Ross Clarke-Jones, Mark Webber, and a Porsche 911 - video

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

Ross Clarke-Jones teams up with Formula 1 whiz Mark Webber, to tick an item off his half-century bucket list: a lap around Eastern Creek with Webber riding shotgun.

A novice driver, a 250km/h car, and the fastest turn in Australia, what's the worst that could happen...?


thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 18 Nov 2015 at 4:11pm

A Ha! This is the arvo racing session Ross was talking about a few days before he went to NZ.

braudulio's picture
braudulio's picture
braudulio Wednesday, 18 Nov 2015 at 4:21pm

"monkey with a machine gun"


evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Wednesday, 18 Nov 2015 at 4:27pm

Ha when I was at school I liked racing cars and a lot of the so called surf cool guys
tried to bash me for this. Now every body wants to be a surfer then they want to drive
race cars. Go figure. Sorry Ross but with my experience racing cars and surfing are
nothing alike theyre both great fun but cars cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
lots of time and dedication. By the way what was your lap time then I know if you were
any good or not.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 18 Nov 2015 at 4:34pm


Love to see MW towed into a giant slab:)

lazydave's picture
lazydave's picture
lazydave Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 4:56pm

Without wanting to sound like a wanker (but likely becoming one by even admitting it!) I own a Porsche and surf. Driving that sort of car is the closest I've come in terms of adrenalin to riding a wave. Great fun and I definitely see the parallels between the two sports in terms of speed and that desire to push yourself - not to mention the consequences if you cock up.

nochaser's picture
nochaser's picture
nochaser Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 5:21pm

I heard RCJ has a 911 in storage in Germany so he can throttle it on the autobahn? Novice maybe but not green.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 5:51pm

Dave, as long as it isn't a Boxster, owning a Porsche doesn't mak you a wanker.

When I have the means, I will buy a 993 Turbo and I couldn't give a flying fruitfly what other people think. Once you put the foot down in one of those bad boys, you just know.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 6:29pm

Reading this I recall something about an empty ski field carpark, some oversteering, followed by minor panel damage.

Are my recollections correct?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 7:02pm

Stupid is as stupid does Mr. Stu.

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 6:07pm

Everybody who owns a Porsche is a fake in my house hold. But that's mainly
because my best friend owns a GT3. Me I will get a Cayman GT4 and it better
be faster around a race track than my evo.. Yes I think I'm a fake as well. Ha Ha
Its nothing like surfing I can get worried in Hawaii at times never been scared
on the race track.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 6:11pm

My mate drives a 2014 Cayenne Turbo, ugly as sin but pretty much a two tonne bullet.