Why Aren't WA Surfers Using The Shark Deterrent Rebate?

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

Beginning in May this year, the Western Australian state government has been offering $200 rebates on scientifically proven shark deterrent devices. To date 630 people have taken up the offer but only 10 of those recipients come from the Margaret River, Yallingup and Dunsborough area.

This statistic has Greens MLC Diane Evers intrigued. After all, it was the Margaret River region that suffered the worst following a recent cluster of attacks that held WA in a state of fear.

The shark deterrent subsidy was a bureacratic response to a community demanding action. So why the slow uptake?

In a media release today, Ms Evers postulates a few theories, including social economics (poor surfers may not be able to afford devices), efficacy of devices, and the one that sounds most plausible to us here at Swellnet: the only approved device is the Shark Shield FREEDOM 7, which is not designed for surfing.

Having nothing on the market for surfers to buy may explain why surfers aren't buying it.

The situation could change if surfing-specific devices are tested and approved, but no-one knows when that may be.

“I look forward to a time when tests have been so completed so that the rebate is available for deterrents with other applications, especially surfing,” says Ms Evers.

The original rebate was only promised to the first 1,000 people so it's possible the offer will end before a surfing device gets approved.

Fuzzy logic aside, Ms Evers is keen to hear from surfers: “I urge people to contact my office with feedback about the rebate and how it could be improved by calling 9486 8070 or emailing southwest.evers@mp.wa.gov.au.” 

Have at it, people.


simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 8:12pm


Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 2:14am

They are spending it on pot or camping fees.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 8:20pm

Does it take less than 30 days to get the rebate ?

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 4:22am


quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 8:35pm

Hasn't been marketed much, I bet most don't even know it's available

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 1:01am

I come from W.A originally. I bought the shark shield when it was in it infancy.

This big wet suit enclosed device, with at least three foot electrocid.

But, I did not go surfing.

I have entered comps, I want smaller, I will win.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 8:39pm

It's as though WA surfers have zero confidence in the product preventing the devastating advances of a rampant White Pointer.

ie ; if you're fucked , you're fucked.

No two bit intermittent electrical charge with a limited range is stopping a ton of fish with intent.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 4:19am

Here's a Poem
A Rampant White Pointer
Little bit like a full on Train
There is really no stopping her

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 8:58pm

No one knows that Blowin,could be enough to make the thing hesitate for a second which could mean a fatal bite or partial bite.......personally i think the answer is in the way they smell things ,supposed to be 10000 times more than humans,check the size of there nostrils and look at photos cause their nose is probably more important to them than their eye sight imo.

Legrope's picture
Legrope's picture
Legrope Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017 at 9:23pm

These devices are suitable for diving, not surfing. Not too many keen divers around Margies. Sketchy water beyond the reefs.

nogo's picture
nogo's picture
nogo Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 10:55am

What about surf safe, it's the only one that even looks like a good product.

uncle_leroy's picture
uncle_leroy's picture
uncle_leroy Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 11:18am

What I don't understand is why the manufactures of shark deterrant aren't doing more field trials and put the videos out for all to see. If they work, then bloody prove it with legitimate videos of a great white charging a dummy on a surfboard, then turning away.
Even more so, if you believe in your product, then go and test it out, go for a freedive or a paddle with free swimming whites, plenty out there on both sides of the country. Esperance locals meeting with minister next week regarding increasing shark interactions and government not doing anything, hopefully a positive outcome.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 11:26am

From a recent article on Swellnet:

Lyndsay Lyon of Shark Shield is also optimistic. "A team at Flinders University led by Dr Charlie Huveneers is currently testing the Freedom + Surf".

Unfortunately for surfers awaiting approval so they can claim the rebate, the testing has been delayed. "The team has been on site at the Neptunes but there are no whites out there," said Lyon. "They're simply not there."

Not sure about Rpela and other devices.

uncle_leroy's picture
uncle_leroy's picture
uncle_leroy Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 11:40am

Need to get out more, maybe visit Yamba, Tuncurry, Bremer or Esperance.

monk's picture
monk's picture
monk Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 2:30pm

...or hang around Lefties for a week or so at the moment. Sightings around Margs are off the charts from the last couple of months.

Make a product that does not hamper surfing and has some guarantee of working (video footage would help) and I would consider splashing out on one for me and my kids...

