Sebastian Zietz // Happily Stoked - Gold Coast
It's the latest episode of Sebastian Zietz' tautologically challenged web series, Happily Stoked. This installment sees Seabass gorge on the Goldy, surf with da boyz, raid the golden oldies hit parade, and take off way behind the rock at Currumbin. In fact, that section shines a bit of light on the recent jet ski/step off brouhaha that went down.
Don't know about it? Don't matter. Better you leave those bad vibes alone and stay stoked, happily.
Love this guys awesome attitude to life and surfing.....some of the pros could take a leaf out of his book.So where was that beautiful right he seemed to be surfing on his own...hahaha......also didnt mind some of the soundtrack..good stuff!
A Dingo took my baby! (had to be said)
Great vid.
Great surfer, pretty creative, like his barrel skills. P.S. If you guys really love nature and the sea,can you lose the jet skis and the drones....please. They make life on the sea a shit noisy place to be. Please give them up and enjoy the peace and the paddle even on big days. To the photographers, please don't stuff up our lives with your machines and gadgets just so you can get your money shot...get yourselves a board...take the odd pic..enjoy the peace...
what the...? the opening shot...that's the gold coast? massive highrise development to rival jakarka in their charm and size?
last time i saw the gold coast was 1982 as i woke in a tuinal haze on a bus to brisbane. the place was a long strip of roast and fried chicken shops then and looked like shit. but this is unbelievable.