(for the less cultured, 'Garybriel' is portugese for 'Little Gary')
France is where next year's title holder typically starts their run, promising signs for the world title to return to its rightful owners, the Garys, next year.
memlasurfTuesday, 13 Oct 2015 at 2:12pm
Amazing acrobatics the guy should take up gymnastics. Still preferred Bede's cutback. Just a thought, the Aussie air thing seemed to be big fad in the naughties and is now just another part of surfing. For the brazzo's it seems to be the be all and end all. They really do push it however it ends up being a one manoeuvre wave at this level, albeit amazing at that and worth the 10. Gabby can carve under 5 foot as his compatriots can but once it gets sizey there are only a few of his country men (Adriano, Pupo, Wiggoly) who sparkle a bit, whereas the Aussies, Seth Africans and Hawaiians shine. It obviously relates back to the shitty beach breaks they are stuck with in their country. Anything over 5 foot is a closeout.
AntoTuesday, 13 Oct 2015 at 3:07pm
It is a fair point and it is obvious that the brazilians on tour are on a steep learning curve when it comes to big powerful surf.
Remember that Medina is still pretty young and in my eyes he is not scared to go when it gets big and his rail game and style just get better with time. It will be interesting to see where his surfing is at in a few years.
I reckon Medina, Julian and John John will dominate the tour for a while. In my eyes they are the most exciting to watch.
Where am I?
. . .
There I am.
Nice work Garybriel Medina.
(for the less cultured, 'Garybriel' is portugese for 'Little Gary')
France is where next year's title holder typically starts their run, promising signs for the world title to return to its rightful owners, the Garys, next year.
Amazing acrobatics the guy should take up gymnastics. Still preferred Bede's cutback. Just a thought, the Aussie air thing seemed to be big fad in the naughties and is now just another part of surfing. For the brazzo's it seems to be the be all and end all. They really do push it however it ends up being a one manoeuvre wave at this level, albeit amazing at that and worth the 10. Gabby can carve under 5 foot as his compatriots can but once it gets sizey there are only a few of his country men (Adriano, Pupo, Wiggoly) who sparkle a bit, whereas the Aussies, Seth Africans and Hawaiians shine. It obviously relates back to the shitty beach breaks they are stuck with in their country. Anything over 5 foot is a closeout.
It is a fair point and it is obvious that the brazilians on tour are on a steep learning curve when it comes to big powerful surf.
Remember that Medina is still pretty young and in my eyes he is not scared to go when it gets big and his rail game and style just get better with time. It will be interesting to see where his surfing is at in a few years.
I reckon Medina, Julian and John John will dominate the tour for a while. In my eyes they are the most exciting to watch.