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 3:58pm

The problem with regular video footage is, its very easy to edit something to show somethings that is not.. So thats why the government have said they will only provide the rebate to products that have been "Independently " tested. The Liberal government provided $600000 to UWA to test products a few years back and the only unit that they tested was the Shark shield freedom 7 dive unit. Other products are currently being tested also but sadly the cost is crazy and time seems to drag on for ever..
As for kids, my 13 year old surfs with his and me mine and it makes me feel very comfortable..

nogo's picture
nogo's picture
nogo Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 6:36pm

Wondering when you would turn up ;)

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 3:59pm

The problem with regular video footage is, its very easy to edit something to show somethings that is not.. So thats why the government have said they will only provide the rebate to products that have been "Independently " tested. The Liberal government provided $600000 to UWA to test products a few years back and the only unit that they tested was the Shark shield freedom 7 dive unit. Other products are currently being tested also but sadly the cost is crazy and time seems to drag on for ever..
As for kids, my 13 year old surfs with his and me mine and it makes me feel very comfortable..

monk's picture
monk's picture
monk Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 5:57pm

Is it the FREEDOM+Surf that you are using? And did you get the rebate on this one? To be honest I have considered getting one, especially after reading all this, that maybe I could buy myself/my son a X-mas present. Did you also have to buy O&E tail-pads for each of your boards - must be a pain-in-the-ass pulling off all of the existing tail-pads - maybe another (less vital) reason people are not buying more often. Also worried about the thing breaking and being less with a bulky, obsolete tail-pad. Wondering if you had any of these thoughts/issues?

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 8:08pm

No i'm not using the shark shield surf version. I have used the Rpela product for well over three years. The product is designed to fit into the surfboard and the power bank is interchangeable between boards. A local surfboard maker decided he wanted to make a product that works for surfboards so designed and manufactures them in WA. Katana surfboards in Osborne Park. The product was never considered for testing when the government paid for the shark shield dive unit to be tested. The product has been tested on Great whites in NZ, South Africa, and currently at Neptunes. His biggest market is Reunion island were they cant get enough. have a look and contact Dave Smith directly if you are interested. I am happy to answer but some people get upset at me pedalling a safety product, as they think it takes away from their option of culling.. www.rpela.com

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 3:42pm

uncle_leroy the issue is cost and access to Great Whites. I believe the Shark Shield dive unit was tested by UWA funded by WA government cost around $1mil.
Happy to be corrected but that is what I remember being told.
The other problem is access to the Whites you cannot just front up to Whites in Oz and start testing, permits / who / where and when are a nightmare if not impossible.
So the testing is generally done in SA still costs a motzza still dramas around access / who / where and when.
Testing has been carried out on the Surf Safe (Repla) unit with good results but getting the reports to an acceptable standard to make public claims is ongoing process.
I surf WA (Mandurah) and use a Repla (would be happy use a Shark Shield as well) and I think I am only 1 of roughly 3 or 4 people who surf the area that use a deterrent.
None of my mates use one and don't intend to, one of them had a run in a couple of months ago should have been taken but for what ever reason the White decided not to.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 2:32pm

yeah bring the boats and cages up to evans head,no shortage there

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 2:49pm

Don't forget Ballina....we just got another one today.

SharkSmart‏ @NSWSharkSmart 3h3 hours ago
NSWDPI advise 2.24m Male White Shark caught on SMART drumlines at Shelly Beach Ballina. Shark tagged & released offshore.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 3:45pm

yes its going to be interesting when they release the CSIRO report sometime before years out.....

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 4:32pm

It will be interesting........

Assuming CSIRO scientist Barry Bruce is in charge.......he who has been one of the main proponents of white shark as endangered and authored the white shark recovery plan.

Science is science but human beings are human beings and Bruce and the CSIRO have a lot invested in the idea of white sharks as an endangered species.

Dean Mc's picture
Dean Mc's picture
Dean Mc Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 5:45am

You get the idea that people will only treat the threat of increasing the shark population is like when you see an old lady living with a house full of cats. My first suggestion would be to get some trawlers running down our beaches again. This would have to be some benefit to everyone coming into Christmas. Even the lady with the house full of cats could pay her power bill on time.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 5:36pm

Anyone seen this article? Did the fishos go through with it?


