Yorkes Surfarama is back!
After a year’s break the Formby Bay Environmental Action Group/ Daly Head National Surfing Reserve Committee will once again be hosting the Yorkes Surfarama on January 14th 2017.
The Surfarama will be held at Timperon’s shearing shed which is 12 kays south of Corny Point on the Corny Point/Marion Bay road.
An important element of Surfarama is to get together local and visiting coast users to celebrate the local surf culture and its contribution to the wellbeing of the local community. Also, to raise awareness of the issues facing the area and getting crew on ‘the same page’ with regard to respectful use.
This year we are focussing on the issue of marine debris and sharing ideas about how we can assist with the problem.
Planned entertainment for the night includes:
- Local up and coming musos.
- The dulcet tones of local country diva Amber Joy Poulton.
- The raucous melodic mayhem of Dr Piffle and the Burlap Band.
- Fashion Parade. Who knows what and who will come out of the closet for that one? Guaranteed good for a laugh.
- Film. Some locally produced short films will be screened.
- Our favourite Clown without Borders (or inhibitions??!!) Papa Dave.
- Art from a range of local visiting artists. Sure to arouse the visual and emotional palette.
- Board exhibition. Curated by local board aficionado Wayne Gurney. Always some interesting designs to be perused and discussed.
Dr Piffle and the Burlap Band
Other items of interest include:
A raffle featuring a range of prizes including a Byrning Spears surfboard (thanks Swellnet) and a replica Dick Brewer Waimea Gun (thanks Christo).
Board trade meet. For the first time we will be attempting this. Bring a board or two you think may be of interest to others. Cut a deal with someone and donate a 10% commission to the kitty. This is planned to happen from 3-5 pm.
Aboriginal storytelling. Award winning stor teller Quenten Agius will be on hand to share stories from the past and present that will have lessons to help guide us into the future.
Food. A range of options will be available (including vegetarian). All fairly priced.
It’s a BYO show. Soft drinks and water will be available on the night.
Camping. We want everyone to be safe so the option is there.
Merchandise. A range of merch will be on hand for those interested.
Please note there will be no EFTPOS facilities although there will be an option of direct bank transfer.
There will be a door charge of $20 (school kids and younger free) and an overnight camping fee of $10 per car. The first aim is to cover the cost of putting on the show (all the committee volunteer their time) with additional funds raised going into supporting projects aimed at protecting and rehabilitating the local coastal environment. The entertainment is scheduled to start at 5pm and continue into the wee hours for those who are game. Campers are welcome to set up on the day. Contact us if you have any queries.
As with all of our events we expect all punters to bring a respectful attitude. It is a family friendly event. Anti-social behaviour is quite simply not welcome and will not be tolerated. Nuff said
Check out the Daly Head National Surf Reserve Book Facebook page for any updates or email fbeagsr@gmail.com if you have further questions.
Anyone who's flown on Jetstar recently might have seen Aboriginal story teller Quentin Agius on the cover of the October edition of the Jetstar magazine.
He has some fascinating tales to share about Yorke's and the dreamtime legends of places like Daly Head and Pondalowie Bay, and the part they played in the culture of the first inhabitants of the Peninsula.
Should be a great weekend!
Byrning Spears! Beautiful boards! I want one
Southern Yorke Peninsula a beautiful place which time has forgotten
Long live the beatnik spirit
Bloody hell, the forecast looks halfway decent!
hopefully benny....could be a cracker weekend!
Yorkes back in the early 70s..have some great photos and some even better stories from back then..will share soon.