Cody Robinson // Winkipop - video
If you woke up anywhere near Vicco's Surf Coast this morning you'd know a bracing north-west wind is keeping temps well into the single digits, while down at sea level a mid-range swell is breaking headlong into the chill. This follows an excellent weekend of waves. And even though the following video wasn't filmed over the weekend the conditions were near identical at times.
Cody Robinson, timeless Winkipop
I'm sure he's a great surfer, i find that style arrogantly jarring. Did like the drop in dude tho.......
I'm with you spider monkey. That style looks kind of awkward. (Wiggle,wiggle,pump,pump). Don't gete wrong,I'm sure my style is 2nd rate, but I don't post it. Bring back some smooth lines to bring back the throth.
Average waves in that vid imo. Looked pretty slow. Just like the wkend..
Good surfer.
Shit board.... except for maybe the 1/100 of a second duration of the end section reverse.
Surfing ain't about the external view - as much as the critique of said view empowers styleless internet fuckwits such as myself - but more about the joy of the rider.
Having said that ......https://m.
Get some fucking drive !
I'm pretty sure he rides the dhd dx1 with mickfanning large! Please explain the drive part?
Actually I have been surfing when he has lately! Guy does massive power punts and has a great style with carves! That's winki.. Down the line fast and hard to do many full turns! Lots of power in his surfing and it seems like its still developing!
Thanks mate
As I said , he looks like a really good surfer.
Just the hops between turns. Zero flow.
Holding him up to the comparison of the most stylish surfer of all time - Curren - is extremely unfair , but check the flow of the Jbay vid with that of the flow of the vid here.
Mate , I know as much about boards as I do about surfing well myself ....but I've seen enough surfing to realise there is something missing from the above performance.
Board length , less rocker , more volume ?
Maybe hit up Maurice Cole and ask his opinion ?
Looks to me like Mr Robinson is missing an opportunity to surf to the level he is capable of .
OK well the last section of winki was weak as piss winki! The waves that day where gutless! And the first section was fast tubing winki..... In my opinion winki looks better and is more aesthetically pleasing to surf! But bells Is more performance in manoeuvre options! As you can completed a full move! Recover and move on into the next move! It also has many air sections.. Smaller boards have changed the way Bella can be surfed! Now back to Cody... It's winki have a look at the replays of the curl pro this year! And you will see guys doing big speed floats/carves with closeout whacks with occasional airs!
To get though dead ( but still fast winki you have to speed hop like a fuck wit sometimes! We all do it.. Even the pros at the wsl, now have you ever seen him surf other waves? Also they are shooting from way above looking down at winki . looks way different!
Hmm! You say the "hops between turns". What would have happen if he had of just stood there? Do you think he would have got past the dead spots with speed to do a turn? Or maybe you think a mini mal for cruising over those sections might be prettier... Although then you might say we would have to sacrifices a good turn for a (normal hunting beach performance board pump through dead section) for a gliding flow though a 2 ft winki dead section!
Geezzz... tough room, I reckon he rips.
Looks like he likes to go FAST and the only bit I can see is he gets a bit choppy when the sections fatten up.
None of us are guilty of that though:)
I don't think the one move clips help.
Showing a wave from start to finish always looks better in a surf vid I reckon
Totally agree.
So we shouldn't see a crazy move when someone pulls it off! Because you want to see a wave with 3-5 turns? Weird
Not weird.
I happen to agree with Goof and like to see the lead up to those crazy turns. Whether it involves 3-5 turns is moot, I like to see the whole wave from start to finish.
Hmm fair call ! Hey Cody it's 1/1
I just like seeing the flow through the whole wave and you get to see how they set up for doing that one "crazy" move.
It doesn't mean you can't see it, just means you get to see how they tie it in with the rest of the wave.
It's ok Cody, I mean bambam, you surf shiiitloads better than me, I'm not giving you shit.. just my opinion (which means F.A)
Your opinion is just that! Your opinion... Now I am defiantly not Cody, but I have witnessed his surfing live. He should get the cam man down lower on the stairs for a more ideal view!
Now even I will take off on a wave that only offers one pump! If there is a right or left coming from the other direction! Its called a ramp.... You should try it and maybe you could do a air or something...
