What a beautiful wave and beautiful backdrop to boot.
Great tuberiding.
thermalbenTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:08pm
Such an incredible wave!
floydTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:14pm
Nice to think waves like that still exist, maybe I'll dream that wave tonight :)
CraigTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:15pm
That wave to me looks to be as good as it gets, holds right up to get in and then rifles off along at the perfect speed, what a reef!
udoTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:17pm
OK detective Brokensha where is it....?
Phillipines my call.
CraigTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:20pm
Yep already sussed that from the blurred sticker when in transit, haha.
CraigTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:24pm
Though if and when I find it, I won't be letting anyone else know ;) Not with a real wave of this perfection.
jaunkempsTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 7:05pm
Yeh my call too homie !!!!!!!!
yocalTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:17pm
few landmarks to Google haha
mibs-onerTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:22pm
Craig you found where this is yet?
In all seriousness tho. I reckon he's given enough away to locate this wave. Anyone up to the challenge?
simbaTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:25pm
Certainly a majestic looking wave.
udoTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:29pm
Exactly simba
shoredumpTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:37pm
I thought anything that majestic would be riddled with crowds. I'm not so sure..
mibs-onerTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 3:35pm
I'm all over this spot. I've narrowed it down at least I reckon. Fkn social media ayyyy.
Ruining things in so many ways
R JH.Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 4:10pm
Biri Islands sorry if it was meant to be a secret.
ORLAXSaturday, 9 Jan 2016 at 6:25pm
is this really in biri? ive been there!
Coops70Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 4:14pm
This is exactly what ruins a perfectly beautiful spot. Every one goes rabid finding where it is and in a year or two is trashed. Just out line the story and give no clues and just shoot the wave! Ain't fucking rocket science and fuck social media!
yocalTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 4:29pm
Found it :)
There's already a surf resort there... next.
yocalFriday, 8 Jan 2016 at 9:50am
Do I get a prize or what?
yocalTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 4:47pm
So heres a question worthy of investigation:
Did A-Gray get invited by some random caring and sharing bloke who connected to him on Insty, or did the owner of the resort engage him for some creative PR?
Booka78Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 5:03pm
Always wanted to go here heard about it while in indo in 2005, not exactly secret
rusty-moranTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 5:37pm
I like Alex Gray. He seems like a really positive energetic chap.
But to exploit a little known wave (I know some boys who have had this place on) for ten minutes of fame to please the sponsors, is not ok.
This is the surfing equivalent to the German "hunter" who paid £40k to kill the biggest elephant in Africa, a national treasure of an endangered species.
Booka- maybe not a secret but it's been kept quiet enough that there's not heaps of information on the web about it and that those guys could get it pumping to themselves. Watch that all change rapidly now.
I find it pretty funny that it's on wanna surf but no-one ever commented on it there.
peterbTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 5:43pm
A Kiwi who does maintenance up here surfed that right for a month many years ago, the bastard, and he won't shut up about it.
Lanky DeanWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 5:41pm
My guess is it's not always that big or perfect or uncrowded.......Nice promotional video though..(could they give away anymore clues).Way to blow it out, which is ironic considering A gray is from palos verdes.........oh the irony.....
In my Honest opinion, if there is a resort there, then it's too late.The ship has sailed......
jscTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 7:02pm
Not new at all. There was a group of American and Australian part-time residents (courtesy of their citizen wives) who would severly hassle anyone with cameras who went there for 20+ years - maybe they have eased up or been restrained by others. That's why it isn't crowded, even though it is a known location and has been since the mid 1980's.
udoTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 7:05pm
Fickle-pines .
indo-dreamingTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 7:50pm
Always wanted to surf this wave ever since i saw it i think on Gripping stuff 2.
BTW. few vids on Vimeo if you know what your looking for more fun and playful when small.
cdTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 8:04pm
The waves been out there for a long time. But there's a reason it hasn't turned into a complete crowded shitfight, like Nias is.
