J'Bay Day 5 highlights - video

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

Anyone else feel like they've been on a binge this week? That there's been so many highlights over so many days that it's hard to recall who did what and when. It's all becoming a wonderful blur. Unlike other fantastic surf contests - Bells '81, Fiji '12, Chopes '11 - the action has been spread over three days rather than just one day of stellar surf. I'm getting weary and we've still got QF, semis, and finals to go.

Here's the highlights from last night...or day, whatever it was.


Boomingbells's picture
Boomingbells's picture
Boomingbells Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 11:55am

Hmmm looks like the (SHARK SECURITY) is still going to miss a few! That mako looks to have slipped through the gates.

By far the best standard of surfing seen to date!
I mean I watched bells live and the replays online and that was crazy!
I can't even imagine what this must be like.
Next level.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 11:12am

That highlights reel was about 3 hours too short.

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 8:50pm

Can anyone explain Frederico's 10 against JJF?

I thought Frederico was way overscored and JJF way underscored.

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 8:50pm

Can anyone explain Frederico's 10 against JJF?

I thought Frederico was way overscored and JJF way underscored.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 9:16pm

I don't think anyone can explain it.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Friday, 21 Jul 2017 at 10:27am

Agree, explain the unexplainable.

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Thursday, 20 Jul 2017 at 9:25pm

Rub of the green. Goes both ways..........take it when it comes your way......

Umunga's picture
Umunga's picture
Umunga Friday, 21 Jul 2017 at 7:54am

WSL judging is so inconsistent, JJF will be underscored because he is JJF, there is no way Frederico's two waves were more critical than JJF, not saying Frederico's waves were not top notch just that JJF were insane COME ON WSL SORT IT OUT, IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR RIGGING IT!!!

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Friday, 21 Jul 2017 at 8:32pm

yep, JJF was was so critical and Frederico so flaccid in comparison.

Spoils it for me

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Friday, 21 Jul 2017 at 10:30am

The whole world is still going swillnuts, over the greatest spectacle the world has ever seen! Greater even than the last greatest surfeein' 'thletin' spectacle ever, ever seen! Everywhere you go, its all you can hear!

It started because the sun was shining! And the wind had finally dropped! And finally the swell was starting to come from the right direction! All those wind lines on top of each other were starting to form a... a... a... yes! A swell! The slop was abating, and an actual swell was forming! The 4 amigos went red mist psycho! Zenny, stuey, blowey, and yes, robotically joined by the other blax dodger southey (although stuey dun time, never did see him on me right but), went into a post off frenzy! Calling, squwarking, crying, tissues, posting and posting and posting, pleading, squealing necks wringing, on and on they drove into the dark night!

Well, it was actually day, but, as Potts screeched to everyone, that fucking wind had started howling again, the sun was long gone, it was pissing down sideways, almost pitch black, none of the 'athletes' could see where they were going, the chop was too big, so no one could keep their rail in properly, until they got to the clean bit, the impossible 'barrel' that yes, closed out. Then, yes, the waves stopped. The final 'highlight! That last dazzling finale. I showed a heap of non surfers the climax! They all saw a guy sitting, in the dark, chop, and sleet, waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. ad waiting. Oh, the excitement! Then finally, I called them all back! No, look, come back! Its a wave! The greatest wave ever seen! He's going to catch it! So they all rushed back. Just in time to see a slumped figure kick off a dud wave, not worth surfing. In the sleet, the howling wind, the chop, and the darkness. No, wait everybody... it gets better! Even more spectacular! The sun will come out! Come back.... a shark might come!

In the end, the best thing that happened was blax. Led by stuey, his swilling buddies, nuts zenny, blowy and southey finally took on and stitched up blax! Again! Without even going in the water... again!

Now, finally, the world, the cosmos the galaxy will realise that surfees are the most spectacuar, eleeete, show us the money athleeetes ever! Ever!!!


No doubt soph has seen Bennies online pleas, resulting in a relentless hailstorm of greenbacks from the fans!

And by God they tried, the whole WSL team, the circus screeched their fucking guts out in a frenetic crescendo! Look Soph! But, no doubt, the texts and emails were going out in the early hours this morning. Performance based issues. Cost cuttings. Savings. Efficiency. Merging. Meetings. Rolling heads. Tissues.

Here we go again.

talkingturkey's picture
talkingturkey's picture
talkingturkey Friday, 21 Jul 2017 at 10:55am

The circus moves on and the dogs are still barking and yapping and sniffing each other...till Monday at least. At best.

Onwards and...I was gonna say upwards...but...yeah, nah...

Onwards and onwards!
