Sanctuary - video

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

The NSW Mid North Coast has a range of waves: reefs, points, and beachies, but if we're wondering what the quintessential set up is, then it's gotta be the corner beachbreak. Southeast Queensland has reeling points, southwest WA the one punch reef break, but mid-NSW has sand stacked up against headlands, sand pushed out from rivermouths, and all manner of sand over reef setups. And the water! When the sun is high the ocean assumes a cerulean shade that sings to heart of anyone who can trace memories to the region.

It's enough to make someone pack the car and create some new memories. Stack the fourby with boards, fill the tape holder with tunes - still the undisputed best format for a surf wagon - and turn the stereo up loud.

Same with this clip...


boxright's picture
boxright's picture
boxright Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 11:03am

" fill the tape holder with tunes - still the undisputed best format for a surf wagon"

Please explain??

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 11:34am

Bloody Beautiful

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 11:39am


Reckon tapes are still the most durable medium, at least for those who can't afford a car with a hard drive and LCD screen in the dash. My glove box is packed with sparkling shards of old CDs and the footwells full of tapes that have sat under wetsuits, wet towels, and wet shoes, and yet the tapes still play!

Just blow the dust and sand out, rub the moisture off on your sleeve and slip the bastard in. Never fails...

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 12:13pm

"Just blow the dust and sand out, rub the moisture off on your sleeve and slip the bastard in. Never fails..."

Uhhh what are we talking about here exactly

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 11:44am

How good was that!

Cue Barabara Streisand singing 'Memories' on the old, durable, tape player.

sunlover199's picture
sunlover199's picture
sunlover199 Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 12:34pm

and a bag of WEED

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 1:49pm

The good...I had Electric and Sonic Temple on cassette too...

soz_punter's picture
soz_punter's picture
soz_punter Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 4:51pm

Ditto. Sanctuary is one of my faves and goes so well with a surf vid.

Halfscousehalfcockneyfullaussie's picture
Halfscousehalfcockneyfullaussie's picture
Halfscousehalfc... Wednesday, 1 Mar 2017 at 7:23pm

Agree cult electric is unreal. All the songs are good

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Saturday, 4 Mar 2017 at 11:29am

Ha, Stu waxing lyrical in his dotage.

Couldn't agree more Stu, although you seem to be forgetting how the cassette player would chew your favourite tapes up and then you had to carefully pick them out and re-wind them. But yeah, they usually played again.

Conversation with the kids recently about them, how you would make up mix tapes for parties, or for friends, or for special someone's. Both are heavy into their music and expressed delight at these old world charms.

As for surfing, god I love a good beach break. They don't get good often enough, but for variety, never seeing the same wave twice, surfing on your wits and reflexes and just having fun with mates, nothing beats them.