Wavegarden go national - video
From this point on, every piece of news about Kelly's hot tub, Wavegarden, or Webber Wave Pools has an ulterior motive. Nothing is neutral, everything is heavy with propaganda as each player bids to get over the top of the others. And the medium for all this nasty propagands is us. The media!
So let's get manipulated, eh?
This time 'round it's the national ISA surf squads in their matching tracksuits copping an obligation free invite to the Wavegarden test centre in San Sebastian.
Doesn't it look inviting...?
Man size wave in a man size pool could make a man size of a difference.
To be a surf coach you must have surfed all your life. You must KNOW surfing. Do they actually believe what they were saying? That smacked of paid endorsements to me. Do they actually believe practicing on a one drop, one move, quickly fading chest high wave will drive some incredible performance improvement? mmmmmm....bit suss to me....
Kelly is way out in front, his wave is ten times better and his videos are presented really good.
Webber wave pools, hasn't even got out of the blocks yet so hard to judge.
Wavegarden wins in quantity of waves, but the actually waves are not something you would actually pay money to surf and their videos and presentation are crap.
The best thing that's ever happened to surfing....ever !
The ability to artificially inseminate the surf consumer base ....oops , I meant the surf culture into China under the banner of furthering the Olympic spirit with its unquestionable purity and integrity.
It's just so exciting.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to potentially share line ups with billions of new surfers IOC !
Special shout out to PT for his efforts at the coalface . Cheers mate !!
Yep this is going to open the floodgates. Know any oddball spots, lesser spots, or areas no one bothers with locally? Those are going to be sanity preservers in the future. Or just less crowded.
Interestingly this snow season saw this phenomenon first hand - the global slush of money chasing cool things to do... things are definitely changing... wishing you all luck to make a shedload of coin, as that's the only way you will get to enjoy what you take for granted now.
And despite this, all the dummies are so keen to see it happen, just for a few seconds of self-gratification in a pool.
Kind of like the surfing equivalent of a treadmill for running. Makes sense for training, but not competition.
Unless they're planning to start running Olympic sailing in an undercover swimming pool with giant fans, Olympic rowing on rowing machines, or track running on treadmills, I'm not sure why they're considering wavepool surfing for the Olympics, or any competition in wave pools for that matter.
What does this have to do with surfing?
What do wave pools have to do with surfing?
Potentially a lot.
Cant really see that wave turning China into a world surfing superpower unless the WSL is planning on shifting all of its comps to kiddies corner next year
Yeh I know, it's nostalgia or whatever, but one of the most powerful attractions to surfing fir my generation was that it was unregulated. There were no coaches and virtually no administrators, shit there weren't even any "legends". It was whatever we wanted to make of it. If you look at the characters it generated they were of a different ilk. It took initiative and imagination as well as surfing ability to make a career. Now it takes discipline, conformity and the willingness to ride the same wave over and over again. I think we should at all times discriminate between surfing and the new, different sport of "pool surfing". So good luck to all those who want to ride the pools, but it was not what I signed up to or will ever have any interest in. The mantra of the pros in the 70s was that they wanted surfing to be just like tennis and golf, when most of us had been attracted to it because it was nothing like tennis or golf. This time around they have gone one better and have made it just like gymnastics, only less spectacular.
Well said blind boy, I don't think a wave tank will ever be able to replace the real thing and the 'freedom' you feel in the ocean all the other Good Vibes that go along with it.
BB, I can't quite work out whether your a fan of competition surfing or not? On one hand you mention the initiative & imagination of your generation who made a career out of surfing (competition surfing I assume) but on the other hand you seem to be against conformity & discipline of the current pro surfing scene. If your trying to defend the purity of surfing in regard to were its heading (wavepools etc), up until the advent of wavepools, nothing could be more against the purity of surfing (call it free surfing or soul surfing or whatever you like) than competition surfing, back in the day or currently. Competition surfing is all about conformity, specific times, days , rules, locations etc etc (sure it might of been all a bit looser back in the day, but still required a degree of conformity).
In regard to the wavepool scenario re pro surfing, you paint the impression the tour will become 100% wavepool comps. I seriously doubt it. If the WSL can't attract decent viewer numbers to all-time Chopes or Pipe or Cloudbreak then the assumed predictability of wavepool comps will die a pretty quick death, regardless of the convienance, unless they are profitable ofcourse , then anythings is on the cards I suppose.
so this is the type of wavegarden wave pool we are getting in melbourne STU N...correct?
and when is the completion date?
A long time from now.
its like a really lame skatepark that cost millions and only scooter kids want to ride it.
Good training for trestles? Except for the tube section. Not required.
Well said Blindboy.
Everyone in steamers except the English boys in boardies!
It seriously needs another 15 metres with size closer to the takeoff height. Waves that fade so fast not so good for the less nimble. I would just be settling into the wave and it would be all over. Not a massive change but it needs scaling up a bit.
I have yet to see a wave pool that was suited to any but the most agile surfers, which is pretty weird if you look at the average age in the water these days. It is not only the taper in the wave but as it breaks there is only ever a relatively short section of steep face.
oh my god..... close your eyes. it's beyond your glasses & capability ....
No team OZ...wtf. ahh must be surfing real waves back home.
No team OZ...wtf. ahh must be surfing real waves back home.
Is this Kelly pool?
lets make wave pools, either side of a busy train track.....
Sure is .
Looks that fun!!
Looks weird from that angle.
Wave looks super fun, but it does look like its right next to a train track from that angle.
It's always been close to the fence. The other videos were intentionally angled to keep as much of the infrastructure out of the picture as possible. Greg's pool will be similar: a barrier on one side and a footpath on the other, which is what you should expect on a theme park ride. And a barking attendant yelling at the guys who wipes out to hurry up and move to the side instead of lolling around in the water and pulling faces while their mates carry on from the footpath, accidentally banging their boards against the other saps waiting in the queue. Great fun.
Ok, the footage looks like it was from this http://beachgrit.com/2017/09/live-wsl-mini-comp-at-surf-ranch/