Also, great footage from the ab diver and a noble aim to keep one GWS hotspot free of the cage diving, etc zoo.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 6:02pm
simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 6:22pm

crazy stuff alrighty,how many times was that camera bumped,bitten and intimidated.......wouldn't like to be treading water there...good spot to trial shark shield etc.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 6:58pm

That Marc Payne fella sounds like a certified lunatic...check this out...pity the video is no longer available.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 1:40pm

That was absolutely nuts. Notice the sharks were a male & female - wonder if they were paired for breeding? Seemed young adult sharks. The blue grouper pic in the article was great, too. You would think the groupers would just be cannon fodder for the whites but I'm informed they live in the rocks and at a certain size nothing really goes after them.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 7:22pm

Green's want reasons...
WA Uni won't guarantee gimmick against shark attacks.
Shark Shield's cut & paste promos whitewash themselves.

The said rebated model for Bodybasherz is not ocean friendly.
Firstly that dinky ankle pouch is OK for a dip but wouldn't hold up to a decent bodybash.
That cable would snag on rocks even tangle in Skegz legropes potentially drowning user.
Cable whipping in waveface striking endless charges to face & chest, even take out an eye.

Use in crowds may result in shocking of a child or death of an elderly heart patient .
Pop gets zapped by shield... Who done it ? Manufacturer/Uni/Govt/Council/Surfer ?
Basher entering flags where Shark shield would be banned. How does that work?

Quite clearly this demo product has a decade of research ahead.
What point is a shark friendly deterrent that's lethal to loved ones.
At this test stage it's the most deadly bodybash'n aid ever rolled out.

Impossible approval then Govt gold seal that's signature Qld whiteshoe brigade.
WA Great White Surf Safari Sacrifice as front-line defense for armed locals wins more votes.
Greens! Perhaps ask if Australians should ever again support such crooked divisive policy ?

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 at 8:26pm

Just to clarify the Shark shield is more powerful than the Rpela unit. The Rpela unit also doesn't have anything hanging of the board. A person would have to actually touch my surfboard to get any form of a zap, and its actually not as bad as people think.

I think the fact that this minster is looking into the market and reasons why people are not taking the uptake, even though it currently doesn't help surfers is testament of just how un educated this entire subject actually is right across the board.

The entire issue of sharks and water safety is the biggest political football. The entire field is full of miss information, people taking advantage of issues and making a quick buck, others trying to develop safety products that will help, anti cull greenies and people who just want to cull all the sharks. SO much discussion has happened over the last 5 years and really very little in the actual landscape has changed..

bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 10:24am

Rpela are the only electronic devices designed for surfboards.
Won't work if you don't fit and use them. The best test is for more surfers to use them.
If someone else out on the lineup had one fitted, I'd keep him close.
You would only need a number of units out at a break for some coverage.
Intermittent, fuck, find out what they do - 200V signal emitted between two electrodes 1 metre apart, careful if you have a heart condition. Yeah the signal would give you a decent safety buffer.
I now fit carriers to all the woody boards I build. $30
The active unit which can be shared with all your boards $300
They're easy to retrofit to foamies.
Young dickheads wouldn't, but older blokes responsible for families should use this practical, tested insurance. You insure you car, home, health.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 6:44pm

Seems like a better system to me,very similar to SS but as stated designed by surfers for surfers .Can they be installed in an existing board thats already glassed or only new shapes?

bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 7:08pm

Got a router ?
pretty easy, install in a woody is a bit different

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 7:30pm

step 7 with the wire could be a problem,maybe

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 8:24pm

It costs me $150 to have them installed retro into boards. In a new board i paid less than a $100..

Plus then the power unit that just changes from board to board, as mentioned above.

bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman's picture
bigtreeman Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 9:32pm

I buy a few units at a time, and install myself.
cnc cut the hole as I'm cutting the hull, glue it in, semple.
better price for multiple power units.

dastasha's picture
dastasha's picture
dastasha Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 8:20am

200 volts ay? Might get me a bit of space in the pack behind the rock at Snapper

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 6:36pm

@ Quokka, incredible footage!

How's when those whites come straight at the camera, head on, such an intimidating sight. Such a simple looking yet complete predator.....

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 27 Oct 2017 at 7:26pm

Absolutely Rabs, how much do they look like pumped up young teenagers throwing their weight around.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 28 Oct 2017 at 8:19pm

The greens are clueless ?. No surprise there. I thought we had nothing to fear from sharks, according to the greenest of shark lovers ,, so why would everyone go and buy a shark device if there was nothing to worry about , I mean , they're really only encounters anyway , and you have more chance of dying from 20 different bullshit scenarios , like bee stings , according to that way of thinking. I think the greens stance reeks of hypocrisy on this one. . Is there a rebate on anti bee devices ,, ??

