The Dolphins of Keramas
Just a couple of hundred metres from Keramas on Bali's east side lies a reef break called Carparks.
Carparks breaks in similar swells to Keramas but with fewer crowds, and during a recent trip I had cause to wander down and paddle out. During the session a frequent and rhythmic whistle caught my attention, it's source located somewhere beyond the sand dune that abuts the wave
I was surfing with some locals and asked them if there was a volleyball or soccer pitch on top of the sand dune. Their reply caught me by surprise and I had to ask again.
“No, dolphin.”
During a break between sets I looked back to shore, and sure enough a group of dolphins were jumping for tourists every time the whistle blew. I couldn't believe it and after the surf I approached the sand dune for a closer look.
To my disgust four dolphins were caged in a clear swimming pool not much bigger than your average backyard pool. Actual measurements reveal the pool is 10 x 20 metre, hardly enough room for a swim, let alone to house four dolphins.
Further research revealed that the dolphins are in chlorinated water – yes, you read that right - and were transported overland for over 30 hours by truck from Semarang in Central Java.
Additionally, the ocean is only 30 metres away, torturing and tempting the dolphins every time they jump, while also violating the provincial bylaw on spatial planning which stipulates no building be constructed closer than 100 metre to the shore.
The name of the facility holding the dolphins is Wake Bali Dolphins.
Only three years ago a similar facility was closed down near Benoa Port, Denpasar, by Zulkifli Hasan, the then Minister of Forestry. “We will do the same thing in other places,” said Hasan, pledging to close any other dolphin attraction sites.
Around the time Wake Bali Dolphins opened in July last year there were protests by two non-government organisations (NGOs), the Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) and Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA).
Komune resort, which has no association with Wake Bali Dolphins, also lodged its concerns about the dolphin pool in a 2014 article in the Jakarta Post.
“We are surfers who experience interaction with dolphins in the wild nearly every day while surfing and do not agree with locking wild animals up in this way,” said a spokesman for Komune.
This seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as the resort was still fully functioning a month ago, with us surfers quickly escorted off the premises by security when viewing the pool on the way back from the surf.
If anything, I hope this article brings this cruel tourist attraction into the spotlight again and that it's shutdown before the dolphins succumb to ill health or even worse. //CRAIG BROKENSHA
Sign the petition here: Free four wild dolphins contained in a tiny resort pool
I was at Keramas in December and went and saw this pool, the whistles attracted me too... It was a disgusting display of complete disregard for animal welfare. The pool was tiny and the whole facility looked run down and dodgy.
There was a family of what I presumed to be Chinese people in the water they were pulling their fins and being overly rough with them in the water. Not your average "Meet and Greet" dolphin experience.
I gladly signed the petition and encourage others to do so as well.
PS. Carparks was so much better then karamas, the warung run by the young boys on the beach is awesome too.
That's fucked but it doesn't surprise me
I seen this last month absolute terrible the pool is so small bloody indo's!!!!
This is disgusting. Asian countries have a particularly un-enlightened view of animal's place in the world. They generally view them as being food, entertainment or medicine for humans (not that the West is completely above reproach). The Yulin Dog meat festival coming up in China is one of the worst examples (skinning dogs alive). There's not really any excuse for treating animals barbarously - they've as much "right" to be here as us.
Stu-- you should post the Paul Speaker Fox news vidio--Its pretty funny-- hilarious--2 inches Speaker says--(count them 2)- of water over a coral reef--umm- haven't seen anybody surfing with 2 inches of water over a coral reef lately--the supposedly best known surfer in the world--and the interviewer forgets his name and has to ask Speaker his name again--"can that -'superstar'-whose name I just forgot"--"Whose name I just forgot"--this is good stuff--.."Oh look --wev'e got sharks on the screen--lots of them--your-- 'selling the wipe out"--this is priceless --"Come back tomorrow-were not on--but come back anyway"....Oh man-- good stuff..
Great read Tony Ty, and I agree, Stu can you please post it?
This story is really freaky, dolphins in a chlorinated water that doesnt sound right to me, is this all about money my friends, come on show some empathy for fucks sake !!!!!!!!
