Albee Layer // In Between Giants - video

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)
Swellnet Dispatch

"Albee set two goals this year, one was to stay healthy through a Jaws year and the other was to land a backside 540. Not sure if either goal went the way it was planned. Regardless it was a winter to remember, and this edit proves that Jaws wasn't the only thing worth surfing on the Valley Isle."

Filmed by: Dan Norkunas // Cody Carter // Jon Spenser


mcsc's picture
mcsc's picture
mcsc Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 at 4:02pm

5:10 frigging hell

Nice clip

alsurf's picture
alsurf's picture
alsurf Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 at 8:47pm

Better than john john

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 at 9:12pm

Were some of those clips sped up or did he just make Lightening mick look like a bit of a turtle ?

t-diddy's picture
t-diddy's picture
t-diddy Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 at 10:09pm

wow! what a talent. its easy to forget that layer and meola were originally known for their otherworldly airs not giant barrels

Marleycornell's picture
Marleycornell's picture
Marleycornell Thursday, 21 Apr 2016 at 6:24am

Watched him in the big wave comp last year pretty dam good

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Thursday, 21 Apr 2016 at 7:08pm

Can Surf, can do aerials, can take on macking effing monsters.

Is he thinking about WQS or CT, fark, better than many.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 21 Apr 2016 at 7:16pm

Lets pray the Cape Fear comp gets a mackin swell

Cos Albees in it !