The Thrill Is Back: Martin Potter - video

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

The hair, the spray jobs, the guitar licks, it's Pottz at his 80s best. Young grubs can see what he was like before he morphed into Constable Care on the webcast preaching to surfers to play it safe.


thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 9:21am

Are they Webbs around the 3:30 mark? Have to be.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 9:37am

For sure. Go the Greedy Gloves:)

I loved the Wave Warrior vids and was a huge Pottz fan. Wore my BH t-shirt till it was threadbare and then some prick knocked it off my clothesline. Good days.

fraser-gordon's picture
fraser-gordon's picture
fraser-gordon Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 9:55am

What was that article in Derek Rielly's era Surfing life I recall"Pottz and his amazing fur back"Haha.Wow haven't seen that footage for year's ripping.Met him a couple of time's cool bloke.

roubydouby's picture
roubydouby's picture
roubydouby Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 11:01am

"Thats what people want to see - they want to see spectacular moves, they want to see guys doing things that no ones done before, and if it doesn't go that way then it's gonna get real boring" - Potts 1988, or straight out of the 2015 commentary booth.

Great surfing.

Coops70's picture
Coops70's picture
Coops70 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 11:06am

Ha! Brought back some memories right there!
Got me syched to got surfing as well!

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 12:03pm

Pottzzz back to the future........needs a good waxing though.......great surfing.

Leroy13's picture
Leroy13's picture
Leroy13 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 12:16pm

Great Surfing. He's a man not a chick! What sort of waxing.......a Brazilian?:)

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 1:04pm

umm....didn't think it aged that well. Lots of speed floats and semi-foam climbs.

wingnut2443's picture
wingnut2443's picture
wingnut2443 Wednesday, 20 Jan 2016 at 4:47am
freeride76 wrote:

umm....didn't think it aged that well. Lots of speed floats and semi-foam climbs.

Yeah, but some fairly angular bottom turns to get there, which look like the boards had design to do, but sort of lost the grunt once getting up to the lip? A sign of board design at the time?

Boards look generally a lot flatter in the rocker.

Geez, the artwork makes 'em stand out though. Surely, one of the up an coming young crew, and their management team, can see an opportunity to aide in their marketing by heading down a similar path?

Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 at 9:04pm

Oh FFS! You don't say Einstein! "The boards were flatter" dirrrr. The guy was an absolute B.O.S.S. For the era. That surfing is so progressive for its time and it ushered in kooks like you guys above. My god people are ignorant! What, the air in 1906 (or whatever) didn't surprise you?! You try and do one on that board!! And I said this over at the wankfest that is Stab Mag.....he was a Boss, so respect in the comment booth is due. All you ummin' and ahhhhing mouth breathers could do NO better! Record yourself adlibbing for 2 minutes. You'll be shocked at the playback.

Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 at 9:01pm


memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 1:36pm

Yeah give the hirsute amongst us a break. This modern no hair paranoia needs to cease. We of hair everywhere are proud custodians of the real male gene not some girlly man one. And Freeride I thought it came across as the spring board for Slater and the movimentum mob.

Dazza27's picture
Dazza27's picture
Dazza27 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 1:44pm

Could do a cutback though!!

savanovaovait's picture
savanovaovait's picture
savanovaovait Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 3:34pm

Fuk yeah takes me back fuk I wanna go surfing fuk I'm gonna keep saying fuk like I'm fukn 18 again when this came out .FUK loved those vids watched em til they were surfing in a snow storm. Fukn vcr

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 3:39pm

nostalgia's a helluva drug

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 4:00pm

Yeah but it's not what it used to be...

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 4:09pm

~bows deeply~

Doug Rail's picture
Doug Rail's picture
Doug Rail Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 5:36pm

The fundamentals never get old. To see anyone linking bottom, top turns, cutbacks and floaters smoothly gets me stoked. Saw him tear apart Sth Whaley around the same time in the very early 90's.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 6:23pm

Real surfing, real board sprays and real music..loved those wave warriors vids.

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Wednesday, 20 Jan 2016 at 1:59am

Oh. I am disappointed. I was hoping for a then and now clip. The burnings would have been hilarious.

Halfscousehalfcockneyfullaussie's picture
Halfscousehalfcockneyfullaussie's picture
Halfscousehalfc... Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 at 2:07pm

That's better to watch than the new stuff

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 at 5:32pm

Pretty sure i paid off the the video store owners mortgage, for how many times i rented the wave warrior vids in the eighties.Never could find get them at the surf shop ......such awesome videos....... GOTCHA!

Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca's picture
Acca Dacca Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 at 9:08pm

Absolute Mad Respect Pottz and Herbie! Fukn progressive surfing for the era. Love the back carpet too....wear it proud. Dora was an ape as well! Beautiful layback snap! Better than a lot on tour now.