'Tunnel Vision'
Well thanks for thinking of me...........
I do have some skin in the game.
as for inside info.............NO.........What I know is common knowledge that anyone could find.
Patents of secret wave making technology that doesn’t yet exist but is going to make the best waves of any wave making machine when we can find enough people dumb enough to invest dumb amounts of money.
think about the business from this point of view... is anyone that surfs really going to get in their car and spend an hour or so driving away from a real beach with real waves, to then pay money to go surfing with a whole bunch of kooks in a filthy, crowded, chlorinated swimming pool?
Greg is on this ................
OCEAN SPORTS DEVELOPMENT, INC., a privately held Florida-based corporation, is proud to hold the USA exclusive license to the Webber Wave Pool system invented and patented by Greg Webber. A peerless surfboard designer, Webber has been setting the world standard for shaping boards since the 1990s. With the Webber Wave Pool, he is now poised to set the world standard for shaping waves as well.
The unique patented Kelvin wave drive mechanism and pool bottom will provide the perfect pipeline with numerous wave height and shape variations. Simplicity of design means we can make surfing pools in multiple sizes and shape configurations, including round, half-moon, straight, looped linear, and rectangular. The stadium sized looped linear and rectangular designs generate waves in four separate zones of the pool, thereby providing rides for the advanced professional surfer to the child novice without interference to any surfer in any other zone of the pool.
OSD acquired the exclusive rights to this wave pool technology in order to create the NATIONAL SURFING LEAGUE™ surfing park resorts across the USA and to help develop the sport of surfing as an Olympic and NCAA sport. The fact that we can create a world-class hollow barrel on demand provides OSD with the ability to create unique sports television programming content. Our stadium resort locations make the proliferation of surfing possible by enabling municipalities, non-profits, high schools, NCAA, and the Olympics with the exact same training equipment which is economically feasible.
Our group’s real estate, engineering, construction and operation experts will see your project through from site acquisition and custom pool design, to build-out, long-term management and league participation. Our technological niche and manufacturing expertise logically position Ocean Sports Development and the NATIONAL SURFING LEAGUE™ for long-term growth.
Comments encouraged...............
A couple of classic clips of Greg on Youtube.
2010 discusses the history of his quest 9 minutes.
2009 his 50th birthday clip by his brothers 4 minutes
{AWM Oz NSL} v (OSD Oz NSL) v [ KSWP /SA/ WSL]
City v Beachside crosstown rumble...Pool owners sons from CBD win all surf meets.
[LOCALS ONLY] weighed down with Concrete Thongs
(Downunder drowning not waving at The Big Splash)
NYC takes out Surf City Crown...(Concrete Blonde trading cards for all) GO TEAM USA.
God I wish I knew what you were on about.
LOL....; )
Hey have we already forgotten the Barton Occy plunge pool? Whats happening there?
After rewatching the Webber youtube videos his design ideas make more sense now that ive seen the other pools in action. If he can get the damn thing built i think he will go straight to the head of the pack.
Hopefully he posts on here again.
Few things that come to mind with his design that people might know from previous threads are... What would the swell period be at a given size? When a surfer falls do they exit on the island in the middle? Seems like it could look like snapper pretty quickly. When you have multiple waves (8?or more?) going around the circle for a few minutes, each wave would have had 2 or more people fall, that means theres already at least 16 people and boards trying to make their way in. What would the logistics of using the thing be?
I like the part where Greg said "bum"
goofyfoot I almost got away with that....Careful what you wish for! The full monty....!
AWM = American Wave Machine which runs Aloha Surf House in Joondalup W.A.
Stated intention to be 'Home of National Surf League' or (Titles)
OSD = Ocean Sports Development is building 'Tunnel Vision' Wave Park @ Gold Coast.
Also wish to create a National Surf League based on School Sports to Olympics.
S.A.= Surfing Australia CEO resigned to join WSL= World Surf League.
WSL employ former S.A. CEO to lever KSWP= Kelly Slater Wave Pools into Oceania.
Starting with Govt funded high performance centre for Australian Champs.
Flowrider OZ/World Comp model spawns 3 separate OZ National Wave Park Surf Leagues.