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 7:58pm

Actually yes there is, The government subside the cost of Eppi pens heavily..

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 9:17pm

Yes , but an eppi pen is not a deterrent to bees.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 2:11am

Man, the first Shark Shield I bought was a wraparound. Wraparound your leg, with a leading thing. Just by the mass of it, if I went surfing with it, I would feel safe. In hindsight, a little bit like Thor, striking the offending shark ( and elecrotuing myself at the same time).

I sold it for a good price.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 9:01pm

Do you work night shift or just have benders every weekend?

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 10:52pm

It has become sort of a job over the last couple of years. I was going to put a stop it, I was on The Guardian, but cancelled my profile ( for the third time) after getting really pissed of with a guy on a topic about Che Guevara. I was pro he was con, but I had stories to back me up about how he was a nice guy to start with.

I do have benders during the week (this is not one of them), that is usually when the moon is full. So you could say it is has been casual, permanent, night shift. Though I have been thinking a lot about death and all these bastards dieing at sixtie or so. That I should be doing something constructive before I kick the bucket.

So I suppose the upstart of it is, when I start working, inventible as all inevitability, I go somewhere else, feeling like a goose the next day and swearing it will not happen again. Of all my jobs (and there has been many), I am quite good at it I think?

Note - My last job was a casual traffic controller, man, that is a shit job! Before that, working with a German company, Socialdata, delivering stuff, (long time ago) man, that was such a easy job! I will delete my profile here, I am not paying membership now, so I am taking liberties really. Thanks for asking.

Dean Mc's picture
Dean Mc's picture
Dean Mc Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 7:07am

I don't know if this has already been suggested, but why not combine a device that will zap the shark as part of their tag unit. When the tagged shark gets close he or she gets a big jolt. Maybe even a system in place where too many close encounters and the shark becomes cat food. A leg rope could pre warn a surfer when the tagged shark is around possibly. We could have some chance of getting a wave in.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 3:21pm

I'm thinking good idea in principal Dean, so the tag zaps the noah when it gets close to someone using a deterant device? Maybe the device can send out a different pulse to communicate with the tag that has a broader range. Still have the electromagnetic field being emitted in case it shakes off the zap from the tag and gets close...if it did that you're probably fucked anyway as it's made it's mind up.

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 6:00pm

could be an option possibly, would need a more sizeable tag (power requirements) and probably wouldn't work if its in the fin....but if the field only works to 3-6m then the shark has probably already made its mind up by then. would be nice to see the scientific basis of how it work or would not work.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 4:28am

That is to high tech, the sharks would get to know you and you, with memory, would know the sharks. That is inappropriate.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 29 Oct 2017 at 9:30pm

What happened to promoting punching and eye gouging?? Call me old school , but I say bring back the biff.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Tuesday, 7 Nov 2017 at 9:36pm

I remember reading of a Chinese fisherman, can't remember where, on being chomped by a shark on the neck, he stuck his fingers in its eyes. There was a photo of said Chinese fisherman with a scar around his neck. I, now in my wisdom (I was a teenager when I read it), have great doubts about the stories veracity.

I have this fantasy, (steady), whereupon being attacked by a shark, the shark leaps and I do a jump of my board. Then straddling the shark, like in a rodeo, I proceed to beat the shit out of the shark. The shark leaves and I am in the water, abusing the shark as it leaves. I get on the news and everything.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Wednesday, 8 Nov 2017 at 12:23am

The alternative to that story, is I hold on, like the shark version of Big Blue.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Monday, 30 Oct 2017 at 6:36pm

Thinking about it though, I reckon it makes sense to most people but I reckon the shark huggers would crack the shits about cruelty to animals blah blah blah.
It's no different to dogs that wear those collars that give them a jolt when they bark.

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Wednesday, 8 Nov 2017 at 12:24am

I pity your dog.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Wednesday, 8 Nov 2017 at 1:17pm

My dog...why's that big fella?

Mort's picture
Mort's picture
Mort Tuesday, 14 Nov 2017 at 10:23pm

I will bite, little fella. You have no concept of others pain.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Wednesday, 15 Nov 2017 at 12:03pm

I don't have a dog and you're a liar you were going to cancel your subscription.