And your right I do surf shit loads better than you.
But if that ramp and turn only comes from a 3second ride! So you suggest we don't show the crazy move because it didn't have a 20 meter run up? Weird again.. Think about it a bit.
Winki isn't a ramp.. it's a loooong wave
Not on a broken up mixed swell with a westerly wind!
The left off uppers and sometime down at lowers offers a two turn combo with a a sick ramp at uppers for airs!
Nice. That sounds fun
Winki can require you to work for speed if its not on. CR rips and is a pleasure to surf with.
Great surfer, and i know how his back foot being so far back can look a little awkward.
Hmmm so the only real negative part here is that he is lacking a little flow " apparently" some of you are saying perhaps his surfing is a little blocky?
Ok well the Dane f Reynolds board is best surfed with a large fin but with a smaller center fin as Is jordys grabbit! Now jack freestone is a similar front foot surfer and his board is the dx1! Now the fanning fin is stiff for a front foot surfer that likes to do tail blows and airs,nose picks as a lot of weight is on the nose during recovery of maneuver! Jack also used a fin with a smaller back fin... Maybe a Merrick GAM large could solve the blockyness! I think he rips and could make the wsl if he becomes well rounded and doesn't surf winki too much!
good to see you sticking up for Cody Bambam , and yeah he rips , but in this clip , he seems to have a shaky bottom turn and does not really bury his rail when he carves off the top ,which means its sort of a 1/2 carve, Looks like a lack of speed in his equipment and that's why he constantly pumping to try and generate speed , which makes him look a bit awkward. Jack Freestone rode a Pyzel at the Bells event this year as his Dx-1 's haven't worked for him this year , and making the back fin smaller will only lessen the carve.
OK pyzel! Was that just as a step up? Half turns that's what I have been saying all along about winki,winki is a slice most of the time because go the full Monty on it you will get left behind.
And I disagree on the smaller backfin making your cutback smaller! Rather the opposite as it drags around not letting you get a nice open wing span while holding your rail and two large side fins in the water creating a bigger arch!
what a smaller back fin does is decreases the power you can put through your rail turn , as there is less drive when you transition from one rail to the other , did you watch the Margo clip ? Sows Winki is a very high performance wave when you have speed to burn and power in your surfing.
Yes it is a performance wave! But on most waves your limited!! Look at say sampler and the picks of what I think is rincon in California! Now that's a wave that I call "hi performance" because you can tweak you turns out properly! Winki high performance but not in the same way as trestles or say that wave Dane was surfing! Smaller back fon makes your carve smaller??? I think Dane/ jordy / parko might disagree! Two ride manly the Merrick large and parkos js fin had a smaller center fin!
I reckon Cody surfs really well.
But... half of the footage - essentially all of the small stuff below shoulder/head high - should have been left out.. he ends up doing the same thing four or five times over (pump, pump, pump, then air reverse). Nothing wrong with that in real life but it doesn't make for compelling viewing on the web.
First couple of waves were cracking though.
Its just winki therm! You can have the perfect wall in front of you and do nothing but pump and race it! I have turned off it a bit lately as I think it's more aesthetically pleasing visually to surf! But actually creates bad habits in your surfing!
You will note.. That a lot of surfcoast surfers miss section and really high line race! Instead of doing combos!
This is winkipop syndrome!
Think Jake Patterson in the billabong pro jnr at bells in the early 90s! Takes off near rincon speed runs across to the bowl( that part is like winki) then when the wave straightens and heads to shore! You/he can square off and go to town doing massive tail slides floats and carves all in one combined flowing move!
You can pack more moves in to a 20 meter section of bells than a 300 meter long ride at winki most of the time!
What do they say? You have to repeat a turn 100 and something times to perfect it or something!
Hence winkipop created the professional high line speed run surfer that forgets to do turns as there to busy racing past sections to get to the next!
Go and watch Margo at Winki , was re released , about a month ago , round house cutties , barrels , back hand reo's!!
There are days when it will back off on the reef and be slower! But there are many days off formula 1 half turns! Yes I have seen that Margo giant tail slide!
the tail slide is at the end of the wave , more importantly did you see how his bottom turn sets up his next turn?