Inconsistent and fickle as.
clifTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 8:34pm
cd knows.
funny thing is - there's a place in the 'pines with a grouping of such waves and uncrowded - albeit equally as inconsistent. ain't no social media there, though. get out there :)
freeride76Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 8:43pm
Inconsistent, fickle and right in the storm track of typhoons.
So good luck if you get one with the wrong track.
A few hundred nautical miles north me and a mate camped at a perfect left for a month, a mirror of that wave and didn't see another whitey the whole time we were there. Somehow, no resort, no infrastructure, no social media, as far as I know. Fucking pain in the arse to get there.
Fickle-pines though, first month I didn't get the boards out of the bag.
clifTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 8:58pm
ohhh I think you mean a hundred nautical south, right FR?! hehe
bigredcouchTuesday, 6 Jun 2023 at 8:21pm
Hey FR, just curious, ever been back to your perfect left? Heard anything of it since?
BlowinTuesday, 5 Jan 2016 at 8:44pm
If there is such a thing as karma in this world - which I like to believe there is - then Alex Gray just bought himself a shitload of grief.
Weekend WarriorWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 12:55am
To all those comments above that say that excellent wave should stay hidden? I say grab a tissue girls . A wave that has no one on it may as well not exist. I only get to surf about 20 times a year, I'm not very good but I love it and I would go out in that surf but I dare say that if I was out there with some of u blokes I wouldn't even get a wave because it would be a hassle. To all you precious ones who feel that the lesser surfers should just get out of the way, I say bit me!!!. Try enjoying the sport and worry about how you engage with you fellow surfers. At the end of the day we are all just trying to forget the life we live on land and get some well earned down time.
When I'm riding a wave my mind is exactly were I want it to be blank.
You guy's might think I am a plebe or a trog and no worthy of having my say, If you do think that way. I don't think your not worthy.
Remember fellers you don't have to have a long neck to be a goose.
What goes around comes around.
Disgruntled Weekend Warrior
P.S to the two greedy 25 yr old Pelicans who thought it was a good idea to two out me whilst in the water at Mollymook on Saturday how does it feel to get dusted up by a 50 yr old on land. A tip be weary of the quiet old fella.
ThazLWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 10:18am
It's not your type that they are worried about, it's the influx of a lot of surfers of high ability, who all Want the bigger/hollower/faster/longer waves, and people disregarding etiquette completely. No one cares about your ability as long as you have etiquette at most spots
lukesrippingWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 9:12am
@ Weekend warrior Your the one causing trouble . Yes your a kook and your not the only kook that's ever thought he would be expected in the line up because he is having a go .
So your getting in fights with 25 year olds at 50 . You sound like your the type that could really ruin some bodies day .
grumpyWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 11:33am
Well said Rusty and boo fuckin hoo weekend warrior . Seems like these days the endless consumer rot that is the surfing money making machine won't stop exposing new spots until the last one is gone . From the surf school surfer factories (people who need to pay money to be taught to surf probably shouldn't surf ) to the monthly Kmart catalogues ( surf mags ) and the endless trendy product drives of the surf companies into the far reaching places of the world that don't even have oceans fuck you for helping stuff one of the best pastimes ever. If you know a spot somewhere that isn't crowded with kooks yet keep it to yourself , forget about your 5 minutes of exposure fame . Loose lips sink ships , keep it to yourself and enjoy it for what it is . Bit of a rant sorry but videos like this piss me off enough to write
Lanky DeanWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 5:47pm
I think it's a Generational thing. These days the kids don't seem to mind blowing the spots out......... pro surfers could care less.
Really no one owns the surf spots.
That being said, i in no way endorse this promotion.
Waves =Finite resources.
I guess i'm from a different generation of surfers, I also grew up surfing without crowds.
For me it seems funny that you would want to tell other surfers where the waves are.
Do they not realise they are doing it?
Lanky DeanWednesday, 6 Jan 2016 at 5:39pm
Fickle-pines , lol!
Weekend WarriorThursday, 7 Jan 2016 at 3:51am
I have been surfing for forty years and never had a disagreement with anyone.