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 9:35pm

This GWN news story yesterday was brought about from this original thread so hopefully its okay to share .

southernsealspirit's picture
southernsealspirit's picture
southernsealspirit Tuesday, 7 Nov 2017 at 6:44pm

I too am a big fan of the Rpela unit, it is really simple to install and is interchangeable easily between boards.
I grew up around Margies but now live in Byron, I'm suprised that there's not more surfers installing these. I surf the open beaches a lot, there's plenty of wildlife out there and it does add to peace of mind
Hopefully Dave at https://www.rpela.com/ gets approval soon for the rebate so the word gets out
Definitely recommended

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 8 Nov 2017 at 2:08am

It's fair to seek a universal deterrent that suits all ocean users...be they human or pets.
A lightweight multi fit bracelet to wed any limb would be obvious and affordable.
Now for that perfect tune...We know piped orchestra music rids alpha males from malls.

We also know that Navy sonar beaches whales so shouldn't shooing sharks should be easy.
All we do is amp up Dick Tracey bracelet to vol- 11, switch to Supersonic Killer Whale FX.
At the very least it passes green test and is miles more scary to sharks than acme joy buzzer.

Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy Sunday, 12 Nov 2017 at 11:15am

Evers was in the paper last week, up to 650 applications, 7% were from the under 25 age group, NSW Govt is trialling the WA device Rpela. Low awareness of the rebate and whether devices actually deter sharks, along with the current rebate only applies to a non surfing specific product were the main reasons for low applicants to the scheme according to a survey they did with surfers. They are now doing independent tests on surfing specific devices in WA.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Monday, 26 Feb 2018 at 7:48pm

Rpela is "currently undergoing testing in South Australia by Flinders University and will qualify for the state rebate if found effective, with a report to be released around April this year."
Once again the Greens are making some broad statements based on not a lot.

Coaster's picture
Coaster's picture
Coaster Monday, 26 Feb 2018 at 8:40pm

And on something they know little about

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 12:52pm

Only one of the five devices recently tested by Flinders University at the Neptune Islands is found to deter sharks.

"The test results show that even under extreme circumstances - chummed and baited waters - the Surf+ device reduced the risk of an interaction with a great white shark by at least 60 per cent."

"The department also advised in normal surfing conditions, the Surf+ device may produce an even higher level of shark deterrence. "

Surf+ is manufactured by Ocean Guardian, formerly Shark Shield, and is designed specifically for surfers. As it has been succesfully tested it'll now qualify for the WA Govt's $200 rebate.


quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 3:08pm

Does anyone know what the other 4 devices were that were tested?

Edit: Just checked the Ocean Guardian (Shark shield) site and they are now stating "Plus, if you live in Western Australia, you can take advantage of the $200 Government Shark Deterrent Rebate. Conditions apply. Click here for more info."

Not sure the minister is on the same page.

Further edit: From the Sharksmart website "When the trial was first launched, the Shark Shield FREEDOM 7TM was the only approved personal shark deterrent device available as part of the subsidy. As of Friday 25 May 2018, the Government has added the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ Surf (Bundle) to the list of approved devices including providing an additional $200,000 for a further 1,000 rebates.
Retailers of approved deterrents must first register with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. The rebate will then be applied at point of sale by the registered retailer. "

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 3:09pm

Nah, the minister says the same: "...the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has recommended the Surf+ device be added to the personal shark deterrent subsidy program."

Other four products were: Rpela, SharkBanz bracelet, SharkBanz surf leash, and Chillax Wax.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 4:00pm

Yes recommended but not actually added, Ocean Guardian are advertising the rebate now. I understand the addition to the rebate program to be based on the release of the report, which hasn't happened as yet?
It's a pity the Rpela wasn't deemed successful as this is a much better option for those of us who don't currently use tail pads.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 4:33pm

Hey Stu, do you guys know Dave Smith and if you do will you be asking his opinion on the report, specifically in relation to the Rpela?
Anyone have any feedback on how the tailpad actually feels, the kick looks bloody bulky?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 4:40pm

Never spoken to Dave, Quokka. Many companies working in the field have contacted us, but Rpela isn't one of them.