Sharkmate! That vid of marg simpson was taken on a day that is easily 6ft and a day when a longer board could be surfed. In a era when long boards where already being surfed! Margos a big man and he was a lot older than cody is in that vid! So his surfing was more matured! I would say Margo was at least 27 in that clip! So give Cody 7 years I'm sure he can do that for you!
Now termalben I apologize for calling your site what I did! It was a more a statement than the truth! I actually love it and have used it as other! As a base line to teach countless international travellers how to predicted a surfspot!
Now I'm just sick of the constant "unnecessary" bagging of fucking good surfers! Therm I am a massive believer of Constructive criticism! But not of degrading a up and comer fucking good surfer!
There are many surfers that are as good as wsl and paid free surfers that don't get a chance because of undiagnosed problems or other issues! We will use "Clay" as a example... Obliviously Cody is not suffering this issues!
But other young up and coming surfers can do without the bunch of internet fucking wankers that stabmag has breed! Rubbishing they actual fucking good surfing!
I enjoy surfing with groms and especially the fucking good ones and also recently I have discovered it's way better and less stressfull to surf with the wsl circus than your regular crowd!
I know some unbelievable surfers therm! Ones that have surfed in wct and on Q's and I believe in that guys ability!
And I stand by what I say! And I don't give a fuck what some daily surfsite packattack kook thinks! Therm... Because if they could really surf good! They would never say that sort of shit about a guy who fucking rips! Ever.
Therm I enjoy seeing my kook friends get the wave of there life and seeing them blown away by that wave than getting it myself!
And we need to support and help our up and coming surfer/athletes a fucking lot better than we are!
Bambam, you're very passionate about this. Are you a relative/coach/spiritual advisor to the young fella?
Ha! Well played.
Cody Robinson should take up knitting. More rabid wriggling from yet another thrusting pro. I pity old mate who got to spend all day in the bushes filming it over and over again.
So are you all dissatisfied with Dane Reynolds "sampler" clip hmm some nice one turns in there I believe.
Bam, you have to realise mate that if you're going to go putting footage out into the web then it's going to be judged and some will enjoy it, others won't.
No doubt Cody surfs better than the majority of people commenting but those people aren't the ones putting there surfing out there for it to be talked about.
It's not a personal attack on Cody, but he's leaving his surfing open to be judged, like it or not.
I think with the amount of surfing content shoved in our face these days if you're going to release a clip, it has to stand out from the rest to differentiate it.
Or as Pottz says, it needs "Pizzaz!"
Cool then you will not mind me disagreeing with you then!
Not at all
And tell Mr potz that the best pizzas come with less! Their called Gourmet pizza! Much better than standard..
Cody get some coaching from Adam Robbo......Please !
Why ? So he can teach Adam how to do a tail high air!
Adam could teach him how to carve , tail high airs are just so passé , every kid can do an air reverse , but still very few can do a combination of man carves !
Lol! I just watched the vid again there is not one wave that allowed a proper roundhouse cut back! And the couple of carves there are pretty stylish and clean! Go watch the wsl replays at winki this year its the same thing guys just racing doing big speed checks to closeout moves! Welcome to winkipop...
not even the back hand reo?
I'm sure Adam probably gives him plenty of tips!
Just more of the same from the mould.......................why bother
I agree with a lot of your comments Bam Bam (except id rather watch full waves in vids)
IMHO Winki is kind of overrated yeah sure like everywhere it has it's days especially when bigger.
But most of time guys are always trying to race that section to get to a good section to do a turn, but that section rarely comes up and often just races away or closes out.
Then next door bells is generally mush burger material.
Winki is just rated highly because in victoria most of our waves are so slow and often fat.
Looks awesome in photos though.
Smart! But mush×cleanpowerfullwall=anything you want it to be! It has the perfect landing platform to try big airs as its sloped and not to much of a flat trough! So the board will keep momentum with a softer landing.. Conditions pending!
Well he looked like he was enjoying himself so that's the main thing I reckon.
Not after a he saw a old man launch a big tail high blow tail to REO combo! But yeah I think he was enjoying it lol!