Must be salt water pool that still uses very small amounts of chlorine, otherwise surely they wouldn't survive?
You would think this would be a no no in Bali hindu culture?…but i guess they have elephant rides etc…plus i guess Indo is just full of contradictions.
Un-fucking-believable, but then again, probably not that hard to believe.
I just signed and urge others to do so.
no surprise...they are Indos.....3rd world country........bastards!
Brutus ,youre currently in Japan aren't you ? ?
yeah....why whats up?
I think he was hinting at the fact Japanese round up dolphins to slaughter and hunt whales and in general like most if not all Asian countries have a pretty bad record when it comes to how they treat animals.
What's the difference between that and battery pigs and chickens ?
I feel as equally disgusted by both.
Indos aren't that different.
Don't forget about battery rabbits...
Voice your opposition here Absolute fucking muppets!
Great idea - send the Mad Hueys back over there to raise awareness; they can feed the dolphins meat pies and hotdogs and pour beer into the pool.
Photo from Chris Binns on Facebook, not good at all :(
That's some sick shit!
What a sad disregard for animal life. I have seen a few other terrible examples of animal exploitation over in Indo. This place is one of Bali's leading tourist attractions but I almost cried when I saw a line of people having their photo taken with what was obviously a severely sedated can only imagine that this happens to these tigers every day.
The other thing I saw was in Bukkitingi, north of Padang Sumatra. The zoo there had several poor enclosures none worse than the elephant compound where one half mad elephant was continually pacing backwards and forwards 4-5 steps trying to get past the end of its chain brace tethering it to that spot. It had obviously been doing that for a long time as the ankle chain was wearing into its leg which was severley scarred.
We are pretty seriously messed up sometimes....this isn't a 3rd world condition, its a human condition.
Truly makes me feel sick in the guts; what is it about certain cultures that allows such cruelty for man's idle entertainment? FFS.
Blowin makes a very good point about factory farming here ..... as consumers we all have choices. We can buy down down prices are down or we can ask for free range. Live cattle and sheep exports are another example of how we get it wrong; if the world wants our lamb or beef let them buy it frozen.
Just signed the petition.
Thankyou for making us aware of this. Disgusting.
There is tons of examples of animal cruelty in Indo, I've seen things that have made me feel sick and I'm totally against it and will sign it.
But we have to remember its not that long ago in our own past that we also had things like dolphins in small pools or circus's with tigers and lions etc living in cages on the backs of trucks among other things.
signed it.
Also at lovina
Worse still are the orangutan's kept in small cages at the same resort (been going on for over 10 years at the same hotel !
This is the place I meant to link to in my comment above just to raise the awareness
Signed the petition.
I expect that the owners/managers of this place are not Balinese Hindus, but probably Javanese Muslims - it's not that I have anything against Muslims or the Islamic faith, it's just that Hindus would never treat animals like this. The fact that the poor dolphins were transported from Java reinforces my opinion.
Yeah 100% true can't believe i missed the obvious.
Sorry to prove you wrong, this place is Balinese owned and operated. Your thought that Hindus would never treat animals like this is quite ignorant. The owner of this establishment is the same owner as Wake Bali Adventure ( and owns a number of business' on the island including the Wake Resto next to the pool. His name is Ketut Purnama, which is a Balinese name and if you check out their Facebook page, the people who work there are also Balinese ( With a little research on Facebook, i believe this guy is a staff member, and possibly within the management team as he is the one responding to posts on the Facebook page (
Not all Hindu's are as pure as you think. Its easy to go to Bali and see how nice, friendly and pure all the Balinese are, however, when money is involved they are (not all of them) just as filthy as the next person. Not really sure what the reason is that everyone has this bad image of Javanese Muslims, or maybe its just because the Balinese told you they were horrible people, which has happened to me on many occasions.
Anyway, everyone has their own opinion but thats my two cents.
Signed the petition.
Thanks everyone, just cracked 1,000! Hopefully the word keeps spreading.
