Are you prepared to watch a grown man drink beer from a shoe? Can you find any excuse for lowbrow humour? Then check out the fowlest Mad Hueys’ clip yet: The Chook Run
I really don't get the whole Mad Hueys' thing. Always end up thinking that would've been a good video if they just kept the surfing and removed all the other stuff.
Rabbits68Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 5:51pm
No denying that smoking left. Incredible wave.
You'd have to say that poor ol "Steggles" probably didn't survive the trip tho. A camp fire prank around 1am possibly the beginning of her demise.......
floydTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 6:06pm
Some-one in the Swellnet emporium needs to explain why they give any air time to these dickheads
chookTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 7:55pm
at last, some chook-related surf entertainment on here.
p-funkTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 8:26pm
Saaaahhhhh farrrkkkkin ozzzieeee ayyyyyyeeeeeee
Vomit. Everywhere.
tonerangerTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 8:39pm
Right up there with The Footy Show,or am i being too unkind to the footy show
goofyfootTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 9:28pm
Brent dorrington, worlds biggest tool and most annoying flog ever to walk the earth.
cant stand the c$@t
Sick left though!!
Seedy jayTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 9:35pm
Said it again
JohannesfuskTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 9:32pm
Great waves!! As for the chicken..the midget had his way with the poor else would he get any action!
barleyTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:06pm
Fuck these guys are wankers..ask the bloke whose ski they trashed then did a runner!
barleyTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:08pm
t-diddyTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:12pm
love that they have a clothing line so you can easily spot and avoid their kind (which are frighteningly common); think there might be some drinking problems in there too
nicko74Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:57pm
Try to think about your wider audience. Most of us would probably have kids who would also view this web site. These blokes are a vile representation of the larger australian surfing community.
southeyTuesday, 25 Oct 2016 at 11:08pm
Mitch IMG ,
You are really damaging any cred you never had by inviting / showing these muppets around .
One of the twins I've met before was reasonably cool when I met him in isolation . ( in all fairness I think he'd spent a season or two in the southwest ) which probably subdued him a bit and was in tow with KB , ( so passed the shit cunt test ) .
But whatever they think they are doing here is plain dumb .
Hako o hakonde ...Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 5:38am
Nicko 74 pretty much says what we all feel, stop giving these guys air time.
Ben , you grew up surfing this coast and I expect you quietly go back, why are you selling the place out?
roger-ramjetWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 7:49am
A new low for swellnet
barleyWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 8:29am
Exactly southey...he'll be run outta the place before long..another one on insta doin the same...its losin its soul
GOBS1979Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 8:31am
They say there's one in every crowd.
Unfortunately in this crowd they are all one!!
stanfranceWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 10:41am
I will back up the comments above, c'mon Swllnet, you can do better...
zenagainWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 10:56am
I'll play devils advocate here, however I do echo most os the sentiments above.
But, most of you knew what to expect before you clicked on it. A Mad Hueys clip is for the most part a mix of really good surfing set to a god-awful sound track interspersed with screen grabs of a bunch of drongos acting like wankers. It's base, cheap and you'd be naive to expect anything more.
Surfing is many things to many people and you can't deny that unfortunately surfing still has the Yobbo elemnet, which the MH crew pander to perfectly.
Maybe it's embarrassing because we all see a little bit of ourselves in them?
Hako o hakonde ...Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 11:13am
It's more about where it is Zen and then who it is. It's a rape and pillage mission, I'm surprised at that last cheap fuel stop they didn't get some water added to their fuel.
tootrWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 11:57am
The only people I see wearing Hueys gear are spotty 16 year olds or fat tattooed bogans.
sypkanWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 12:36pm
Don't forget eurokooks in Bali sporting pirate copies
You've made the big time when you've been pirated,
god knows how, the graphics are a bit year10 media project, bit like the vids really, some things just shouldn't be copied
cycdWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 11:06am
This doesn't need to be aired ... one of the last frontiers being exploited by a bunch of fucking wankers ... everything surfing shouldn't be
mattmacWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 11:29am
Absolutely agree with CYCD- great waves but what a bunch of wankers - pathetic!
OHBILLYWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 1:02pm
This is garbage. S@#t music. S#@t blokes. Making Australian surfers seem like they're borderline retarded. When I see someone wearing their merch I immediately discredit them as surfers and human beings.
BlowinWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 1:10pm
So grateful for comments sections as found these days.
I recall an article in a major Aussie surf mag only a few years ago where a punter wrote in complaining about exposure of a sensitive spot and the editor roasting him for being a redneck Luddite that needed to join the modern era. Despite a compulsive reading habit I decided then and there to boycott that magazine and haven't glanced at one since .
So it's nice to be offered a right of reply and a forum to respond to further opinion on Swellnet.
At least provides an alternative viewpoint to those willing to shit in the nest of Australian surfing in order to perpetuate their existence suckling on the rag trade teat.
camlWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 2:57pm
Redbull fueled hype ? or something in the water ? Maybe his drink was spiked the night before .. wonder if they relaxed at all and considered the environment ? and hopefully took the trash when they left
cycdThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 10:25am
They are the trash
Hako o hakonde ...Thursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 11:08am
You reckon that guy drinking the beer handed it back to the mate on the jet ski who tucked it away and put it in the car at the end of the day to take to a bin. I doubt it, he would have just watched it sink to the bottom of the ocean as soon as he finished it, be to much trouble for these scum.
chookWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 3:14pm
Maybe you lot are all a bunch of soul surfers, sitting in a tree playing a flute as you watch the arcing turn of the sea eagle.
But that doesn't mean we have to erase the beer guzzling winkle spitter from the pantheon of Australian surfing . The shoulders we stand on as surfers in Australia are ones that make the hueys look like wilting violets.
Hako o hakonde ...Thursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 11:14am
Yeah mate our older generation of surfers were a bit wilder than these dickhead, but they didn't have to have a camera to act up too and what they did were not stunts to get attention to sell a brand, they did it cause they were just crazy for there own enjoyment.
StokWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 3:19pm
Yeah I watched it, pretty much got what I expected. Definitely not my cup of tea, wave was sick though.
So glad I've grown up without considering it cool/funny to drink a beer out of a shoe.
Also - borderline animal cruelty, or at the very least, unnecessary demeaning of animals, oh well, I suppose they have 'branding' to maintain.
Annoying nasally voices aside, it's not like they're the first to film semi secret spots on our coastline, the horse has bolted me thinks.
BlowinWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 8:12pm
So I guess we may as well kill all the sharks on Earth then.
Seeing as how the horse has bolted in protecting them from day dot.
StokWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 10:38pm
You're right, I take that back
PT73Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 9:39pm
Some of this stuff may have got a few laughs when I was 16, but I do not find it funny at all now. Have seen the MH merch around but never knew what it was about.
I just don't get the mentality. Sculling their own labelled beers on the back of a ski out in the water. No guessing where that ended up. As a family man of 43 years I find myself everyday trying to better myself as a human, whether it is working on relationships, being honest and truthful, showing integrity, respecting the environment and others, or just practising being a better husband and Dad. Kudos must go to my old man for instilling in me these values and ideals. I am very conscious of my everyday actions as I am my two son's number one role model. Yeah sometimes I suck a bit at it, but nobody is perfect right? As for the MH crew, we shouldn't be too hard on them...I think what prevents these fellas from being virtuous grown men is that they have not finished being boys. Maybe they never had the chance to be? and were probably never shown how to become true men.
staiteyWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 9:37pm
………..I remember my first beer
PT73Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 9:40pm
Also, agreed, that left is smokin and just goes to show you don't have to be a man to have balls.
southeyWednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 11:10pm
Stu hasn't helped things with his pithy double entendre almost pin pointing their location ! For shame .
stunetThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 6:24am
Fowl = chook.
southeyThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 9:02am
Foul I say ..... 20 mins in the sin bin for you young Stu .
brothersThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 1:02am
How to cash in on a sub-culture.
freeride76Thursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 6:33am
the MH's could take a basic biology lesson: he called that hen a "he".
WharfjunkieThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 7:12am
These blokes are simply a product of their environment somehow they have turned that into a marketable brand. If anyone here ever watches Ifish with Paul Worstleing and his son wear Mad Hueys clothes they even got Captain Blackbeard on board for an episode.
The wave they filmed looked unreal even though the over energetic narrative in between got a little tedious its just blokes having fun.
sypkanThursday, 27 Oct 2016 at 9:02am
Re ifish, see tootr's comment above
Was that squeaky Q land voice thing ever cool? Anywhere?
I really don't get the whole Mad Hueys' thing. Always end up thinking that would've been a good video if they just kept the surfing and removed all the other stuff.
No denying that smoking left. Incredible wave.
You'd have to say that poor ol "Steggles" probably didn't survive the trip tho. A camp fire prank around 1am possibly the beginning of her demise.......
Some-one in the Swellnet emporium needs to explain why they give any air time to these dickheads
at last, some chook-related surf entertainment on here.
Saaaahhhhh farrrkkkkin ozzzieeee ayyyyyyeeeeeee
Vomit. Everywhere.
Right up there with The Footy Show,or am i being too unkind to the footy show
Brent dorrington, worlds biggest tool and most annoying flog ever to walk the earth.
cant stand the c$@t
Sick left though!!
Said it again
Great waves!! As for the chicken..the midget had his way with the poor else would he get any action!
Fuck these guys are wankers..ask the bloke whose ski they trashed then did a runner!
love that they have a clothing line so you can easily spot and avoid their kind (which are frighteningly common); think there might be some drinking problems in there too
Try to think about your wider audience. Most of us would probably have kids who would also view this web site. These blokes are a vile representation of the larger australian surfing community.
Mitch IMG ,
You are really damaging any cred you never had by inviting / showing these muppets around .
One of the twins I've met before was reasonably cool when I met him in isolation . ( in all fairness I think he'd spent a season or two in the southwest ) which probably subdued him a bit and was in tow with KB , ( so passed the shit cunt test ) .
But whatever they think they are doing here is plain dumb .
Nicko 74 pretty much says what we all feel, stop giving these guys air time.
Ben , you grew up surfing this coast and I expect you quietly go back, why are you selling the place out?
A new low for swellnet
Exactly southey...he'll be run outta the place before long..another one on insta doin the same...its losin its soul
They say there's one in every crowd.
Unfortunately in this crowd they are all one!!
I will back up the comments above, c'mon Swllnet, you can do better...
I'll play devils advocate here, however I do echo most os the sentiments above.
But, most of you knew what to expect before you clicked on it. A Mad Hueys clip is for the most part a mix of really good surfing set to a god-awful sound track interspersed with screen grabs of a bunch of drongos acting like wankers. It's base, cheap and you'd be naive to expect anything more.
Surfing is many things to many people and you can't deny that unfortunately surfing still has the Yobbo elemnet, which the MH crew pander to perfectly.
Maybe it's embarrassing because we all see a little bit of ourselves in them?
It's more about where it is Zen and then who it is. It's a rape and pillage mission, I'm surprised at that last cheap fuel stop they didn't get some water added to their fuel.
The only people I see wearing Hueys gear are spotty 16 year olds or fat tattooed bogans.
Don't forget eurokooks in Bali sporting pirate copies
You've made the big time when you've been pirated,
god knows how, the graphics are a bit year10 media project, bit like the vids really, some things just shouldn't be copied
This doesn't need to be aired ... one of the last frontiers being exploited by a bunch of fucking wankers ... everything surfing shouldn't be
Absolutely agree with CYCD- great waves but what a bunch of wankers - pathetic!