Kelly surf good at winki hmm!
go to ganeproductions on Instagram , 22 april , you will see the best surfing ever at Winki , vertical turns , backhand reo's , tubes etc, Winki is a very high performance wave , if you have speed and carve!
Thats Margo destroying winki...what bottom contours would he have there Maurice ?
V s ?
Yes it is! But not in the same manner as trestles or jbay! The jbay angle direction breaks somewhere in between winki reefs and noosa giving it a much better angle to surf and why curren vids look better there and smoother! Winks reef probably starts at 40deg angle and runs about 10 down of that! Where jbay is more like 15deg down to 170deg making it much more performancey and giving it a more top to bottom attack approach! So while they waves can be compered in looks they are much different in the way they can be surfed.
Real tough crowd. Margo wasn't surfing 2 ft winki in his clips (and not many surfers are on Margo's level).
The first minute where he's on his step up and the waves have a bit more grunt show he can draw out a nice bottom turn to top turn carve.
Bit bloody harsh on the kid. Looks like plenty of the clips were filmed at high tide and a westerly blowing. If anyone deserves criticism it the cameraman. Get your finger off the lens, stop shooting through the winki judging shed's posts, and FFS would it be too hard to get another angle going. Get your lazy arse down the stairs.
And one more thing, if you can't duck dive and don't look left, don't farken surf winki. That is all.
this is the best comment by far,full stop
maybe he shouldn't have put this clip up?
The internet is rife with footage and if you want your wheels greased from sponsors you better be blowing up..or be pullin into 10ft slabs on dry rock
1Taken from the cliff looking down! 2 See how much water Displacement there is from the above angle? Now front on it would look explosive. 3 That single turn drop wallet arms back new school layback slide Dane Reynolds style (without the boring real layback) is sick super power and man turnish ! 4 next clip needs to be at a good 4-5ft shorey beachy close to shore! And a couple of slab trips down south to shut the critics mouths! Or maybe a couple of those reefs I know on the south coast of NSW! 5 seen him do other airs with grabs! More of them 6 his airs from the water angle watching behide are fucking huge! 7 I'm fucking bord of watching the same old pros! Someone new is refreshing. 8 who here has seen a clip of him before or watched him live?9 I watched the wsl pros and surfed with them at 2 -3ft rincon this year! He is as good as them at that size! 10 jjf,jf,STK,ow,mw cc, where in the water!
Oh and I have been surfing from the top of Australia to the bottom in the last 4 years! He's is easily in the top 5% of surfers in his age groupe that i have seen on that trip!
Holy heck, that Margo footage! Power and finesse in one glorious package. I heard from a very reliable source that he was the one who really lit up Jardim do Mar on Madeira, and I believe it now.
Cody rips, but would probably be even better with a different soundtrack. That song sucks balls.
Further to Spidermonkeys' comment; Not only his style that's jarringly arrogant! Saw the lead up to old mate burning him at 01:01. CR paddles out, directly to the peak where others sit shivering, waiting, and paddles directly into the first wave that appears at Uppers. Old mate having none of it!
As for the nature of Winki; it's not about combos, punts, blah, blah , blah. It's about laying some rail and driving, driving, driving. The transfer of energy from wave through board to body indescribable & purely addictive. Simple as that.
Thank you for confirming that I was right!
He laid some rail! Tryed to keep up going in a out of cover ups! Dis some speed shrelps ! And did what kelly did! Made a old school bread and butter wave! In to a new school lemon pie! With all the trimmings.
damn I want some of what you are on!!
I don't.
Merrick large! The rest is a secret.
The guy surfs like an overwound mechanical toy. He might be surfing a timeless wave, but it's a long way from timeless surfing. Timing is everything.
OK coach let's have a little mind surf then! Pick a wave with the vid time and tell me what you would have done on that wave. And also correct his surfing.
Watch old mate at 1.06. Take note, no bunny hopping.
Lol! But there was some smooth lines and some crazy 30 centimetre rostertails coming of those timeless top turns camal:+O h my god! Is what cody must have been thinking,from being showered in spray from all those smooth lines!
Bam my friend just sit down, take a big breath, and realise that not everyone loves CR's surfing as much as you.
Comparing it to WSL standard is just nonsense.