Good stuff
Craig by putting this up on instagram I reckon you can crack 100,000 in the next 7 days
HA already have 21 hrs ago
Haha, yeah, might put it on the Swellnet one.
terrible, I cannot defend the indo's...this time.
but I think it is important to remember what Indo D pointed out. It is not that long ago we were doing similar things, with dolphins in similar pools. from a story about marineland SA
“I remember going there as a child in the 70’s. I didn’t realise then what cruel and appalling conditions those poor animals endured just for the entertainment of humans. I’m sure my parents would have been very happy to see their tax dollars used to see them live out their lives in better conditions. I remember reading a story about the dolphins feeling sand for the first time. I also remember the controversy surrounding the decision to put down one of the seals because it was in such bad condition and could not make the trip. I for one am now glad it closed!”
Check out the pool, it doesn't look a lot different
If you are gonna get all outraged and stuff, There are probably bigger concerns across Indo and the world, dont forget the orang utans!
warning this pictures way worse than the other one,
It says something about spices and and the ending of fasting, not cool
Funny they blur the image as on Indonesian TV news they show much more graphic stuff, like human dead bodies, things you would never see on our news.
yeh well they blur the pictures because its a bule paper. i like the indo news, yeh its a little graphic and confronting but i think thats better than the censorship and control in oz and us. apparently that naked running little girl photo was insrumental in changing the public perception about the vietnam war. if we had similar footage from our middle east invasions maybe westerners might be less self righteous and gung ho about getting involved in such matters, pretty sure the allies are dismembering bodies too, because you use a machine gun instead of a machete doesnt make it right.
im a huge dog lover too indo, and also agree dog culls are necessary, the indo methods leave a lot to be desired. if you scroll down that page to the blacked out videos where those tools tie the dog to a post, i think you will agree thats not necessary, but again im sure that stuff happens here too. i was actually came across the dog stuff looking for the horse story where it was worked to death on kuta beach. the ladies didnt like that one, they love their horses and cats. there's some organisation spending loads helping the cats in the gillis. seems silly really when you look at the surrounding poverty and lack of health care. and this is whrre the indo perspective is interesting, they cant understand why westerners are obsessed with animals while people are suffering around them.
and this
In Indo generally its not surprising but to be happening in bali is messed up
Are you talking about the dog culling?…this is nothing new, I'm a huge dog lover but i don't see it as a problem, people should have their dogs contained in their yards anyway, and most Indo dogs are not desexed and most although they may have owners but are not cared for and run wild to fend for themselves it normally just gets to a point where it gets a bit crazy then they cull and start the cycle again, there is also the issue of rabies and its real i remembering visiting an expat friend in Bali one year and his expat good friend had just died from rabies….our system is obviously not as harsh and more humane but hundreds maybe thousands? of stray dog and cats each year are also picked up in OZ and if not claimed or rehoused get put down.
Our Govt can't even get treating little kids right, so what if they are asylum seekers? And these are the actions of a first world country....
Animals are even lower on the psycho rulers care list.
Those other articles are shocking.
I guess the reason for me focussing on these dolphins at Keramas is because I saw it first hand and thought I had to do something.
The petition's up past 2,000 now and I hope to reach 10,000 if not more.
Good on you craig, its certainly worthy of attention, especially on a surfing site
I didn't mean to depreciate your concerns, its just that I received two photos of outrage that day on my interweb news feed thing, both from Indonesia, but they seemed to come from two very different not so parallel universes, which they did I guess, it seems to be the new norm.
Nice article in News Corp papers today, Craig! And my.. what a profile shot :)
If that link doesn't work, you can read it in PressReader here.
How about we sort out our own problems first before having a stab at other countries???
We still have dolphins and turtles at Sea World and other places , locked up crocs at Australia Zoo and other 'wildlife' sanctuary's around the country, keep lizards and snakes in cages, koala parks for the tourist dollar, pen in flocks of birds under big nets or glass roofs, fishbowl mature breeding fish and sharks in aquariums and the list is just endless.......
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black
If it is an animal, fish, reptile, bird, mammal or just living and breathing, set it FREE.
If it won't survive in the wild due to injury, put it to sleep humanely.
We shouldn't be locking Wildlife up anywhere in the world for our human entertainment or monetary profit
Australia guilty as charged.