This is garbage. S@#t music. S#@t blokes. Making Australian surfers seem like they're borderline retarded. When I see someone wearing their merch I immediately discredit them as surfers and human beings.
So grateful for comments sections as found these days.
I recall an article in a major Aussie surf mag only a few years ago where a punter wrote in complaining about exposure of a sensitive spot and the editor roasting him for being a redneck Luddite that needed to join the modern era. Despite a compulsive reading habit I decided then and there to boycott that magazine and haven't glanced at one since .
So it's nice to be offered a right of reply and a forum to respond to further opinion on Swellnet.
At least provides an alternative viewpoint to those willing to shit in the nest of Australian surfing in order to perpetuate their existence suckling on the rag trade teat.
Redbull fueled hype ? or something in the water ? Maybe his drink was spiked the night before .. wonder if they relaxed at all and considered the environment ? and hopefully took the trash when they left
They are the trash
You reckon that guy drinking the beer handed it back to the mate on the jet ski who tucked it away and put it in the car at the end of the day to take to a bin. I doubt it, he would have just watched it sink to the bottom of the ocean as soon as he finished it, be to much trouble for these scum.
Maybe you lot are all a bunch of soul surfers, sitting in a tree playing a flute as you watch the arcing turn of the sea eagle.
But that doesn't mean we have to erase the beer guzzling winkle spitter from the pantheon of Australian surfing . The shoulders we stand on as surfers in Australia are ones that make the hueys look like wilting violets.
Yeah mate our older generation of surfers were a bit wilder than these dickhead, but they didn't have to have a camera to act up too and what they did were not stunts to get attention to sell a brand, they did it cause they were just crazy for there own enjoyment.
Yeah I watched it, pretty much got what I expected. Definitely not my cup of tea, wave was sick though.
So glad I've grown up without considering it cool/funny to drink a beer out of a shoe.
Also - borderline animal cruelty, or at the very least, unnecessary demeaning of animals, oh well, I suppose they have 'branding' to maintain.
Annoying nasally voices aside, it's not like they're the first to film semi secret spots on our coastline, the horse has bolted me thinks.
So I guess we may as well kill all the sharks on Earth then.
Seeing as how the horse has bolted in protecting them from day dot.
You're right, I take that back
Some of this stuff may have got a few laughs when I was 16, but I do not find it funny at all now. Have seen the MH merch around but never knew what it was about.
I just don't get the mentality. Sculling their own labelled beers on the back of a ski out in the water. No guessing where that ended up. As a family man of 43 years I find myself everyday trying to better myself as a human, whether it is working on relationships, being honest and truthful, showing integrity, respecting the environment and others, or just practising being a better husband and Dad. Kudos must go to my old man for instilling in me these values and ideals. I am very conscious of my everyday actions as I am my two son's number one role model. Yeah sometimes I suck a bit at it, but nobody is perfect right? As for the MH crew, we shouldn't be too hard on them...I think what prevents these fellas from being virtuous grown men is that they have not finished being boys. Maybe they never had the chance to be? and were probably never shown how to become true men.
………..I remember my first beer
Also, agreed, that left is smokin and just goes to show you don't have to be a man to have balls.
Stu hasn't helped things with his pithy double entendre almost pin pointing their location ! For shame .
Fowl = chook.
Foul I say ..... 20 mins in the sin bin for you young Stu .
How to cash in on a sub-culture.
the MH's could take a basic biology lesson: he called that hen a "he".
These blokes are simply a product of their environment somehow they have turned that into a marketable brand. If anyone here ever watches Ifish with Paul Worstleing and his son wear Mad Hueys clothes they even got Captain Blackbeard on board for an episode.
The wave they filmed looked unreal even though the over energetic narrative in between got a little tedious its just blokes having fun.
Re ifish, see tootr's comment above
Was that squeaky Q land voice thing ever cool? Anywhere?
They are the worst blokes I've ever.