Drive fast and take chances: Julian Wilson - video
Allow Julian Wilson to illustrate the difference between the best freesurfers and 'CT-level surfers. If you wished to quantify it, the formula could be broken down to height and consistency: check the height of Wilson's airs, note the number of clean landings. Now keep in mind this was all filmed in a week.
The barrel threading ain't bad either...
J-Mack in da hood!
Looking good for lowers..
mmm, ok, its just hit me what's going on with JW. I watched this earlier today and thought, gee, he looks to be surfing HEAP better (IMHO, and yes, I'm just an old kook) ... anyway, having just written a comment on that Slater tutorial article, it really did hit me ...
JW is riding the wave on his board now. I think previously he was trying too hard to ride his board on the wave and missing the connection. I think it's just clicked for him, maybe due to the mentoring from Mick, maybe just his maturity, who knows, but in this video he seems to have a lot more style. He seemed to have it at J-Bay too.
For an old kook like me, I like to see 'functional airs' not just massive ones and waves being blown. The stuff here by JW fits that bill IMHO, and is, to some extent, again just IMHO (remember, I'm an old kook) why Kelly has made such an impact on our sport.
All the HPC trained 'wannabes' could learn a thing or two by changing their approach and 'ride the wave on the board' ... it's ok, I'll just toddle off and surf the waves for my enjoyment ;)