Outer reef, Canary Islands - video
"Lanzarote is an island that have always given me very good vibes. I have some amazing memories from here. This place is unreal. It's people live intensively the ocean and I feel that I identify with them
But this time the swell was different. When the wind switched, I was able to see a wave that I never heard of. And now I think people will talk about it."
Natxo Gonzalez and crew tackle a fabled outer reef on Lanzarote with mixed results.
Canaries seem to fly under the radar a bit, but it looks like there are a lot of good slabs there. The final leg of the world bodyboarding tour just finished there at Fronton and went off as well.
Trippy, I watched this last night while going through Youtube and watching Kepa Acero vids.
The blokes gave it a fair dig but looked like real hard work out there.
I heard Canary Is. locals are monstrous?
*double post
Likewise hear horror stories about locals on the Canarys
Greg video documenting the raw experience of taking on a rising swell
Way better than a slickly edited video grab of tricks imho
Great Not Greg
No offence Greg
Best vid in ages, that had me hooting. What a wave. And the men were sitting under the lip of the thing! Bravo.
& I did take a look at the Atlantic wind charts recently and noticed a fetch from pretty much Cornwall pointed at the Canaries, wonder if that's what he meant by "this swell was different"
Enjoyable ... but boys got caught inside a bit. Zumo put his mate in a nowhere spot - thanks Zumo ...
no-one caught a right and made it , where's that Ski when you need one!
I spent a month at a mate's place in that village (La Santa) in October 93'. I could look out the window of my room straight into that left El Quemao. A lot of REALLY good waves on Lanzarote (and Canaries in general) but very fickle with wrong swell directions and strong winds the main problem. Even back then the locals were pricks and the only thing that helped me out was speaking fluent Spanish and surfing with a local friend. Nothing scary about em except 'tough' in numbers and petty thieving cunts if you left anything in the car parks or the beach.
They did torch some pommy surfers Kombi within a few months of my visit and he watched it burn while out in the surf. Apparently he 'overstayed' his welcome.