Watch: My Name Is John
Hard to know where John John's head is at right now. Following a 25th and two 13th places he's languishing in 26th place, and with the next event in Rio the reigning world champ can assume no natural advantage over the field. In fact, if Brazil is small then his rivals will be more inclined to follow the lead set by Mikey Wright and Zeke Lau of using a bit o' mongrel to throw him off kilter.
The following clip has precisely zero contest surfing and answers nothing. Still, there's a couple of good Blue Moon-style turns around 2:15 and plenty of laconic tug-the-arm-sleeve barrel rides throughout.
He must be spewing Margs got cancelled and next event is Brazil especially in the position he is in.
Must suck for the pros having to back track all the way back to Brazil to surf crappy beachies, would make much more sense if they could fly direct from WA to BALI for Keramas, then from Indonesia to South Africa.
But i guess for the pros without girlfriends or wife's there is always the bonus of Brazilian girls to look forward too though. (or guys if that's their thing)
"But i guess for the pros without girlfriends or wife's there is always the bonus of Brazilian girls to look forward too though. (or guys if that's their thing)" what a wenker you are! Narrow minds like you have such big mouths full of S*#T!
Calm down turbo, no need to get all ad hominem on the man.
yeah, some of the pros WITH partners will still get into some strange. same as it ever was.
"But i guess for the pros without girlfriends or wife's there is always the bonus of Brazilian girls to look forward too though. (or guys if that's their thing)" what a wenker you are! Narrow minds like you have such big mouths full of S*#T!
Got to love the irony in this comment, I'm apparently narrow minded and have a big mouth :D
So im assuming you are broadminded and accepting of others views and bite your lip when needed, and bring a good well presented argument to back up your pointless personal abuse?
Yeh man that's some pretty poor form. Lighten up HF. Ah Brazil. Fucking brilliant and diverse in so many ways. More Australians should go there and get culture shocked. And yeh go there single or poly.
Here we go just a little bit of culture for you mate -
Hope it can changes the way you've been thinking about Brazil!
Enjoy it
Zero contest surfing???
The first wave is contest surfing
haha um yeah he's got ya there Stu
So is he offically John Florence after this clip????
Good question
Ahhh... the sewer that is Brazil. Quite a contrast to this Amazing clip. Wonder who will pull the pin this year? And speaking of sewers, Keramas isn’t too flash either, that water coming out of the river is putrid.
So true Mem,all rivers in Indo are ,well ,pretty ordinary,best avoided for obvious reasons but good luck to the circus and yes JJ rips.
Comp results or not how friggen relaxed does he look when he is surfing. Every surf school from lower bum truck to the kelly pond teaches kids to have their arms up and leading where they are going and then you have JJ with his arm relaxed by his side casual as you like.
Those backdoor barrels were insane but those Haleiwa hacks are just on another level.
best surfer on the planet hands down
WSL a joke
2 x world champ and the WSL tried to make it hard for him
2:16 and 2:19! Perfection.
It would't matter if he didn't win another heat this year. He is still the best surfer .
Can surf anything. Best by a mile. Wsl even cancelled an event and threw in a 2ft wave pool to try and slow him down.