Kirra from the water - photos
The first significant swell in over three months struck the Gold Coast yesterday and the hordes were there to greet it. At Kirra, arguably the most crowded place on the coast, frustration rose as ever more people paddled around the groyne crowding the sprint track lineup. The competition was intense as every CT pro and local joe fought the current and each other for a place on the sets.
Photographer Josh Bystrom also joined the fray launching into the Kirra express hooking up with Mick and Steph and an unidentified fella on a beast before being delivered at Bilinga for another lap.
All photos by Josh.
Steph 1
Steph 2
Steph 3
Mick 1
Mick 2
Old mate
Anyone recognise him?
Sebastian Zietz 1
Sebastian Zietz 2
Mick again
Don't recognise the bloke but I think I've seen him in every public bar sipping a schooner, sucking a durrie and nursing his plastic cup of dollar coins through the pokies. Good on yer mate!!
HAHAAHHAHAH yesssssssssssss old mate photo for front cover of Australian Surfing Life! sick wave crazy photo.
Faaarken yeeeaah, Hats off to Old mate
Proving that us big old blokes can still cut the mustard (in between trips to the bar, durries and pokies!!)
Unearth this man and every surfer over 90 kgs should line up to shake his hand , buy him a beer and say good onya
Unreal !
Go the beer pig !
Go old mate!
Hell yes I know who that is! It's Australian Jazz legend Willy Qua. I grew up surfing with Willy and his son at Sandon and the Sth Coast. He transplanted himself north to Surfers last decade to play more gigs and surf warm waves. Such a boss, still blows me away every time he's on stage and in the water. He's the real "good living, doesn't drink water only beer and lemonade, fried chips, pokies and insomnia" deal. Haven't seen him do a cutback since the early 90's, hasn't gone to bed before 3am since probably the 80's, but can still get completely tubed. Got wave of the trip at HT's last year, and the dude's 71 for fuck sake! Fuck yeah Willy!
Good work, Mr Duck. Got me googling.
Well that's all we could hope for Stu, now that Scott's ended the speculation.
haha awesome
There no way he's 71
If he is 71 (I DEMAND A MAGAZINE COVER) Sandonpoint hey! Big east swell training there got him here then.
And if sponsor politics come into play for the cover! Contact VB TOOHEYS or XXXX.
Cooper Chapman got an absolute paddle in Smoker yesterday - Surfline
Love 'old mates' expression ... total commitment.
next election i'm voting for Old m8!
Unless he's had a hair transplant this ain't Willy Qua.
Yeww, swellnet page shot for tomorrow! I reckon I've got him in the guts but
Thats me !!!
Havent surfed kirra that good for over 25 yrs
Tweed Heads
Right on. Shoot me your details Scott:
Bloody legend hope it's legit.
I am awaiting a fantastic article about this @ stunet !
Right on Scottindo. As they say," Fortune favours the brave"!