Scoping the Mentawais - video
As surfers stroked into perfect, oil-slick-smooth Telescopes, photographer Grant Davis sat in the boat twiddling his thumbs.
"I arrived the day before the swell filled in properly," said Grant of this early June swell. "The first evening served up some very fun waves up the beach, however the next morning was truly amazing. After working at Aloita for the past three years I can confidently say that the swell was one of the best I have ever seen hit Telescopes. The 207° direction was spot on and the wind was a perfect light southeast all day. We had two long sessions with the afternoon just as good if not slightly bigger on the higher tide."
Grant's handiwork can be seen in the video below. And don't it just make you wanna surf?
"When it was over there were a few "best waves of my life" quotes from the guests," says Grant. The great conditions prevailed over the following days as the swell slowly dropped.
Video courtesy of The Perfect Wave travel company.
It seems that Telescopes is a softer version of either SCAR or ONE PALM and in some cases a little more playful that G land BUT hey those conditions were absolutely awesome well done to those guys who scored such a s great day. Well the DRONE sure makes up for some great footage anyway, bloody zodiac would surely run out of fuel doing those long hauls, huh and the smell of two stroke in the water. chakas to you all bro !
Hmmmm...this is the best telescopes gets? Overcrowded 3-4ft? Granted the arvo glass off looks nice but they can have it and their mediocre waves of their lives.
It fairly protected but it can get bigger than this possibly solid 6 foot, i wouldn't call these waves mediocre though, it's lining up perfectly.
I love Telescopes one of my fav lefts in the Mentawai's but it's really sad to see it with that many people on it.
It's understandable though after Macaronis it's possibly the most user friendly world class left in the Mentawai's no where as perfect as Maccas or as consistent but it's a wave anyone can surf, take off is pretty easy, very little reef factor as quite deep and a flat safe reef, and no crazy end sections.
It can get bigger than this, but doesn't line up much better than that.
Surfed Telescopes in 2004 and there were about 50 people on it at the time.. felt like I hadn't left the Goldy!
Wow...crazy Mentawai's are weirds like that it can be super crowded and then even hours latter not too bad or not far away empty.
Ive had pretty good luck with Telescopes surfed it pretty uncrowded (20-15 guys or less, quite often less than 10), i even surfed it about 7 years ago in February for hours by myself wasn't as good as this vid, smaller and inconsistent but glassy and straight edged, i was actually really hoping someone would turn up so i had someone to surf with.
Next day conditions where the same but i had sun stroke from the day i really wanted to surf but it just wasn't physically possible, only other guy staying in the area was a guy from Poland or some weird European country i don't think he was really a surfer more just a backpacker who had a surfboard though.
Far from mediocre.
Have to agree on the crowd though.
Agreed, great fun wave.
every piece of footage that has come out of Indo and especially the Ments has looked insanely crowded this season.
Anyone who has been this season confirm or deny?
Got back from G-Land last week was there from the 7 to 16 June was busy at the start then less so by the end.Talk of new camp being built starting in September, building that is.Between Joyo's and Bobby's on the old Tiger camp site.Raymongo's now Jack's is looking good cleaned up and not over run by monkey's.With four camp's running maybe will become cheaper but more crowded.
G day mate, I noticed as I was reading the thread you've mentioned Raymond and his defunct camp. I've stayed at Raymond's camp a number of times, it probably wasn't the classiest set up but undeniably the closest to the point . Yes it was a smallish camp compared to joyo's and bobby's but it had that home away from home feeling .Anyway my point being, I noticed you mentioned that the camp had opened under a new banner? I remember meeting the owners last year and they suggested they were renovating in time for this winter. Did you get a chance to check the new camp? What's it like? And do you know if it's still the same booking office down near Ullus? Any contact (booking details) would be great if you had any? Mate I was literally a week of booking at Joyo's as i thought Raymond's was shut down like the Tiger camp, Your reply and any info would be appreciated.
Regards Nick.
Is it just peak season that is so crowded in the Mentawais, or is March-April the same? Looks crazy busy, but conditions look dreamy .
Where I usually go in Indo, I can get my favourite spot to myself a good deal of the time. Not all day, but at least a few hours a day.
Mentawai's are no different to say Bali
For example: If you want to go surf Bingin or ullus or Padang Padang or Canggu its going to be crowded 99% of the time, but if you sneak off somewhere with less quality and think outside the box you can find uncrowded waves.
Same deal in Mentawai's if you want to go surf Maccas or HT's or other well known waves it will be crowded, but if you know where to go and when and willing to surf waves of lesser quality, you can get uncrowded waves.
But yeah there is a very large number of resorts and camps and losmens in the Playgrounds and Telescopes area and every year more and more are getting built.
Then off course a large number of charter boats in the mix.
Been looking at a land camp in the playgrounds area...a all inclusive 4 person share losmen with fan with local boat trips [basic indo boat] they are asking $180 per day
Bit pricey
M.I.A. surf camp ...anyone stayed there ?