I do agree in part always a lot of pot calling the kettle black from westerners in generally towards developing countries and there is some animals that shouldn't be kept in zoos etc, but there is another side of the coin in that it can help bring awareness and educate people to says the threats to certain species and in some cases in the wild some animals are so threatened that if we do not have zoos around the world housing these animals and have a large enough gene pool we may loose them completely.
yes, my bad, I was not thinking about Rhino's, Tigers and the like, Yep they need to be in national parks free of poachers in the perfect world
Yeah good article in the paper today as Ben said. More awareness to the masses. Good stuff Craig!!
By the way, at what point does that beard become hipster?!?
Hey stu , Patagonia will be upset !!! Hehe
Shaun to aisle 5 , repeat Shaun to aisle 5 .....
Making some real traction now. Over 110K and it's being shared/talked about/tweeted worldwide.
Model Natascha Elisa visited on Friday and shot these disturbing videos.
Thanks to her help and contacts, there's hopefully some positive developments. Will let you guys know how things pan out.
Onya Craig.
How's the breakout on the front page of
You moonlighting as a model Craig? That beard is quite impressive, I suppose.
Haha, yeah yeah.
Support about the cause is amazing and continually growing. Being interviewed by The Project Monday and we're starting to make small breakthroughs.
Male model Craig Brokensha on the project saving Dolphins, Cleo bachelor of year shit right there. Shaun to the deli, ladies take a ticket.
Ps I know a guy who knows another guy who can get you another passport when you come next to Indo. Maybe name change ??? Fabio or something like that.
I for one am really impressed with Craig for driving this.
I hope deep down in my heart that this succeeds and those cruel fuckers have this revenue stream taken from them.
The same problem for dolphins is also happening at Melka Excelsior Hotel in Lovina. That hotel also has a small zoo which many people describe on trip advisor as bad. Please email the Melka Excelsior Hotel in Lovina and tell them that tourists do not need dolphins in swimming pools or animals in small enclosures. Tell them to "get real".
Craig has been getting his mug out and about on the MSN recently.
With his equisite features and chiselled good looks I'm glad he realises there's more to life than being really really really ridiculously good looking:)
Craig , are you on the Project tonight ?
And more importantly, who will you be wearing?
Outerknown attire of course.
Nah, Wednesday night, got put back so they could get additional footage sorted etc.
Nearly 300K, incredible!
Well done Craig
Thanks GF.
Why don't the major surf companies and competitors refuse to hold competitions at Keramas until these dolphins have been released-surely that would put some pressure on local authorities to act. It's pretty disappointing that so many pro-surfers have been competing or even free-surfing there whils't aware of the plight of these poor dolphins and haven't acted or publicly voiced their concern. Thanks Craig for standing up and giving these suffering dolphins a voice!
Delayed to next week now, keeping me hanging.. haha.
Get Stu to email Kelly and get some OK threads FEDex pronto....golden opportunity for promo on a male model
Too true! Ha.
Craig, Anything happening for these poor dolphins
Udo, unfortunately not too much to report besides my last update.
That is a 4x bigger pool is set to be built on the land behind the current resort, with the government taking a 40% stake in it, yep you read right. So no they're making money out of it "to make sure it's run correctly".
Now that they're tied in not sure where to go from here :(
That's sad news Craig re the Dolphins plight.
Read an article in Saturday's West about the dog meat trade in Indo. Far out, it would make skin crawl & your blood boil.
Blatant animal exploitation & mega cruelty, what's wrong with the fuckin world?!?
Great work Craig.
Sometimes i think the universe would be better off without humans but people like you change that.
Thanks Groundswell, pity the result off all this publicity didn't really change anything in the end, but gave it one hell of a crack, and also put the plight of these dolphins in captivity in the international spotlight!
I disagree Craig,
a 4x bigger pool is a great result for these particular Dolphins, and hopefully the owner's increased consciousness of the issue & awareness of the welfare of the Dolphins will lead them to provide better conditions and perhaps some specialist advice into the project. And although it appears that the Government are cashing in on this as an Investment, they are also now taking part responsibility for welfare of these dolphins, which IMO is, on the whole, a better deal than the previous 100% ownership by a private resort 'hidden away' down the road from the Bukit.
