How champion surfer Kelly Slater is shaking up fashion

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

outerknown2.jpgToday the Australian Financial Review ran an extensive article on Kelly Slater and Outerknown. Written by British fashion journalist Marion Hume, the two first met at the London College of Fashion and later at Kering's London headquarters.

During the conversation Slater opens up about OK's launch ("a big FU"), why he walked away from Quiksilver, and why despite ethical overtones OK still make clothes in China.


"He was doing radical manoeuvres. I thought, 'this guy is going to wreak a fair bit of havoc' . . . that, and he had the lethal competitive attitude of a great white shark."

How well these words sum up the guy who has me in an eye-lock, a disrupter who wants to shake up the murkiest corners of the clothing business, the ones in which dirt-cheap sweatshirts are piled high. A guy who's not afraid to question why garments should be so cheap as to ignore the dignity of their makers, or why they must be individually wrapped in plastic. That wrapping tends to end up in the ocean, where plastic will outnumber fish by 2050 unless we change our ways. Here's a revolutionary who won't just suck it up and shut up about an international supply chain that's broken at pretty much every stage.

But honestly, are you bored already? Because let's be frank, the least welcome fashion accessory is a halo. For all the chatter about ethical fashion, there's a reason it remains niche: most consumers just don't care. Which suits the multi-trillion-dollar global apparel industry just fine. The fate of those who try to do things differently? The business usually sucks them into its swell, then pummels their principles out of them as they strive to make a buck. Or it rolls right over them, spitting them out like flotsam. Exceptions are rare.

That said, maybe the guy opposite me is the one to win in such a hostile environment. He's just dipped his toe into the fashion world, but he is an 11-time world surfing champion, after all.

Click to read the rest of the article.


zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Friday, 1 Apr 2016 at 4:59pm

$20 mil?

Thought he'd be worth a lot more than that.

Good article/advertorial. I wish Kelly every success, he's earned it.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 1 Apr 2016 at 5:49pm

Hmmm, it might seem like a quibble but there is a clear line between doing something that eases the guilt of the comfortably off and something which actually makes a difference. Let's face it, he is going to have to move a stack of alpaca beanies to have any significant environmental impact. So yeh call me a cynic but easing the guilt of the well bred young men around town probably does more harm than good.

mk1's picture
mk1's picture
mk1 Friday, 1 Apr 2016 at 9:58pm

You old cynic! My thoughts now are - the more the better. No point over thinking it - Slater makes clothes, and those clothes are made in a responsible way. That's good. The end.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Saturday, 2 Apr 2016 at 2:09pm

Ha ha yeh I can see it that way, mk1 I just have to rotate my head 180 degrees....but it just won't stay there! Best I can do is that it is irrelevant. For his partners, who presumably do not apply the same standards to their other brands, it is just a piece of niche marketing. I am sure he is well intentioned but that is never really enough is it?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 2 Apr 2016 at 2:20pm

It's a curiosity for obvious reasons but it really is totally irrelevant.
The most positive I can be is that it just adds that tiny little bit more weight to reaching some sort of critical mass regarding environmental awareness.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Friday, 1 Apr 2016 at 6:58pm

Out of interest, is the gear truly high quality - say Cartier, Hemmes or similar level. Just have not seen it yet. Good luck to him.

yehmateyeh's picture
yehmateyeh's picture
yehmateyeh Sunday, 3 Apr 2016 at 10:04am

His outfit in that picture looks ridiculous. Looks like somebody has given the clothing a gloss coat

the-u-turn's picture
the-u-turn's picture
the-u-turn Tuesday, 5 Apr 2016 at 11:04am

Thanks Stu. The article in the AFR was a good one. Further that Kelly appeared on the front page of the AFR AND, yes I did say AND, the AFR Magazine was/is saying something.

The interesting link here is that there were two (2) articles that appeared in the AFR Magazine supporting operations under Kering. One being about Gucci (and notably the CEO, Marco Bizzari, who has turned around the label) and the other on Messer. Slater. Slater is looking at a wider world and he understands the pull of his legacy.

I agree with Blindboy on the Alpaca beanies....but I must admit, I have paid a premium for my Alpaca blanket and it was worth every cent (Dahhling!).