Kerr, Rusty, and a quiver of goodwill
In the early rounds of the Pipe Masters Josh Kerr paddled out with the beak of his board unadorned by stickers. It was the first time in his pro career Kerr had ridden a plain white board, and later that day he explained the void on Instagram:
"As you might have seen, I was riding a rather white board, as my relationship with Rusty after 15 years has ended unfortunately. Due to the climate our surf industry is in. I'm looking forward to the doors and opportunities that will be opening up for me in the future."
It was a polite, almost contrite, sign off to a decade-and-a-half of sponsorship. One where Kerr rode the R Dots to victory in Air Shows, QS comps, Big Wave Tour events, and eight years in the CT, four of those in the top 10.
The cynics view is to assume there's acrimony in the parting - a split over cash or ego. But a gesture from Rusty Priesendorfer would appar to quash that notion.
For Christmas Rusty gave Kerr a quiver of four big wave boards - one 10 footer, two 9'6"s, and an 8'6" - all of them shaped by him but without the R Dot sticker.
Goodwill indeed.
Not a bad Chrissy present
Rusty Kerr split?
But they go together like peas and carrots.
Firewire will pick Kerrsy up (maybe).
Class act Rusty , hope Kerrsy can get as good a boards elsewhere!
Makes me want to buy a Rusty. Very nice gesture, Mr Preisendorfer.
Check the pins on those babies! It's a bit of the point but I can't keep my eyes of a well shaped rhino chaser.I've come back to this article a few times just to check the quiver. Kerrsy won't be complaining about those beauties.