Good news and bad news on the Bali dolphin front.
Good news being , I don't think they're locked up in that tank anymore.
Bad news being, that's because I think I just ate part of one on a sate stick.
Mmmmm...gristle .
Some great news!
Yew thats Fucking Unreal News !
Amazing work Craig...all time result!
yep great news but what happened to the dolphins?
They're still in roatation on the blackmarket unfortunately. Sent by truck back to Java :(
Good news, pity development in general sounds like it has degraded the quality of the wave.
I wonder how they would go if set free in the ocean now anyway?
Yeah they can't as they would die from being out of the natural environment for so long. There are rehabilitation pens setup in case for this but I think they've just just moved them to another location :(
Well done Craig.
Just a recap, lest we forget:
Project should do an update on 'Blue Steel'
Just so some of the punters are aware, this is going on also in our own backyard, Monkey Mia, WA.
Dolphins have been hand fed for the last few decades, major tourist attraction and the only thing going for the town so it won’t stop anytime soon, just not in a swimming pool environment.
The Fremantle hippie types are crying out loud that people fishing for sharks are causing the dolphins to get attacked when blind Freddy can tell you that feeeding wild animals to loose their natural instincts for fear of predators and to hunt their own food is going to make them slow, fat, lazy and dumb. Blaming everyone else for them being attacked by sharks but still continue to feed them for tourist dollars.
Interesting Leroy, I didn't know that. Another bad one is Dolphin Marine Magic in Coffs Harbour (and the Seaworlds) where the local town say it's too big of a draw card to the region, and employs locals to shut down. I disagree.
There used to be an elephant—Doris—that lived at tamarama.
It always harshes my post surf buzz to see the pic of poor Doris.
Craig i think you are wrong about Dolphin Marine Magic.....and have you have actually been there ?
This is from their rehabilitation blurb... Aside from the fact that it is against the law in Australia to bring healthy marine mammals into captivity for public exhibition, Dolphin Marine Magic does not support at either a company or operational level the live capture or trade of any species of wild marine mammal for display.
All our dolphins and seals have either been born under human care or have been rescued and rehabilitated but then deemed unsuitable for release by an independent body (usually National Parks and Wildlife Services) and so must remain under our care in order to survive.
We deplore the annual drive catches at Taiji and strongly believe that all animals belong in the wild wherever possible, doing our upmost to return all rescue and rehabilitation cases to the ocean if we are able. For more information about the personal histories of our animals and the reasons they have been rescued, please go to
So without DMM there would be a lot of sick wildlife that would not cant compare what was happening at Keramas with the good work thats happening at coffs.
Sounds similar to the guise that Wake runs under Simba.
This looks far from rescue and rehab, making the dolphins perform and interact with humans. They shouldn't be handled at all..
Your right Craig,stick em in the back of a truck and move em up and down the coast ...out of sight and out of mind..problem solved .Don't worry about helping all the sick and wounded sea life...better off dead any do you think they support this operation? donations from Craig?......that's right, you haven't even been there eh....mmmm So your solution is to let all the animals go, close the place down and the next time a turtle that's swallowed a plastic bag or a sick dolphin gets washed up just shoot it ....awesome
I don't have the answer to the above, but in Indonesia they have sea pens setup ready to go for rehabilitation for the dolphins but not to make money.
Re your last sentence, of course not!
Wild inshore interaction is increasing but a long way from 2nd nature. (re: Whales mayhem)
Saltwater crew once echo-located the dolphins having names for each hunting companion.
After herding the fish into nets they then fed their pals the best of the catch.
Today in Quandamooka Tin Can Bay feeds Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins Breakfast.
Nearby Tangalooma feeds Bottlenose Dolphins Dinner...Lesser local beaches the same.
The next paragraph is another exclusive 1st to Swellnetonians...(30 years prior to scholars)
1925 Bobo (South African Porpoise) was Australia's first Pet Porpoise @ Jim Cavill's Zoo
1937 Tommy the Sealion + 2 x 2/yr old seals (Start of the Vicco - Goldy invasion)
1957 Zoo shutdown ...Seacritters to Natureland Zoo Coolangatta...Shh! Don't tell Experts!
1956 Boyd Bro's netted 2 Sandbanked Dolphins @ Terranora Creek.
(Wiki) Surfie version has Boyd Brothers clowning around slipping dolphins into pool)
Most likely Bro's rescued the dolphins and were contracted or permitted to pool them.
