Steph's dream sequence - video
"She's not even barrelled" said the skeptics when footage of Steph Gilmore in Kelly's hot tub came out last weekend.
Well, little did they know a drone was lurking overhead like a stalking paparazzo and the angle it captured proves she was, gulp, barrelled, and for a mighty long time.
Not barrelled? Dream on...
Na shes not barreled cause i can see the nose of her board.....sometimes.......common get ya humble pie boys.
You can learn a lot watching the way Steph positions herself.
Didn't come out clean though:)
Nah, that's a legit barrel. Looks damn fun.
"She's not even barrelled" said the skeptics when footage of Steph Gilmore in Kelly's hot tub came out last weekend.
Really? Were people saying that? Man, I would be claiming it and shouting the bar afterwards.
Damn. Can't stand grandstand knockers.
I like Steph. She's clearly not at the top of her game at the moment, and the rest of the girls have come up in standards, but she can still surf better than 99% of the blokes I know and have seen.
I'd love to be in that pit ;)
Kelly's bathtub menu:
- 3 waves per hour if you want them glassy
- 6 waves per hour if you don't mind the same chop as a 20kmh nor' easter
- 12 waves per hour if you're happy on a surface fanned by a 40kmh southerly
- 24 waves per hour if you can cope with a 1 foot backwash
- 1 wave per week if you can make do watching someone else in a 60-second clip
* all quantities have to be shared by the entire client base
They can always show us a clip a few minutes long with a set of waves to prove they can do better than the above menu.
How would you know?
Hey Coaster didnt know your on the inner circle,sounds though youv'e been there as you seem to know all about it............pretty sure its a proto type and there working there way through it but why have you got to knock it mate?Give the guy{Kelly} credit at least hes having a go....besides Skeleton bay,this is the best footage on the net at the moment.
Hi simba, you're right on most points, but I'm not sure about it being the best footage on the net. I'm teasing rather than knocking. I've said in other threads that it's a good achievement. I just wonder why they're drip-feeding these short clips. Any organisation that they hope to sell it to would want to see a lot more than these short, carefully edited clips. If they're planning to build and run the wave pools themselves then there is value in generating hype and publicity. Out of interest, how much would you be prepared to spend for one hour in the wave pool with 8 waves allocated to you? Serious question.
girlfriend in a coma?
unintentional irony.
will it come with a gift shop? I've worn out my Sea-World t-shirt.
Yes happyasS, it is rumoured that Nev Hyman designed the T-shirts for the gift shop. The words on the T-shirt say "I got tubbed at Kelly's wave pool".