Even mentioning Dane Reynolds and CR in the same sentence is even more nonsense...
He's a good local surfer like every coastal town has. That's it.
Get a grip fella
Ok smart arse! Tell me a town in Australia with a local surfer of his age in the last year that's surfs as good and also one more know surfer! Stick with the east coast and vic as I'm pretty Dialed into the smaller coastal town rippers. Make it 18-25year age group!
Whats his age ?
News paper article says just turned 20 before Bell's!
Russel Beirke
Christopher Zaffis
About the same I think! But I just watched a vid of him at angas! And that wave is much more shredable than winki and looks better in Vids too! But kid rips thanks for the tip will keep a eye out!
Different paths! Beirke is becoming the Australian Mark Healy. And although Russell rips in all waves I think his focus on big stuff takes a bit away from his small wave focus! I haven't seen Cody in big nasty shit yet! But I'm sure some meaty sessions have gone down down south! Might be a good idea one swell to head to the island to that wave for a few pics! So I'm still saying Cody for power and height in airs at the moment!
CR's good at local level , you are dialed in at local level and that's all , the peanut gallery here is not , as we always have news/videos relative to global surfing and to call someone a smartarse because he tells you to chill , is pretty embarrassing for you and therefore your opinion starts lacking credibility , except for talking and trying to justify how good he is !
But you are wrong sharkman! I have just spent the last 5 years rubbing shoulders in the water with the likes of! Nick squires! Dean Bowen, Conner O'Leary, Shane Campbell, Dylan long bottom, gong Jack, Mick Lowe, jay Davies, kai hing, Ltowner,wade goodle,Derek hynd,sally fiz,l Peterson, saba Norris and family, Justin Dupont, snapper and dbah crew! Bells easter pro wsl top34 and many others! I'm more than capable of making this assessment!
He's got you there agent Sharkman.
Have you ever even met a pro-surfer?
damn , he is right , I am hoping with the new pools in China to maybe meet a Chinese Pro , after they have won the Olympics .
Are there any Pro's in Japan??
Nah, not really.
There is this one bloke who surfs pretty well but his back fin is too big. He won't listen to anyone though. I think it's holding him back.
yeah those 2+1's are murder on your inverted reverse fatbacks!
for a guy who goes left at uppers , seems that airs are your holy grail , as you can't tell the difference between a man turn ie , rail buried to the nose and a pivot/check turn , where you use only 50% of your rail.
5 years , wow , no wonder and old wise local like yourself , who's surfed J-Bay , Lowers , winki under 3' ,has so much knowledge , you leg end!
My goofy foot ! Stop being all tallpoppy and get a little fire in your belly! Leave the left at south side alone stop riding the left at boobs and come try that left at uppers where you can have most of them to yourself and even do a air!
Hehehe. Love your passion
The turn on the second to last wave was pretty sick but the arms, back foot positioning, the waves chosen for the edit, the shoot angle and the song all seemed to work against CR in this one.
Disagree on the hand placement that's what makes it sick! Now you are right about one thing though.. If the camera had of got that one from the beach at uppers looking down it would have looked crazy! There is a turn Dane does in sampler or excerpt that very similar but Dane does his on a section with wall left ahead! Where Cody did his on a oncoming left! I am analysing the turn not the sufers so don't start making "total" surfer comparison's.
Saw some crew wiggling like that at dribblton th other day
At the risk of drawing this comment section out any further, here's a WOTD we ran of Cody Robinson a month or so ago. It was taken at Straddie by Shayne Nienaber and to my eye it looks like a damn nice slice, though I'm sure others will find fault.
Looks pretty drawn out to me stu! Let's continue the conversion!
Nah Stu, not for me. That sky looks a bit too blue for my liking and I'm guessing the water is pretty warm?
Back fin too small Stunet
Arghhh! OMG goofy foot... How can you honesty dribble on about a too smaller back fin making a turn or cut back smaller!!!!! When most of the guys who do the biggest power moves use a smaller back fin! Here let me point you down the middle so you don't get lost on the way back around!
JJF,DR,JP,JS, all do the biggest carve/turns with a fucking smaller back/middle/center fin! Check fucking mate!