What do you do when a couple of fools run 150m up the beach because i call one of them a cock head when he drops in twice in a 15 min period when there is 5 guys in the water and the waves just rolling in every 5 min with 4 to 5 waves in a set. I'm past the stand up for your self shit!!! i have a motto MIND OVER MATTER? i don't mind, because they don't matter.
Sometimes the youth of the day have to be torte a lesson in humility.
i got punched twice in the back of the head before i retaliated.
So to you Lukesripping put your three middle fingers up in front of your face and read between the lines.
notso disgruntled Weekend Warrior
SurferSamThursday, 7 Jan 2016 at 4:30pm
There was an article on a joint called majestics - it's not that place is it?
WharfjunkieThursday, 7 Jan 2016 at 7:05pm
Weekend Wazza no one cares if you surf once a year or 50 mate so long as you take your turn no probe. As for the wave staying hidden theres probably plenty of people who have been there and go there who are pretty pissed off as it will go from one extreme to another.
As for your altercation if you were sticking up for yourself good on you but I wouldn't single piss poor behaviour in the surf on young blokes as theres plenty of older blokes who can be difficult to surf with its a personality thing not an age thing mate.
justanothercreepFriday, 8 Jan 2016 at 1:26am
this is a perfect example on how things go in this mad world.
surfspot with few guys, everyone having fun, keeping it fairly quiet, some pro shows up, gopros, drones, socialmedia, featured on surfermag, swellnet, surfline etc.
over 15k likes on instagram cause everyone of them wants to surf a wave like that with no one out. as some dude said, another spot bites the dust.
as it happend i was there when agray surfed that place, some oldskooler aussies told him off and said no camera. he surfed on lower tides, therefore only him and a booger.
so it looks even more inviting to all them uluwatu dudes who do it for the photos.
what can we do, cant play god and change the world. maybe pingpong as a hobby will do it for me in 2016. happy new years yeyyy
yocalFriday, 8 Jan 2016 at 9:49am
So he disregarded the advice of other people out there? Do you know if he was on there on his own merit or was he put up at a surf resort there for free?
justanothercreepFriday, 8 Jan 2016 at 2:45pm
Well he paid everyones beers and assured no names on location. As far as i know he did not get free accomodation.
justanothercreepWednesday, 13 Jan 2016 at 10:11pm
Loose lips sink ships. Good one. Lesson learned.
penmisterSunday, 10 Jan 2016 at 6:13pm
He charges in out back session's too awesome dvd...
rusty-moranSunday, 10 Jan 2016 at 9:31pm
Hey Creepy, that's really sad to hear that Alex was asked to keep a lid on it but ignored those requests of the guys to keep it quiet.
The one positive from discussions like this is that younger less experienced surfers might gain awareness that exposing any good spot will eventually attract crowds and eventually depletes your own surfing enjoyment in the future.
Lanky DeanMonday, 11 Jan 2016 at 1:52am
Well said. "Out of sight, out of mind "
Lessen exposure from all parties involved.
wallySunday, 10 Jan 2016 at 10:07pm
I couldn't tell where it was, until the people complaining explained to me its location.
What a beautiful wave and beautiful backdrop to boot.
Great tuberiding.
Such an incredible wave!
Nice to think waves like that still exist, maybe I'll dream that wave tonight :)
That wave to me looks to be as good as it gets, holds right up to get in and then rifles off along at the perfect speed, what a reef!
OK detective Brokensha where is it....?
Phillipines my call.
Yep already sussed that from the blurred sticker when in transit, haha.
Though if and when I find it, I won't be letting anyone else know ;) Not with a real wave of this perfection.
Yeh my call too homie !!!!!!!!
few landmarks to Google haha
Craig you found where this is yet?
In all seriousness tho. I reckon he's given enough away to locate this wave. Anyone up to the challenge?
Certainly a majestic looking wave.
Exactly simba
I thought anything that majestic would be riddled with crowds. I'm not so sure..
I'm all over this spot. I've narrowed it down at least I reckon. Fkn social media ayyyy.
