Lucas Silveira // 2weeksholidays - video

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

Wasn't too many down days in Lucas Silveira's recent Indo jaunt. This clip covers a short two week trip yet by my count he surfs five name waves plus a handful of lesser spots, and scores at least two huge swells. In doing so he lays down a fantastic argument for escaping the Kuta vortex.


simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Wednesday, 5 Jul 2017 at 5:20pm

Covered a lot of territory in two weeks alright and scored big time.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 5 Jul 2017 at 5:34pm

Sucks to be this guy...

Mango Carafino's picture
Mango Carafino's picture
Mango Carafino Wednesday, 5 Jul 2017 at 8:23pm

Right place, right time......

geoffrey's picture
geoffrey's picture
geoffrey Thursday, 6 Jul 2017 at 8:16am

geez that nias takeoff looks like its serious.

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 6 Jul 2017 at 2:19pm

That was my exact thought as well geoff.

geoffrey's picture
geoffrey's picture
geoffrey Friday, 7 Jul 2017 at 8:26am

think ive missed the boat of 'young fella that can get to his feet in mid air', so might have to pencil nias in as the one that got away.

Horas's picture
Horas's picture
Horas Friday, 7 Jul 2017 at 11:40pm

Perhatian,perhatian,penumpang .................aaah yes please Ha haha loving it good on him ,always great to get to some waves in Indo,lissoi