The B-Grade Indonesian waves are still better than most A-Grade waves in other places. Hit the B-Grade waves, avoid the crowds and have more fun. That's my theory anyway.
Hello Udo,
I have not stayed at MIA but I heard on the local grape vine that the owner might be on the piss! It's right in front of Nipuusy and of passable quality but certainly not Kandui or the likes. Why don't you do what Indo-dreaming and I did in the earlier days and just stay with one of the local families at E-bay. Pak Jamal, Ibu Temi and Pak Bonard or Pak Anti, Pak Jam, Valarius, Emanuel, LeBidet, Mateus and others. All these local families are super nice and there are others but their names just slip my mind right now. They will all strike a reasonable deal for you under RP300,000/night with food, or you can bring your own and share it around. I had the time of my life doing this for months (at the historic lower rates) and surfed, snorkelled, learned about the local culture, carved out canoes, cut down rainforest trees, built houses, hunted fish and collected wild food, ate crabs, turtle, wild pig, squirrel, sting ray, sagu grubs, learned the language (Mentawai and Indonesian) and fell in love!.
You could also pioneer and see if you can stay for much less than this with a family in Masoseo (wrong spelling) on the way to Nipussy, and there are many other little villages dotted around that have had far less exposure that should be happy to have you stay. (A bit of Indo lingo is necessary for these options).
I'm so glad I got to experience the place right on the cusp of change! If you want one of the best guides around then find Doddy and his father Bang Deddy in Muara Siberuit and see what they can offer you for an all inclusive trip with boat etc. They speak English, Spanish and Portugese! Don't forget your mask and snorkel, a smile and an open heart. P.S. Don't bother with flashy gear etc, keep it low profile and you won't have any trouble worrying about stuff being pinched etc. There is a road now right up to Madobag in the centre of SIberuit, why don't you go for a few days up to the forest as well! There are also potential hidden gems surfing and otherwise all over the chain for you to explore. Don't miss the Tuak and snorkelling/spearfishing in Tua Pejat!
After that why don't you do the same at Lances Right, stay there for a month and get it wired so when it's pumping and the crowds show up you will be on top and dominating with the regulars! Barrels of your life mate if you're on it, unhindered and fancy free!
Just to add to your comments sasareu
Dodi is in Spain this season and Dedy is the captain over at The Shadow on Buasak Island run by his nephew Ade. The Shadow has aircond and really good rates some of the best people you will ever meet really worth a look they have a website check it out. Word of warning I was in Playgrounds in May and the place was over run by Brazzos they had some cheap deal with Qatar I think. Regularly 30 plus guys in the water
You forgot Sabbit's place.
BTW. Sasareu are you Julian?
Hello Indo Dreaming,
Yes you caught me out using an alias in a chat room! Who are you?? We must have crossed paths at some time? (You don't need to reveal this on-line, maybe give me a clue and I can try and guess)?
I read a lot of your posts and honestly your posts were the inspiration for me signing up! I didn't mention Sabbit as he seems to be doing very well at the moment with his Spanish connections. You could say there was no need to put Le Bidets name there either as we all know they are a success.
Trying to give a foot up to the underdogs that slip under the radar.
We only go back in the off season to visit family and friends now, not much swell but always nice on the other side, often surfing alone or only with a handful of people., sharks, turtles and GT's screaming down the line! That's a sight to behold, a big GT right up in the lip going gangbusters straight for you!
Sampai jumpa di Kepulauan Mentawai!
Ha ha
Yeah we have met a few times.
I will give you a clue your favourite spearfishing spot is straight out the front of my place :D (more a shed now)
Sent you message on Facebook, don't think you ever use it anyway.
Bang, Kamu bisa Bahasa Indonesia bukan?
Tua Pejat, Jati?? DI teluk kecil di bawa Kilo satu?? Kita bertemu beberapa tahun yang lalu saat kamu beli rumah di tempat teluk jati bukan?
Ya bang tentu saja aq bisa bicara bhs Indonesia karena aq punya isteri dari Jawa.
Ya benar aq punya rumah dekat sekali dengan pantai di teluk Jati, di tempat yang kamu suka sekali spearfishing, kita sudah bertamu lama lalu, kira kira 2010.
Astaga, beritahu saya nama mu karena saya lupa. Aku masih ingat sama kamu tapi sama sekali tidak tahu itu kamu yang mempost di atas nama "Indo-dreaming"!
Saya bersama Isteri dan anak tingal di kampung Randwick kota Sydney sekarang. Kami hanya bias pulang ke Mentawai sekali per tahun oleh karena situasi keuangan beserta umur anak kami yaitu lima tahun sekarang, dia sudah mulai sekolah TK.
Bagaimana kalian? belum beranak? masih senang senang? Kalau tidak salah anda tinggal di Victoria bukan? dekat Philip Island?
Tahu bang, kami coba membeli tanah diatas rumah anda di bukit itu tapi dealnya belum selesai. Kami ada saudara perempuan yang bekerja di rumah sakit Tua Pejat. Dia bias bantu kami mengatasi penyelesaian pembelian tanah tapi sekarang dia ke padang untuk persalinan anak pertama.