You are full of shit balmy , they do not use a smaller back fin, same size!!! back to those lefts at uppers!
SIDE FINS. Merrick am2 in future and fcs2 yellow and black/ dane and jordys favourite fin . sharkman you are as dumb as dog shit in the surfing technology and facts to me now.
I'd quit while you were ahead if I were you champ.
Before you really embarrass yourself.
I'm not to worried about that!
yeah that's the AM/Kelly sets which have a smaller back fin , what Jordy's model look like , or JJF , as you mentioned him also , and what does Parko use , not his model , run along little boy you are way out of your depth , oh and when was the last time you actually picked up a Pro's board and had a look at one , and measured their fins ?
I actually think that a smaller back fin would be good for those lefts off uppers and then you can do a girly punt onto the reef!
Parko isperformance. Is world most fluent and effortless surfers, and his fin needs to follow those characteristics. The basis of this template has been refined by Joel and shaper over the years and has now been carefully integrated into both fin systems. Now with a slightly smaller back fin that allows for quick release and wider based front fins delivering extreme drive this combination is limitless in performance now I ment jack freestone also rides center fin small or did
ah fake news , when did you actually check Parko's or Jacks boards , or did you read it somewhere?
And now I think you should forget about the uppers left and concentrate on fishos shores until you feel comfortable to hit Torquay main beach!
Ignorance is bliss amateur:+)
C'mon balmy , you mentioned your left off uppers , and yes I am an amateur , but know the difference between on rail power surfing and cute high speed check turns , but you might mature , as you approach your late teens , so there is hope for you, especially coming on here and putting forth your ideas and getting them savaged by the illustrious postees who live here haha!
no need to yell bb
I might sceam then.
sceam away
Natural footers are better at surfing there backhand than GOOFYsssssssssds.
And without a doubt! They have a more stylish forhand with more variation.
Occy at Bells/Jeffries
Lopez at Pipe
You were saying?
Matty wilko,Owen write,conner O'Leary! Gabriel medina , yogi Rob m!
What where you guys saying about ignorance is zen!
Quit while your ahead guys your starting to embarrass yourselfs.
You're on fire brother
Sarcasms not your forte Is it goofy! You must be one of those strange goofys we all know that can only go left.
Absolutely in the same class as kneeboarders!
&itct=CA4QpDAYAyITCPTLtoefnNQCFZN-WAodlqQAsjIHcmVsYXRlZEiDwurN7tn79pQBYou're good, I'll give you that !
Literally go and fuck your own face.
PS If you're a young rival of the fella working hard over the flatspots on this video , then I'm an ex champ looking to regain some esteem and rediscover the reason I got into this whole scene to begin with. I'm taking it back to the Roots. Stripping it raw.
I like to mix it up a bit mate!
I will also control you all like this!
You really think you and your Winki mates have got it covered.
You think I haven't been pushed into a corner before ?
PS - Would you mind not spreading evil internet videos of Margot Robbie ?
She just happens to be my soul mate.
PPS If my missus is reading this - you know I'm joking ,honey !
PPPS Psssst .....I wasn't joking - I love you Robbie . Call me !!!!
Your her soul mate hey! Is this what you mean by "SOUL MATE"
balmy , you need to go for a surf , and with all your mates , try the right, off the left at uppers , might release a bit of that tension instead of watching bloke having a wank .
but reading your posts and grammar , one can only hope you are in your early teens , reading and watching , and then posting , so there is meaning to your virtual reality.
bambam, goofy foot and blowin. You lot seriously need to find girlfriends.
You would not believe what I'm looking at now! I would like it to be my girlfriend.. Actually theres about 7 of them..
You do realise those 7 cats are going to eat you in your old age.
At least it's pussy!
Wonder if Cody's checked out this thread??? If so , I bet he's mildly freaking about this 'Bambam' stalker.......
Hmm I was here first as I'm a couple of decades older! So I consider him as stalking me.
A couple of decades older??? Well fuck me! I thought you were a 15 year old chick.........
You do know you can go to jail for that sort of thing right?
I have found by placing my deck grip a bit further forward than usual, I can over step the rear stop when needed. Fatty waves need a little more rail to rail to get you fanging.