Ruining things in so many ways
Biri Islands sorry if it was meant to be a secret.
is this really in biri? ive been there!
This is exactly what ruins a perfectly beautiful spot. Every one goes rabid finding where it is and in a year or two is trashed. Just out line the story and give no clues and just shoot the wave! Ain't fucking rocket science and fuck social media!
Found it :)
There's already a surf resort there... next.
Do I get a prize or what?
So heres a question worthy of investigation:
Did A-Gray get invited by some random caring and sharing bloke who connected to him on Insty, or did the owner of the resort engage him for some creative PR?
Always wanted to go here heard about it while in indo in 2005, not exactly secret
I like Alex Gray. He seems like a really positive energetic chap.
But to exploit a little known wave (I know some boys who have had this place on) for ten minutes of fame to please the sponsors, is not ok.
This is the surfing equivalent to the German "hunter" who paid £40k to kill the biggest elephant in Africa, a national treasure of an endangered species.
Booka- maybe not a secret but it's been kept quiet enough that there's not heaps of information on the web about it and that those guys could get it pumping to themselves. Watch that all change rapidly now.
I find it pretty funny that it's on wanna surf but no-one ever commented on it there.
A Kiwi who does maintenance up here surfed that right for a month many years ago, the bastard, and he won't shut up about it.
My guess is it's not always that big or perfect or uncrowded.......Nice promotional video though..(could they give away anymore clues).Way to blow it out, which is ironic considering A gray is from palos verdes.........oh the irony.....
In my Honest opinion, if there is a resort there, then it's too late.The ship has sailed......
Not new at all. There was a group of American and Australian part-time residents (courtesy of their citizen wives) who would severly hassle anyone with cameras who went there for 20+ years - maybe they have eased up or been restrained by others. That's why it isn't crowded, even though it is a known location and has been since the mid 1980's.
Fickle-pines .
Always wanted to surf this wave ever since i saw it i think on Gripping stuff 2.
BTW. few vids on Vimeo if you know what your looking for more fun and playful when small.
The waves been out there for a long time. But there's a reason it hasn't turned into a complete crowded shitfight, like Nias is.
Inconsistent and fickle as.
cd knows.
funny thing is - there's a place in the 'pines with a grouping of such waves and uncrowded - albeit equally as inconsistent. ain't no social media there, though. get out there :)
Inconsistent, fickle and right in the storm track of typhoons.
So good luck if you get one with the wrong track.
A few hundred nautical miles north me and a mate camped at a perfect left for a month, a mirror of that wave and didn't see another whitey the whole time we were there. Somehow, no resort, no infrastructure, no social media, as far as I know. Fucking pain in the arse to get there.
Fickle-pines though, first month I didn't get the boards out of the bag.
ohhh I think you mean a hundred nautical south, right FR?! hehe
Hey FR, just curious, ever been back to your perfect left? Heard anything of it since?
If there is such a thing as karma in this world - which I like to believe there is - then Alex Gray just bought himself a shitload of grief.
To all those comments above that say that excellent wave should stay hidden? I say grab a tissue girls . A wave that has no one on it may as well not exist. I only get to surf about 20 times a year, I'm not very good but I love it and I would go out in that surf but I dare say that if I was out there with some of u blokes I wouldn't even get a wave because it would be a hassle. To all you precious ones who feel that the lesser surfers should just get out of the way, I say bit me!!!. Try enjoying the sport and worry about how you engage with you fellow surfers. At the end of the day we are all just trying to forget the life we live on land and get some well earned down time.
When I'm riding a wave my mind is exactly were I want it to be blank.
You guy's might think I am a plebe or a trog and no worthy of having my say, If you do think that way. I don't think your not worthy.
Remember fellers you don't have to have a long neck to be a goose.
What goes around comes around.
Disgruntled Weekend Warrior
P.S to the two greedy 25 yr old Pelicans who thought it was a good idea to two out me whilst in the water at Mollymook on Saturday how does it feel to get dusted up by a 50 yr old on land. A tip be weary of the quiet old fella.
