Hand jive at North Av - video
It wasn't the biggest wave ridden during the East Coast swell, but this North Av double up could well have been the most fun. That's Lachlan Rombouts, who's been all over this swell, playing interloper and his mate Alex Nolan taking it in good humour.
Alex employs subtle edgework to shove his gun back in the pocket, and Lachie's hands free bum drag shouldn't go without comment either, nor the double shaka. Probably the most deserved instance of a double shaka I've seen.
Postscript: On Monday, Lachlan rode what may well be the biggest wave of the swell. Read an interview with him about that morning.
Shit yeah ....good control of the grey rhino.
What a crack up !old mate drop in seems to have forgotten to put some fins in that board of his
Just had an interview with Lachie about the beast he caught on Monday morning but this li'l party wave also came into the conversation:
So it was a deliberate drop in then?
Yeah I got called into it by Al. I was hoping he wasnt in the spot 'cos it was a good one but then he called me 'cos we'd already been talking about getting a party wave. It ended up being a dream result. I thought I'd burned him at one stage, that he wasn't gonna make it through that foam but he made it through like a champion.
He did well. When your tail slid I thought you'd end up on top of him.
Yeah, but it ended up well. We gave each other a hug down on the beach.
We all love a happy ending.
Sick Slide!
nice work boys