All Pros will be contracted to forever surfing same mix of Made in USA waves across OZ.
USA- Judges/Jughead wave callers/Whompin'/Claims...etc
Sure! Up till now it was mostly we privileged Seachange white trash on the Surf Team.
But soon enough only the wealthiest of brats can afford a spot on Australia Surfing Team.
Current price for your sons Wave Park lesson is $90/hr. (That's just for standing wave hire).
Which only cranks when the Bus is back in the Depot....(To suit run down dedicated dads)
Not on the Pool Party A list ? You could always try out for team in the real surf. (Please No!)
[POSITION VACANT] Surfing Australia CEO...(Seriously a real job ad from 2 days ago)
Nice chain of thinking...............
OSD = Ocean Sports Development is WWP EXCLUSIVE U.S. LICENSEE, so the National Surf League they talk about is USA players only.
The only thing that Tunnel Vison & OSD have in common is the geographical holding of the Webber licence.
Wonder what other companies in other countries will hold a WWP licence.
Does this make sense??
Thanks hillsintas...Makes perfect sense.
My reasoning stemmed from US Flowrider + AWM Flow Wave rebel OZ leagues.
If OSD is not venturing Downunder then who is to field Webber Wavepark OZ comps.
US are all over the jock side of Wave Parks...This seems like a pretty big deal to win or lose.
WWP insist on Olympic Standard facility e.g. ISA = International Surfing Association.
Also hints at parallel international Wave Park Tour.
Even a Wavepark stopover leg on existing WSL tour.
Talk of pros custom designing the Park's waves.
Tunnel Vision/WWP have much on offer but just as much is lost on all of us.
" when you're naked in the street, all you have is your word. "
If Greg Webber wants to blow minds with his prototype it'll need a barrel big enough to stand up straight inside. Not a 'me too' wave. But a real solid sizeable wave.
I understand prototypes are done on a budget to show they work and can be scaled up from there, but if this pool is going to look like the best technology for a developer, better than all the other wave pools, it needs to create a wave bigger than all the others.
Imagine if it was unveiled and it looked like overhead plus backdoor with an angry spit and a big air section like Keramas. It would be a bigger deal than anything out there currently.
Good luck with it Mr Webber. People are hard to please and right now they're getting nub to wave pools. Hopefully it comes out and blows minds. I suppose proof will be in the riding.
I totally agree that the ability for a surfer to stand in the barrel will be the benchmark that all pools are judged on.
I would add that the ability to easily change bathymetry will be the next "must have" in order to keep the pools from being boring and predictable - something like, morning session as a draining left or right wedge barrel, with the afternoon reconfigured to provide some ramps for air moves.
Greg’s pool is saltwater right?
I’ve never surfed an artificial wave, but I would imagine that surfing in a saltwater wavepool would be different from surfing in Kelly’s fresh water pool.
Salinity levels affect bouyancy. The more salt the more float. If you have driven a boat at high speed in the ocean and cross a river mouth after a fresh water flood , you will notice the difference, I imagine it's the same in the pools with surfboards.
Boat slows significantly in fresh? Noticed a lot of surfers on eps in the wsl pool.
Kelly discusses saltwater vs freshwater in the Occy interview, reckons when it comes surfing there is no differece once your up and riding.
Kelly would say that. I haven't ridden a board in freshwater but I can tell you that at high speed in a planing vessel such as a sharkcat, hitting freshwater is like hitting soft sand. The drag is very, very noticeable. You can literally notice the waterline on the hull gets higher as well. I can see a market in the future for boards specifically designed to suit fresh water pools, and I'm guessing your looking at extra foam and less glass.
And to that point , Kelly's wave is hardly a high speed down the line race , unless you think double hand drag, squatting head dips are the benchmark for performance surfing .
Very interesting that you picked up the whole freshwater vs Salt water....
In Israel the water is very salty and board volumes are 3-4 litres less . Surfing in cold water you need more float than guys who surf in the tropics and its not just the wetsuit its the salty water floats you more.
From a tech stand point Kelly is not very strong in this area as can be seen by his boards over the last 10 years , really on or off.....