It's not your type that they are worried about, it's the influx of a lot of surfers of high ability, who all Want the bigger/hollower/faster/longer waves, and people disregarding etiquette completely. No one cares about your ability as long as you have etiquette at most spots
@ Weekend warrior Your the one causing trouble . Yes your a kook and your not the only kook that's ever thought he would be expected in the line up because he is having a go .
So your getting in fights with 25 year olds at 50 . You sound like your the type that could really ruin some bodies day .
Well said Rusty and boo fuckin hoo weekend warrior . Seems like these days the endless consumer rot that is the surfing money making machine won't stop exposing new spots until the last one is gone . From the surf school surfer factories (people who need to pay money to be taught to surf probably shouldn't surf ) to the monthly Kmart catalogues ( surf mags ) and the endless trendy product drives of the surf companies into the far reaching places of the world that don't even have oceans fuck you for helping stuff one of the best pastimes ever. If you know a spot somewhere that isn't crowded with kooks yet keep it to yourself , forget about your 5 minutes of exposure fame . Loose lips sink ships , keep it to yourself and enjoy it for what it is . Bit of a rant sorry but videos like this piss me off enough to write
I think it's a Generational thing. These days the kids don't seem to mind blowing the spots out......... pro surfers could care less.
Really no one owns the surf spots.
That being said, i in no way endorse this promotion.
Waves =Finite resources.
I guess i'm from a different generation of surfers, I also grew up surfing without crowds.
For me it seems funny that you would want to tell other surfers where the waves are.
Do they not realise they are doing it?
Fickle-pines , lol!
I have been surfing for forty years and never had a disagreement with anyone.
What do you do when a couple of fools run 150m up the beach because i call one of them a cock head when he drops in twice in a 15 min period when there is 5 guys in the water and the waves just rolling in every 5 min with 4 to 5 waves in a set. I'm past the stand up for your self shit!!! i have a motto MIND OVER MATTER? i don't mind, because they don't matter.
Sometimes the youth of the day have to be torte a lesson in humility.
i got punched twice in the back of the head before i retaliated.
So to you Lukesripping put your three middle fingers up in front of your face and read between the lines.
notso disgruntled Weekend Warrior
There was an article on a joint called majestics - it's not that place is it?
Weekend Wazza no one cares if you surf once a year or 50 mate so long as you take your turn no probe. As for the wave staying hidden theres probably plenty of people who have been there and go there who are pretty pissed off as it will go from one extreme to another.
As for your altercation if you were sticking up for yourself good on you but I wouldn't single piss poor behaviour in the surf on young blokes as theres plenty of older blokes who can be difficult to surf with its a personality thing not an age thing mate.
this is a perfect example on how things go in this mad world.
surfspot with few guys, everyone having fun, keeping it fairly quiet, some pro shows up, gopros, drones, socialmedia, featured on surfermag, swellnet, surfline etc.
over 15k likes on instagram cause everyone of them wants to surf a wave like that with no one out. as some dude said, another spot bites the dust.
as it happend i was there when agray surfed that place, some oldskooler aussies told him off and said no camera. he surfed on lower tides, therefore only him and a booger.
so it looks even more inviting to all them uluwatu dudes who do it for the photos.
what can we do, cant play god and change the world. maybe pingpong as a hobby will do it for me in 2016. happy new years yeyyy
So he disregarded the advice of other people out there? Do you know if he was on there on his own merit or was he put up at a surf resort there for free?
Well he paid everyones beers and assured no names on location. As far as i know he did not get free accomodation.
Loose lips sink ships. Good one. Lesson learned.
He charges in out back session's too awesome dvd...
Hey Creepy, that's really sad to hear that Alex was asked to keep a lid on it but ignored those requests of the guys to keep it quiet.
The one positive from discussions like this is that younger less experienced surfers might gain awareness that exposing any good spot will eventually attract crowds and eventually depletes your own surfing enjoyment in the future.
Well said. "Out of sight, out of mind "
Lessen exposure from all parties involved.
I couldn't tell where it was, until the people complaining explained to me its location.
ha ! nice one wally !