The Gold Coast for sale on eBay

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

From eBay:

"I seriously can't believe I'm letting this go but I have milked it for all its worth.

  • I've sold off as much public land as I could
  • Messed up all the natural processes
  • Marginalised youth and traditional custodians and
  • Made a whole stack of cash

I'm selling it cause I just don't seem to be able to get it to turn over anymore, I keep doing what used to work but its just not responding."

Visit the eBay vendor site for a laugh, or their real website 'The Sold Coast Project'. Even better, attend their symposium this Sunday, it's open to the public. Be a part of the Gold Coast's future.


floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Friday, 12 Apr 2013 at 10:12pm

Great; modern day political graffiti. Love it.

There is still a wall in Richmond with Free Langer painted on it from 1970s protest against the Vietnam War. Albert Langer was jailed for activism in Victoria while at the same time many Queenslanders were jailed for just joining a public protest. "Don't you worry about that".

Now its all done online!!!