The Outsider: Prologue
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
Zero Ten saw seismic shocks rocket through the bedrock of Professional Surfing: a mid-year cut that carved off half the deadwood (there is more to be sure); the ascendancy of Reynolds who blitzkrieged heats with the most radical surfing ever seen and reduced grown men staring at computer screens to quivering teenage girls in the presence of popstars; the profligate talent of Jordy Smith which marched ahead of his mental toughness and desire to win a title and which was ruthlessly exploited by Slater on his march to destiny and a Tenth Title. Shading all, like a medieaval eclipse which portends an inexplicable evil, was the mysterious death of Andy Irons.
As if to fill the gaping hole of speculation around the mercurial and incandescent Irons, around whom rumours of drug use and emotional meltdowns had circulated for the last few years, surf publications rushed in with deserved eulogy and self-interested theories surrounding the death.
Public opinion became sharply divided over the Irons death. In the one camp were those who believed that the matter should be quickly laid to rest - swept under the carpet so to speak - and that only the otherwordly surfing performances of Irons should be remembered and celebrated. They considered any journalistic enquiry into the circumstances surrounding the 31-year-old dying alone in a Dallas Hotel Room to be tasteless and shameless voyeuristic vulturism.
Surfing mag editors rushed to print to defend their lack of investigation into the death, some even going so far as to claim that the concept of Surfing Journalism itself was an oxymoron. Perhaps they are right, sports fans? The Old Guard journos were as silent as church mice. Any real journalism over the death was confined to the mainstream mags, in particular Outside and The Australian.
In the opposing camp were those who believed that the death was worthy of investigation, and that if the rumours of drug use were true it could be used to honour the memory of Irons by instigating changes in the culture around professional surfing athletes. Perhaps a foundation could be set up, perhaps sponsored by Irons chief clothing sponsor. The ASP could instigate new drug testing measures.
At the time of writing forces dedicated to obscuring the meaning of Irons death, and by extension his life, were in the ascendancy. A move to suppress the toxicology report, ostensibly to protect the Irons 'brand' was successful. There have been no changes in the ASP drug policy. The cosmic dance continues.
Your correspondent dreamt of Andy last night, on a warm humid summers evening with a fat, golden moon floating through the trees. Andy was behind the lay-by counter in the fishing section of a large supermarket. His hair was immaculately combed and parted to the side and he had a clean, neat uniform on. I walked up to him and he said: "This is all I ever wanted brah. A real job. An honest living to provide for my wife and child. I didn't wanna be a trained seal anymore."
A single globular tear welled up in his eye and rolled down his cheek. We embraced and he slowly dissolved in my arms. I walked out of the supermarket, down an endless corridor lined with rising sun boardshorts and posters of AI on the floors, walls and ceiling. From the supermarket loudspeakers, which seemed to come from the bowels of the earth, I could hear the final bars of Joy Division's 'Dead Souls' "They keep calling me...they keep calling me..." The merchandise started to fall from the ceilings and form an avalanche, threatening to crush me as I ran, hindered and mouth agape in silent scream. Andy's voice came through the loudspeakers: "Don't panic brah, just relax, let St Andy protect you." I submitted to the warm embrace of an endless avalanche of merchandise.
There is more we must turn our unflinching gaze on, sports fans. Much more in fact. Can we be absolutely frank here? Yes? Good. Then let us say without hesitation that the tour shelters and survives under the twin citadels of Slater and Dane Reynolds. Both, in their own way, made a personal plaything and puppet of Professional Surfing in 2010. Slater through complete dominance and Reynolds through performances which have confounded judges and made a mockery of the concept of 'free' surfing. Both have made public utterances which demonstrate a weak sense of allegiance to the ASP. Without them there will be a credibility gap which could haunt the sport for years and into which all kinds of rebel tours and other concepts could spring up as luxuriant new growth does in a rainforest when the dominant trees come down, leaving sunlight flooding into the forest floor.
Meanwhile, the Dream Tour concept itself, which has, through much visionary activity from Rabbit, slowly built credibility into Pro Surfing, stands teetering on the abyss. The 2011 Tour, with massive new events slated for NYC and Brazil, has taken a decisive step away from the concept of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves as it attempts to recapture the 80's model of contests near population centres and crowds on beaches. Ironically, this shift away from powerful surf will prevent the rise of an Irons-type surfer (exhibit A: Jon Florence) and favour small wave surfers.
For a brief but significant period under the reign of Rabbit Bartholomew Pro Surfing followed the surf, allowing a once-in-a-generation surfer like Andy Irons to challenge Slater in the best and most challenging surf in the world. Now Pro Surfing (and it's 'athletes') have announced by deed, if not word, they are following the money. In this they are merely reflecting the rebalancing of the world economy as it favours up and coming nations like Brazil and old world power centres like New York.
Killing the goose that laid the golden egg? Screwing the pooch? Time will tell. Pro Surfing fans will turn off on two foot slop faster than a bucket of prawns starts to smell in the hot sun and a Jadson Andre World Title arrived at by air reversing a million times in the shorebreak will not fly in the traditional power centres of California and Australia.
Slater has publicly embraced these developments, despite being on the verge of starting a rebel tour less than two years ago due to dissatisfaction with the ASP. This startling about face may be due to his becoming a large stock holder in Quik (follow the money) or the fact that a weakened tour would fall into his hands as he develops a workable wave pool.
One more thing to digest: On the penultimate week before Snapper kicks off we've seen Teebs take out the Burleigh Breaka Pro. A sideline and footnote to the main story which was, unless you've been living under a rock, the coverage of the brawl involving the two most hated men in Pro Surfing and a Burleigh local.
