Sunshine Coast Council to exhume Wurtulla whale
Stop me if you've heard this one before...
Just days after burying a dead whale on a beach a council has bowed to public pressure - and some will say commonsense - and will exhume the carcass.
This time around it's Sunshine Coast Council, and their decision is the third such incident in four weeks. The first two involved Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and Ballina Council. Each followed the same pattern: a deceased cetacean is expediently buried near the shoreline of a popular beach, the local surfing community agitates for removal, then the council do a backflip and begin the messy business.
Here is the full detail from the Sunshine Coast Council press release:
Sunshine Coast Council will exhume a whale buried at Wurtulla Beach after on-going monitoring of its condition, seeking expert advice and considering safety concerns raised by residents.
CEO Michael Whittaker said council had been engaged in discussions with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) since the whale washed ashore at the weekend.
“Council’s focus has remained on delivering the best outcome for our environment and our community,” Mr Whittaker said.
“Our staff have consistently raised concerns regarding the community’s feelings on this matter with the state regulatory authority EHP since Sunday afternoon.
“I have today asked council officers to exhume and remove the whale carcass from the beach.
“The decomposed nature of the whale when it came to shore meant it could not be towed out to sea and has added to this challenging task.
“Our staff are working with contractors to mobilise trucks, excavators and any machinery and expertise required to work the carcass into manageable sizes and remove it from the site to a local landfill.
“The public should keep clear of the area to ensure the carcass is removed as quickly and safely as possible.
“We appreciate the community’s patience and support as we carry out this work.”
despite the insanity, probably a good thing in the long run. there are three precedents now and 'risk management' will probably make the sensible option much more likely to be the first choice in the future. hopefully...
DEFIANTLY a good thing for the long run.... F@#king retards.
What happened to the good old couple of sticks of dynamite? At the same time, we could tell Gautam Adani there's some free coal inside!
Whales don't eat coal, they have these things called Balleens. Like really thin teeth, lumps of coal will not fit between them. Yeh sure, if while their feeding on krill, if you throw a lump of coal from your boat, if your a good shot, it may go in their mouth, if your a good shot, are you a good shot?
*this* is what happened to the good old couple of sticks of dynamite.
"Well, I am confident that it will work" (Oh, I am giggling). Not the good old couple of sticks of dynamite, there were boxes!
I am sure whales flew at some time in the past, this whale carcass became of flock of whales.
I will say one more thing, exhume. You exhume Salvador Dali, you dig up a dead smelly whale. Try as hard as I might, I cannot connect the two.
Thanks SCC for wasting our rates money on flip flopping.....who makes these poor business decisions.
Probably will not be exhumed until next week according to ABC
Well on the upside just goes to show how people power can change things ...
Good news for ocean users at Wurtulla. Finally they are starting to see the dangers of their actions.
"State Government calls summit on whale response"
Dug up this morning.
This is how you get rid of a whale (in the Mentawais of all places)