Having a think about your proposition.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 4:57pm

yeah that tail pad/kick puts me off too

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 4:59pm

Curious about that. Why would a kicker put you off? I only buy tail pads with a rise on them. Great feeling when the side of your foot is against it.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 5:25pm

Always have used wax, never really liked the feel of tail pads.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 7:03pm

I tend to trip over the kicks a bit so i stopped using tail pads all together and cant say i miss them .I see a lot of the older guys don't use them any more and imo you feel your board more...another gimmick ...can buy a lot of wax for the price of a tail pad.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 7:05pm

Yep agree Simba, definitely feel your board more with wax.

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 5:55pm

The tail pad that the shark shield mob sell you is really poorly designed.
It is hard plastic and does not stay stuck to the deck because surfboard decks are curved and the plastic pad is flat.
They need to go back to the drawing board and design a curved pad or even a variety of curves.
I would suggest the maximum amount of curve needs to be 10mm, this would suit a mal I have that has a very rolled deck whereas the deck on my nugget design needs to be about 6mm.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 6:59pm

Never seen one in person, so it's not foam?

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 8:28am

here is what it looks like, I even tried bending and clamping it and leaving it clamped for a week and when unclamped it flexed back to flat.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Monday, 28 May 2018 at 5:56pm

Gotya, it's the power module that's rigid not the tailpad itself. Yeah can see that being an issue. I note on OG's website it states "Not suitable for performance boards", WTF does that mean?
I would go a Rpela any day design wise...real pity about the results.

sharkshield's picture
sharkshield's picture
sharkshield Friday, 1 Jun 2018 at 12:52pm

Hi Phil, seems some confusion here, you're showing the old SURF7 base plate which was obsoleted 2016 when the FREEDOM+ Surf was introduced. You can take a look at how to install the new FREEDOM+ Surf here

southernsealspirit's picture
southernsealspirit's picture
southernsealspirit Friday, 25 May 2018 at 6:53am

The report is now public
Very strange that Rpela did not perform
It is way better to install and use
Even the researchers note that they thought it would be the most effective
Would like to hear Dave Smith’s (inventor) opinion

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 25 May 2018 at 7:19am

Pretty tough trial imo using burley to bring the sharks in,not whats really happening in a real life situation so its a hard one.Personally i cant see why they don't trial these things over at Seal island in south Africa and do a slow tow behind the boat on dusk.As for Chillax wax well the whole idea of the wax is for the smell to affect the senses of the approaching shark but with burley this cant happen.....i think the trial was flawed for all the devices and should be done in real time conditions.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 25 May 2018 at 8:35am

Ocean Guardian Surf+ already added to the WA rebate list:

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 25 May 2018 at 1:35pm

Simba you would hope that the device would work with over-excited sharks so I don't presonally see an issue with whipping them into a frenzy during testing...I suppose it's like stress testing the device to its limit.
I don't really follow figure 3(b) in the report as I would have thought the higher percentage of reaction would be a better outcome but the notes state "White bars represent trials when the board and bait were not touched or taken, or without any reaction." and Surf+ has a greater % of "without any reaction"?
The numbers above Surf+ in Fig3(a) don't seem to correlate to me either...maybe I'm missing something.
It seems the key to the electronic devices are the duration, frequency and type of current seem to affect behaviour. I would recommend Dave Smith tweaks his product to replicate the outputs of the Surf+, so apples with apples are being compared.
Unfortunately this seems would be a lengthy process and not sure if funding would be stumped up for another trial...he may have missed the boat which is a real pity as the Rpela would be my preferred product.
In any case this report is a killer for his product, he'd have to be pretty disappointed.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 25 May 2018 at 6:19pm

I think the main difference between shark shield and rpela is that the current is wider on the shark shield thus creating a bigger area of current......anyway big opportunity for Dave Smith to show us what hes got.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 25 May 2018 at 7:52pm

I also reckon there's something in the duration of the pulse and the type.
I'm no sparky but apparently alternating current is the best way to transmit electricity over large distances, so you would think that means it should be more effective. Also the fact that the electrons alternate or switch direction might affect how the shark "receives" the current to a greater extent. Rpela uses a direct current which is a steady current so the shark could potentially not notice a difference.

Quint's picture
Quint's picture
Quint Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 8:06am

Paul Buckland was wearing one when he was brutally killed.

Wandi's picture
Wandi's picture
Wandi Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 9:27am

What was Paul Buckland wearing ???