For one glorious hour Pro Surfing kicked the Middle East off the headlines and made front page news.
I warned last March, when J-Flo spat the dummy over a judging decision and claimed a cultural bias, about the danger of wounded Gallic Pride. The scorned Frenchman will stop at nothing to restore national honour (especially when he has a 200 pound Hawaiian to back him up). Europe will rise yet again.
The well established nexus between thuggery and the surf industry, particularly in the Hawaiian Islands, has slowly become legitimised as professional thugs in the UFC caper become closely associated with Pro Surfing. In this age of Twitter feeds and Wikileaks the scrawling news feeds from Burleigh were focussed on gruesome and public violence committed by Pro Surfers who have become saturated with a culture of violence immune to censure.
Have we seen the future, sports fans? Will UFC and Pro Surfing merge in the age of ultra-crowds to become one gladiatorial blood sport? The spectre of thuggery and ultra-violence now hang over the sport like the sword of Damocles.
Fear not for this Clockwork Orange future surfing purists...when the image of surfing has once again been reduced to outlaws and misfits and the surf comps happen in octagon-shaped wavepools a new generation will crawl out of the bushes and embrace the new will be the Morning of the Earth.
I swear Cormac McCarthy couldn't make this shit up.
Not bad Freeride.
As famished as I've been lately, searching for entertaining, good surf writing, these bones'll do.
Cheers mate!
Shearer is perhaps the best surf scribe going right now.
What do you mean 'perhaps'? Piss that modifier off right now. Look, if you're going to make big statements then make them bold. Either Shearer IS the best scribe going right now, or he's utterly shite. There's no fucking middle ground or we wouldn't bother commenting, would we?
you beauty, steve shearer. reading hungrily over here!
How do you shitheaded cunts gain an avatar? S'all I ask of ye...
Farks! That avatar am way too big! Back to the drawing board...
Oh how i have missed the outsider's writing since tahiti. If only he could follow the whole tour it would be a hell of a lot more interesting. Looking forward to his daily warts and all breakdown of the Quik Pro.
Steve Shearer is just a pseudonym. His real name is fong.
Is Steve Shearer Freeride? Love your work, refreshing to see lucidity swimming against the tide in a sea of banality.
On a different note (and I'm far from a J-Flo fan) a lot of people seem to forget he donated his Quik pro winnings to the Victorian bushfire appeal a while back. I'm sure he'll get a round of applause next time he paddles out at Winki.
Reminds me a little of the story that ends with 'but suck one little cock.....'
Killing the goose that laid the golden egg? Screwing the pooch? Time will tell. Pro Surfing fans will turn off on two foot slop faster than a bucket of prawns starts to smell in the hot sun and a Jadson Andre World Title arrived at by air reversing a million times in the shorebreak will not fly in the traditional power centres of California and Australia.
This is perhaps alot of people's worst nightmare. Absolute crap for TV and online viewers. Perhaps it's a backward ASP's way of getting million's of Zilla's frothed up. Shit, we know how they love a 2ft shorey. The day a World Title is decided on air reverses and not barrels will be a very sad day for the sport.
September seems so long ago. Far too long to hear such sage words in the age of instant gratification and the 24hr news cycle.
More Shearer.. well at least more often please.
Nostalgia shapes these demonic urges you allude to Outsider - violated canines; quel horreur !- frighteningly and all too passively familiar to this junked up boomer generation of switched on internet warriors, fiscal gymnasts and lifestyle dilettante's. Whose lives are now so complete and abhorrent in equal measure. Unable to accept the past is now part of their future, the present is well out of hand. Basically, no heart. No soul. Where will it end? Where will it end.
I'd love to see a renegade hodad diaspora driven by the likes of Great Dane, Baldy even and the bevvy of fearless froffers in the mould of dearly departed Al. Who wouldn't? Well the majors for one. But they can go get auto asphyxiated for all I care
With your one eye on the road and one on the chimerical windscreen, the paradox which you insightfully reflect in your inadvertent role as 'the peoples' evokateur' - is that through the attempt to describe a certain real, a real that you could miss, you bring about another real. A real that never misses you.
This is the miracle of all true writing: that from the error of a certain way it is able to shape the way of a certain error.
Sorry lost me at nostalgia..
Don't mention it. I should have known better than to drink out of castaway half filled bottles in brown paper bags left round the refugee compound over here. Probably some hideous concoction SlimShady and Batfink left out in case a certain guard came round.
And I thought my shivers were coming from the JD lyric.
It's a big task you've undertaken, but if anyone can do it. And do it justice, it's you.
Great work, basically. Don't hold back.
Pro surfing is in fine shape, trust "them". Why are you crawling through the maggots, Stephen Shearer? Wouldn't you rather leave the shit to others? Are you a masochist? Or are you an artists who uses said shit to paint pretty pictures?
In the one camp were those who believed that the matter should be quickly laid to rest - swept under the carpet so to speak ......
Oh Steve, get your hand off it!
Or the other camp, who just thought it was voyeuristic news cycle crap, the likes of which the twitter crowd would have a stiffy about for 5 seconds before moving on to their next 'moment-of-no-interest-to-anyone.'
Come on mate, whatever the toxicology report says, even Andy admitted to drug problems in the past, and the publication will either confirm drugs in his system, in which case nothing, or it doesn't, in which case the conspiracy theorists will say that the family paid off the coroner, and the county judge and the governor and the President to buy their silence.
Apart from your propensity to depart onto irrelevant tangents such as this, I will still read your stuff, as you may mine.
No hard feelings big fella, just disagreement on this.
And Alex Leonard peers above the precipice for a moment. Hola Mr Leonard, and greetings. Even Clif is, here, it's like old (odd) times.