What happens when you get passed the fat spot you don't like into the steep part where you do turns?
That's when my foot is adjusting forward of the stop and pushing hard with heel or toes. Not to sound like a know it all, but the real secrets are in knowing when to shift your rear foot pre turn. I think surfing is a constant learning curve and you can learn a lot by asking the right people or by just watching Taylor Knox or Hoyo.
Seen that idiot on swellnet dribbling about some guy cody robinson?man he's so annoying, not uplifts relation is he? Anyway he's made me really realise that vid was shit....cant even watch it again..doin 1ft air reverses is so brazil...and he's got the pro-ho talk down.
The kid might be a good surfer but that whole clip was crap..if i wanted to be a pro or get some sponnos i wouldnt put that out on the net..but hey its probably best to let it slide instead of dragging it out on the most popular surf website in oz now aint it? ....fuck who was that last local ripper khai adams vid on here..or scott dennis..then compare cody contest
Hey Bam, I watched the vid shortly after it was posted, before anyone had commented and thought," well that was pretty average".
If you are going to blow Cody, that's your own business, but please don't cover us in your cum spit while you profess your love for him.
I'm satisfied with what I have set out to achieve here!
You will notices if you can read I have written "rival" as in I have surfed in the water with him a bit lately and you could call his surfing slightly intimidating!
That's how I judge a good surfer if there's other rippers in the water that don't turn around and watch him on a wave,or there form suddenly collapses or someone gets out of the water that can surf when someone of superior surfing standed gets in the water! You know psychology they are scared of there surfing!
I have seen this with him and he is a level above a "local ripper" so there!
Also there are hundreds of kooks that a critical of surf clips and most of the critics can't even complete a real cutback let alone a combo or a air!
So your crying means zipp unless you can prove to him your capable of doing that turn ! Other wise from a realistic point of view you don't know what your talking about!
There is barly a clip that gets put online these days thay doesn't get bagged by a bunch of tallpoppy retards!
And more often than not there the ones who got out of the water with there tail bettween there legs when he landed a 8 ft air out into the flats right in your face!
ah so there it is, you are intimidated by Cody's surfing , relative to yours , therein lies the answer . Those lefts off uppers are stifling your surfing , but the good news is when you get over 18 , you can start to go right , and not be so intimidated by your surfing elders!
You have to be careful doing an air at the end of a wave, if its looks too much like putting lip stick on a pig.
Lol! That's the strangest fetish I have ever heard of... How often do you do this.:+)
Lol! That's the strangest fetish I have ever heard of... How often do you do this.:+)
Here is some footage of the best surfers in the world filmed by some of the best filmers in the world! Having a free surf at winki! Now this the best clips they got from a bunch of the top34 surfers! Might be old but hey!
I can see why you are intimidated by better surfers than your self , the worry is you have Cody as a little blond hair grom , damn I hope you are not decades older!!
The problem is your comparing cody to kelly jjf parko mick medina and say he out surfs them at winki...did he get in or win the bells trials? Or does he just surf winki? No wonder your intimidated..watching him surf in 2ft..says more about you than him..most people surf for fun and enjoyment..clearly you donot..maybe one day you may actually get to meet cody, instead of just staring at him and following him around..poor cody he'll be scared shitless when you describe his boards better than he will!!
I don't feel the need to meet him! I am merely answering your comments or replys... Mine would have Finnished at 1 but you lot can't seem to stop talking about him... And that's what we saw a 2- 4 ft day vid of him! So I showed you one of the wsl guys! And his was better lol your all very retarded!
Bloody hell, this is embarrassing.
BamBam, you might think your funny and/or smart, but you're really a long way off the mark.
I actually feel pretty sorry for Cody.
Therm pull you head in you have a bunch of narrow minded retardeds who are upset that someone dose not agree with them not liking there vid! Why dont you tell your customers to show a little respect and you to now for that matter!
Therm the style of your website is rubbish and dated! I think that surfline is much better at drawing out surfmaps for the public! And I also can get just as much information to go surfing for free off magicseaweed and willyweather! But we live in a world now where one is better of going along with the crowd of negatively even if one disagrees! Rather than show support and encourage!