So yeah you would be able to make special boards for less float , but the board you would make is totally different for Kelly's pool than the Waco pool , as Kelly's is so predictable , whereas the Waco one looks way more fun!!
yeah makes sense your comments salty vs fresh, but cold vs can get salty cold so that would help not hinder. Just going back to Kellys pool has anyone noticed the upside down "hooked pipes" on the shore edge roughhly every 50m, what are they for? Some sort of air balance?
I look forward to reading another article like this in two years time
Saltwater =1100 x denser than air / Freshwater = 800 x denser. (Pause)
Kelly's power bill would increase by same % for Saltwater Pool Waves
Saltwater also has more underwater drag.
Kelly's 'XXXL' Wave pool therefore pushes freshwater waves easier and more affordably.
Warm water = less dense/Cold water = more dense
Heating water requires more power in order to better push Pool waves easier.
Having saved money with freshwater one could invest in a heated pool for further savings.
Kelly's warm climate wave pool temp is said to be fine for boardshorts so that's a win.
However his "XXXL" design would bankrupt a cold climate operator. (Can he downsize?)
Saltwater sprint Swimmer is thrust up requiring less drag/faster than freshwater.(By Just ?)
Saltwater Marathon Swimmer needs to lube up because of ongoing drag.
Saltlake Swimming is the most exhausting of all. re: Dead Sea (Float -easy) v (Swim- never)
Basically salt slows you down the longer you swim in its denser environment.
Similar to a Marathon runner breathing in a bank of sea mist. (Fine/Slowing/Enough!)
Surfboard Riding Maneuvers (Based primarily on Properties)
(Saltwater) Face planing/whipping is fastest.
(Freshwater)Power pocket slicing is like butter. (Apply ratio above)
Hot/Cold/Salt/Freshwater or tidal provide unlimited combos on their own.
The wavepark designs would react by ratio with each brew & season or rainy day.
Any ECL would shutdown the wavepark before WSR. Same goes for electrical Storms.
Wavepark may not be natural but it's still inescapably ruled by natural forces.
PS: Frozen Wavepark would be Snowboarderz Slurpee Mall.
HOT NEWS...Webber's Gold Coast WIPEOUT
(9 Gold Coast News) GC Wave Pool is cancelled ! (See also Brisbane 9 News on Now)
Neighbouring Logan City Council confirms same company purchasing Land in their city.
Notes: Qld Govt Bulk Water is same charge thru-out SE/Qld councils by 2020. (Not an issue)
Better[M1] Access/Lower Logan council site rent may have been offered/sought? See Ya!
HOT NEWS ....(Part 2)
(9 Brisbane News) Logan Council"REFUSE"confirming any such follow up Land Sale !!!
Before I say too much ! I wish to point out Swellnet Penny Skateboards Ad on Site.
Owned by Ben Mackay of Tunnel Vision...Greg Webber's Wave Park partner.
Note: No secret Ben is a mighty proud Loganite... Logan skate/surf park may yet figure.
Due to Homepage commercial alliance you'd be best to await confirmation from the boss.
Andy Mac will likely run this in Wed' Gold Coast Bully... Swellnet already scooped it !
Thanks for the info.
Block of wax & bragging rights to the first to post the location of new piece of land.
Swellnet first to print again!...Thanks hillsintas.
Story is oddly absent from Wed GCB 'Surf Scene'. Sorry about bum steer/My bad ! AndyM.
Bully Captain is hunting bigger fish.Now plunging a massive harpoon into Mayor's Migaloo.
'Wave Park' Source : 9 News Brisbane Tuesday May 15 2018 (Pause replay @ 31:45)
(Extra info): "No WavePark Plans were ever lodged with Gold Coast City Council."
Said: Local('Wavepark') divisional Councilor/Acting Mayor Donna Gates.
Same Cr also said:" Logan Council offered & supplied land to same proponents."
9 news reported Logan Council has not verified any such land deals !
Qld Surf-lakes is set for July Test. (News/Stats) 240 surfers x 10 waves /hr = 2,400 rides/hr
Im so lost trying to follow Webber Pool Tales
What was the last story - Mech Engineering is underway and digging begins in 6 weeks ?
