Liquid monuments - video
Liquid monuments from one of the many great Teahupoo swells this past winter.
Footage by Tim Bonython's Swell Chasers.
Liquid monuments from one of the many great Teahupoo swells this past winter.
Footage by Tim Bonython's Swell Chasers.
Big balls at 3.18 ....can you imagine stroking into that thing.......and then that drop !
Bloke on the inside ,how does one duckdive thru something like that ?
So sick !
Great vid set to a cool backing track.
That last one- smokin'!
That was awesome, absolutely charging !!!
Any idea of the track title and artist?
Nate Florences wave was just insane. Hard to imagine having the balls or desire to paddle into something like that!
I don't know, I can easily imagine the desire. The balls however...
The wave that gets me is Nathan Florence's wave paddled into at 2:03. Not as big as the last bomb but check his nonchalance under the lip at 2:08. With his back to the pitching lip he casually lets go of the rail and, rather than rushing onto his heelside rail to get in and under, he straightens the board up for a split second so it's pointing more toward shore. It's an extreme example of spatial awareness; knowing that the lip has enough energy to push out and over him while he casually sets his rail for the run to the channel.
Totally agree. No conscious planning going into it, just great tube sense.
Yeah that awareness was incredible, precision and amazing to watch in slow motion!
Thanks - quality all round
Mr Bonython, thank you, brilliant footage, and great music. Stu, what do you think? May have been some gongs used in that one. :-)
Surfers involved, and it seemed to be mainly just two or three freaks who managed it, WOW, just next generation tube management, and take off nous.
Yeah, I'm old as the hills, and so far past my prime, but I haven't given up learning new things. I'll never paddle into that, but some close examination tells you how to deal with your local pitching beachie.
Just beautiful.
Paddle in has just taken on new dimensions in the last few years.
How does he make it out at 3.30?
How? He's getting sucked up the back of the wave for sure.
Koa Rothman and Nate Florence, I salute you!
I hope my taxes are going towards paying for their lifestyle. :-)
Any relation to JJF?
Younger brother , unless there is another Nate Fletcher that looks and surfs like JJF.