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:05pm

He was wearing a SharkPOD

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 10:53am

I contacted Dave via email and to be honest he was pretty guarded about it all, which is probably understandable as I expect he has invested a lot of time, effort and money into the product. I would say he probably needs to employ a PR person. Not unpexpectedly he doesn't agree with the Flinders report and he said there is an independent report due out soon, he hopes in the next month. He said the data for the report has been indepdently collected in a more controlled environment...not sure what that means...but wouldn't disclose who the scientists are that are conducting the research or how it was being funded. He did say the report will be presented to the WA Govt once released.
Stay tuned.

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Tuesday, 19 Mar 2019 at 11:07pm

You are 100% right Dave needs a PR person. He just wants to get the product done and available. I guess that's why i post as much as i can to try help spread the word. A point worth remembering is Dave is very busy making boards and working overseas with RPELA were the product has been very successful. As for testing its very difficult to explain how it all works but let's just say if he sounds guarded, it's worth noting his competitor has nearly a million dollars in assistance from government, compared to Dave's zip..Lets maybe suggest that shark mitigation in this country is rather more political than people would care to know..

Dave was very grateful for the recent support from Swellnet regarding his info nights and i'll suggest he follows up with you guys with some more info..

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Wednesday, 27 Mar 2019 at 7:27pm

I attended his info night here in Perth a couple of weeks back and the thing that confounds me is why the WA Govt have jumped on board the Sharkshield and not Dave's product. The RPELA wins hands down from a design point of view with the key point being it doesn't affect the weight distribution of the board and is not a big bulky kickpad that a lot of surfers don't like to use. If it was on the rebate list then the take-up would be a lot greater IMO.
I also don't understand why the WA Govt won't fund his research, even to a small degree. The guy sounds like he is struggling to make ends meet and has sunk a shitload of his own coin into the venture.
The results from the Mexico trials should hopefully assist with all of the above.
the product is not the silver bullet but it all helps to make surfers safer in the water.

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Wednesday, 27 Mar 2019 at 7:47pm

Hey glad you were able to come along. I was the poor sod on the BBQ. The product is amazing, truth is that the space is very political. Government funding is honestly based one where they think they will get bang for buck, dollars for votes. As you would have seen on the night Dave is an amazing guy but sadly lacks the sales drive (he is a great mate so i can say that). The difference between the two is vast and he and the marine scientist alluded to the big difference between the AC and DC. When it comes to testing its a shame he couldn't explain to much about the exact issues but the key factor is that SS the guy can sell ice to the eskimos. When these products get tested, they hang bait, and try to attract a shark to the bait, whilst then deflecting the sharks from the product. The shark needs to be videoed and each shark needs to be individually identified. Then the shark needs to be considered to have made an attempt only to then move of. During the Neptune testing, Dave actually used the opportunity to play with the electrode size and found that the bigger he went, the less effective the product became. (If you read the report from Flinders it even states that). Hence the testing wasn't as effective as he would have liked. Also the idea of testing each product next to the other, is flawed and there has been criticism from with the scientific world about that also. Its interesting to understand funding for testing. The world in fact is a limited market and a few have the funds wrapped up. Anything outside that circle struggles to get support..Hopefully that makes sense..The report being prepared on the Rpela is extensive and will be very conclusive. Will the government consider the product then, let's hope so. Also an interesting point id like to share is that i have seen allot, all of the results (most of it goes over my head TBH) and i currently use the original V1 version. SO does my son and interestingly enough Dave does and his 12 year old boy still use the original model. Hopefully that helps explain..I'd love to chat more one day if you're ever around or want to call feel free to contact me directly..Again Dave was chuffed with the Swellnet support..

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 28 Mar 2019 at 12:16pm

Thanks for cooking JB. Dave is a champ, even with struggling financially he still put on the grub and a few beers. I really hope things work out for him and the WA Govt start showing him some love!
Yeah I get that, like most industries there are the protected few who are looked after, it sucks but that's life.
When is the report going to hit the pollies desks?
I thought you could only buy the V2...?
How do I get in touch with you JB?

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Thursday, 28 Mar 2019 at 12:20pm

The state already had the preliminary report, but they requested more recorded interactions and that will be in the white paper being finalized now. Yeah the new/current version is the V2, i just still have the old model and i guess was pointing out their is loads of confidence in that one. A few people were put of by the flinders testing, easiest way is mobile maybe, 9300 9970 or if your North of the river i work out of Joondalup..Would love to chat some more..ALways keen to share the stoke..