So was the land purchase pure bullshit ?
You asked Steve Shearer to meet and video the discussion ..Steve was to scared wasnt he...
Nope was in 100% agreeance - wtf happenened ? ?
Geez your making Wave Pool Surf History Greg...For never having built one..
Current retired site had no [M1] access from any directions GC/Ipswich/Bne.
If we were led to believe they want better/some/any site access at all then where in Logan?
Logan Council been floggin' Massive Tourism precinct land on [M1] Logan River N/E bank.
Weirdly accessible from Bne only. (No GC/Ipswich Off ramps to massive site)...(Lemon)
Opposite current site on [M1] Albert River N/E bank is also zoned Tourist recreation.
[M1] Beenleigh Rum Distillery Road Exit ...(Can't be sure Logan Council is the owner of land)
Beenleigh Rum site is accessible from all [M1] directions GC/Ipswich/Bne (Gotta help!)
A bit cold for a WavePark having wind blow off all riverbanks but warmest of brews on site.
hillsintas block of wax is safe with truebluebasher.
Still only 9 news/Hit 105 radio: Reported on Gold Coast Wave Pool loss (Most odd?)
Those rivers have more twists than the WWP story.
Thanks for your sleuthing conjecture truebluebasher.
Link to online issue.
Starts page 34 to 39
Interesting read thanks for sharing
Unsure if the crew have sampled this Test Video as it only has 37 views...not unusual for Tech!
Anyhow! Won't hurt to run it again with a different slant!
Feb 2022 Ocean Sports Development
Test Tank Demo @ Australian Maritime College Tasmania
Note the 4 rotating central Arms delicately glide off the outer perimeter?
The foils are not bulldozing but surfing off an upturned curved face trailing minimal force!
With such light force required > one could rig up economical self propelled units on the outer wall
Certainly appears odd but watch what happens as the swell lines appear into view!
[0:33] Check the inside left bank firing up!
Camera seems to focus on not 1 but 2 lead waves powering around the circuit.
Can't see why the cam/s aren't mounted on these said Booms? Perhaps a Top Secret Vid!
Unsure how many set waves Greg is aiming for...but...
Reckon with some tinkering...2 even 3 endless powerful waves of reasonable quality are shaping up!
Hauling an Old School Straight run Foil back'n'forth wastes energy & is not economical...
But looping 4 or ? Foils on a continuous circuit could generate enough power for itself & the Venue!
Kinda like a wind up toy that recoils it's own power to store in a battery!
Alternative to featured Vid > Central rotation with Booms to outer edge...
One might consider a dirt cheap option with lowest maintenance & replacement cost.
Foils could be fixed on an outer rail > (Here's an Example of an inside rail mount.)
Crew will recognize this Tech from Sunny Coast Engineers...complete with makeshift Arm or Foil
tbb apologizes for the Greyhound Racing Vidz...
Strictly sharing this or any race track engineering in it's own right for Wave Pool Tech!
There is one (2nd Vid?) showing the remote Brake / Reverse Range of the Wheel mounted Rail Motors!
A Traditional inside rail lure - racing around > unleashing unlimited speed & power!
Yes! Aussie made invention!
Yes! With a remote control to adjust foil / speed to change the Waves / Sets as nature allows...
Yes! Change any/all Wave shapes & sizes as surfer rides...upon own request or as a Lucky dip challenge!
Yes! Ramp waves Up / Down > Faster / Slower > More Face / Less Face or reverse flow...all as one surfs.
Consider changing spacing of rail units to ramp some waves higher > others lower to suit Gromz..
All on same or next trip around...Trapdoors or Skylights by request from central DJ Playlist.
One could recreate nature or freaks of nature ...sick retarded Double / Triple Lipped slabs!
tbb is not saying if that's what any want or desire...but it offers opportunity to naturalize yer Waves!
One could envisage the DJ Buckling the Wave face or racing a long section for deepest sick barrels.
Let Dr No finish off yer session! 'Ok crew ... One Last wave in!'
Ha Ha! Champ is left High'n'Dry! ...Sun goes down > Moon Comes Up...Just like a real pretend Huey!