Last Day of Winter - video

Ben Matson picture
Ben Matson (thermalben)
Swellnet Dispatch

The Last Day of Winter are a post-rock band from Portugal

The Last Day of Winter is a 2014 film directed by Sergio Fabio Ferrari, nominated for Best Narrative Feature at the US Red Dirt International Film Festival, whilst The Last Days of Winter (plural) is a 2011 Iranian documentary directed by Mehrdad Oskouei, which has won multiple awards, including the Golden FIFOG at the International Oriental Film Festival in Geneva.

The Last Day of Winter can also be defined by meteorological reckoning, or astronomical (and other calendar-based) reckoning.

Meteorological reckoning measures the winter season based on 'sensible weather patterns', which is related to latitude and has a fixed date in Australia of 31st August. 

On the other hand, astronomical winter is based on the position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun, meaning the southern hemisphere winter ends at the spring equinox - either the 21st or 22nd of September.

Of course all of this has nought to do with the strong south swell that graced the East Coast yesterday. Here's a great video from Clarrie Bouma.


geoffrey's picture
geoffrey's picture
geoffrey Friday, 1 Sep 2017 at 7:55pm

was out there this morning and one of those fellas on the surfboard/jetski things came and zipped around the lineup for a while. it was when i was waiting for my last wave so i dont know how long he hung around but im sure if he was there longer than 5 minutes someone would have started shouting at him. Does anyone know if they are considered PWC? if so i imagine they aren't allowed within 1 or 200m of swimmers/surfers?