It's classic Australian crap behavior called tallpoppy! And therm I now look at you as a segal! Of Australain culture.
Be good to read the feedback comments from MSW or Surfline if they also ran that Vid
I think you on your way to join Norchock BamBam
I not worried! About "gay" social Media or what people think... But if you so called "trolls" go thourgh the comments section of all Australia mags sites! Its just full of a pack people with a football spectator mentality fuck wit! Putting everyone down! ( This is Australia). But most of american ones and Europe are full of encouragment! But you lot are just a pack of negative fuckwits! And not just talking about this vid! Its practically every vid on every sites comments section!
Well im sorry threm and the rest of you lame cunts! I disagree and will reply positively and against any moron that rags on peoples surfing especially if I have seen it out side of a vid!
Now therm I have lost all respect for you for backing a bunch of trolls! All I did was reply to there negative comments back at mine with positive ones.
Now why don't you put up a new vid of some young ripper so all your customers can bag them and I will say positive things.
Therm you can get my email of swellnet! I think it's time we went for a surf!
Fuck is this still going?
Bam is a nutter..all the vicco guys would be well advised to steer clear if you arent already!!
I'm going to make lemon barley out of you! "Barley" if you annoy me on this page anymore!
I'm off to coastalwatch for a while until I cool down! Oh Nicky...
zzzzzzzzzzzzz yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yawn
Tell Your Story Walking Pal.
What story fuck face! The one of you about 10 meters out on the shoulder pretending to pigdog into that wall! While the barrel is behind you? Gay photo.
Oh my god lol! How fucking funny of you to rib on someone's surfing yet post a photo of you're self grabing your rail as if your on a wave that's barreling! Hahahah. Lol MC WTF!
i don't get it....
OK swab! The dickhead that says yawn zzzzz is pretending he doesn't care anymore! Yet the fuckwit has scrolled to page 4 to see what's going on! He's into lying fuckwit!
It was kinda fun watching this thread go down - now its not.
And this fucking loser has waited till it's over to try and enter the ride!! Should have got on or off the thred fucking yesterday you timeless dickhead!
This is for the averge / standard surfers out there that generally dribble about a line they could never draw! Keep ripping Groms and fuck these cunts!
&itct=CBEQpDAYACITCLO2xsX_ntQCFQgkWAodJmQMLjIHcmVsYXRlZEia_cCH-7-R958BIgnorance's/sarcasm is zen! Lol you are all bunch of fucking kooks! Learn from the best.... GET PITTED KOOKS?
This is a melt down of Uplift proportions
You would know your a goofy! Sorry Occy we all have our moments!
Bam what are you on about, don't even try and compare him to ct surfers he's miles off them. Apart from the first couple waves it's a shit clip how can you even try and defend it just small airs over and over. Shut up and jog on your opinion is shithouse
Are you fucking drunk moron? We have stopped talikng about this vid a day ago? Shut the fuck up and get up to date wanker!
Time to shut this down I think Stu it's starting to look like Stabs comment section
He is right stu! Only i Iiked someones surfing and theses fuckwits bagged me for liking it stu! What are you going to do mate?
Give me my money back for my membership? Or go along with these wankers that can't handle someone enjoying someones surfing when they don't?
And then being attacked for sticking up for something i liked!
Go for it stu ban me!
But return my money first!
Swellnet Pro membership provides you access to the long range forecasts and ad-free surfcams. Not a unrestricted platform to carry on like an idiot (you can do that for free, though you'll still be at the risk of being banned).
So, theoretically speaking I could block you from commenting and you'd still be getting what you paid for.
But, we can only block people in their entirety - we don't have a way of blocking subscribers from commenting, but still accessing the surf reports/surfcams (and I can't be arsed getting our developers to work a way around it, as this is an unusual case).
So, I have refunded the $1 you paid for your trial subscription four days ago, and banned your account.
Apologies to all who had to endure this comment section. Was mildy amusing for the first few hours, but quickly descended into a farce. Hopefully Cody sees the bright side of things too.
poor bambam , found out he has issues , doesn't really surf at any level that would allow him out over head high , and that ice is a one way ticket to oblivion!
Sharky,mate the guys been banned lets leave it at that eh.
Haha ha