There is a full photo display story board of rescue. I've lost it somewhere...Anyone Please!
Bib & Bub recouped in Jack Evans Pool. (Who else knows their Names?...Shh!)
1961 Bib & Bub deported to Pet Porpoise Pool + Sammy the Seal (Natureland refugee?)
Pause! Point I'm making is a continual adoption becomes a genuine harmonious legacy.
Pet Porpoise Pool shuts down then Marineland steps in to care for critters.
Marineland shuts down then Sea World cares for most of the critters...
1977 Marineland Dolphins Released! Smiley/ Flipper/ Spray freed into open sea.
Next day Dead Dolphins Wash Up! A Whiteshoe Whitewash... Cold case remains unsolved.
Smiley returns to Dolphin Girl a Happy Ending...Phew!
1925-2018 Gold Coast WR in Continuous Porpoise/Dolphin Captivity/Sadly another {SN 1st}
Simba! Didn't Dolphin Marine Magic adopt some critters in founding years! Issues?
For the record Seaworld saves/adopts wounded critters from creeks.
2010 2/Dolphins caught in Cudgen creek for weeks (Similar tale as Bib & Bub above)
2016 Dolphin caught in Tallebudgera Creek GCCC Tourist Park Swim Net
Add to this a swathe of Seals wounded on WSR Headlands.
If Dolphins need a hospital then only one answer ( Wavepoolz 4 Pet Porpoises not Pro's)
Whale TB2 ARE GO!... Harpoon/Lasso/haul over rocks/bulldoze/bury/ dig up/dump & pulp.
Unique history is geared at breaking thru some barriers,so please excuse timeline jumps.
Fucking Bali. So much wrong with that place.
I'm pretty familiar with dolphins in the surf, as I'm sure most Australians are, but when I was surfing in Nusa Ceningan on a decent sized day the biggest dolphins I've ever seen were launching their giant carcasses over the top of me and surfing straight towards me as I was paddling back out. I was shit scared but in total awe. Beautiful creatures and fuck the Balinese that caged these animals.
That's great news Udo
Stoked to read that too.
And great credit to Craig for bringing their plight out to the wider world and setting their freedom in momentum. Can't be understated.
What a great result.
Great news Udo.
juegasiempre it's not all Balinese or Indonesian people who have no empathy for animals but a lot.
I have an Indonesian friend who saw a dog who had been tortured by Indonesian kids, pulling out its eyes, which he saw them hanging out by the optic nerves and picked it up and took it to a guy trying to rescue it. My friend started crying as he told me about it.I think it was put down as it couldn't be saved.
Not sure why, maybe religion or belief that humans are superior to animals but a lot of Asian culture, especially Japan, a lot of them, not all, are so cruel to animals.Disgraceful.
Good to see you on here again seaslug, i thought you were off the forums or something..Has it been a good winter down south?
Leave all animals alone. Pretty simple.
If you support this but had bacon for Father’s Day breakfast then you’re a hypocrite.
Caged dolphins or caged pigs or any other animal it’s all the same.
Leave them all alone.
Can’t really see the difference between this and keeping a parrot in a cage or a horse in a paddock. It’s all imprisonment of intelligent beings for human amusement.
Exactly. I used a pig as they have similar intelligence to a dolphin, however we should never use intelligence are a guide to morality.
All animals should be left the fuck alone.
Do you have a pet burleigh?
No. Why?
One of the main reasons I have no real time for humans is humans cruelty
towards any animals. To me it represents the ultimate in cowardice.
Not that you would care less evo, but I think this is the best comment you’ve ever made on here. Agree 1000% with you
Thanks guys, that was a pretty hectic 6 months as the petition gathered steam and I realised who I was dealing with.
Glad the tide is turning regarding animals in captivity and then to re-wild them is a way bigger outcome than ever expected!