Apakah anda sering kembali ke Jati yangak?
Saya selalu merindu pada Mentawai tapi apa boleh buat! Kami ada kerja di Sydney dan hudup baik, susah sekarang menigalkan semuanya dan kembali kesana waktu lama. Harapanya kami akan kunjungi Tua Pejat pada awal tahun depan.
Enak sekali mendapat tahu wajahnya di belakan alias "Indo-Dreaming" Saya akan lebih sering mempost ke situs internet ini oleh kaerna ada kawan.
Semoga sukses dan berharap kita ada sempat bertemu sekali lagi.
Bapak Maxi.
Saya akan krim email saya masih punya emailmu almat yang Hotmail.
Ya Sama,
That place looks cool, lots included..24hr wifi....RLZ is $7 per hour !
Something like 25,000 seats ? @ $500 return for the brazzos
Yeah I heard 30,000..........not that its matters, it is good for the locals in the Ments as the Brazzos tend to stay cheap.
The Brazo offer is over. Finished two days ago so any crew over there now who flew on the deal will be heading home soon.
EDIT: Finishes in two days. Sama sama...Does my head in how some places blatantly rip their guest off i believe RLZ prices are something like $500 PPPN and then they charge $7 per hour for internet?
If you were paying that id expect free Internet, the only thing you would expect to pay for is alcohol.
your Duty free grog not to be consumed at bad is that !
Nice timing.
I've had a gutful of my steamer.
Or more accurately , due to my recent East coast piss intake , it's had a gutful of me.
anyone been on the ments charter boat tengirri?
No but i know the Indonesian Captain and he is a top bloke actually did a few trips with him on another boat as a surf guide, i use to love sitting up in the wheel house with him chatting looking over the nautical maps of all the outer islands of Sumatra.
I've met Phil the owner/surf guide a few times, really mellow nice guy (even if he rides a lid)...quite unlike quite a few surf guides that are basically bra boy type/bogans.
Decent looking boat too.
unreal, thanks for the feed back mate. we're keen to try dodge the crowds a bit by avoiding the marquee waves. Was told that he was a gun captain and would be able to tuck us away somewhere. Is it telescopes in most of their youtube vids? i got told it was but the spot in their vids is usually uncrowded and looked a fair bit fatter than this drone footage. (wave in question is first 2 waves in this video
it telescopes or another well known wave? if it isn't a well known one don't tell me ill wait 3 weeks to find out! Cheers mateI think most of that footage is Lances left and Thunders towards the end, don't think there was any telescopes in there.
Ive watched quite a few of their vids, much of what I've seen is from all over the Mentawais some from south of thunders (less crowded less known waves) and I've noticed some of their vids labeled as Mentawais are in the Telos :D
haha gold. its torture waiting! thanks for the info mate
If it is pumping wifh light winds there are lots of options in the ments. Bad winds or small swells can mean only a few spots are good across the whole chain. Swells from way down low can mean 20 minutes of flatness and then three 5ft waves appear. If there are 20 people on the peak the maths means 17 miss out.
Surfed telescopes alone for hours a few years ago at 4ft when the wind was affecting it a bit. Looked so so from the boats but was amazing fun to pick any wave i wanted. Then the wind dropped and boats appeared from the resorts in a flash. Late evening was like the video - perfect but a bit too busy.
To get the full on, lots of waves surfed out sort of dream trip some luck is needed. Peak season crowds with poor winds and or small swells could be very frustrating. Shoulder and off season with some swell and light winds and youll be very happy.
Totally agree.
Totally agree. Telos veteran of 1 trip, will go back but not anytime soon with the little one, and when I do it won't be in peak season.
hey frog is there any particular wind that is much worse than others or is there always somewhere to surf? noticed the forecast kind of wrote off strong SE'ers. ive got plenty of swell forecast for next week just dont really know what to make of the wind.
Northwest is the worst wind but is fine for a few spots. Pointless worrying about it before you go as wind are fairly hard to predict and can change all over the place. Hope for swell and light wind. Most of all hope for swell to create options for all to spread crowds and have lots of sets. Always exciting. You will surf amazing waves. Only question is how many, which depends on crowds, your ability to take off deep, your skipper and using some intelligence timing sessions.
Drink lots of water, wear a surf hat so you can surf though midday when the heat and lunch thins the crowd, dont waste time watching videos or sleeping when it is pumping. Take a punt on wind affected line ups when the crowd thins - can be your best sessions. Had one point/reef with two people like jbay last trip where the low tide made it amazing but with some cross chop making it look unappealing to 3 boats with full bellies after lunch in plain sight. Sneak out quietly, look like you think it is a bit crappy and get an hour or two empty before you get spotted.
thanks alot mate. looks like there will be plenty of swell so fingers crossed. and thanks for the tips.
Groundswell sasareu comment above re MIA camp
Check out The Shadow surf camp website ..sounds gd value and Indo owned
Thanks Udo that was a good post from sasareu.
Hey sasareu
You never replied to my E-mail :(