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Wednesday, 27 Mar 2019 at 8:12pm

Good on you Quokka I picked up a V2 the other day if only we had waves so I could use it.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Thursday, 28 Mar 2019 at 12:15pm

Haha yep and we're a way off having waves in the metro...need to travel. Top stuff supporting local mate, well done.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 6:35pm

New Device- Ocean Guardian LR10 FP - avail soon.

quokka's picture
quokka's picture
quokka Friday, 1 Jun 2018 at 5:23pm

Please go on udo. OG website lists the LR10 S which is not for surfing. Can find no info on LR10 FP.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 20 Oct 2019 at 4:10pm

WA Sharksmart Timeline + Rebate Updates
26th May 2017 (Rebate Start) See all comments above for recap.

March 2018 - (Total Rebates 1,650) (Re: via Nov Stat report below)
(Divers 1259)+(Spearfishing 169)+(Kayak 68)+(Snorkle 61)+(Other 63)+(Surfers-27)

26th May 2018 FREEDOM +Surf Bundle was added to Rebate (see below)

28th Nov 2018 ...(2,400 Total Rebates)= (Surfers 310)
13th Dec 2018 (Rebate was still available)

May 2017-Sept 2019 $1m committed for 5,000 rebates (Stats Breakdown)
(Divers +Other 3,190) + (Surfers 600) (Presumed seafarers + FIFO 1,200)

Sept 2019 (Currently) an extra 1,000 x $200 rebates are available (2 choices)
Ocean Guardian FREEDOM + Surf (Bundle)

Ocean Guardian FREEDOM 7

Official Sharksmart Rebate Outlets

Terms & Conditions

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 21 Oct 2019 at 1:16am

Swim with sea life tours ( Shark Deterrent Regulation for groups to 20 swimmers)
Oz tour groups that immerse fully into offshore Shark Habitat

Across the Top End WA/NT/Qld. (wild frontier)(Whale Sharks-Humpbacks)
WA-Spotter Planes radio to Spotter Boats.('Sharks are rare & more scared of us!')
Video shows diver perhaps with ankle deterrent get headbutted by 3m Tiger Shark.
NT- Just strip down & go the the grope on yer Whale Shark lover.
Qld- Just run over the Whale Shark so you can let the kidz have a pat.

Clockwise south from Cairns regulation starts to bite...(re: Sharkshield videos)
Qld Cairns Minkie Whales & Shark Dives each diver wears a Sharkshield anklet.
Hervey Bay Whale swimming.
Swimmers fit 'sharkbanz' on their wrists (This allows pregnant women to join in)
Sunshine Coast Whale Swims fit up to 50 Sharkshield anklets(1-1.5m apart)
Such overkill forbids Pregnant women on tour...Unsure as to what carnage it causes?

Needing 50 sharkshields to ward off a shark is not a good advert for product.

NSW Coffs Whale Swimmers each wear 'No Shark' anklets + No pregnant guests.
Nelson Bay Dolphin Swim Dive Master wears only one Sharkshield for tour group.

Victoria Port Phillip Bay Dolphin/seal swims + (Schools)...No Sharks so No Deterrent
Amazingly Vic is same as Shark Bay WA...Neither use deterrents nor scream SHARK.

SA Glenelg Dolphin Swim has a [HP] Sharkshield on the end of the swim line only.
Baird Bay Dolphin/Sealion swim- divemaster's Sharkshield anklet only +onboard unit.

WA Rockingham dolphin swim fits each swimmer with a Sharkshield anklet.
[WARNING] Horrific tale of hero passenger rescuing #1 Sharkshield promo girl.

Swimmers are urged to bring cameras & also hang onto rope with spare hand.
95% are up close encounters...How many acid Tabs slip down throats of Cetaceans?
Unregulated photography sees onboard guests waving cams over mouths of Whales.
tbb is saying we know these devices will burn the insides of once protected creatures.

Some of above mentioned record stats & mention only a few white shark encounters.

Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy Tuesday, 22 Oct 2019 at 4:30pm

WA World First :
Electromagnetic Shark Deterrent for Busselton
Personal Shark Shield Subsidies
Biggest Underwater Observatory

Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy Tuesday, 22 Oct 2019 at 4:34pm
udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 17 Mar 2022 at 10:41am

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Thursday, 17 Mar 2022 at 1:13pm

that vid shows little in the way of avoiding a shark attack

jbshack's picture
jbshack's picture
jbshack Thursday, 17 Mar 2022 at 7:01pm

Rpela finally has been added to the Subsidy list from the WA government.
