Julian Wilson injured in mountain bike crash

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

So this is how they do it these days. No press release, no press conference, just one man with an iPhone, bag of frozen peas on his shoulder announcing an injury just before the start of the season.

So went Julian Wilson's Instagram post that went out to his fans.

"I have some not-very-good news to share. I’ve come undone on my mountain bike doing some cross-training in Glenrock National Park in Newcastle on Friday evening. I went over the handlebars, landed square on my shoulder and I've ruptured the AC joint."

"It’s not going to require surgery. It’s extremely uncomfortable hence the bag of peas on my shoulder. There’s no great timeframe on the recovery. I’ve just got to take it one step at a time. I'm in great hands. I’ll be doing everything I can to come back stronger and better than I was before."

And that's about it, no timeframe given but with six weeks to go till Snapper Jules' 2018 campaign has just gone arse over tit.


A post shared by Julian Wilson (@julian_wilson) on


MRsinglefin's picture
MRsinglefin's picture
MRsinglefin Tuesday, 30 Jan 2018 at 4:43pm

I wonder if his father in law, Ian an ex Hunter Westpac rescue helicopter pilot was riding with him. That MTB area has caused a few injuries to local surfers. Hope Julian has a speedy recovery.

Ant agonist's picture
Ant agonist's picture
Ant agonist Tuesday, 30 Jan 2018 at 8:12pm

Dry reef when you come off them things.

weak man's picture
weak man's picture
weak man Tuesday, 30 Jan 2018 at 10:42pm

I did my A/C in mid October, fell off my mountain bike just like JW. Now I am even weaker, finally went for a surf last week. I did give Netflix a serious nudge when I had a month off work, I think I got to the end of it after a few solid binges.

Chris Buykx's picture
Chris Buykx's picture
Chris Buykx Wednesday, 31 Jan 2018 at 8:21am

Wipeouts on MTB hurt more. Stacked last week at Mt Narra and later that night I find myself asking how did i end up in Mona Vale Emergency? A night in hospital with concussion. Have upgraded my protection with a new full face helmet!

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Wednesday, 31 Jan 2018 at 1:55pm

I wonder if Mick would have done something as potentially risky if he was really all out for a world title? I know Motogp riders knacker themselves going MX riding and the team managers tear their hair out as they don't have the technique the MX riders do and end up missing rounds. Probably being a churlish old codger just the guy is so frustrating. So much ability and when he is on just a joy to watch and then, always misses out for whatever reason.

kirwoods's picture
kirwoods's picture
kirwoods Wednesday, 31 Jan 2018 at 10:03pm

^ yup strange choice for cross training one would have thought!